import express, { Application, Router } from "express"; import { traverseDirectory } from "./Utils"; import { Server as HTTPServer } from "http"; import fs from "fs/promises"; export type ServerOptions = { port: number; }; export class Server { private app: Application; private http: HTTPServer; private options: ServerOptions; private routes: Router[]; private initalized: Promise; constructor(opts: ServerOptions = { port: 8080 }) { this.options = opts; = express(); this.initalized = this.init(); } async init() { // recursively loads files in routes/ this.routes = await this.registerRoutes(__dirname + "/routes/"); // const indexHTML = await (await fetch("")).buffer(); const indexHTML = await fs.readFile(__dirname + "/../client/index.html");"*", (req, res) => { res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=" + 60 * 60 * 24); res.set("content-type", "text/html"); res.send(indexHTML); }); } async start() { await this.initalized; await new Promise((res) =>, () => res())); console.log(`[Server] started on ${this.options.port}`); } async registerRoutes(root: string) { return await traverseDirectory({ dirname: root, recursive: true }, this.registerRoute.bind(this, root)); } registerRoute(root: string, file: string): any { if (root.endsWith("/") || root.endsWith("\\")) root = root.slice(0, -1); // removes slash at the end of the root dir let path = file.replace(root, ""); // remove root from path and path = path.split(".").slice(0, -1).join("."); // trancate .js/.ts file extension of path if (path.endsWith("/index")) path = path.slice(0, -6); // delete index from path try { var router = require(file); if (router.router) router = router.router; if (router.default) router = router.default; if (!router || router?.prototype?.constructor?.name !== "router") throw `File doesn't export any default router`;, router); console.log(`[Server] Route ${path} registerd`); return router; } catch (error) { console.error(new Error(`[Server] Failed to register route ${path}: ${error}`)); } } async stop() { return new Promise((res) => this.http.close(() => res())); } }