mirror of https://github.com/RPCS3/llvm-mirror.git synced 2024-10-24 21:42:54 +02:00
2007-09-18 18:07:51 +00:00

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(*===-- tools/ml/llvm.ml - LLVM Ocaml Interface ---------------------------===*
* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
* This file was developed by Gordon Henriksen and is distributed under the
* University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
* This interface provides an ocaml API for the LLVM intermediate
* representation, the classes in the VMCore library.
(* These abstract types correlate directly to the LLVM VMCore classes. *)
type llmodule
type lltype
type llvalue
type type_kind =
| Float_type
| Double_type
| X86fp80_type
| Fp128_type
| Ppc_fp128_type
| Label_type
| Integer_type
| Function_type
| Struct_type
| Array_type
| Pointer_type
| Opaque_type
| Vector_type
type linkage =
| Link_once_linkage
| Weak_linkage
| Appending_linkage
| Internal_linkage
| Dllimport_linkage
| Dllexport_linkage
| External_weak_linkage
| Ghost_linkage
type visibility =
| Hidden_visibility
| Protected_visibility
(*===-- Modules -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
(* Creates a module with the supplied module ID. Modules are not garbage
collected; it is mandatory to call dispose_module to free memory. *)
external create_module : string -> llmodule = "llvm_create_module"
(* Disposes a module. All references to subordinate objects are invalidated;
referencing them will invoke undefined behavior. *)
external dispose_module : llmodule -> unit = "llvm_dispose_module"
(* Adds a named type to the module's symbol table. Returns true if successful.
If such a name already exists, then no entry is added and returns false. *)
external add_type_name : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> bool
= "llvm_add_type_name"
(*===-- Types -------------------------------------------------------------===*)
external classify_type : lltype -> type_kind = "llvm_classify_type"
external refine_abstract_type : lltype -> lltype -> unit
= "llvm_refine_abstract_type"
(*--... Operations on integer types ........................................--*)
external _i1_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_i1_type"
external _i8_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_i8_type"
external _i16_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_i16_type"
external _i32_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_i32_type"
external _i64_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_i64_type"
let i1_type = _i1_type ()
let i8_type = _i8_type ()
let i16_type = _i16_type ()
let i32_type = _i32_type ()
let i64_type = _i64_type ()
external make_integer_type : int -> lltype = "llvm_make_integer_type"
external integer_bitwidth : lltype -> int = "llvm_integer_bitwidth"
(*--... Operations on real types ...........................................--*)
external _float_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_float_type"
external _double_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_double_type"
external _x86fp80_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_x86fp80_type"
external _fp128_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_fp128_type"
external _ppc_fp128_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_ppc_fp128_type"
let float_type = _float_type ()
let double_type = _double_type ()
let x86fp80_type = _x86fp80_type ()
let fp128_type = _fp128_type ()
let ppc_fp128_type = _ppc_fp128_type ()
(*--... Operations on function types .......................................--*)
(* FIXME: handle parameter attributes *)
external make_function_type : lltype -> lltype array -> bool -> lltype
= "llvm_make_function_type"
external is_var_arg : lltype -> bool = "llvm_is_var_arg"
external return_type : lltype -> lltype = "llvm_return_type"
external param_types : lltype -> lltype array = "llvm_param_types"
(*--... Operations on struct types .........................................--*)
external make_struct_type : lltype array -> bool -> lltype
= "llvm_make_struct_type"
external element_types : lltype -> lltype array = "llvm_element_types"
external is_packed : lltype -> bool = "llvm_is_packed"
(*--... Operations on pointer, vector, and array types .....................--*)
external make_array_type : lltype -> int -> lltype = "llvm_make_array_type"
external make_pointer_type : lltype -> lltype = "llvm_make_pointer_type"
external make_vector_type : lltype -> int -> lltype = "llvm_make_vector_type"
external element_type : lltype -> lltype = "llvm_element_type"
external array_length : lltype -> int = "llvm_array_length"
external vector_size : lltype -> int = "llvm_vector_size"
(*--... Operations on other types ..........................................--*)
