mirror of https://github.com/RPCS3/llvm-mirror.git synced 2024-10-20 03:23:01 +02:00
Chandler Carruth eb66b33867 Sort the remaining #include lines in include/... and lib/....
I did this a long time ago with a janky python script, but now
clang-format has built-in support for this. I fed clang-format every
line with a #include and let it re-sort things according to the precise
LLVM rules for include ordering baked into clang-format these days.

I've reverted a number of files where the results of sorting includes
isn't healthy. Either places where we have legacy code relying on
particular include ordering (where possible, I'll fix these separately)
or where we have particular formatting around #include lines that
I didn't want to disturb in this patch.

This patch is *entirely* mechanical. If you get merge conflicts or
anything, just ignore the changes in this patch and run clang-format
over your #include lines in the files.

Sorry for any noise here, but it is important to keep these things
stable. I was seeing an increasing number of patches with irrelevant
re-ordering of #include lines because clang-format was used. This patch
at least isolates that churn, makes it easy to skip when resolving
conflicts, and gets us to a clean baseline (again).

llvm-svn: 304787
2017-06-06 11:49:48 +00:00

339 lines
11 KiB

//===- FuzzerMerge.cpp - merging corpora ----------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Merging corpora.
#include "FuzzerMerge.h"
#include "FuzzerIO.h"
#include "FuzzerInternal.h"
#include "FuzzerTracePC.h"
#include "FuzzerUtil.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
namespace fuzzer {
bool Merger::Parse(const std::string &Str, bool ParseCoverage) {
std::istringstream SS(Str);
return Parse(SS, ParseCoverage);
void Merger::ParseOrExit(std::istream &IS, bool ParseCoverage) {
if (!Parse(IS, ParseCoverage)) {
Printf("MERGE: failed to parse the control file (unexpected error)\n");
// The control file example:
// 3 # The number of inputs
// 1 # The number of inputs in the first corpus, <= the previous number
// file0
// file1
// file2 # One file name per line.
// STARTED 0 123 # FileID, file size
// DONE 0 1 4 6 8 # FileID COV1 COV2 ...
// STARTED 1 456 # If DONE is missing, the input crashed while processing.
// STARTED 2 567
// DONE 2 8 9
bool Merger::Parse(std::istream &IS, bool ParseCoverage) {
std::string Line;
// Parse NumFiles.
if (!std::getline(IS, Line, '\n')) return false;
std::istringstream L1(Line);
size_t NumFiles = 0;
L1 >> NumFiles;
if (NumFiles == 0 || NumFiles > 10000000) return false;
// Parse NumFilesInFirstCorpus.
if (!std::getline(IS, Line, '\n')) return false;
std::istringstream L2(Line);
NumFilesInFirstCorpus = NumFiles + 1;
L2 >> NumFilesInFirstCorpus;
if (NumFilesInFirstCorpus > NumFiles) return false;
// Parse file names.
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumFiles; i++)
if (!std::getline(IS, Files[i].Name, '\n'))
return false;
// Parse STARTED and DONE lines.
size_t ExpectedStartMarker = 0;
const size_t kInvalidStartMarker = -1;
size_t LastSeenStartMarker = kInvalidStartMarker;
std::vector<uint32_t> TmpFeatures;
while (std::getline(IS, Line, '\n')) {
std::istringstream ISS1(Line);
std::string Marker;
size_t N;
ISS1 >> Marker;
ISS1 >> N;
if (Marker == "STARTED") {
if (ExpectedStartMarker != N)
return false;
ISS1 >> Files[ExpectedStartMarker].Size;
LastSeenStartMarker = ExpectedStartMarker;
assert(ExpectedStartMarker < Files.size());
} else if (Marker == "DONE") {
size_t CurrentFileIdx = N;
if (CurrentFileIdx != LastSeenStartMarker)
return false;
LastSeenStartMarker = kInvalidStartMarker;
if (ParseCoverage) {
TmpFeatures.clear(); // use a vector from outer scope to avoid resizes.
