# Advanced configuration file for Nukkit # Some of these settings are safe, others can break your server if modified incorrectly # New settings/defaults won't appear automatically on this file when upgrading settings: # Multi-language setting # Available: eng, chs, cht, jpn, rus, spa, pol, bra, kor, ukr, deu, ltu, idn, cze, tur, fin, vie, fra language: eng # Whether to send all strings translated to server locale or let the device handle them force-language: false shutdown-message: "Server closed" # Allow listing plugins via Query query-plugins: true # Show a console message when a plugin uses deprecated API methods deprecated-verbose: true # Number of AsyncTask workers # If set to auto, it'll try to detect the number of cores (and at least 4) async-workers: auto safe-spawn: true waterdogpe: false network: maximum-stale-datagrams: 512 # Threshold for batching packets, in bytes. Only these packets will be compressed # Set to 0 to compress everything, -1 to disable batch-threshold: 256 # Compression level used of Zlib when sending batched packets. Higher = more CPU, less bandwidth usage compression-level: 7 # Use AsyncTasks for compression. Adds half/one tick delay, less CPU load on main thread async-compression: false # 0:Create a new compressor for each compression request # 1:All compression requests are done with only one thread and one compressor # 2:Using the original Nukkit server-side algorithm for high stability, using ThreadLocal to create a compressor for each thread # 3:Modern hardware acceleration using the PowerNukkitX server, which improves on the original algorithm. zlib-provider: 2 snappy: false debug: # If > 1, it will show debug messages in the console level: 1 # Enables commands: /status /gc commands: false ignored-packets: - LevelChunkPacket timings: # Turn off the timing completely, no timing object will be created, which can help improve performance completely-close: false # Enable core and plugin timings by default enabled: false # Enable monitoring at verbose level, include high-frequency timings verbose: false # Interval between history frames in ticks # Default is 5 minutes (6000 ticks) history-interval: 6000 # Length of the whole timing history in ticks # Default is 1 hour (72000 ticks) # This value is capped at a maximum of history-interval * 12 history-length: 72000 # For special cases of servers with special permission to bypass the max # This max helps keep data file sizes reasonable for processing on Aikar's Timing parser side # Setting this will not help you bypass the max unless Aikar has added an exception on the API side bypass-max: false # If set to true, name of your server won't be sent privacy: false ignore: [] level-settings: # The default format that levels will use when created default-format: anvil # Automatically change levels tick rate to maintain 20 ticks per second auto-tick-rate: true auto-tick-rate-limit: 20 # Sets the base tick rate (1 = 20 ticks per second, 2 = 10 ticks per second, etc.) base-tick-rate: 1 # Tick all players each tick even when other settings disallow this always-tick-players: false tick-redstone: true chunk-saving: maximum-size-per-chunk: 1048576 chunk-sending: # Amount of chunks sent to players per tick per-tick: 8 # Amount of chunks sent around each player max-chunks: 192 # Amount of chunks that need to be sent before spawning the player spawn-threshold: 56 # Save a serialized copy of the chunk in memory for faster sending # Useful in mostly-static worlds where lots of players join at the same time cache-chunks: false chunk-ticking: # Max amount of chunks processed each tick per-tick: 40 # Radius of chunks around a player to tick tick-radius: 3 light-updates: false clear-tick-list: false chunk-generation: # Max. amount of chunks in the waiting queue to be generated queue-size: 8 # Max. amount of chunks in the waiting queue to be populated population-queue-size: 8 # Max tick rate for these entities ticks-per: animal-spawns: 400 monster-spawns: 1 autosave: 6000 cache-cleanup: 900 memory-compression: enable: true slots: 32 default-temperature: 32 threshold: freezing-point: 0 boiling-point: 1024 absolute-zero: -256 heat: melting: 16 single-operation: 1 batch-operation: 32 # Max amount of these entities spawn-limits: monsters: 70 animals: 15 water-animals: 5 ambient: 15 player: # If true, player data will be saved as players/playername.dat # If false, nukkit won't save player data as "dat" files, in order that plugins can do something on it. save-player-data: true # The time between skin change action in seconds, set to 0 if you dont want the cooldown skin-change-cooldown: 30 force-skin-trusted: false check-movement: true aliases: # Aliases for commands # Examples: # showtheversion: version # savestop: [save-all, stop] worlds: # These settings will override the generator set in server.properties and allows loading multiple levels # Examples: #world: # seed: 404 # generator: FLAT:2;7,59x1,3x3,2;1;decoration(treecount=80 grasscount=45) anti-xray: #world: # enabled: true # level: low # pre-deobfuscate: true