external make_opaque_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_make_opaque_type"
external _void_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_void_type"
external _label_type : unit -> lltype = "llvm_label_type"
let void_type = _void_type ()
let label_type = _label_type ()
(*===-- Values ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
external type_of : llvalue -> lltype = "llvm_type_of"
external value_name : llvalue -> string = "llvm_value_name"
external set_value_name : string -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_value_name"
(*--... Operations on constants of (mostly) any type .......................--*)
external is_constant : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_constant"
external make_null : lltype -> llvalue = "llvm_make_null"
external make_all_ones : (*int|vec*)lltype -> llvalue = "llvm_make_all_ones"
external make_undef : lltype -> llvalue = "llvm_make_undef"
external is_null : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_null"
external is_undef : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_undef"
(*--... Operations on scalar constants .....................................--*)
external make_int_constant : lltype -> int -> bool -> llvalue
= "llvm_make_int_constant"
external make_int64_constant : lltype -> Int64.t -> bool -> llvalue
= "llvm_make_int64_constant"
external make_real_constant : lltype -> float -> llvalue
= "llvm_make_real_constant"
(*--... Operations on composite constants ..................................--*)
external make_string_constant : string -> bool -> llvalue
= "llvm_make_string_constant"
external make_array_constant : lltype -> llvalue array -> llvalue
= "llvm_make_array_constant"
external make_struct_constant : llvalue array -> bool -> llvalue
= "llvm_make_struct_constant"
external make_vector_constant : llvalue array -> llvalue
= "llvm_make_vector_constant"
(*--... Operations on global variables, functions, and aliases (globals) ...--*)
external is_declaration : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_declaration"
external linkage : llvalue -> linkage = "llvm_linkage"
external set_linkage : linkage -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_linkage"
external section : llvalue -> string = "llvm_section"
external set_section : string -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_section"
external visibility : llvalue -> visibility = "llvm_visibility"
external set_visibility : visibility -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_visibility"
external alignment : llvalue -> int = "llvm_alignment"
external set_alignment : int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_alignment"
(*--... Operations on global variables .....................................--*)
external declare_global : lltype -> string -> llmodule -> llvalue
= "llvm_declare_global"
external define_global : string -> llvalue -> llmodule -> llvalue
= "llvm_define_global"
external delete_global : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_delete_global"
external global_initializer : llvalue -> llvalue = "llvm_global_initializer"
external set_initializer : llvalue -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_initializer"
external remove_initializer : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_remove_initializer"
external is_thread_local : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_thread_local"
external set_thread_local : bool -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_thread_local"
(*===-- Non-Externs -------------------------------------------------------===*)
(* These functions are built using the externals, so must be declared late. *)
let concat2 sep arr =
let s = ref "" in
if 0 < Array.length arr then begin
s := !s ^ arr.(0);
for i = 1 to (Array.length arr) - 1 do
s := !s ^ sep ^ arr.(i)
let rec string_of_lltype ty =
match classify_type ty with
Integer_type -> "i" ^ string_of_int (integer_bitwidth ty)
| Pointer_type -> (string_of_lltype (element_type ty)) ^ "*"
| Struct_type ->
let s = "{ " ^ (concat2 ", " (
Array.map string_of_lltype (element_types ty)
)) ^ " }" in
if is_packed ty
then "<" ^ s ^ ">"
else s
| Array_type -> "[" ^ (string_of_int (array_length ty)) ^
" x " ^ (string_of_lltype (element_type ty)) ^ "]"
| Vector_type -> "<" ^ (string_of_int (vector_size ty)) ^
" x " ^ (string_of_lltype (element_type ty)) ^ ">"
| Opaque_type -> "opaque"
| Function_type -> string_of_lltype (return_type ty) ^
" (" ^ (concat2 ", " (
Array.map string_of_lltype (param_types ty)
)) ^ ")"
| Label_type -> "label"
| Ppc_fp128_type -> "ppc_fp128"
| Fp128_type -> "fp128"
| X86fp80_type -> "x86_fp80"
| Double_type -> "double"
| Float_type -> "float"
| Void_type -> "void"