
1207 lines
52 KiB
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2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
#! /usr/bin/python3
import sys
from pathlib import Path
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
_script_lib = None
def script_lib(offset):
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
global _script_lib
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
if not _script_lib:
_script_lib = {}
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
from os import path
import re
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
# star rod database
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
LIB_LINE_RE = re.compile(r"\s+:\s+")
NAME_RE = re.compile(r"({[^}]*})?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)")
for filename in Path(path.dirname(__file__), "star-rod", "database").rglob("*.lib"):
with open(filename, "r") as file:
for line in file.readlines():
parts = LIB_LINE_RE.split(line)
if len(parts) >= 3:
kind = parts[0]
vaddr = int(parts[1].split(", ")[0], 16)
if name := NAME_RE.match(parts[2]):
name =
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
_script_lib[vaddr] = name
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
repo_root = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
symbols = Path(repo_root / "ver" / "current" / "symbol_addrs.txt")
with open(symbols, "r") as file:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
for line in file.readlines():
s = [s.strip() for s in line.split("=", 1)]
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
name = s[0]
vaddr = int(s[1].split(";")[0].split(" ")[0], 16)
raddr = "0xFFFFFFFF"
if "rom:" in line:
raddr = line.split("rom:",1)[1]
if " " in raddr:
raddr = raddr.split(" ",1)[0]
raddr = raddr.strip()
if vaddr not in _script_lib:
_script_lib[vaddr] = []
_script_lib[vaddr].append([int(raddr, 16), name])
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
# Sort the symbols for each vram address by the difference
# between their rom address and the offset passed in.
# If offset - rom address goes below 0, it's part of the
# previous file, so treat it as min priority, same as a default.
# After sorting, the first rom address and name should be the best candidate.
for k in _script_lib.keys():
for i,entry in enumerate(_script_lib[k]):
diff = offset - entry[0]
entry[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF if diff < 0 else diff
_script_lib[k][i][0] = entry[0]
_script_lib[k] = sorted(_script_lib[k], key=lambda x: x[0])
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
return _script_lib
# Grab CONSTANTS from the include/ folder to save manual work
SAVE_VARS = set()
def get_constants():
valid_enums = { "StoryProgress", "ItemIDs", "PlayerAnims",
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"ActorIDs", "Events", "SoundIDs", "SongIDs", "Locations",
"AmbientSounds", "NpcIDs", "Emotes", "NpcFlags" }
for enum in valid_enums:
CONSTANTS[enum] = {}
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
include_path = Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent / "include")
enums = Path(include_path / "enums.h").read_text().splitlines()
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
# defines
for line in enums:
this_enum = ""
for enum in valid_defines:
if f"#define {enum}_" in line:
this_enum = enum
if this_enum:
name = line.split(" ",2)[1]
id_ = line.split("0x", 1)[1]
if " " in id_:
id_ = id_.split(" ",1)[0]
CONSTANTS[this_enum][int(id_, 16)] = name
# enums
for i,line in enumerate(enums):
if line.startswith("enum "):
enum_name = line.split(" ",1)[1].split(" {",1)[0]
if enum_name in valid_enums:
CONSTANTS[enum_name] = {}
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
last_num = -1
i += 1
while "}" not in enums[i]:
if not enums[i]:
i += 1
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if "//" in enums[i]:
name = enums[i].split("//",1)[0].strip()
name = enums[i].strip()
val = last_num+1
if "=" in name:
name, val = name.split(" = ")
val = int(val[:-1], 0)
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if val >= 0x80000000:
val -= 0x100000000
name = name[:-1]
