extra: # # Change these macros if you wish to update the projects' name. # Use {{ variable_name }} in .md files to reference a variable that you've declared here. # For more information, read https://mkdocs-macros-plugin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ . # project: name: Spacebar # Tip: use {{ project_name.lower() }} to get the project name in lowercase. domain: spacebar.chat repositories: base_url: https://github.com/ server: spacebarchat/server client: spacebarchat/client missing_routes: spacebarchat/missing-routes main: &repo_url https://github.com/spacebarchat/spacebarchat # This gets read by mkdocs without being pre-proccessed by mkdocs-macros, which is why the URL is in full. site: name: &site_name Spacebar Documentation description: &site_description "Documentation for Spacebar: a free open source selfhostable chat, voice and video discord-compatible platform" edit_uri: &edit_uri https://github.com/spacebarchat/docs/edit/master/docs/ # This gets read by mkdocs without being pre-proccessed by mkdocs-macros, which is why the URL is in full. site_name: *site_name repo_url: *repo_url edit_uri: *edit_uri site_description: *site_description plugins: - section-index - search - macros - swagger-ui-tag: extra_css: [assets/swagger.css] docExpansion: none filter: true theme: name: material logo: assets/logo.svg favicon: assets/favicon.svg font: Open Sans palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" primary: #0185ff scheme: default toggle: icon: material/lightbulb-outline name: Switch to dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" primary: #0185ff scheme: slate toggle: icon: material/lightbulb name: Switch to light mode features: - navigation.expand - navigation.instant - navigation.tracking - navigation.sections - navigation.indexes - navigation.top markdown_extensions: - admonition - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.highlight - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true extra_css: [assets/extra.css]