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synced 2024-11-22 18:53:28 +01:00
RSX: Add a template class that helps caching programs.
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@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
#pragma once
#include "Emu/RSX/RSXFragmentProgram.h"
#include "Emu/RSX/RSXVertexProgram.h"
#include "Utilities/Log.h"
enum class SHADER_TYPE
namespace ProgramHashUtil
// Based on
// https://github.com/AlexAltea/nucleus/blob/master/nucleus/gpu/rsx_pgraph.cpp
union qword
u64 dword[2];
u32 word[4];
struct HashVertexProgram
size_t operator()(const std::vector<u32> &program) const
// 64-bit Fowler/Noll/Vo FNV-1a hash code
size_t hash = 0xCBF29CE484222325ULL;
const qword *instbuffer = (const qword*)program.data();
size_t instIndex = 0;
bool end = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < program.size() / 4; i++)
const qword inst = instbuffer[instIndex];
hash ^= inst.dword[0];
hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 5) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 40);
hash ^= inst.dword[1];
hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 5) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 40);
return hash;
struct VertexProgramCompare
bool operator()(const std::vector<u32> &binary1, const std::vector<u32> &binary2) const
if (binary1.size() != binary2.size()) return false;
const qword *instBuffer1 = (const qword*)binary1.data();
const qword *instBuffer2 = (const qword*)binary2.data();
size_t instIndex = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < binary1.size() / 4; i++)
const qword& inst1 = instBuffer1[instIndex];
const qword& inst2 = instBuffer2[instIndex];
if (inst1.dword[0] != inst2.dword[0] || inst1.dword[1] != inst2.dword[1])
return false;
return true;
struct FragmentProgramUtil
* returns true if the given source Operand is a constant
static bool isConstant(u32 sourceOperand)
return ((sourceOperand >> 8) & 0x3) == 2;
* RSX fragment program constants are inlined inside shader code.
* This function takes an instruction from a fragment program and
* returns an equivalent instruction where inlined constants
* are masked.
* This allows to hash/compare fragment programs even if their
* inlined constants are modified inbetween
static qword fragmentMaskConstant(const qword &initialQword)
qword result = initialQword;
if (isConstant(initialQword.word[1]))
result.word[1] = 0;
if (isConstant(initialQword.word[2]))
result.word[2] = 0;
if (isConstant(initialQword.word[3]))
result.word[3] = 0;
return result;
size_t getFPBinarySize(void *ptr)
const qword *instBuffer = (const qword*)ptr;
size_t instIndex = 0;
while (true)
const qword& inst = instBuffer[instIndex];
bool isSRC0Constant = isConstant(inst.word[1]);
bool isSRC1Constant = isConstant(inst.word[2]);
bool isSRC2Constant = isConstant(inst.word[3]);
bool end = (inst.word[0] >> 8) & 0x1;
if (isSRC0Constant || isSRC1Constant || isSRC2Constant)
instIndex += 2;
if (end)
return instIndex * 4 * 4;
if (end)
return (instIndex)* 4 * 4;
struct HashFragmentProgram
size_t operator()(const void *program) const
// 64-bit Fowler/Noll/Vo FNV-1a hash code
size_t hash = 0xCBF29CE484222325ULL;
const qword *instbuffer = (const qword*)program;
size_t instIndex = 0;
while (true)
const qword& inst = instbuffer[instIndex];
bool end = (inst.word[0] >> 8) & 0x1;
if (end)
return hash;
const qword& maskedInst = FragmentProgramUtil::fragmentMaskConstant(inst);
hash ^= maskedInst.dword[0];
hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 5) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 40);
hash ^= maskedInst.dword[1];
hash += (hash << 1) + (hash << 4) + (hash << 5) + (hash << 7) + (hash << 8) + (hash << 40);
// Skip constants
if (FragmentProgramUtil::isConstant(inst.word[1]) ||
FragmentProgramUtil::isConstant(inst.word[2]) ||
return 0;
struct FragmentProgramCompare
bool operator()(const void *binary1, const void *binary2) const
const qword *instBuffer1 = (const qword*)binary1;
const qword *instBuffer2 = (const qword*)binary2;
size_t instIndex = 0;
while (true)
const qword& inst1 = instBuffer1[instIndex];
const qword& inst2 = instBuffer2[instIndex];
bool end = ((inst1.word[0] >> 8) & 0x1) && ((inst2.word[0] >> 8) & 0x1);
if (end)
return true;
const qword& maskedInst1 = FragmentProgramUtil::fragmentMaskConstant(inst1);
const qword& maskedInst2 = FragmentProgramUtil::fragmentMaskConstant(inst2);
if (maskedInst1.dword[0] != maskedInst2.dword[0] || maskedInst1.dword[1] != maskedInst2.dword[1])
return false;
// Skip constants
if (FragmentProgramUtil::isConstant(inst1.word[1]) ||
FragmentProgramUtil::isConstant(inst1.word[2]) ||
* Cache for program help structure (blob, string...)