name = name.strip()
#print("\"" + name + "\"", "===", val)
CONSTANTS[enum_name][val] = name.strip()
i += 1
last_num = val
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
# sprites
sprite_path = Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent / "ver" / "current" / "build" / "include" / "sprite" / "npc")
for file in sprite_path.iterdir():
fd = file.read_text()
for line in fd.splitlines():
if "#define _NPC_SPRITE_" in line:
enum = "NPC_SPRITE"
elif "#define _NPC_PALETTE_" in line:
enum = "NPC_PALETTE"
elif "#define _NPC_ANIM_" in line:
enum = "NPC_ANIM"
name = line.split(" ",2)[1]
id_ = line.split("0x", 1)[1]
if " " in id_:
id_ = id_.split(" ",1)[0]
name = name.split(f"_{enum}_", 1)[1]
if enum == "NPC_SPRITE":
saved_name = name
saved_id = id_
name = name.rsplit(f"{saved_name}_")[1]
if enum == "NPC_SPRITE":
if int(id_, 16) not in CONSTANTS["NPC_SPRITE"]:
CONSTANTS[enum][int(id_, 16)] = {"name":"", "palettes":{}, "anims":{}}
CONSTANTS[enum][int(id_, 16)]["name"] = name
elif enum == "NPC_PALETTE":
CONSTANTS["NPC_SPRITE"][int(saved_id, 16)]["palettes"][int(id_, 16)] = name
elif enum == "NPC_ANIM":
CONSTANTS["NPC_SPRITE"][int(saved_id, 16)]["anims"][int(id_, 16)] = name
def make_anim_macro(self, sprite, palette, anim):
call = "NPC_ANIM("
if sprite in CONSTANTS["NPC_SPRITE"]:
call += f"{CONSTANTS['NPC_SPRITE'][sprite]['name']}, "
if palette in CONSTANTS["NPC_SPRITE"][sprite]["palettes"]:
call += f"{CONSTANTS['NPC_SPRITE'][sprite]['palettes'][palette]}, "
call += f"0x{palette:02X}, "
if anim in CONSTANTS["NPC_SPRITE"][sprite]["anims"]:
call += f"{CONSTANTS['NPC_SPRITE'][sprite]['anims'][anim]}"
call += f"0x{anim:02X}"
call += ")"
call += f"0x{sprite:02X}, 0x{palette:02X}, 0x{anim:02X})"
return call
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
def fix_args(self, func, args, info):
new_args = []
args = args.split(", ")
for i,arg in enumerate(args):
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if ((arg == "D_80000000") or (arg.startswith("D_B")) or
(i == 0 and func == "MakeEntity" and arg.startswith("D_"))):
arg = "0x" + arg[2:]
if "0x" in arg and int(arg, 16) >= 0xF0000000:
arg = f"{int(arg, 16) - 0x100000000}"
if i in info:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if "_" in arg:
argNum = int(arg, 0)
if info[i] == "Bool":
new_args.append(f"{'TRUE' if argNum == True else 'FALSE'}")
elif info[i] == "Hex":
elif info[i] == "CustomAnim":
sprite = (argNum & 0xFF0000) >> 16
palette = (argNum & 0xFF00) >> 8
anim = (argNum & 0xFF) >> 0
if func == "SetAnimation" and int(new_args[1], 10) == 0:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
call = f"{CONSTANTS['PlayerAnims'][argNum]}"
elif "SI_" not in args[0] and CONSTANTS["MAP_NPCS"][int(args[0])] == "NPC_PLAYER":
if sprite == 0:
print(f"Func {func} arg {i} ({CONSTANTS['MAP_NPCS'][int(args[0])]}) -- sprite was 0, is this really valid? Arg 0x{argNum:X} -- sprite: {sprite}, palette: {palette}, anim: {anim}")
call = f"0x{argNum:X}"
call = f"{CONSTANTS['PlayerAnims'][argNum]}"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if sprite == 0:
print(f"Func {func} arg {i} ({CONSTANTS['MAP_NPCS'][int(args[0])]}) -- sprite was 0, is this really valid? Arg 0x{argNum:X} -- sprite: {sprite}, palette: {palette}, anim: {anim}")
call = f"0x{argNum:X}"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
call = make_anim_macro(self, sprite, palette, anim)
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif info[i] == "CustomMsg":
type_ = (argNum & 0xFF0000) >> 16
num_ = (argNum & 0xFFFF) >> 0
new_args.append(f"MESSAGE_ID(0x{type_:02X}, 0x{num_:04X})")
elif info[i] == "NpcFlags":
enabled = []
for x in range(32):
flag = argNum & (1 << x)
if flag:
if flag in CONSTANTS["NpcFlags"]:
if not enabled:
new_args.append("((" + " | ".join(enabled) + "))")
elif info[i] == "NpcIDs":
if argNum >= 0:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif argNum in CONSTANTS[info[i]]:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if not (info[i] == "NpcIDs" and argNum > 0):
print(f"0x{argNum:X} was not found within {info[i]} constants for function {func} arg {i}, add it.")
