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Reid Kleckner f93801b9e8 [asan/win] Align global registration metadata to its size
This way, when the linker adds padding between globals, we can skip over
the zero padding bytes and reliably find the start of the next metadata

llvm-svn: 288096
2016-11-29 01:32:21 +00:00

39 lines
2.2 KiB

; Test that global metadata is placed in a separate section on Windows, and that
; it is in the same comdat group as the instrumented global. This ensures that
; linker dead stripping (/OPT:REF) works as intended.
; FIXME: Later we can use this to instrument linkonce odr string literals.
; RUN: opt < %s -asan -asan-module -S | FileCheck %s
target datalayout = "e-m:w-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc19.0.24215"
$mystr = comdat any
; CHECK: $dead_global = comdat noduplicates
; CHECK: @dead_global = local_unnamed_addr global { i32, [60 x i8] } { i32 42, [60 x i8] zeroinitializer }, comdat, align 32
; CHECK: @__asan_global_dead_global = internal global { {{.*}} }, section ".ASAN$GL", comdat($dead_global), align 64
@dead_global = local_unnamed_addr global i32 42, align 4
@mystr = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant [5 x i8] c"main\00", comdat, align 1
; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable
define i32 @main() local_unnamed_addr #0 {
%call = tail call i32 @puts(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8], [5 x i8]* @mystr, i64 0, i64 0))
ret i32 0
; Function Attrs: nounwind
declare i32 @puts(i8* nocapture readonly) local_unnamed_addr #1
attributes #0 = { nounwind uwtable "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2,+x87" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #1 = { nounwind "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2,+x87" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
!llvm.ident = !{!1}
!0 = !{i32 1, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!1 = !{!"clang version 4.0.0 "}