# Local Development Pterodactyl is now powered by Vuejs and Tailwindcss and uses webpack at its core to generate compiled assets. Release versions of Pterodactyl will include pre-compiled, minified, and hashed assets ready-to-go. However, if you are interested in running custom themes or making modifications to the Vue files you'll need a build system in place to generate these compiled assets. To get your environment setup, you'll first need to install at least Nodejs `8`, and it is _highly_ recommended that you also install [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) to manage your `node_modules`. ### Install Dependencies ```bash yarn install ``` The command above will download all of the dependencies necessary to get Pterodactyl assets building. After that, its as simple as running the command below to generate assets while you're developing. ```bash # build the compiled assets for development yarn run build # build the assets automatically when files are modified yarn run watch ``` ### Hot Module Reloading For more advanced users, we also support 'Hot Module Reloading', allowing you to quickly see changes you're making to the Vue template files without having to reload the page you're on. To Get started with this, you just need to run the command below. ```bash PUBLIC_PATH= yarn run serve --host ``` There are two _very important_ parts of this command to take note of and change for your specific environment. The first is the `--host` flag, which is required and should point to the machine where the `webpack-serve` server will be running. The second is the `PUBLIC_PATH` environment variable which is the URL pointing to the HMR server and is appended to all of the asset URLs used in Pterodactyl. #### Vagrant If you want to use HMR with our Vagrant image, you can use `yarn run v:serve` as a shortcut for the correct parameters. In order to have proper file change detection you can use the [`vagrant-notify-forwarder`](https://github.com/mhallin/vagrant-notify-forwarder) to notify file events from the host to the VM. ```sh vagrant plugin install vagrant-notify-forwarder vagrant reload ``` ### Building for Production Once you have your files squared away and ready for the live server, you'll be needing to generate compiled, minified, and hashed assets to push live. To do so, run the command below: ```bash yarn run build:production ``` This will generate a production ready `bundle.js` and `bundle.css` as well as a `manifest.json` and store them in the `/public/assets` directory where they can then be access by clients, and read by the Panel.