if (info[i] == "ItemIDs" and argNum < 0):
#Print the unknowns in hex
return ", ".join(new_args)
replace_funcs = {
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"AddActorDecoration" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"AddKeyItem" :{0:"ItemIDs"},
"AddGoalPos" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"BattleCamTargetActor" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"BindNpcAI" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"BindNpcDefeat" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"BindNpcIdle" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"BindNpcInteract" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"ContinueSpeech" :{1:"CustomAnim", 2:"CustomAnim", 4:"CustomMsg"},
"DisablePlayerInput" :{0:"Bool"},
"DisablePlayerPhysics" :{0:"Bool"},
"DispatchDamagePlayerEvent" :{1:"Events"},
"DispatchEvent" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"EnableIdleScript" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"EnableNpcShadow" :{0:"NpcIDs", 1:"Bool"},
"EnemyDamageTarget" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"EnemyTestTarget" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"ForceHomePos" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"func_802CFE2C" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"func_802CFD30" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"func_802D2520" :{0:"PlayerAnims"},
"GetActorPos" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"GetGoalPos" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"GetItemPower" :{0:"ItemIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"GetLastEvent" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"GetNpcPos" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"HidePlayerShadow" :{0:"Bool"},
"HPBarToHome" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"InterpNpcYaw" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"JumpToGoal" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"MakeEntity" :{0:"Hex", 5:"ItemIDs"},
"MakeItemEntity" :{0:"ItemIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"ModifyColliderFlags" :{2:"Hex"},
"NpcFaceNpc" :{0:"NpcIDs", 1:"NpcIDs"},
"NpcFacePlayer" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"NpcJump0" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"NpcJump1" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"NpcMoveTo" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"PlayAmbientSounds" :{0:"AmbientSounds"},
"PlaySound" :{0:"SoundIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"PlaySoundAt" :{0:"SoundIDs"},
"PlaySoundAtActor" :{0:"ActorIDs", 1:"SoundIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"PlaySoundAtNpc" :{0:"NpcIDs", 1:"SoundIDs"},
"RemoveActorDecoration" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"RemoveNpc" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"RunToGoal" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetActorDispOffset" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetActorJumpGravity" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"SetActorRotation" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetActorSpeed" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetActorScale" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetActorYaw" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"SetAnimation" :{0:"ActorIDs", 2:"CustomAnim"},
"SetAnimationRate" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetGoalPos" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetGoalToHome" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetGoalToTarget" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
"SetJumpAnimations" :{0:"ActorIDs", 2:"PlayerAnims", 3:"PlayerAnims", 4:"PlayerAnims"},
"SetMusicTrack" :{1:"SongIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"SetNpcAnimation" :{0:"NpcIDs", 1:"CustomAnim"},
"SetNpcAux" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"SetNpcFlagBits" :{0:"NpcIDs", 1:"NpcFlags", 2:"Bool"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"SetNpcJumpscale" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"SetNpcPos" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"SetNpcRotation" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"SetNpcScale" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"SetNpcSpeed" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"SetNpcYaw" :{0:"NpcIDs"},
"SetPlayerAnimation" :{0:"PlayerAnims"},
"SetSelfEnemyFlagBits" :{0:"NpcFlags", 1:"Bool"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
#"SetSelfVar" :{1:"Bool"}, # apparently this was a bool in some scripts but it passes non-0/1 values, including negatives
"SetTargetActor" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"ShowEmote" :{1:"Emotes"},
"ShowMessageAtScreenPos" :{0:"CustomMsg"},
"SpeakToPlayer" :{0:"NpcIDs", 1:"CustomAnim", 2:"CustomAnim", 4:"CustomMsg"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
"UseIdleAnimation" :{0:"ActorIDs"},
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
def replace_constants(self, func, args):
global replace_funcs
if func in replace_funcs:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
return fix_args(self, func, args, replace_funcs[func])
elif func == "PlayEffect":
argsZ = args.split(", ")
if "0x" not in argsZ[0]:
argsZ[0] = f"0x{int(argsZ[0], 10):X}"
args = ", ".join(argsZ)
return args
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
class ScriptDisassembler:
def __init__(self, bytes, script_name = "script", symbol_map = {}, romstart = 0, INCLUDES_NEEDED = {}, INCLUDED = {"functions": set(), "includes": set()}):
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.bytes = bytes
self.script_name = script_name
self.symbol_map = { **script_lib(self.bytes.tell()), **symbol_map }
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
self.romstart = romstart
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.out = ""
self.prefix = ""
self.indent = 1
self.indent_used = False
self.done = False
self.start_pos = self.bytes.tell()
self.end_pos = 0
self.instructions = 0
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
def disassemble(self):
while True:
opcode = self.read_word()
argc = self.read_word()
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
#print(f"Op {opcode:X}, argc {argc}")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
if opcode > 0xFF or argc > 0xFF:
2021-02-03 21:04:37 +01:00
raise Exception(f"script '{self.script_name}' is malformed")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
argv = []
for i in range(0, argc):
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.disassemble_command(opcode, argc, argv)
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
self.instructions += 1
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
if self.done:
self.end_pos = self.bytes.tell()
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
return self.prefix + self.out
