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synced 2025-02-01 13:11:39 +01:00
With r250345 and r250343, we start to observe the following failure when bootstrap clang with lto and pgo: PHI node entries do not match predecessors! %.sroa.029.3.i = phi %"class.llvm::SDNode.13298"* [ null, %30953 ], [ null, %31017 ], [ null, %30998 ], [ null, %_ZN4llvm8dyn_castINS_14ConstantSDNodeENS_7SDValueEEENS_10cast_rettyIT_T0_E8ret_typeERS5_.exit.i.1804 ], [ null, %30975 ], [ null, %30991 ], [ null, %_ZNK4llvm3EVT13getScalarTypeEv.exit.i.1812 ], [ %..sroa.029.0.i, %_ZN4llvm11SmallVectorIiLj8EED1Ev.exit.i.1826 ], !dbg !451895 label %30998 label %_ZNK4llvm3EVTeqES0_.exit19.thread.i LLVM ERROR: Broken function found, compilation aborted! I will re-commit this if the bot does not recover. llvm-svn: 250366