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Dan Gohman ae76dc48d6 Delete bogus semicolons.
llvm-svn: 84132
2009-10-14 20:39:01 +00:00

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//===--- CompilationGraph.h - The LLVM Compiler Driver ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open
// Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Compilation graph - definition.
#include "llvm/CompilerDriver/Tool.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/System/Path.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
namespace llvmc {
class CompilationGraph;
typedef llvm::StringSet<> InputLanguagesSet;
/// LanguageMap - Maps from extensions to language names.
class LanguageMap : public llvm::StringMap<std::string> {
/// GetLanguage - Find the language name corresponding to a given file.
const std::string& GetLanguage(const llvm::sys::Path&) const;
/// Edge - Represents an edge of the compilation graph.
class Edge : public llvm::RefCountedBaseVPTR<Edge> {
Edge(const std::string& T) : ToolName_(T) {}
virtual ~Edge() {}
const std::string& ToolName() const { return ToolName_; }
virtual unsigned Weight(const InputLanguagesSet& InLangs) const = 0;
std::string ToolName_;
/// SimpleEdge - An edge that has no properties.
class SimpleEdge : public Edge {
SimpleEdge(const std::string& T) : Edge(T) {}
unsigned Weight(const InputLanguagesSet&) const { return 1; }
/// Node - A node (vertex) of the compilation graph.
struct Node {
// A Node holds a list of the outward edges.
typedef llvm::SmallVector<llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Edge>, 3> container_type;
typedef container_type::iterator iterator;
typedef container_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
Node() : OwningGraph(0), InEdges(0) {}
Node(CompilationGraph* G) : OwningGraph(G), InEdges(0) {}
Node(CompilationGraph* G, Tool* T) :
OwningGraph(G), ToolPtr(T), InEdges(0) {}
bool HasChildren() const { return !OutEdges.empty(); }
const std::string Name() const
{ return ToolPtr ? ToolPtr->Name() : "root"; }
// Iteration.
iterator EdgesBegin() { return OutEdges.begin(); }
const_iterator EdgesBegin() const { return OutEdges.begin(); }
iterator EdgesEnd() { return OutEdges.end(); }
const_iterator EdgesEnd() const { return OutEdges.end(); }
/// AddEdge - Add an outward edge. Takes ownership of the provided
/// Edge object.
void AddEdge(Edge* E);
// Inward edge counter. Used to implement topological sort.
void IncrInEdges() { ++InEdges; }
void DecrInEdges() { --InEdges; }
bool HasNoInEdges() const { return InEdges == 0; }
// Needed to implement NodeChildIterator/GraphTraits
CompilationGraph* OwningGraph;
// The corresponding Tool.
// WARNING: ToolPtr can be NULL (for the root node).
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Tool> ToolPtr;
// Links to children.
container_type OutEdges;
// Inward edge counter. Updated in
// CompilationGraph::insertEdge(). Used for topological sorting.
unsigned InEdges;
class NodesIterator;
/// CompilationGraph - The compilation graph itself.
class CompilationGraph {
/// nodes_map_type - The main data structure.
typedef llvm::StringMap<Node> nodes_map_type;
/// tools_vector_type, tools_map_type - Data structures used to
/// map from language names to tools. (We can have several tools
/// associated with each language name, hence the need for a
/// vector.)
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Edge>, 3> tools_vector_type;
typedef llvm::StringMap<tools_vector_type> tools_map_type;
/// ToolsMap - Map from language names to lists of tool names.
tools_map_type ToolsMap;
/// NodesMap - Map from tool names to Tool objects.
nodes_map_type NodesMap;
typedef nodes_map_type::iterator nodes_iterator;
typedef nodes_map_type::const_iterator const_nodes_iterator;
/// insertNode - Insert a new node into the graph. Takes
/// ownership of the object.
void insertNode(Tool* T);
/// insertEdge - Insert a new edge into the graph. Takes ownership
/// of the Edge object.
void insertEdge(const std::string& A, Edge* E);
/// Build - Build target(s) from the input file set. Command-line
/// options are passed implicitly as global variables.
int Build(llvm::sys::Path const& TempDir, const LanguageMap& LangMap);
/// Check - Check the compilation graph for common errors like
/// cycles, input/output language mismatch and multiple default
/// edges. Prints error messages and in case it finds any errors.
int Check();
/// getNode - Return a reference to the node correponding to the
/// given tool name. Throws std::runtime_error.
Node& getNode(const std::string& ToolName);
const Node& getNode(const std::string& ToolName) const;
/// viewGraph - This function is meant for use from the debugger.