* The class is responsible for creating the object so the state only has to call getGraphicPipelineState
* Template argument is a struct which has the following type declaration :
* - a typedef VertexProgramData to a type that encapsulate vertex program info. It should provide an Id member.
* - a typedef FragmentProgramData to a types that encapsulate fragment program info. It should provide an Id member and a fragment constant offset vector.
* - a typedef PipelineData encapsulating monolithic program.
* - a typedef PipelineProperties to a type that encapsulate various state info relevant to program compilation (alpha test, primitive type,...)
* - a typedef ExtraData type that will be passed to the buildProgram function.
* It should also contains the following function member :
* - static void RecompileFragmentProgram(RSXFragmentProgram *RSXFP, FragmentProgramData& fragmentProgramData, size_t ID);
* - static void RecompileVertexProgram(RSXVertexProgram *RSXVP, VertexProgramData& vertexProgramData, size_t ID);
* - static PipelineData *BuildProgram(VertexProgramData &vertexProgramData, FragmentProgramData &fragmentProgramData, const PipelineProperties &pipelineProperties, const ExtraData& extraData);
* - void DeleteProgram(PipelineData *ptr);
template<typename BackendTraits>
class ProgramStateCache
typedef std::unordered_map<std::vector<u32>, typename BackendTraits::VertexProgramData, ProgramHashUtil::HashVertexProgram, ProgramHashUtil::VertexProgramCompare> binary2VS;
typedef std::unordered_map<void *, typename BackendTraits::FragmentProgramData, ProgramHashUtil::HashFragmentProgram, ProgramHashUtil::FragmentProgramCompare> binary2FS;
binary2VS m_cacheVS;
binary2FS m_cacheFS;
size_t m_currentShaderId;
std::vector<size_t> dummyFragmentConstantCache;
struct PSOKey
u32 vpIdx;
u32 fpIdx;
typename BackendTraits::PipelineProperties properties;
struct PSOKeyHash
size_t operator()(const PSOKey &key) const
size_t hashValue = 0;
hashValue ^= std::hash<unsigned>()(key.vpIdx);
return hashValue;
struct PSOKeyCompare
size_t operator()(const PSOKey &key1, const PSOKey &key2) const
return (key1.vpIdx == key2.vpIdx) && (key1.fpIdx == key2.fpIdx) && (key1.properties == key2.properties);
std::unordered_map<PSOKey, typename BackendTraits::PipelineData*, PSOKeyHash, PSOKeyCompare> m_cachePSO;
typename BackendTraits::FragmentProgramData& SearchFp(RSXFragmentProgram* rsx_fp, bool& found)
typename binary2FS::iterator It = m_cacheFS.find(vm::get_ptr<void>(rsx_fp->addr));
if (It != m_cacheFS.end())
found = true;
return It->second;
found = false;
LOG_WARNING(RSX, "FP not found in buffer!");
size_t actualFPSize = ProgramHashUtil::FragmentProgramUtil::getFPBinarySize(vm::get_ptr<u8>(rsx_fp->addr));
void *fpShadowCopy = malloc(actualFPSize);
memcpy(fpShadowCopy, vm::get_ptr<u8>(rsx_fp->addr), actualFPSize);
typename BackendTraits::FragmentProgramData &newShader = m_cacheFS[fpShadowCopy];
BackendTraits::RecompileFragmentProgram(rsx_fp, newShader, m_currentShaderId++);
return newShader;
typename BackendTraits::VertexProgramData& SearchVp(RSXVertexProgram* rsx_vp, bool &found)
