match update_cameras (#321)

* near-match func_800279B4

* fix lakilester split

* match func_8023A1B0_70DEC0

* match func_800271FC

* further work on func_800279B4

* match update_cameras

* add CAM_FLAGs

* remove CAM macro
This commit is contained in:
alex 2021-07-17 18:04:14 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent a876384c97
commit 0538a9220b
No known key found for this signature in database
54 changed files with 479 additions and 652 deletions

View File

@ -1,269 +1,269 @@
#ifndef _GU_H_
#define _GU_H_
* *
* Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain *
* unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and *
* are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed *
* to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or *
* in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *
* $Revision: 1.48 $
* $Date: 1999/07/13 08:00:20 $
* $Source: /hosts/gate3/exdisk2/cvs/N64OS/Master/cvsmdev2/PR/include/gu.h,v $
#include <PR/mbi.h>
#include <PR/ultratypes.h>
#include <PR/sptask.h>
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define M_DTOR (3.14159265358979323846/180.0)
#define FTOFIX32(x) (long)((x) * (float)0x00010000)
#define FIX32TOF(x) ((float)(x) * (1.0f / (float)0x00010000))
#define FTOFRAC8(x) ((int) MIN(((x) * (128.0f)), 127.0f) & 0xff)
#define FILTER_WRAP 0
#define FILTER_CLAMP 1
#define RAND(x) (guRandom()%x) /* random number between 0 to x */
* Data Structures
typedef struct {
unsigned char *base;
int fmt, siz;
int xsize, ysize;
int lsize;
/* current tile info */
int addr;
int w, h;
int s, t;
} Image;
typedef struct {
float col[3];
float pos[3];
float a1, a2; /* actual color = col/(a1*dist + a2) */
} PositionalLight;
* Function Prototypes
extern int guLoadTextureBlockMipMap(Gfx **glist, unsigned char *tbuf, Image *im,
unsigned char startTile, unsigned char pal, unsigned char cms,
unsigned char cmt, unsigned char masks, unsigned char maskt,
unsigned char shifts, unsigned char shiftt, unsigned char cfs,
unsigned char cft);
extern int guGetDPLoadTextureTileSz (int ult, int lrt);
extern void guDPLoadTextureTile (Gfx *glistp, void *timg,
int texl_fmt, int texl_size,
int img_width, int img_height,
int uls, int ult, int lrs, int lrt,
int palette,
int cms, int cmt,
int masks, int maskt,
int shifts, int shiftt);
* matrix operations:
* The 'F' version is floating point, in case the application wants
* to do matrix manipulations and convert to fixed-point at the last
* minute.
extern void guMtxIdent(Mtx *m);
extern void guMtxIdentF(float mf[4][4]);
/*extern void guOrtho(Mtx *m, float l, float r, float b, float t,
float n, float f, float scale);
extern void guOrthoF(float mf[4][4], float l, float r, float b, float t,
float n, float f, float scale);*/
extern void guFrustum(Mtx *m, float l, float r, float b, float t,
float n, float f, float scale);
extern void guFrustumF(float mf[4][4], float l, float r, float b, float t,
float n, float f, float scale);
extern void guPerspective(Mtx *m, u16 *perspNorm, float fovy,
float aspect, float near, float far, float scale);
extern void guPerspectiveF(float mf[4][4], u16 *perspNorm, float fovy,
float aspect, float near, float far, float scale);
extern void guLookAt(Mtx *m,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
extern void guLookAtF(float mf[4][4], float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
extern void guLookAtReflect(Mtx *m, LookAt *l,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
extern void guLookAtReflectF(float mf[4][4], LookAt *l,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
extern void guLookAtHilite(Mtx *m, LookAt *l, Hilite *h,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float xl1, float yl1, float zl1,
float xl2, float yl2, float zl2,
int twidth, int theight);
extern void guLookAtHiliteF(float mf[4][4], LookAt *l, Hilite *h,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float xl1, float yl1, float zl1,
float xl2, float yl2, float zl2,
int twidth, int theight);
extern void guLookAtStereo(Mtx *m,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float eyedist);
extern void guLookAtStereoF(float mf[4][4],
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float eyedist);
extern void guRotate(Mtx *m, float a, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guRotateF(float mf[4][4], float a, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guRotateRPY(Mtx *m, float r, float p, float y);
extern void guRotateRPYF(float mf[4][4], float r, float p, float h);
extern void guAlign(Mtx *m, float a, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guAlignF(float mf[4][4], float a, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guScale(Mtx *m, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guScaleF(float mf[4][4], float x, float y, float z);
extern void guTranslate(Mtx *m, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guTranslateF(float mf[4][4], float x, float y, float z);
extern void guPosition(Mtx *m, float r, float p, float h, float s,
float x, float y, float z);
extern void guPositionF(float mf[4][4], float r, float p, float h, float s,
float x, float y, float z);
extern void guMtxF2L(float mf[4][4], Mtx *m);
extern void guMtxL2F(float mf[4][4], Mtx *m);
extern void guMtxCatF(float m[4][4], float n[4][4], float r[4][4]);
extern void guMtxCatL(Mtx *m, Mtx *n, Mtx *res);
extern void guMtxXFMF(float mf[4][4], float x, float y, float z,
float *ox, float *oy, float *oz);
extern void guMtxXFML(Mtx *m, float x, float y, float z,
float *ox, float *oy, float *oz);
/* vector utility: */
extern void guNormalize(float *x, float *y, float *z);
/* light utilities: */
void guPosLight(PositionalLight *pl, Light *l,
float xOb, float yOb, float zOb);
void guPosLightHilite(PositionalLight *pl1, PositionalLight *pl2,
Light *l1, Light *l2,
LookAt *l, Hilite *h,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xOb, float yOb, float zOb,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
int twidth, int theight);
extern int guRandom(void);
* Math functions
extern float sinf(float angle);
extern float cosf(float angle);
extern signed short sins (unsigned short angle);
extern signed short coss (unsigned short angle);
extern float sqrtf(float value);
#ifdef __sgi
#pragma intrinsic(sqrtf);
* Dump routines for low-level display lists
/* flag values for guParseRdpDL() */
#define GU_PARSERDP_DUMPONLY 32 /* doesn't need to be same as */
/* GU_PARSEGBI_DUMPOLNY, but this */
/* allows app to use interchangeably */
extern void guParseRdpDL(u64 *rdp_dl, u64 nbytes, u8 flags);
extern void guParseString(char *StringPointer, u64 nbytes);
* use guParseRdpDL with GU_PARSERDP_DUMPONLY flags
/* extern void guDumpRawRdpDL(u64 *rdp_dl, u64 nbytes); */
/* flag values for guBlinkRdpDL() */
extern void
guBlinkRdpDL(u64 *rdp_dl_in, u64 nbytes_in,
u64 *rdp_dl_out, u64 *nbytes_out,
u32 x, u32 y, u32 radius,
u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue,
u8 flags);
/* flag values for guParseGbiDL() */
extern void guParseGbiDL(u64 *gbi_dl, u32 nbytes, u8 flags);
extern void guDumpGbiDL(OSTask *tp,u8 flags);
#define GU_PARSE_READY 3
typedef struct {
int dataSize;
int dlType;
int flags;
u32 paddr;
} guDLPrintCB;