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
def write(self, line):
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
if self.indent < 0: self.indent = 0
if self.indent > 1: self.indent_used = True
self.out += " " * self.indent
self.out += line
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
def write_line(self, line):
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.out += "\n"
def prefix_line(self, line):
self.prefix += line
self.prefix += "\n"
def var(self, arg):
if arg in self.symbol_map:
return self.symbol_map[arg][0][1]
2020-10-21 04:10:13 +02:00
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
v = arg - 2**32 # convert to s32
if v > -250000000:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
if v <= -220000000: return f"SI_FIXED({(v + 230000000) / 1024})"
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif v <= -200000000: return f"SI_ARRAY_FLAG({v + 210000000})"
elif v <= -180000000: return f"SI_ARRAY({v + 190000000})"
elif v <= -160000000: return f"SI_SAVE_VAR({v + 170000000})"
elif v <= -140000000: return f"SI_AREA_VAR({v + 150000000})"
elif v <= -120000000: return f"SI_SAVE_FLAG({v + 130000000})"
elif v <= -100000000: return f"SI_AREA_FLAG({v + 110000000})"
elif v <= -80000000: return f"SI_MAP_FLAG({v + 90000000})"
elif v <= -60000000: return f"SI_FLAG({v + 70000000})"
elif v <= -40000000: return f"SI_MAP_VAR({v + 50000000})"
elif v <= -20000000: return f"SI_VAR({v + 30000000})"
if arg == 0xFFFFFFFF:
return "-1"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif (arg & 0xFF000000) == 0x80000000:
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
return f"0x{arg:X}"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif arg >= 0x80000000:
return f"{arg - 0x100000000}"
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
return f"{arg}"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
def replace_star_rod_function_name(self, name):
vram = int(name.split("_",1)[1], 16)
name = "N(" + name.replace("function", "func") + f"_{(vram - 0x80240000)+self.romstart:X}" + ")"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
return name
def replace_star_rod_prefix(self, addr):
if addr in self.symbol_map:
name = self.symbol_map[addr][0][1]
toReplace = True
suffix = ""
if name.startswith("N(func_"):
prefix = "ApiStatus "
name = self.replace_star_rod_function_name(name[2:-1])
suffix = "(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall)"
elif name[2:-1] in self.INCLUDED["includes"]:
prefix = "ApiStatus "
suffix = "(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall)"
elif name.startswith("N(npcAISettings_"):
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
prefix = "NpcAISettings "
elif name.startswith("N(npcSettings_"):
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
prefix = "NpcSettings "
elif name.startswith("N(npcGroup_"):
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
prefix = "StaticNpc "
elif name.startswith("N(entryList_"):
prefix = "EntryList "
elif name.startswith("N(npcGroupList_"):
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
prefix = "NpcGroupList "
elif name.startswith("N("):
prefix = "Script "
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
toReplace = False
if toReplace:
if name not in self.INCLUDED["functions"]:
self.INCLUDES_NEEDED["forward"].append(prefix + name + suffix + ";")
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
return name
return addr
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
def addr_ref(self, addr):
if addr in self.symbol_map:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
return self.replace_star_rod_prefix(addr)
return f"0x{addr:08X}"
2020-10-21 04:10:13 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
def trigger(self, trigger):
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if trigger == 0x00000040: trigger = "TRIGGER_WALL_PUSH"
if trigger == 0x00000080: trigger = "TRIGGER_FLOOR_TOUCH"
if trigger == 0x00000100: trigger = "TRIGGER_WALL_PRESS_A"
if trigger == 0x00000200: trigger = "TRIGGER_FLOOR_JUMP"
if trigger == 0x00000400: trigger = "TRIGGER_WALL_TOUCH"
if trigger == 0x00000800: trigger = "TRIGGER_FLOOR_PRESS_A"
if trigger == 0x00001000: trigger = "TRIGGER_WALL_HAMMER"
if trigger == 0x00010000: trigger = "TRIGGER_GAME_FLAG_SET"
if trigger == 0x00020000: trigger = "TRIGGER_AREA_FLAG_SET"
if trigger == 0x00040000: trigger = "TRIGGER_CEILING_TOUCH"
if trigger == 0x00080000: trigger = "TRIGGER_FLOOR_ABOVE"
if trigger == 0x00100000: trigger = "TRIGGER_POINT_BOMB"
return f"0x{trigger:X}" if type(trigger) is int else trigger
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
def read_word(self):
return int.from_bytes(, byteorder="big")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
def disassemble_command(self, opcode, argc, argv):
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
if opcode == 0x01:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
if self.indent_used:
self.prefix_line("// *INDENT-OFF*")
self.prefix_line(f"Script {self.script_name} = {{")
self.write_line("// *INDENT-ON*")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.prefix_line(f"Script {self.script_name} = {{")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.done = True
elif opcode == 0x02: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_RETURN),")
elif opcode == 0x03: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_LABEL, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x04: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_GOTO, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x05:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_LOOP, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x06:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
elif opcode == 0x07: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_BREAK_LOOP),")
elif opcode == 0x08: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SLEEP_FRAMES, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x09: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SLEEP_SECS, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x0A:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_IF_EQ, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x0B:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_IF_NE, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x0C:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_IF_LT, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x0D:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_IF_GT, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x0E:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_IF_LE, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x0F:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_IF_GE, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x10:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_IF_FLAG, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x11:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_IF_NOT_FLAG, ({self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x12:
self.indent -= 1
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x13:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x14:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_MATCH, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 2
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x15:
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_MATCH_CONST, 0x{argv[0]:X}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 2
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x16:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_EQ, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x17:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_NE, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x18:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_LT, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x19:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_GT, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x1A:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_LE, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x1B:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_GE, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x1C:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x1D:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
2020-11-08 20:20:09 +01:00
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_MULTI_OR_EQ, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x1E:
self.indent -= 1
2020-11-08 20:20:09 +01:00
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_MULTI_AND_EQ, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x1F:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_FLAG, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x20:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x21:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_CASE_RANGE, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x22: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_BREAK_CASE),")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x23:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 2
elif opcode == 0x24: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SET, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x25: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SET_CONST, {self.var(argv[0])}, 0x{argv[1]:X}),")
elif opcode == 0x26: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SET_F, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x27: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_ADD, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x28: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SUB, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x29: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_MUL, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x2A: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_DIV, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x2B: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_MOD, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x2C: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_ADD_F, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x2D: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SUB_F, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x2E: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_MUL_F, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x2F: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_DIV_F, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x30: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_USE_BUFFER, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x31:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_READ_1",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x32:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_READ_2",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x33:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_READ_3",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x34:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_READ_4",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x35:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_PEEK",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x36: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_USE_BUFFER_f, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x37:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_READ_1_F",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x38:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_READ_2_F",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x39:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_READ_3_F",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x3A:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_READ_4_F",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x3B:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BUFFER_PEEK_F",*map(self.var, argv)]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x3C: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_USE_ARRAY, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x3D: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_USE_FLAGS, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x3E: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_NEW_ARRAY, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x3F: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_AND, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x40: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_OR, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x41: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_AND_CONST, {self.var(argv[0])}, 0x{argv[1]:X})")
elif opcode == 0x42: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_OR_CONST, {self.var(argv[0])}, 0x{argv[1]:X})")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x43:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_CALL", self.addr_ref(argv[0]), *map(self.var, argv[1:])]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x44: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SPAWN_SCRIPT, {self.addr_ref(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x45: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SPAWN_GET_ID, {self.addr_ref(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
elif opcode == 0x46: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_AWAIT_SCRIPT, {self.addr_ref(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x47:
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BIND_TRIGGER", self.addr_ref(argv[0]), self.trigger(argv[1]), *map(self.var, argv[2:])]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x48: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_UNBIND),")