while (ISS1 >> std::hex >> N)
std::sort(TmpFeatures.begin(), TmpFeatures.end());
Files[CurrentFileIdx].Features = TmpFeatures;
} else {
return false;
if (LastSeenStartMarker != kInvalidStartMarker)
LastFailure = Files[LastSeenStartMarker].Name;
FirstNotProcessedFile = ExpectedStartMarker;
return true;
size_t Merger::ApproximateMemoryConsumption() const {
size_t Res = 0;
for (const auto &F: Files)
Res += sizeof(F) + F.Features.size() * sizeof(F.Features[0]);
return Res;
// Decides which files need to be merged (add thost to NewFiles).
// Returns the number of new features added.
size_t Merger::Merge(const std::set<uint32_t> &InitialFeatures,
std::vector<std::string> *NewFiles) {
assert(NumFilesInFirstCorpus <= Files.size());
std::set<uint32_t> AllFeatures(InitialFeatures);
// What features are in the initial corpus?
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumFilesInFirstCorpus; i++) {
auto &Cur = Files[i].Features;
AllFeatures.insert(Cur.begin(), Cur.end());
size_t InitialNumFeatures = AllFeatures.size();
// Remove all features that we already know from all other inputs.
for (size_t i = NumFilesInFirstCorpus; i < Files.size(); i++) {
auto &Cur = Files[i].Features;
std::vector<uint32_t> Tmp;
std::set_difference(Cur.begin(), Cur.end(), AllFeatures.begin(),
AllFeatures.end(), std::inserter(Tmp, Tmp.begin()));
// Sort. Give preference to
// * smaller files
// * files with more features.
std::sort(Files.begin() + NumFilesInFirstCorpus, Files.end(),
[&](const MergeFileInfo &a, const MergeFileInfo &b) -> bool {
if (a.Size != b.Size)
return a.Size < b.Size;
return a.Features.size() > b.Features.size();
// One greedy pass: add the file's features to AllFeatures.
// If new features were added, add this file to NewFiles.
for (size_t i = NumFilesInFirstCorpus; i < Files.size(); i++) {
auto &Cur = Files[i].Features;
// Printf("%s -> sz %zd ft %zd\n", Files[i].Name.c_str(),
// Files[i].Size, Cur.size());
size_t OldSize = AllFeatures.size();
AllFeatures.insert(Cur.begin(), Cur.end());
if (AllFeatures.size() > OldSize)
return AllFeatures.size() - InitialNumFeatures;
void Merger::PrintSummary(std::ostream &OS) {
for (auto &File : Files) {
OS << std::hex;
OS << File.Name << " size: " << File.Size << " features: ";
for (auto Feature : File.Features)
OS << " " << Feature;
OS << "\n";
std::set<uint32_t> Merger::AllFeatures() const {
std::set<uint32_t> S;
for (auto &File : Files)
S.insert(File.Features.begin(), File.Features.end());
return S;
std::set<uint32_t> Merger::ParseSummary(std::istream &IS) {
std::string Line, Tmp;
std::set<uint32_t> Res;
while (std::getline(IS, Line, '\n')) {
size_t N;
std::istringstream ISS1(Line);
ISS1 >> Tmp; // Name
ISS1 >> Tmp; // size:
assert(Tmp == "size:" && "Corrupt summary file");
ISS1 >> std::hex;
ISS1 >> N; // File Size
ISS1 >> Tmp; // features:
assert(Tmp == "features:" && "Corrupt summary file");
while (ISS1 >> std::hex >> N)
return Res;
// Inner process. May crash if the target crashes.
void Fuzzer::CrashResistantMergeInternalStep(const std::string &CFPath) {
Printf("MERGE-INNER: using the control file '%s'\n", CFPath.c_str());
Merger M;
std::ifstream IF(CFPath);
M.ParseOrExit(IF, false);
if (!M.LastFailure.empty())
Printf("MERGE-INNER: '%s' caused a failure at the previous merge step\n",
Printf("MERGE-INNER: %zd total files;"
" %zd processed earlier; will process %zd files now\n",
M.Files.size(), M.FirstNotProcessedFile,
M.Files.size() - M.FirstNotProcessedFile);
std::ofstream OF(CFPath, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
for (size_t i = M.FirstNotProcessedFile; i < M.Files.size(); i++) {
auto U = FileToVector(M.Files[i].Name);
if (U.size() > MaxInputLen) {
std::ostringstream StartedLine;