void guSprite2DInit(uSprite *SpritePointer,
void *SourceImagePointer,
void *TlutPointer,
int Stride,
int SubImageWidth,
int SubImageHeight,
int SourceImageType,
int SourceImageBitSize,
int SourceImageOffsetS,
int SourceImageOffsetT);
#endif /* !_GU_H_ */
#ifndef _GU_H_
#define _GU_H_
* *
* Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain *
* unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and *
* are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed *
* to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or *
* in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *
* $Revision: 1.48 $
* $Date: 1999/07/13 08:00:20 $
* $Source: /hosts/gate3/exdisk2/cvs/N64OS/Master/cvsmdev2/PR/include/gu.h,v $
#include <PR/mbi.h>
#include <PR/ultratypes.h>
#include <PR/sptask.h>
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define M_DTOR (3.14159265358979323846/180.0)
#define FTOFIX32(x) (long)((x) * (float)0x00010000)
#define FIX32TOF(x) ((float)(x) * (1.0f / (float)0x00010000))
#define FTOFRAC8(x) ((int) MIN(((x) * (128.0f)), 127.0f) & 0xff)
#define FILTER_WRAP 0
#define FILTER_CLAMP 1
#define RAND(x) (guRandom()%x) /* random number between 0 to x */
* Data Structures
typedef struct {
unsigned char *base;
int fmt, siz;
int xsize, ysize;
int lsize;
/* current tile info */
int addr;
int w, h;
int s, t;
} Image;
typedef struct {
float col[3];
float pos[3];
float a1, a2; /* actual color = col/(a1*dist + a2) */
} PositionalLight;
* Function Prototypes
extern int guLoadTextureBlockMipMap(Gfx **glist, unsigned char *tbuf, Image *im,
unsigned char startTile, unsigned char pal, unsigned char cms,
unsigned char cmt, unsigned char masks, unsigned char maskt,
unsigned char shifts, unsigned char shiftt, unsigned char cfs,
unsigned char cft);
extern int guGetDPLoadTextureTileSz (int ult, int lrt);
extern void guDPLoadTextureTile (Gfx *glistp, void *timg,
int texl_fmt, int texl_size,
int img_width, int img_height,
int uls, int ult, int lrs, int lrt,
int palette,
int cms, int cmt,
int masks, int maskt,
int shifts, int shiftt);
* matrix operations:
* The 'F' version is floating point, in case the application wants
* to do matrix manipulations and convert to fixed-point at the last
* minute.
extern void guMtxIdent(Mtx *m);
extern void guMtxIdentF(float mf[4][4]);
extern void guOrtho(Mtx *m, float l, float r, float b, float t,
float n, float f, float scale);
extern void guOrthoF(float mf[4][4], float l, float r, float b, float t,
float n, float f, float scale);
extern void guFrustum(Mtx *m, float l, float r, float b, float t,
float n, float f, float scale);
extern void guFrustumF(float mf[4][4], float l, float r, float b, float t,
float n, float f, float scale);
extern void guPerspective(Mtx *m, u16 *perspNorm, float fovy,
float aspect, float near, float far, float scale);
extern void guPerspectiveF(float mf[4][4], u16 *perspNorm, float fovy,
float aspect, float near, float far, float scale);
extern void guLookAt(Mtx *m,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
extern void guLookAtF(float mf[4][4], float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
extern void guLookAtReflect(Mtx *m, LookAt *l,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
extern void guLookAtReflectF(float mf[4][4], LookAt *l,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
extern void guLookAtHilite(Mtx *m, LookAt *l, Hilite *h,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float xl1, float yl1, float zl1,
float xl2, float yl2, float zl2,
int twidth, int theight);
extern void guLookAtHiliteF(float mf[4][4], LookAt *l, Hilite *h,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float xl1, float yl1, float zl1,
float xl2, float yl2, float zl2,
int twidth, int theight);
extern void guLookAtStereo(Mtx *m,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float eyedist);
extern void guLookAtStereoF(float mf[4][4],
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xAt, float yAt, float zAt,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
float eyedist);
extern void guRotate(Mtx *m, float a, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guRotateF(float mf[4][4], float a, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guRotateRPY(Mtx *m, float r, float p, float y);
extern void guRotateRPYF(float mf[4][4], float r, float p, float h);
extern void guAlign(Mtx *m, float a, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guAlignF(float mf[4][4], float a, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guScale(Mtx *m, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guScaleF(float mf[4][4], float x, float y, float z);
extern void guTranslate(Mtx *m, float x, float y, float z);
extern void guTranslateF(float mf[4][4], float x, float y, float z);
extern void guPosition(Mtx *m, float r, float p, float h, float s,
float x, float y, float z);
extern void guPositionF(float mf[4][4], float r, float p, float h, float s,
float x, float y, float z);
extern void guMtxF2L(float mf[4][4], Mtx *m);
extern void guMtxL2F(float mf[4][4], Mtx *m);
extern void guMtxCatF(float m[4][4], float n[4][4], float r[4][4]);
extern void guMtxCatL(Mtx *m, Mtx *n, Mtx *res);
extern void guMtxXFMF(float mf[4][4], float x, float y, float z,
float *ox, float *oy, float *oz);
extern void guMtxXFML(Mtx *m, float x, float y, float z,
float *ox, float *oy, float *oz);
/* vector utility: */
extern void guNormalize(float *x, float *y, float *z);
/* light utilities: */
void guPosLight(PositionalLight *pl, Light *l,
float xOb, float yOb, float zOb);
void guPosLightHilite(PositionalLight *pl1, PositionalLight *pl2,
Light *l1, Light *l2,
LookAt *l, Hilite *h,
float xEye, float yEye, float zEye,
float xOb, float yOb, float zOb,
float xUp, float yUp, float zUp,
int twidth, int theight);
extern int guRandom(void);
* Math functions
extern float sinf(float angle);
extern float cosf(float angle);
extern signed short sins (unsigned short angle);
extern signed short coss (unsigned short angle);
extern float sqrtf(float value);
#ifdef __sgi
#pragma intrinsic(sqrtf);
* Dump routines for low-level display lists
/* flag values for guParseRdpDL() */
#define GU_PARSERDP_DUMPONLY 32 /* doesn't need to be same as */
/* GU_PARSEGBI_DUMPOLNY, but this */
/* allows app to use interchangeably */
extern void guParseRdpDL(u64 *rdp_dl, u64 nbytes, u8 flags);
extern void guParseString(char *StringPointer, u64 nbytes);
* use guParseRdpDL with GU_PARSERDP_DUMPONLY flags
/* extern void guDumpRawRdpDL(u64 *rdp_dl, u64 nbytes); */
/* flag values for guBlinkRdpDL() */
extern void
guBlinkRdpDL(u64 *rdp_dl_in, u64 nbytes_in,
u64 *rdp_dl_out, u64 *nbytes_out,
u32 x, u32 y, u32 radius,
u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue,
u8 flags);
/* flag values for guParseGbiDL() */
extern void guParseGbiDL(u64 *gbi_dl, u32 nbytes, u8 flags);
extern void guDumpGbiDL(OSTask *tp,u8 flags);
#define GU_PARSE_READY 3
typedef struct {
int dataSize;
int dlType;
int flags;
u32 paddr;
} guDLPrintCB;
void guSprite2DInit(uSprite *SpritePointer,
void *SourceImagePointer,
void *TlutPointer,
int Stride,
int SubImageWidth,
int SubImageHeight,
int SourceImageType,
int SourceImageBitSize,
int SourceImageOffsetS,
int SourceImageOffsetT);
#endif /* !_GU_H_ */

