//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// SoundStretch main routine. /// /// Author : Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen /// Author e-mail : oparviai 'at' iki.fi /// SoundTouch WWW: http://www.surina.net/soundtouch /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Last changed : $Date$ // File revision : $Revision: 4 $ // // $Id$ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // License : // // SoundTouch audio processing library // Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "RunParameters.h" #include "WavFile.h" #include "SoundTouch.h" #include "BPMDetect.h" using namespace soundtouch; using namespace std; // Processing chunk size #define BUFF_SIZE 2048 #if WIN32 #include #include // Macro for Win32 standard input/output stream support: Sets a file stream into binary mode #define SET_STREAM_TO_BIN_MODE(f) (_setmode(fileno(f), _O_BINARY)) #else // Not needed for GNU environment... #define SET_STREAM_TO_BIN_MODE(f) {} #endif static const char _helloText[] = "\n" " SoundStretch v%s - Written by Olli Parviainen 2001 - 2009\n" "==================================================================\n" "author e-mail: - WWW: http://www.surina.net/soundtouch\n" "\n" "This program is subject to (L)GPL license. Run \"soundstretch -license\" for\n" "more information.\n" "\n"; static void openFiles(WavInFile **inFile, WavOutFile **outFile, const RunParameters *params) { int bits, samplerate, channels; if (strcmp(params->inFileName, "stdin") == 0) { // used 'stdin' as input file SET_STREAM_TO_BIN_MODE(stdin); *inFile = new WavInFile(stdin); } else { // open input file... *inFile = new WavInFile(params->inFileName); } // ... open output file with same sound parameters bits = (int)(*inFile)->getNumBits(); samplerate = (int)(*inFile)->getSampleRate(); channels = (int)(*inFile)->getNumChannels(); if (params->outFileName) { if (strcmp(params->outFileName, "stdout") == 0) { SET_STREAM_TO_BIN_MODE(stdout); *outFile = new WavOutFile(stdout, samplerate, bits, channels); } else { *outFile = new WavOutFile(params->outFileName, samplerate, bits, channels); } } else { *outFile = NULL; } } // Sets the 'SoundTouch' object up according to input file sound format & // command line parameters static void setup(SoundTouch *pSoundTouch, const WavInFile *inFile, const RunParameters *params) { int sampleRate; int channels; sampleRate = (int)inFile->getSampleRate(); channels = (int)inFile->getNumChannels(); pSoundTouch->setSampleRate(sampleRate); pSoundTouch->setChannels(channels); pSoundTouch->setTempoChange(params->tempoDelta); pSoundTouch->setPitchSemiTones(params->pitchDelta); pSoundTouch->setRateChange(params->rateDelta); pSoundTouch->setSetting(SETTING_USE_QUICKSEEK, params->quick); pSoundTouch->setSetting(SETTING_USE_AA_FILTER, !(params->noAntiAlias)); if (params->speech) { // use settings for speech processing pSoundTouch->setSetting(SETTING_SEQUENCE_MS, 40); pSoundTouch->setSetting(SETTING_SEEKWINDOW_MS, 15); pSoundTouch->setSetting(SETTING_OVERLAP_MS, 8); fprintf(stderr, "Tune processing parameters for speech processing.\n"); } // print processing information if (params->outFileName) { #ifdef INTEGER_SAMPLES fprintf(stderr, "Uses 16bit integer sample type in processing.\n\n"); #else #ifndef FLOAT_SAMPLES #error "Sampletype not defined" #endif fprintf(stderr, "Uses 32bit floating point sample type in processing.\n\n"); #endif // print processing information only if outFileName given i.e. some processing will happen fprintf(stderr, "Processing the file with the following changes:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " tempo change = %+g %%\n", params->tempoDelta); fprintf(stderr, " pitch change = %+g semitones\n", params->pitchDelta); fprintf(stderr, " rate change = %+g %%\n\n", params->rateDelta); fprintf(stderr, "Working..."); } else { // outFileName not given fprintf(stderr, "Warning: output file name missing, won't output anything.