elif opcode == 0x49: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_KILL_SCRIPT, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x4A: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_JUMP, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x4B: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SET_PRIORITY, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x4C: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SET_TIMESCALE, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x4D: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SET_GROUP, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x4E:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
args = ["ScriptOpcode_BIND_PADLOCK", self.addr_ref(argv[0]), self.trigger(argv[1]), *map(self.var, argv[2:])]
self.write_line(f"SI_CMD({', '.join(args)}),")
elif opcode == 0x4F: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SUSPEND_GROUP, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x50: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_RESUME_GROUP, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x51: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SUSPEND_OTHERS, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x52: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_RESUME_OTHERS, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x53: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SUSPEND_SCRIPT, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x54: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_RESUME_SCRIPT, {self.var(argv[0])}),")
elif opcode == 0x55: self.write_line(f"SI_CMD(ScriptOpcode_SCRIPT_EXISTS, {self.var(argv[0])}, {self.var(argv[1])}),")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x56:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x57:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x58:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x59:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
# unknown opcode
argv_str = ""
for arg in argv:
argv_str += ", "
argv_str += f"0x{arg:X}"
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
class UnsupportedScript(Exception):
class ScriptDSLDisassembler(ScriptDisassembler):
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# True: case block
# CASE: single condition
# MULTI: multi-condition(s)
# MATCH: match block
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
self.case_stack = []
# stores the variable type the case is switching on
self.case_variable = ""
self.save_variable = ""
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
self.was_multi_case = False
def in_case(self):
return self.case_stack[-1] if self.case_stack else False
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
def var(self, arg):
if arg in self.symbol_map:
return self.symbol_map[arg][0][1]
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif type(arg) is str:
return arg
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
v = arg - 2**32 # convert to s32
if v > -250000000:
if v <= -220000000: return str((v + 230000000) / 1024)
elif v <= -200000000: return f"SI_ARRAY_FLAG({v + 210000000})"
elif v <= -180000000: return f"SI_ARRAY({v + 190000000})"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif v <= -160000000:
if v + 170000000 == 0:
self.save_variable = "STORY_PROGRESS"
elif v + 170000000 == 425:
self.save_variable = "WORLD_LOCATION"
self.save_variable = f"SI_SAVE_VAR({v + 170000000})"
return self.save_variable
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
elif v <= -140000000: return f"SI_AREA_VAR({v + 150000000})"
elif v <= -120000000: return f"SI_SAVE_FLAG({v + 130000000})"
elif v <= -100000000: return f"SI_AREA_FLAG({v + 110000000})"
elif v <= -80000000: return f"SI_MAP_FLAG({v + 90000000})"
elif v <= -60000000: return f"SI_FLAG({v + 70000000})"
elif v <= -40000000: return f"SI_MAP_VAR({v + 50000000})"
elif v <= -20000000: return f"SI_VAR({v + 30000000})"
if arg == 0xFFFFFFFF:
return "-1"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif (arg & 0xFF000000) == 0x80000000:
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
return f"0x{arg:X}"
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif arg >= 0x80000000:
return f"{arg - 0x100000000}"
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
return f"{arg}"
def is_float(self, var):
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
return True
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
except Exception:
return False
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
def replace_enum(self, var, case=False):
varO = self.var(var)
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if case:
self.save_variable = ""
var = int(varO, 0)
except Exception:
return varO
if var > 0x10000000:
var -= 0x100000000
# put cases for replacing vars here
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if (( case and self.case_variable == "STORY_PROGRESS") or
(not case and self.save_variable == "STORY_PROGRESS")):
if var in CONSTANTS["StoryProgress"]:
return CONSTANTS["StoryProgress"][var]
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif (( case and self.case_variable == "WORLD_LOCATION") or
(not case and self.save_variable == "WORLD_LOCATION")):
if var in CONSTANTS["Locations"]:
return CONSTANTS["Locations"][var]
return varO
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
def disassemble_command(self, opcode, argc, argv):
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
# hacky hacky
if opcode == 0x43 and len(argv) > 1 and argv[-1] == 0x80000000:
argv[-1] = "MAKE_ENTITY_END"
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
# write case block braces
if self.in_case == "CASE" or self.in_case == "MULTI":
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
if opcode == 0x1D: # multi case
elif 0x16 <= opcode <= 0x21: # standard case conditions
# open and close empty case
self.out += " {}\n"
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
assert self.in_case == "MATCH"
self.was_multi_case = False
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
# open case
self.out += " {\n"
self.indent += 1
elif self.in_case != "MATCH" and 0x16 <= opcode <= 0x21: # new case, not including the first
assert self.case_stack.pop() == True
self.was_multi_case = self.case_stack.pop() == "MULTI"
assert self.in_case == "MATCH"
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
#print(f"Op 0x{opcode:2X} saved_var \"{self.save_variable}\" case_var \"{self.case_variable}\"")
# case variables need to be saved ahead of time, since they span many instructions
if ((self.in_case and 0x16 <= opcode <= 0x1B and self.case_variable == "STORY_PROGRESS") or
(self.in_case and 0x16 <= opcode <= 0x1B and self.case_variable == "WORLD_LOCATION")):
argv[0] = self.replace_enum(argv[0], case=True)
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
if opcode == 0x01:
2020-12-27 18:11:33 +01:00
if self.out.endswith("return;\n"):
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
# implicit return; break
2020-12-27 18:11:33 +01:00