View File

@ -3,4 +3,13 @@
extern f32 D_8009A5EC;
enum {
CAM_FLAG_80 = 0x80,
CAM_FLAG_1000 = 0x1000,

View File

@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ typedef struct CameraInitData {
} CameraInitData; // size = 0x12;
typedef struct Camera {
/* 0x000 */ s16 flags;
/* 0x000 */ u16 flags;
/* 0x002 */ s16 moveFlags;
/* 0x004 */ s16 mode;
/* 0x006 */ s16 unk_06;

View File

@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
#define PANIC() ASSERT(0)
#define STATIC_ASSERT(condition) enum { static_assert_fail = 1/(!!(condition)) } // Causes division by zero ("not integer constant") if false
#define CAM(id) (&gCameras[id])
#define BADGE_MENU_PAGE(index) (&gBadgeMenuPages[index])
#define ITEM_MENU_PAGE(index) (&gItemMenuPages[index])

View File

@ -5,7 +5,78 @@
void initialize_next_camera(CameraInitData* data);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "8800", update_cameras);
void update_cameras(void) {
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gCameras); i++) {
Camera* cam = &gCameras[i];
if (cam->flags != 0 && !(cam->flags & CAM_FLAG_ENABLED)) {
s32 sx;
s32 sy;
s32 sz;
gCurrentCamID = i;
switch (cam->mode) {
case 3:
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
guLookAtReflectF(cam->viewMtxPlayer, &gDisplayContext->lookAt[0], cam->lookAt_eye.x, cam->lookAt_eye.y, cam->lookAt_eye.z, cam->lookAt_obj.x, cam->lookAt_obj.y, cam->lookAt_obj.z, 0, 1.0f, 0);
if (!(cam->flags & CAM_FLAG_ORTHO)) {
if (cam->flags & CAM_FLAG_LEAD_PLAYER) {
guPerspectiveF(cam->perspectiveMatrix, &cam->perspNorm, cam->vfov, (f32) cam->viewportW / (f32) cam->viewportH, (f32) cam->nearClip, (f32) cam->farClip, 1.0f);
if (cam->flags & CAM_FLAG_SHAKING) {
guMtxCatF(cam->viewMtxShaking, cam->perspectiveMatrix, cam->perspectiveMatrix);
if (cam->flags & CAM_FLAG_LEAD_PLAYER) {
guMtxCatF(cam->viewMtxLeading, cam->perspectiveMatrix, cam->perspectiveMatrix);
guMtxCatF(cam->viewMtxPlayer, cam->perspectiveMatrix, cam->perspectiveMatrix);
} else {
f32 w = cam->viewportW;
f32 h = cam->viewportH;
guOrthoF(cam->perspectiveMatrix, -w * 0.5, w * 0.5, -h * 0.5, h * 0.5, -1000.0f, 1000.0f, 1.0f);
get_screen_coords(0, cam->targetPos.x, cam->targetPos.y, cam->targetPos.z, &sx, &sy, &sz);
cam->targetScreenCoords[0] = sx;
cam->targetScreenCoords[1] = sy;
cam->targetScreenCoords[2] = sz;
gCurrentCamID = 0;
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "8800", render_frame);
@ -124,19 +195,19 @@ INCLUDE_ASM(void, "8800", initialize_next_camera, CameraInitData* data);
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "8800", set_cam_viewport, s16 id, s16 x, s16 y, s16 width, s16 height);
void get_cam_viewport(s32 camID, u16* x, u16* y, u16* width, u16* height) {
*width = CAM(camID)->viewportW;
*height = CAM(camID)->viewportH;
*x = CAM(camID)->viewportStartX;
*y = CAM(camID)->viewportStartY;
*width = gCameras[camID].viewportW;
*height = gCameras[camID].viewportH;
*x = gCameras[camID].viewportStartX;
*y = gCameras[camID].viewportStartY;
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "8800", get_screen_coords, Cam camID, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32* screenX, s32* screenY, s32* screenZ);
s32 func_8002E754(s32 camID, s32 x, s32 y) {
s32 startX = CAM(camID)->viewportStartX;
s32 startY = CAM(camID)->viewportStartY;
s32 endX = startX + CAM(camID)->viewportW;
s32 endY = startY + CAM(camID)->viewportH;
s32 startX = gCameras[camID].viewportStartX;
s32 startY = gCameras[camID].viewportStartY;
s32 endX = startX + gCameras[camID].viewportW;
s32 endY = startY + gCameras[camID].viewportH;
if (x < startX) {
return TRUE;
@ -152,10 +223,10 @@ s32 func_8002E754(s32 camID, s32 x, s32 y) {
void func_8002E7CC(s32 camID, s32* x, s32* y, s32* width, s32* height) {
*x = CAM(camID)->viewportStartX;
*y = CAM(camID)->viewportStartY;
*width = CAM(camID)->viewportStartX + CAM(camID)->viewportW;
*height = CAM(camID)->viewportStartY + CAM(camID)->viewportH;
*x = gCameras[camID].viewportStartX;
*y = gCameras[camID].viewportStartY;
