"description":"Urban Terror started as a realism based \"total conversion\" mod for Quake III Arena. Nowadays, Urban Terror is played using the free, stand-alone, ioquake3 engine modified, which doesn't require Quake III Arena, in addition to being an add-on to id Software's Quake III Arena.",
"startup":"{\r\n \"done\": \"------- Game Initialization -------\"\r\n}",
"script":"#!\/bin\/bash\r\n\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\napt update\r\napt -y install libxml2-utils sed #Install needed dependencies for the official Urban Terror Updater (Not for the Gameserver itself)\r\n\r\necho \"Downloading Urban Terror\"\r\ncurl -sSL -o UrTUpdater-Ded.sh https:\/\/github.com\/FrozenSand\/UrTUpdater\/releases\/download\/v4.0.3-RC1\/UrTUpdater-v4.0.3-Ded.sh \r\n#Download from Github because the Webpage does not allow \"direct Downloads\"\r\n\r\necho \"Updating Urban Terror\" #Accept the EULA and input the needed variables to download the latest version of the Serverfiles (4.3.4 for now)\r\nbash \/mnt\/server\/UrTUpdater-Ded.sh << EOF\r\ny\r\n1\r\n1\r\n1\r\nn\r\ny\r\nn\r\nEOF\r\n\r\n# Set up default configs\r\nmv \/mnt\/server\/q3ut4\/server_example.cfg \/mnt\/server\/q3ut4\/server.cfg\r\nmv \/mnt\/server\/q3ut4\/mapcycle_example.txt \/mnt\/server\/q3ut4\/mapcycle.txt\r\n\r\nchmod +x \/mnt\/server\/Quake3-UrT-Ded.x86_64\r\nchmod +x \/mnt\/server\/Quake3-UrT-Ded.i386\r\n\r\n# Use sed to insert extra config options as many people ask for Bots ingame\r\nsed -i '\/\\\/\\\/pb_sv_enable\/a\\set bot_enable 1\\nset bot_minplayers 0' \/mnt\/server\/q3ut4\/server.cfg\r\n\r\n## install end\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"\r\necho \"Installation completed...\"\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"",
"description":"Sets the Gamemode you want to play. \r\n1 = Last Man Standing, \r\n2 = Free For All, \r\n3 = Team DeathMatch, \r\n4 = Team Survivor, \r\n5 = Follow The Leader, \r\n6 = Capture And Hold, \r\n7 = Capture The Flag, \r\n8 = Bomb Mode, \r\n9 = Jump, \r\n10 = Freeze Tag, \r\n11 = Gun Game",
"description":"Want to have bots in your game select how many you want. \r\n(More than 16 bots tend to crash the server or add lag, use with caution!)\r\nDisclaimer: \"Bots are not officialy supported by FS!!!\"",