/// You can just say 'call G->viewGraph()' and a ghostview window
/// should pop up from the program, displaying the compilation
/// graph. This depends on there being a 'dot' and 'gv' program
/// in your path.
void viewGraph();
/// writeGraph - Write Graphviz .dot source file to the current direcotry.
void writeGraph(const std::string& OutputFilename);
// GraphTraits support.
friend NodesIterator GraphBegin(CompilationGraph*);
friend NodesIterator GraphEnd(CompilationGraph*);
// Helper functions.
/// getToolsVector - Return a reference to the list of tool names
/// corresponding to the given language name. Throws
/// std::runtime_error.
const tools_vector_type& getToolsVector(const std::string& LangName) const;
/// PassThroughGraph - Pass the input file through the toolchain
/// starting at StartNode.
void PassThroughGraph (const llvm::sys::Path& In, const Node* StartNode,
const InputLanguagesSet& InLangs,
const llvm::sys::Path& TempDir,
const LanguageMap& LangMap) const;
/// FindToolChain - Find head of the toolchain corresponding to
/// the given file.
const Node* FindToolChain(const llvm::sys::Path& In,
const std::string* ForceLanguage,
InputLanguagesSet& InLangs,
const LanguageMap& LangMap) const;
/// BuildInitial - Traverse the initial parts of the toolchains.
void BuildInitial(InputLanguagesSet& InLangs,
const llvm::sys::Path& TempDir,
const LanguageMap& LangMap);
/// TopologicalSort - Sort the nodes in topological order.
void TopologicalSort(std::vector<const Node*>& Out);
/// TopologicalSortFilterJoinNodes - Call TopologicalSort and
/// filter the resulting list to include only Join nodes.
void TopologicalSortFilterJoinNodes(std::vector<const Node*>& Out);
// Functions used to implement Check().
/// CheckLanguageNames - Check that output/input language names
/// match for all nodes.
int CheckLanguageNames() const;
/// CheckMultipleDefaultEdges - check that there are no multiple
/// default default edges.
int CheckMultipleDefaultEdges() const;
/// CheckCycles - Check that there are no cycles in the graph.
int CheckCycles();
// GraphTraits support code.
/// NodesIterator - Auxiliary class needed to implement GraphTraits
/// support. Can be generalised to something like value_iterator
/// for map-like containers.
class NodesIterator : public CompilationGraph::nodes_iterator {
typedef CompilationGraph::nodes_iterator super;
typedef NodesIterator ThisType;
typedef Node* pointer;
typedef Node& reference;
NodesIterator(super I) : super(I) {}
inline reference operator*() const {
return super::operator->()->second;
inline pointer operator->() const {
return &super::operator->()->second;
inline NodesIterator GraphBegin(CompilationGraph* G) {
return NodesIterator(G->NodesMap.begin());
inline NodesIterator GraphEnd(CompilationGraph* G) {
return NodesIterator(G->NodesMap.end());
/// NodeChildIterator - Another auxiliary class needed by GraphTraits.
class NodeChildIterator : public
std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, Node, ptrdiff_t> {
typedef NodeChildIterator ThisType;
typedef Node::container_type::iterator iterator;
CompilationGraph* OwningGraph;
iterator EdgeIter;
typedef Node* pointer;
typedef Node& reference;
NodeChildIterator(Node* N, iterator I) :
OwningGraph(N->OwningGraph), EdgeIter(I) {}
const ThisType& operator=(const ThisType& I) {
assert(OwningGraph == I.OwningGraph);
EdgeIter = I.EdgeIter;
return *this;
inline bool operator==(const ThisType& I) const {
assert(OwningGraph == I.OwningGraph);
return EdgeIter == I.EdgeIter;
inline bool operator!=(const ThisType& I) const {
return !this->operator==(I);
inline pointer operator*() const {
return &OwningGraph->getNode((*EdgeIter)->ToolName());
inline pointer operator->() const {
return this->operator*();
ThisType& operator++() { ++EdgeIter; return *this; } // Preincrement
ThisType operator++(int) { // Postincrement
ThisType tmp = *this;
return tmp;
inline ThisType& operator--() { --EdgeIter; return *this; } // Predecrement
inline ThisType operator--(int) { // Postdecrement
ThisType tmp = *this;
return tmp;
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct GraphTraits<llvmc::CompilationGraph*> {
typedef llvmc::CompilationGraph GraphType;
typedef llvmc::Node NodeType;
typedef llvmc::NodeChildIterator ChildIteratorType;
static NodeType* getEntryNode(GraphType* G) {
return &G->getNode("root");
static ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeType* N) {
return ChildIteratorType(N, N->OutEdges.begin());
static ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeType* N) {
return ChildIteratorType(N, N->OutEdges.end());
typedef llvmc::NodesIterator nodes_iterator;
static nodes_iterator nodes_begin(GraphType *G) {
return GraphBegin(G);
static nodes_iterator nodes_end(GraphType *G) {
return GraphEnd(G);