*width = gCameras[camID].viewportStartX + gCameras[camID].viewportW;
*height = gCameras[camID].viewportStartY + gCameras[camID].viewportH;
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "8800", func_8002E82C);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "dizzy_dial.h"
#include "camera.h"
static s32* D_802A1CD0;
static HudElement* D_802A1CD4;
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ ApiStatus N(func_802A1270_727B80)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
D_802A1CD0 = create_generic_entity_frontUI(NULL, func_802A123C_727B4C);
script->functionTemp[0] = 1;
case 1:
camera->flags |= 8;
camera->flags |= CAM_FLAG_SHAKING;
a = script->functionTemp[1];
guRotateF(camera->viewMtxShaking, a, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
script->functionTemp[1] = 2.0 * ((1.0 - sin_rad(((script->functionTemp[2] + 90) * 6.28318f) / 360.0f)) * 360.0);
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ ApiStatus N(func_802A1270_727B80)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
return ApiStatus_BLOCK;
camera->unk_1C = 0;
camera->flags &= ~8;
camera->flags &= ~CAM_FLAG_SHAKING;
return ApiStatus_DONE2;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "camera.h"
Script ShakeCam1 = SCRIPT({
group 0;
@ -16,9 +17,9 @@ ApiStatus SetCamEnabled(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
s32 enabled = get_variable(script, *args++);
if (!enabled) {
CAM(id)->flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[id].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
} else {
CAM(id)->flags &= ~0x2;
gCameras[id].flags &= ~CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
return ApiStatus_DONE2;
@ -29,9 +30,9 @@ ApiStatus SetCamFlag80(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
s32 enabled = get_variable(script, *args++);
if (!enabled) {
CAM(id)->flags |= 0x80;
gCameras[id].flags |= CAM_FLAG_80;
} else {
CAM(id)->flags &= ~0x80;
gCameras[id].flags &= ~CAM_FLAG_80;
return ApiStatus_DONE2;
@ -76,25 +77,25 @@ ApiStatus func_802CA988(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Bytecode outVar4 = *args++;
f32 temp1, temp2, temp3;
CAM(id)->mode = 2;
CAM(id)->unk_06 = 0;
CAM(id)->unk_1C = -round(CAM(id)->currentPitch);
CAM(id)->unk_1E = -CAM(id)->currentBlendedYawNegated;
gCameras[id].mode = 2;
gCameras[id].unk_06 = 0;
gCameras[id].unk_1C = -round(gCameras[id].currentPitch);
gCameras[id].unk_1E = -gCameras[id].currentBlendedYawNegated;
temp1 = CAM(id)->lookAt_obj.x - CAM(id)->lookAt_eye.x;
temp2 = CAM(id)->lookAt_obj.y - CAM(id)->lookAt_eye.y;
temp3 = CAM(id)->lookAt_obj.z - CAM(id)->lookAt_eye.z;
temp1 = gCameras[id].lookAt_obj.x - gCameras[id].lookAt_eye.x;
temp2 = gCameras[id].lookAt_obj.y - gCameras[id].lookAt_eye.y;
temp3 = gCameras[id].lookAt_obj.z - gCameras[id].lookAt_eye.z;
CAM(id)->unk_20 = round(sqrtf(SQ(temp1) + SQ(temp2) + SQ(temp3)));
CAM(id)->unk_22 = 0;
CAM(id)->unk_54 = CAM(id)->lookAt_obj.x;
CAM(id)->unk_58 = CAM(id)->lookAt_obj.y;
CAM(id)->unk_5C = CAM(id)->lookAt_obj.z;
gCameras[id].unk_20 = round(sqrtf(SQ(temp1) + SQ(temp2) + SQ(temp3)));
gCameras[id].unk_22 = 0;
gCameras[id].unk_54 = gCameras[id].lookAt_obj.x;
gCameras[id].unk_58 = gCameras[id].lookAt_obj.y;
gCameras[id].unk_5C = gCameras[id].lookAt_obj.z;
set_variable(script, outVar1, CAM(id)->unk_1C);
set_variable(script, outVar2, CAM(id)->unk_1E);
set_variable(script, outVar3, CAM(id)->unk_20);
set_variable(script, outVar4, CAM(id)->unk_22);
set_variable(script, outVar1, gCameras[id].unk_1C);
set_variable(script, outVar2, gCameras[id].unk_1E);
set_variable(script, outVar3, gCameras[id].unk_20);
set_variable(script, outVar4, gCameras[id].unk_22);
return ApiStatus_DONE2;
@ -220,9 +221,9 @@ ApiStatus SetCamLeadPlayer(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Camera* camera = &cameras[id];
if (enabled) {
camera->flags |= 0x4;
camera->flags |= CAM_FLAG_LEAD_PLAYER;
} else {
camera->flags &= ~0x4;
camera->flags &= ~CAM_FLAG_LEAD_PLAYER;
return ApiStatus_DONE2;

