{ "field": { "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED": "This field is required", "BASE_TYPE_STRING": "This field must be a string", "BASE_TYPE_NUMBER": "This field must be a number", "BASE_TYPE_BIGINT": "This field must be a bigint", "BASE_TYPE_BOOLEAN": "This field must be a boolean", "BASE_TYPE_CHOICES": "This field must be one of ({{types}})", "BASE_TYPE_CLASS": "This field must be an instance of {{type}}", "BASE_TYPE_OBJECT": "This field must be a object", "BASE_TYPE_ARRAY": "This field must be an array", "UNKOWN_FIELD": "Unkown key: {{key}}", "BASE_TYPE_CONSTANT": "This field must be {{value}}", "EMAIL_TYPE_INVALID_EMAIL": "Not a well formed email address", "DATE_TYPE_PARSE": "Could not parse {{date}}. Should be ISO8601", "BASE_TYPE_BAD_LENGTH": "Must be between {{length}} in length" } }