self.out = self.out[:-8].rstrip() + "\n"
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
2020-12-27 18:11:33 +01:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.prefix_line(f"Script {self.script_name} = SCRIPT({{")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.done = True
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x02: self.write_line(f"return;")
2020-12-27 18:11:33 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x03:
self.indent -= 1
self.indent += 1
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x04: self.write_line(f"goto {self.var(argv[0])};")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x05:
if argv[0] == 0:
self.write_line("loop {")
self.write_line(f"loop {self.var(argv[0])} {{")
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x06:
self.indent -= 1
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x07: self.write_line(f"break loop;")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x08: self.write_line(f"sleep {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x09: self.write_line(f"sleep {self.var(argv[0])} secs;")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x0A:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
varB = self.replace_enum(argv[1])
if varB in SAVE_VARS:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
self.write_line(f"if ({varA} == {varB}) {{")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x0B:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
varB = self.replace_enum(argv[1])
if varB in SAVE_VARS:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
self.write_line(f"if ({varA} != {varB}) {{")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x0C:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
varB = self.replace_enum(argv[1])
if varB in SAVE_VARS:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
self.write_line(f"if ({varA} < {varB}) {{")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x0D:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
varB = self.replace_enum(argv[1])
if varB in SAVE_VARS:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
self.write_line(f"if ({varA} > {varB}) {{")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x0E:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
varB = self.replace_enum(argv[1])
if varB in SAVE_VARS:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
self.write_line(f"if ({varA} <= {varB}) {{")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x0F:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
varB = self.replace_enum(argv[1])
if varB in SAVE_VARS:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
self.write_line(f"if ({varA} >= {varB}) {{")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x10:
2020-12-29 12:37:19 +01:00
self.write_line(f"if ({self.var(argv[0])} & {self.var(argv[1])}) {{")
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-12-27 18:11:33 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x11:
2020-12-29 12:37:19 +01:00
self.write_line(f"if ({self.var(argv[0])} !& {self.var(argv[1])}) {{")
2020-12-27 18:11:33 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x12:
self.indent -= 1
self.write_line("} else {")
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x13:
self.indent -= 1
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x14:
self.write_line(f"match {self.var(argv[0])} {{")
self.indent += 1
self.case_variable = self.var(argv[0])
elif opcode == 0x15:
self.write_line(f"matchc {self.var(argv[0])} {{")
self.indent += 1
self.case_variable = self.var(argv[0])
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x16:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
self.write(f"== {self.var(argv[0])}")
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x17:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
self.write(f"!= {self.var(argv[0])}")
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x18:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
self.write(f"< {self.var(argv[0])}")
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x19:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
self.write(f"> {self.var(argv[0])}")
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x1A:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
self.write(f"<= {self.var(argv[0])}")
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x1B:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
self.write(f">= {self.var(argv[0])}")
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x1C:
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x1D:
if self.in_case == "CASE" or self.in_case == "MULTI":
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
self.out += f", {self.var(argv[0])}"
# replace(!) CASE with MULTI
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
# opcode 0x1E?
elif opcode == 0x1F:
self.write_line(f"? {self.var(argv[0])}")
elif opcode == 0x20:
if not self.was_multi_case:
raise UnsupportedScript("unexpected SI_END_MULTI_CASE")
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x21:
self.indent -= 1
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
self.indent += 1
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x22: self.write_line("break match;")
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x23:
# close open case if needed
if self.in_case != "MATCH":
self.case_stack.pop() == True
self.case_stack.pop() in ["MULTI", "CASE"]
self.indent -= 1
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
assert self.case_stack.pop() == "MATCH"
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
self.indent -= 1
self.case_variable = ""
2020-11-08 13:16:10 +01:00
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x24:
varA = self.replace_enum(argv[0])
varB = self.replace_enum(argv[1])
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if varB.startswith("script_"):
varB = "N(" + varB + ")"
self.write_line(f"{varA} = {varB};")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x25: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} =c 0x{argv[1]:X};")
elif opcode == 0x26:
lhs = self.var(argv[1])
if self.is_float(lhs):
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} = {lhs};")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} =f {lhs};")
elif opcode == 0x27: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} += {self.var(argv[1])};")
elif opcode == 0x28: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} -= {self.var(argv[1])};")
elif opcode == 0x29: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} *= {self.var(argv[1])};")
elif opcode == 0x2A: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} /= {self.var(argv[1])};")
elif opcode == 0x2B: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} %= {self.var(argv[1])};")
elif opcode == 0x2C:
lhs = self.var(argv[1])
if self.is_float(lhs):
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} += {lhs};")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} +=f {lhs};")