View File

@ -350,9 +350,17 @@ void gfx_init_state(void) {
gSPDisplayList(gMasterGfxPos++, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(D_80074210));
void func_800271FC(s16*, u32*, s32, s32, void*);
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 320
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "main_loop", func_800271FC, s16*, u32*, s32, s32, void*);
s32 func_800271FC(const u16* framebuf1, const u16* framebuf2, s32 x, s32 y, u8* out) {
s32 pixel = (x * SCREEN_WIDTH) + y;
out[3] = (framebuf2[pixel] >> 2) & 0xF;
out[0] = framebuf1[pixel] >> 11; // red
out[1] = (framebuf1[pixel] >> 6) & 0x1F; // green
out[2] = (framebuf1[pixel] >> 1) & 0x1F; // blue
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "main_loop", func_8002725C);
@ -360,13 +368,11 @@ INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "main_loop", func_80027600);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "main_loop", func_80027774);
// alex: mystery t0=0x140 temp and a few missing loads, but mostly there
// alex: mystery t0=SCREEN_WIDTH temp and weirdness with the `pixel` calculation
// arg0 and arg1 probably framebuffer voidptrs
void func_800279B4(u16* arg0, u16* arg1, u16* arg2) {
s32 temp_s4;
s32 j;
s32 i;
void func_800279B4(const u16* framebuf1, u16* framebuf2, u16* arg2) {
s32 x;
s32 y;
s32 subroutine_argE;
s32 subroutine_arg7;
s32 subroutine_arg8;
@ -376,21 +382,24 @@ void func_800279B4(u16* arg0, u16* arg1, u16* arg2) {
s32 subroutine_argC;
s32 subroutine_argF;
for (i = 1; i < 0xEF; i++) {
for (j = 2; j < 0x13E; j++) {
temp_s4 = (subroutine_argF + j) * 2;
for (y = 1; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1; y++) {
for (x = 2; x < SCREEN_WIDTH - 2; x++) {
s32 pixel = (subroutine_argF + x) * 2;
// Wii U VC changes this condition to FALSE to fix pause menu lag
if (((*(temp_s4 + arg1) >> 2) & 0xF) < 8) {
func_800271FC(arg0, arg1, i - 1, j - 1, &subroutine_argE);
func_800271FC(arg0, arg1, i - 1, j + 1, &subroutine_arg7);
func_800271FC(arg0, arg1, i, j - 2, &subroutine_arg8);
func_800271FC(arg0, arg1, i, j + 2, &subroutine_arg9);
func_800271FC(arg0, arg1, i + 1, j - 1, &subroutine_argA);
func_800271FC(arg0, arg1, i + 1, j + 1, &subroutine_argB);
func_800271FC(arg0, arg1, i, j, &subroutine_argC);
func_8002725C(&subroutine_argE, (subroutine_argC << 24) | (subroutine_argC << 16) | (subroutine_argC << 8) | subroutine_argC, arg2 + temp_s4);
if (((framebuf2[pixel] >> 2) & 0xF) < 8) {
func_800271FC(framebuf1, framebuf2, y - 1, x - 1, &subroutine_argE);
func_800271FC(framebuf1, framebuf2, y - 1, x + 1, &subroutine_arg7);
func_800271FC(framebuf1, framebuf2, y, x - 2, &subroutine_arg8);
func_800271FC(framebuf1, framebuf2, y, x + 2, &subroutine_arg9);
func_800271FC(framebuf1, framebuf2, y + 1, x - 1, &subroutine_argA);
func_800271FC(framebuf1, framebuf2, y + 1, x + 1, &subroutine_argB);
func_800271FC(framebuf1, framebuf2, y, x, &subroutine_argC);
func_8002725C(&subroutine_argE, (subroutine_argC << 24) | (subroutine_argC << 16) | (subroutine_argC << 8) | subroutine_argC, &framebuf2[pixel]);
} else {
*(temp_s4 + arg2) = *(temp_s4 + arg0) | 1;
// Edge
framebuf2[pixel] = framebuf1[pixel] | 1;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "ld_addrs.h"
#include "nu/nusys.h"
// todo remove here and from undefined_syms
extern Addr _163400_BSS_START;
extern Addr _163400_BSS_END;
#include "camera.h"
s32 D_80077980[] = { &D_8038F800, &D_803B5000, &D_803DA800, };
@ -43,11 +40,11 @@ void state_init_file_select(void) {
gCameras[0].unk_06 = 1;
gCameras[0].nearClip = 16;
gCameras[0].farClip = 4096;
gCameras[0].flags |= 2;
gCameras[0].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCurrentCameraID = 0;
gCameras[1].flags |= 2;
gCameras[2].flags |= 2;
gCameras[3].flags |= 2;
gCameras[1].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[2].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[3].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[0].vfov = 25.0f;
set_cam_viewport(0, 12, 28, 296, 184);
gCameras[0].unk_1E = 40;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "ld_addrs.h"
#include "camera.h"
void appendGfx_intro_logos();
@ -41,10 +42,10 @@ void state_init_logos(void) {
gCameras[0].farClip = 0x1000;
gCurrentCameraID = 0;
gCameras[0].vfov = 25.0f;
gCameras[0].flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[1].flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[2].flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[3].flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[0].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[1].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[2].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[3].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
set_cam_viewport(0, 12, 28, 296, 184);
gCameras[0].unk_1E = 0x28;
gCameras[0].bgColor[0] = 0;