typename binary2VS::iterator It = m_cacheVS.find(rsx_vp->data);
if (It != m_cacheVS.end())
found = true;
return It->second;
found = false;
LOG_WARNING(RSX, "VP not found in buffer!");
typename BackendTraits::VertexProgramData& newShader = m_cacheVS[rsx_vp->data];
BackendTraits::RecompileVertexProgram(rsx_vp, newShader, m_currentShaderId++);
return newShader;
typename BackendTraits::PipelineData *GetProg(const PSOKey &psoKey) const
typename std::unordered_map<PSOKey, typename BackendTraits::PipelineData *, PSOKeyHash, PSOKeyCompare>::const_iterator It = m_cachePSO.find(psoKey);
if (It == m_cachePSO.end())
return nullptr;
return It->second;
void Add(typename BackendTraits::PipelineData *prog, const PSOKey& PSOKey)
m_cachePSO.insert(std::make_pair(PSOKey, prog));
ProgramStateCache() : m_currentShaderId(0) {}
for (auto pair : m_cachePSO)
for (auto pair : m_cacheFS)
typename BackendTraits::PipelineData *getGraphicPipelineState(
RSXVertexProgram *vertexShader,
RSXFragmentProgram *fragmentShader,
const typename BackendTraits::PipelineProperties &pipelineProperties,
const typename BackendTraits::ExtraData& extraData
typename BackendTraits::PipelineData *result = nullptr;
bool fpFound, vpFound;
typename BackendTraits::VertexProgramData &vertexProg = SearchVp(vertexShader, vpFound);
typename BackendTraits::FragmentProgramData &fragmentProg = SearchFp(fragmentShader, fpFound);
if (fpFound && vpFound)
result = GetProg({ vertexProg.id, fragmentProg.id, pipelineProperties });
if (result != nullptr)
return result;
LOG_WARNING(RSX, "Add program :");
LOG_WARNING(RSX, "*** vp id = %d", vertexProg.id);
LOG_WARNING(RSX, "*** fp id = %d", fragmentProg.id);
result = BackendTraits::BuildProgram(vertexProg, fragmentProg, pipelineProperties, extraData);
Add(result, { vertexProg.id, fragmentProg.id, pipelineProperties });
return result;
const std::vector<size_t> &getFragmentConstantOffsetsCache(const RSXFragmentProgram *fragmentShader) const
typename binary2FS::const_iterator It = m_cacheFS.find(vm::get_ptr<void>(fragmentShader->addr));
if (It != m_cacheFS.end())
return It->second.FragmentConstantOffsetCache;
LOG_ERROR(RSX, "Can't retrieve constant offset cache");
return dummyFragmentConstantCache;
@ -416,6 +416,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="Emu\Memory\atomic.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\Memory\refcnt.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\RSX\CgBinaryProgram.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\RSX\Common\ProgramStateCache.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\RSX\GCM.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\RSX\GL\GLBuffers.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\RSX\GL\GLFragmentProgram.h" />
@ -90,6 +90,9 @@
<Filter Include="Emu\CPU\ARMv7\Objects">
<Filter Include="Emu\GPU\RSX\Common">
<ClCompile Include="Crypto\aes.cpp">
@ -1549,5 +1552,8 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\Utilities\File.h">
<ClInclude Include="Emu\RSX\Common\ProgramStateCache.h">
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