### [About](https://docs.fosscord.com/)
Fosscord is **f**ree **o**pen **s**ource **s**oftware compatible to dis**cord**. It is a selfhostable Chat, Voice and Video platform similar to Slack, Rocket.chat and Discord-compatible.
* Discord-compatible
* Selfhostable
* Open Source
* Configurable
* Secure
* Decentralized
* Extendable
* Themeable
Logo by [@nwlandas](https://twitter.com/nwlandas).
### Installation
_it is in development and not yet finished._
### Support
If we are finished we'll host our own support server.
### Feature Additions:
* End to end encryption
* Whiteboard integration
### Repositories
| Repo name | Brief description |
| :--- | :--- |
| [UI](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-ui) | Open Source CSS framework in the style of Discord |
| [API](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-API) | Fosscord HTTP API Server for fosscord-client |
| [Gateway](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-gateway) | Fosscord WebSocket Gateway Server for fosscord-client |
[Docs](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-docs) | Documentation for Fosscord |
| [WebRTC Server](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-rtc) | Fosscord voice and video server |
| [Voice Gateway](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-voice-gateway) | Fosscord voice gateway |
| [Server-Util](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-server-util) | Utility functions for the all server repositories |
| [Dashboard](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-dashboard) | An admin dashboard for fosscord-server \(analytics, settings, administration, trust & safety\) |
| [Client](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-client) | Fosscord Client compatible with fosscord-server and discord.com |
| [CDN](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord-cdn) | [Content-delivery-network](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/cdn/what-is-a-cdn/) for the server, used to store images and assets |
| [~~React Native CSS~~](https://github.com/fosscord/react-native-withcss) \(archived\) | ~~Library to enable css support for the client especially for themes~~ |
| [~~React Native Mediaquery~~](https://github.com/fosscord/css-mediaquery) \(archived\) | ~~Use CSS media queries with react native~~ |
### Contribute
This project is only possible by volunteers like you and me, your contribution is very much appreciated 🥺.
If you want to make this project reality and and you would like to contribute then [read this issue](https://github.com/fosscord/fosscord/issues/10) first.