View File

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ NpcGroupList N(npcGroupList_80241A9C) = {
s32 N(func_80240000_BDD1B0)(ScriptInstance* script, NpcAISettings* aiSettings, EnemyTerritoryThing* territory) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = FALSE;

View File

@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ ApiStatus N(func_8024219C_BE594C)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
s32 N(func_80242388_BE5B38)(ScriptInstance* script, NpcAISettings* aiSettings, EnemyTerritoryThing* territory) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = FALSE;

View File

@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ NpcGroupList N(npcGroupList_802425C8) = {
s32 N(func_80240208_C2EDA8)(ScriptInstance* script) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ NpcGroupList N(npcGroupList_80244988) = {
s32 N(func_80240458_C31938)(ScriptInstance* script) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ ApiStatus N(func_80240030_C3AA40)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
s32 N(func_80240268_C3AC78)(ScriptInstance* script) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ static const s32 N(pad_1E74)[] = {
s32 N(func_80240208_C3DDF8)(ScriptInstance* script) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ ApiStatus N(func_80240B94_C40944)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
s32 N(func_80241098_C40E48)(ScriptInstance* script) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ NpcGroupList N(npcGroupList_8024533C) = {
s32 N(func_80240208_C46DE8)(ScriptInstance* script) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ Script N(makeEntities) = SCRIPT({
s32 N(func_80240208_C4F718)(ScriptInstance* script) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ NpcGroupList N(npcGroupList_8024318C) = {
s32 N(func_80240208_C52748)(ScriptInstance* script) {
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ s32 N(func_80241AD4_B4C544)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ s32 N(func_80241A24_B54254)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ s32 N(func_8024041C_B59C8C)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ s32 N(func_80241870_B5FB20)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240D5C_B6680C)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ s32 N(func_802408DC_B7398C)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240E00_C61B10)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ s32 N(func_80242744_C73BC4)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ s32 N(func_80241228_C77F08)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240518_C85FC8)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240708_B93B48)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240278_BA09A8)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240778_BA4EF8)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ s32 N(func_802417A0_BAF0E0)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ s32 N(func_80241FB8_D8F208)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ s32 N(func_80241158_D94098)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240258_D11318)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240208_D189E8)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240858_D2C588)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ s32 N(func_80240F48_D30BC8)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ s32 N(func_802405D8_D37DD8)(ScriptInstance *script) {
PlayerStatus** playerStatus = &gPlayerStatusPtr;
Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy;
Npc *npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
Camera* camera = CAM(gCurrentCamID);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
Enemy* enemy2 = get_enemy(enemy->npcID + 1);
f32 phi_f20;
s32 ret = TRUE;

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void func_8024029C_B1B80C(void) {
void func_80240360_B1B8D0(PlayerStatus* playerStatus) {
f32 yaw = -CAM(gCurrentCamID)->currentYaw;
f32 yaw = -gCameras[gCurrentCamID].currentYaw;
Matrix4f main;
Matrix4f translation;
Matrix4f rotation;

