
133 lines
3.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import argparse
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *
from struct import pack, unpack_from
tried_loading = False
lib = None
def setup_lib():
global lib
global tried_loading
if lib:
return True
if tried_loading:
return False
tried_loading = True
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/Yay0decompress")
return True
except Exception:
print(f"Failed to load Yay0decompress, falling back to python method")
tried_loading = True
return False
def decompress_yay0(in_bytes, byte_order="big"):
# attempt to load the library only once per execution
global lib
if not setup_lib():
return decompress_yay0_python(in_bytes, byte_order)
class Yay0(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("magic", c_uint32),
("uncompressedLength", c_uint32),
("opPtr", c_uint32),
("dataPtr", c_uint32),
# read the file header
bigEndian = byte_order == "big"
if bigEndian:
# the struct is only a view, so when passed to C it will keep
# its BigEndian values and crash. Explicitly convert them here to little
hdr = Yay0.from_buffer_copy(pack("<IIII", *unpack_from(">IIII", in_bytes, 0)))
hdr = Yay0.from_buffer_copy(in_bytes, 0)
# create the input/output buffers, copying data to in
src = (c_uint8 * len(in_bytes)).from_buffer_copy(in_bytes, 0)
dst = (c_uint8 * hdr.uncompressedLength)()
# call decompress, equivilant to, in C:
# decompress(&hdr, &src, &dst, bigEndian)
lib.decompress(byref(hdr), byref(src), byref(dst), c_bool(bigEndian))
# other functions want the results back as a non-ctypes type
return bytearray(dst)
def decompress_yay0_python(in_bytes, byte_order="big"):
if in_bytes[:4] != b"Yay0":
sys.exit("Input file is not yay0")
decompressed_size = int.from_bytes(in_bytes[4:8], byteorder=byte_order)
link_table_offset = int.from_bytes(in_bytes[8:12], byteorder=byte_order)
chunk_offset = int.from_bytes(in_bytes[12:16], byteorder=byte_order)
link_table_idx = link_table_offset
chunk_idx = chunk_offset
other_idx = 16
mask_bit_counter = 0
current_mask = 0
# preallocate result and index into it
idx = 0
ret = bytearray(decompressed_size);
while idx < decompressed_size:
# If we're out of bits, get the next mask
if mask_bit_counter == 0:
current_mask = int.from_bytes(in_bytes[other_idx : other_idx + 4], byteorder=byte_order)
other_idx += 4
mask_bit_counter = 32
if (current_mask & 0x80000000):
ret[idx] = in_bytes[chunk_idx]
idx += 1
chunk_idx += 1
link = int.from_bytes(in_bytes[link_table_idx : link_table_idx + 2], byteorder=byte_order)
link_table_idx += 2
offset = idx - (link & 0xfff)
count = link >> 12
if count == 0:
count_modifier = in_bytes[chunk_idx]
chunk_idx += 1
count = count_modifier + 18
count += 2
# Copy the block
for i in range(count):
ret[idx] = ret[offset + i - 1]
idx += 1
current_mask <<= 1
mask_bit_counter -= 1
return ret
def main(args):
with open(args.infile, "rb") as f:
raw_bytes =
decompressed = decompress_yay0(raw_bytes, args.byte_order)
with open(args.outfile, "wb") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--byte-order", default="big", choices=["big", "little"])
args = parser.parse_args()