# Add your instance By adding your Spacebar instance to our list, it will show up on our website. ## How to 1. Make sure your instance is in line with our [rules and guidelines](https://docs.spacebar.chat/contributing/instances/). 2. Click [here](https://github.com/spacebarchat/spacebarchat/edit/main/instances/instances.json) to edit the instances.json file and add your instance to it. Make sure to follow the example below. ```json { "name": "Very nice chat", "url": "https://myinstance.tld", "description": "My cool Spacebar instance", "image": "https://myinstance.tld/logo.png", "display": true, "verified": false, "country": "uk", "language": "en" } ``` 4. Create a PR with your changes. ## Data Structure ### Required - __name__: the name of your instance; - __url__: the url of your instance's homepage. it doesn't need to be the webclient URL and it can be a simple landing page, but that's up to you; - __description__: some words describing your instance.; ### Optional - __image__: the url for your instance's logo. **(default undefined)**; - __display__: should your instance be showing up on our website or you want it to be hidden? **(default true)**; - __verified__: if your instance should be shown as an official verified spacebar instance. _(__SHOULD ALWAYS BE false__ - it will only change if spacebar team decides you are worth of this honor)_; - __country__: what is the country of your instance? [fill in according to the ISO 8166-2 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) - __language__: what is the primary language of your instance? [fill in according to the ISO 639-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1_codes) ## How to be an officially verified server This has not been discussed yet - at this moment, only Spacebar's main instance will be officially verified. Discussions on this topic are open.