// Write the pre-run marker.
OF << "STARTED " << std::dec << i << " " << U.size() << "\n";
OF.flush(); // Flush is important since ExecuteCommand may crash.
// Run.
ExecuteCallback(U.data(), U.size());
// Collect coverage.
std::set<size_t> Features;
TPC.CollectFeatures([&](size_t Feature) -> bool {
return true;
// Show stats.
if (!(TotalNumberOfRuns & (TotalNumberOfRuns - 1)))
PrintStats("pulse ");
// Write the post-run marker and the coverage.
OF << "DONE " << i;
for (size_t F : Features)
OF << " " << std::hex << F;
OF << "\n";
// Outer process. Does not call the target code and thus sohuld not fail.
void Fuzzer::CrashResistantMerge(const std::vector<std::string> &Args,
const std::vector<std::string> &Corpora,
const char *CoverageSummaryInputPathOrNull,
const char *CoverageSummaryOutputPathOrNull) {
if (Corpora.size() <= 1) {
Printf("Merge requires two or more corpus dirs\n");
std::vector<std::string> AllFiles;
ListFilesInDirRecursive(Corpora[0], nullptr, &AllFiles, /*TopDir*/true);
size_t NumFilesInFirstCorpus = AllFiles.size();
for (size_t i = 1; i < Corpora.size(); i++)
ListFilesInDirRecursive(Corpora[i], nullptr, &AllFiles, /*TopDir*/true);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: %zd files, %zd in the initial corpus\n",
AllFiles.size(), NumFilesInFirstCorpus);
auto CFPath = DirPlusFile(TmpDir(),
"libFuzzerTemp." + std::to_string(GetPid()) + ".txt");
// Write the control file.
std::ofstream ControlFile(CFPath);
ControlFile << AllFiles.size() << "\n";
ControlFile << NumFilesInFirstCorpus << "\n";
for (auto &Path: AllFiles)
ControlFile << Path << "\n";
if (!ControlFile) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: failed to write to the control file: %s\n",
// Execute the inner process untill it passes.
// Every inner process should execute at least one input.
std::string BaseCmd = CloneArgsWithoutX(Args, "keep-all-flags");
bool Success = false;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= AllFiles.size(); i++) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: attempt %zd\n", i);
auto ExitCode =
ExecuteCommand(BaseCmd + " -merge_control_file=" + CFPath);
if (!ExitCode) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: succesfull in %zd attempt(s)\n", i);
Success = true;
if (!Success) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: zero succesfull attempts, exiting\n");
// Read the control file and do the merge.
Merger M;
std::ifstream IF(CFPath);
IF.seekg(0, IF.end);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: the control file has %zd bytes\n", (size_t)IF.tellg());
IF.seekg(0, IF.beg);
M.ParseOrExit(IF, true);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: consumed %zdMb (%zdMb rss) to parse the control file\n",
M.ApproximateMemoryConsumption() >> 20, GetPeakRSSMb());
if (CoverageSummaryOutputPathOrNull) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: writing coverage summary for %zd files to %s\n",
M.Files.size(), CoverageSummaryOutputPathOrNull);
std::ofstream SummaryOut(CoverageSummaryOutputPathOrNull);
std::vector<std::string> NewFiles;
std::set<uint32_t> InitialFeatures;
if (CoverageSummaryInputPathOrNull) {
std::ifstream SummaryIn(CoverageSummaryInputPathOrNull);
InitialFeatures = M.ParseSummary(SummaryIn);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: coverage summary loaded from %s, %zd features found\n",
CoverageSummaryInputPathOrNull, InitialFeatures.size());
size_t NumNewFeatures = M.Merge(InitialFeatures, &NewFiles);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: %zd new files with %zd new features added\n",
NewFiles.size(), NumNewFeatures);
for (auto &F: NewFiles)
// We are done, delete the control file.
} // namespace fuzzer