\n\n"); } fflush(stderr); } // Processes the sound static void process(SoundTouch *pSoundTouch, WavInFile *inFile, WavOutFile *outFile) { int nSamples; int nChannels; int buffSizeSamples; SAMPLETYPE sampleBuffer[BUFF_SIZE]; if ((inFile == NULL) || (outFile == NULL)) return; // nothing to do. nChannels = (int)inFile->getNumChannels(); assert(nChannels > 0); buffSizeSamples = BUFF_SIZE / nChannels; // Process samples read from the input file while (inFile->eof() == 0) { int num; // Read a chunk of samples from the input file num = inFile->read(sampleBuffer, BUFF_SIZE); nSamples = num / (int)inFile->getNumChannels(); // Feed the samples into SoundTouch processor pSoundTouch->putSamples(sampleBuffer, nSamples); // Read ready samples from SoundTouch processor & write them output file. // NOTES: // - 'receiveSamples' doesn't necessarily return any samples at all // during some rounds! // - On the other hand, during some round 'receiveSamples' may have more // ready samples than would fit into 'sampleBuffer', and for this reason // the 'receiveSamples' call is iterated for as many times as it // outputs samples. do { nSamples = pSoundTouch->receiveSamples(sampleBuffer, buffSizeSamples); outFile->write(sampleBuffer, nSamples * nChannels); } while (nSamples != 0); } // Now the input file is processed, yet 'flush' few last samples that are // hiding in the SoundTouch's internal processing pipeline. pSoundTouch->flush(); do { nSamples = pSoundTouch->receiveSamples(sampleBuffer, buffSizeSamples); outFile->write(sampleBuffer, nSamples * nChannels); } while (nSamples != 0); } // Detect BPM rate of inFile and adjust tempo setting accordingly if necessary static void detectBPM(WavInFile *inFile, RunParameters *params) { float bpmValue; int nChannels; BPMDetect bpm(inFile->getNumChannels(), inFile->getSampleRate()); SAMPLETYPE sampleBuffer[BUFF_SIZE]; // detect bpm rate fprintf(stderr, "Detecting BPM rate..."); fflush(stderr); nChannels = (int)inFile->getNumChannels(); assert(BUFF_SIZE % nChannels == 0); // Process the 'inFile' in small blocks, repeat until whole file has // been processed while (inFile->eof() == 0) { int num, samples; // Read sample data from input file num = inFile->read(sampleBuffer, BUFF_SIZE); // Enter the new samples to the bpm analyzer class samples = num / nChannels; bpm.inputSamples(sampleBuffer, samples); } // Now the whole song data has been analyzed. Read the resulting bpm. bpmValue = bpm.getBpm(); fprintf(stderr, "Done!\n"); // rewind the file after bpm detection inFile->rewind(); if (bpmValue > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Detected BPM rate %.1f\n\n", bpmValue); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't detect BPM rate.\n\n"); return; } if (params->goalBPM > 0) { // adjust tempo to given bpm params->tempoDelta = (params->goalBPM / bpmValue - 1.0f) * 100.0f; fprintf(stderr, "The file will be converted to %.1f BPM\n\n", params->goalBPM); } } int main(const int nParams, const char * const paramStr[]) { WavInFile *inFile; WavOutFile *outFile; RunParameters *params; SoundTouch soundTouch; fprintf(stderr, _helloText, SoundTouch::getVersionString()); try { // Parse command line parameters params = new RunParameters(nParams, paramStr); // Open input & output files openFiles(&inFile, &outFile, params); if (params->detectBPM == TRUE) { // detect sound BPM (and adjust processing parameters // accordingly if necessary) detectBPM(inFile, params); } // Setup the 'SoundTouch' object for processing the sound setup(&soundTouch, inFile, params); // Process the sound process(&soundTouch, inFile, outFile); // Close WAV file handles & dispose of the objects delete inFile; delete outFile; delete params; fprintf(stderr, "Done!\n"); } catch (const runtime_error &e) { // An exception occurred during processing, display an error message fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what()); return -1; } return 0; }