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ void func_8024003C_B1CA8C(void) {
void func_80240100_B1CB50(PlayerStatus* playerStatus) {
f32 yaw = -CAM(gCurrentCamID)->currentYaw;
f32 yaw = -gCameras[gCurrentCamID].currentYaw;
Matrix4f main;
Matrix4f translation;
Matrix4f rotation;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ApiStatus N(CamSetFOV)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Bytecode* args = script->ptrReadPos;
s32 camIdx = get_variable(script, *args++);
CAM(camIdx)->vfov = get_variable(script, *args++);
gCameras[camIdx].vfov = get_variable(script, *args++);
return ApiStatus_DONE2;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ ApiStatus N(GetCamVfov)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Bytecode* args = script->ptrReadPos;
s32 cameraID = get_variable(script, *args++);
set_variable(script, *args++, SI_FIXED(CAM(cameraID)->vfov));
set_variable(script, *args++, SI_FIXED(gCameras[cameraID].vfov));
return ApiStatus_DONE2;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ ApiStatus N(SetCamVfov)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Bytecode* args = script->ptrReadPos;
s32 cameraID = get_variable(script, *args++);
CAM(cameraID)->vfov = get_float_variable(script, *args++);
gCameras[cameraID].vfov = get_float_variable(script, *args++);
return ApiStatus_DONE2;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include "map.h"
ApiStatus N(SetCamera0MoveFlag1)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Camera* camera = CAM(0);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[0];
camera->moveFlags |= 1;
return ApiStatus_DONE2;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "camera.h"
ApiStatus N(UnsetCamera0Flag1000)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Camera* camera = CAM(0);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[0];
camera->flags &= ~0x1000;
camera->flags &= ~CAM_FLAG_1000;
return ApiStatus_DONE2;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include "map.h"
ApiStatus N(UnsetCamera0MoveFlag1)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Camera* camera = CAM(0);
Camera* camera = &gCameras[0];
camera->moveFlags &= ~1;
return ApiStatus_DONE2;

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void N(reflection_setup_wall)(void) {
void N(reflection_render_wall)(PlayerStatus* playerStatus) {
f32 yaw = -CAM(gCurrentCamID)->currentYaw;
f32 yaw = -gCameras[gCurrentCamID].currentYaw;
Matrix4f main;
Matrix4f translation;
Matrix4f rotation;
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void N(reflection_setup_floor)(void) {
void N(reflection_render_floor)(PlayerStatus* playerStatus) {
f32 yaw = -CAM(gCurrentCamID)->currentYaw;
f32 yaw = -gCameras[gCurrentCamID].currentYaw;
Matrix4f main;
Matrix4f translation;
Matrix4f rotation;
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ void N(reflection_render_floor_fancy)(PlayerStatus* playerStatus) {
s32 flags;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
yaw = -CAM(gCurrentCamID)->currentYaw;
yaw = -gCameras[gCurrentCamID].currentYaw;
if (i == 0) {
if ((playerStatus->spriteFacingAngle > 90.0f) && (playerStatus->spriteFacingAngle <= 180.0f)) {

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ ApiStatus func_80282594(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
f32 temp_f0;
temp_f0 = get_float_variable(script, *script->ptrReadPos);
camera = CAM(0);
camera = &gCameras[0];
if (temp_f0 >= 0.0f) {
D_80286540 = camera->moveSpeed;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "ld_addrs.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "camera.h"
#define ASSET_TABLE_ROM_START 0x1E40000
@ -168,10 +169,10 @@ void load_map_by_IDs(s16 areaID, s16 mapID, s16 loadType) {
gCurrentCameraID = 0;
gCameras[0].flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[1].flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[2].flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[3].flags |= 0x2;
gCameras[0].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[1].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[2].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
gCameras[3].flags |= CAM_FLAG_ENABLED;
if (gGameStatusPtr->creditsViewportMode == -1) {
set_cam_viewport(0, 12, 20, 296, 200);