elif opcode == 0x2D:
lhs = self.var(argv[1])
if self.is_float(lhs):
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} -= {lhs};")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} -=f {lhs};")
elif opcode == 0x2E:
lhs = self.var(argv[1])
if self.is_float(lhs):
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} *= {lhs};")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} *=f {lhs};")
elif opcode == 0x2F:
lhs = self.var(argv[1])
if self.is_float(lhs):
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} /= {lhs};")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} /=f {lhs};")
elif opcode == 0x3F: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} &= {self.var(argv[1])};")
elif opcode == 0x40: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} |= {self.var(argv[1])};")
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
elif opcode == 0x41: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} &=c 0x{argv[1]:X};")
elif opcode == 0x42: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} |=c 0x{argv[1]:X};")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x43:
addr = argv[0]
if addr in self.symbol_map:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
func_name = self.addr_ref(addr)
for i,arg in enumerate(argv):
argv[i] = self.replace_star_rod_prefix(arg)
argv_str = ", ".join(self.var(arg) for arg in argv[1:])
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
argv_str = replace_constants(self, func_name, argv_str)
print(f"script API function {addr:X} is not present in symbol_addrs.txt, please add it")
elif opcode == 0x44:
name = self.addr_ref(argv[0])
if name.startswith("N("):
self.write_line(f"spawn {name};")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x45: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[1])} = spawn {self.addr_ref(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x46:
name = self.addr_ref(argv[0])
if name.startswith("N("):
self.write_line(f"await {name};")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x47:
assert argv[3] == 1
if argv[4] != 0:
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[4])} = bind {self.addr_ref(argv[0])} to {self.trigger(argv[1])} {self.var(argv[2])};")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
self.write_line(f"bind {self.addr_ref(argv[0])} to {self.trigger(argv[1])} {self.var(argv[2])};")
elif opcode == 0x48: self.write_line(f"unbind;")
elif opcode == 0x49: self.write_line(f"kill {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x4A: self.write_line(f"jump {self.var(argv[0])};")
2020-12-24 12:15:05 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x4D: self.write_line(f"group {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x4F: self.write_line(f"suspend group {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x50: self.write_line(f"resume group {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x51: self.write_line(f"suspend others {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x52: self.write_line(f"resume others {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x53: self.write_line(f"suspend {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x54: self.write_line(f"resume {self.var(argv[0])};")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
elif opcode == 0x56:
self.write_line("spawn {")
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x57:
self.indent -= 1
elif opcode == 0x58:
self.write_line("parallel {")
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x59:
self.indent -= 1
2020-11-08 15:57:58 +01:00
raise UnsupportedScript(f"DSL does not support script opcode 0x{opcode:X}")
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
# reset this at the end of each instruction
self.save_variable = ""
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("file", type=str, help="File to dissassemble from")
parser.add_argument("offset", type=lambda x: int(x, 16), default=0, help="Offset to start dissassembling from")
parser.add_argument("-end", "-e", "--e", type=lambda x: int(x, 16), default=0, dest="end", required=False, help="End offset to stop dissassembling from.\nOnly used as a way to find valid scripts.")
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
parser.add_argument("-vram", "-v", "--v", type=lambda x: int(x, 16), default=0, dest="vram", required=False, help="VRAM start will be tracked and used for the script output name")
args = parser.parse_args()
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
vram_base = args.vram
if args.end > args.offset:
# Search the given memory range and report scripts
with open(args.file, "rb") as f:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
gap = False
first_print = False
while args.offset < args.end:
script = ScriptDSLDisassembler(f)
script_text = script.disassemble()
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if script.instructions > 1 and "SI_CMD" not in script_text:
if gap and first_print:
potential_struct_sizes = { "StaticNpc": 0x1F0, "NpcAISettings":0x30, "NpcSettings":0x2C, "NpcGroupList":0xC }
gap_size = args.offset - gap_start
potential_struct = "Unknown data"
potential_count = 1
for k,v in potential_struct_sizes.items():
if gap_size % v == 0:
potential_struct = k
potential_count = gap_size // v
print(f"========== 0x{gap_size:X} byte gap ({potential_count} {potential_struct}?) 0x{gap_start:X} - 0x{args.offset:X} ==========")
gap = False
#print(f"Script read from 0x{script.start_pos:X} to 0x{script.end_pos:X} "
# f"(0x{script.end_pos - script.start_pos:X} bytes, {script.instructions} instructions)")
vram = f"{args.vram:X}_" if vram_base > 0 else f""
script_text = script_text.replace("Script script = SCRIPT({", f"Script N(D_{vram}{args.offset:X}) = " + "SCRIPT({")
print(script_text, end="")
#print(f"Valid script found at 0x{args.offset:X}")
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
args.vram += script.end_pos - args.offset
args.offset = script.end_pos
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
first_print = True
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if not gap:
gap_start = args.offset
gap = True
args.offset += 4
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
args.vram += 4
except Exception:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
if not gap:
gap_start = args.offset
gap = True
args.offset += 4
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
args.vram += 4
with open(args.file, "rb") as f:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
script = ScriptDSLDisassembler(f)
script_text = script.disassemble()
2020-10-19 23:58:57 +02:00
print(f"Script read from 0x{script.start_pos:X} to 0x{script.end_pos:X} "
f"(0x{script.end_pos - script.start_pos:X} bytes, {script.instructions} instructions)")
print(script_text, end="")
2020-10-31 03:28:18 +01:00
except UnsupportedScript:
2021-04-03 19:21:49 +02:00
print(ScriptDisassembler(f).disassemble(), end="")