View File

@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
.set noat # allow manual use of $at
.set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches
.section .rodata
glabel jtbl_800981E0
.word L8002D4A8_88A8, L8002D4B8_88B8, L8002D4C8_88C8, L8002D498_8898, L8002D4D8_88D8, L8002D4E8_88E8, L8002D4F8_88F8, 0
.section .text
glabel update_cameras
/* 8800 8002D400 27BDFF90 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x70
/* 8804 8002D404 F7B60068 */ sdc1 $f22, 0x68($sp)
/* 8808 8002D408 3C013F80 */ lui $at, 0x3f80
/* 880C 8002D40C 4481B000 */ mtc1 $at, $f22
/* 8810 8002D410 F7B40060 */ sdc1 $f20, 0x60($sp)
/* 8814 8002D414 3C013FE0 */ lui $at, 0x3fe0
/* 8818 8002D418 4481A800 */ mtc1 $at, $f21
/* 881C 8002D41C 4480A000 */ mtc1 $zero, $f20
/* 8820 8002D420 AFB3004C */ sw $s3, 0x4c($sp)
/* 8824 8002D424 0000982D */ daddu $s3, $zero, $zero
/* 8828 8002D428 AFB60058 */ sw $s6, 0x58($sp)
/* 882C 8002D42C 27B60030 */ addiu $s6, $sp, 0x30
/* 8830 8002D430 AFB50054 */ sw $s5, 0x54($sp)
/* 8834 8002D434 27B50034 */ addiu $s5, $sp, 0x34
/* 8838 8002D438 AFB40050 */ sw $s4, 0x50($sp)
/* 883C 8002D43C 27B40038 */ addiu $s4, $sp, 0x38
/* 8840 8002D440 AFB00040 */ sw $s0, 0x40($sp)
/* 8844 8002D444 3C10800B */ lui $s0, %hi(gCameras)
/* 8848 8002D448 26101D80 */ addiu $s0, $s0, %lo(gCameras)
/* 884C 8002D44C AFBF005C */ sw $ra, 0x5c($sp)
/* 8850 8002D450 AFB20048 */ sw $s2, 0x48($sp)
/* 8854 8002D454 AFB10044 */ sw $s1, 0x44($sp)
/* 8858 8002D458 96020000 */ lhu $v0, ($s0)
/* 885C 8002D45C 104000A5 */ beqz $v0, .L8002D6F4
/* 8860 8002D460 30420002 */ andi $v0, $v0, 2
/* 8864 8002D464 544000A4 */ bnel $v0, $zero, .L8002D6F8
/* 8868 8002D468 26730001 */ addiu $s3, $s3, 1
/* 886C 8002D46C 86030004 */ lh $v1, 4($s0)
/* 8870 8002D470 3C01800A */ lui $at, %hi(gCurrentCamID)
/* 8874 8002D474 A433A634 */ sh $s3, %lo(gCurrentCamID)($at)
/* 8878 8002D478 2C620007 */ sltiu $v0, $v1, 7
/* 887C 8002D47C 1040001E */ beqz $v0, L8002D4F8_88F8
/* 8880 8002D480 00031080 */ sll $v0, $v1, 2
/* 8884 8002D484 3C01800A */ lui $at, %hi(jtbl_800981E0)
/* 8888 8002D488 00220821 */ addu $at, $at, $v0
/* 888C 8002D48C 8C2281E0 */ lw $v0, %lo(jtbl_800981E0)($at)
/* 8890 8002D490 00400008 */ jr $v0
/* 8894 8002D494 00000000 */ nop
glabel L8002D498_8898
/* 8898 8002D498 0C00C525 */ jal update_camera_zone_interp
/* 889C 8002D49C 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 88A0 8002D4A0 0800B540 */ j .L8002D500
/* 88A4 8002D4A4 00000000 */ nop
glabel L8002D4A8_88A8
/* 88A8 8002D4A8 0C00BE14 */ jal update_camera_mode_0
/* 88AC 8002D4AC 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 88B0 8002D4B0 0800B540 */ j .L8002D500
/* 88B4 8002D4B4 00000000 */ nop
glabel L8002D4B8_88B8
/* 88B8 8002D4B8 0C00BCA4 */ jal update_camera_mode_1
/* 88BC 8002D4BC 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 88C0 8002D4C0 0800B540 */ j .L8002D500
/* 88C4 8002D4C4 00000000 */ nop
glabel L8002D4C8_88C8
/* 88C8 8002D4C8 0C00BB3E */ jal update_camera_mode_2
/* 88CC 8002D4CC 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 88D0 8002D4D0 0800B540 */ j .L8002D500
/* 88D4 8002D4D4 00000000 */ nop
glabel L8002D4D8_88D8
/* 88D8 8002D4D8 0C00BA44 */ jal update_camera_mode_4
/* 88DC 8002D4DC 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 88E0 8002D4E0 0800B540 */ j .L8002D500
/* 88E4 8002D4E4 00000000 */ nop
glabel L8002D4E8_88E8
/* 88E8 8002D4E8 0C00C000 */ jal update_camera_mode_5
/* 88EC 8002D4EC 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 88F0 8002D4F0 0800B540 */ j .L8002D500
/* 88F4 8002D4F4 00000000 */ nop
glabel L8002D4F8_88F8
/* 88F8 8002D4F8 0C00BE64 */ jal update_camera_mode_6
/* 88FC 8002D4FC 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 8900 8002D500 C6000044 */ lwc1 $f0, 0x44($s0)
/* 8904 8002D504 3C05800A */ lui $a1, %hi(gDisplayContext)
/* 8908 8002D508 8CA5A674 */ lw $a1, %lo(gDisplayContext)($a1)
/* 890C 8002D50C E7A00010 */ swc1 $f0, 0x10($sp)
/* 8910 8002D510 C6000048 */ lwc1 $f0, 0x48($s0)
/* 8914 8002D514 E7A00014 */ swc1 $f0, 0x14($sp)
/* 8918 8002D518 C600004C */ lwc1 $f0, 0x4c($s0)
/* 891C 8002D51C E7A00018 */ swc1 $f0, 0x18($sp)
/* 8920 8002D520 C6000050 */ lwc1 $f0, 0x50($s0)
/* 8924 8002D524 26120114 */ addiu $s2, $s0, 0x114
/* 8928 8002D528 AFA00020 */ sw $zero, 0x20($sp)
/* 892C 8002D52C E7B60024 */ swc1 $f22, 0x24($sp)
/* 8930 8002D530 AFA00028 */ sw $zero, 0x28($sp)
/* 8934 8002D534 E7A0001C */ swc1 $f0, 0x1c($sp)
/* 8938 8002D538 8E06003C */ lw $a2, 0x3c($s0)
/* 893C 8002D53C 8E070040 */ lw $a3, 0x40($s0)
/* 8940 8002D540 0C018CC8 */ jal guLookAtReflectF
/* 8944 8002D544 0240202D */ daddu $a0, $s2, $zero
/* 8948 8002D548 96030000 */ lhu $v1, ($s0)
/* 894C 8002D54C 30620010 */ andi $v0, $v1, 0x10
/* 8950 8002D550 14400034 */ bnez $v0, .L8002D624
/* 8954 8002D554 260400D4 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0xd4
/* 8958 8002D558 30620004 */ andi $v0, $v1, 4
/* 895C 8002D55C 10400004 */ beqz $v0, .L8002D570
/* 8960 8002D560 261100D4 */ addiu $s1, $s0, 0xd4
/* 8964 8002D564 0C00CCE5 */ jal create_camera_leadplayer_matrix
/* 8968 8002D568 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 896C 8002D56C 261100D4 */ addiu $s1, $s0, 0xd4
/* 8970 8002D570 0220202D */ daddu $a0, $s1, $zero
/* 8974 8002D574 8607000A */ lh $a3, 0xa($s0)
/* 8978 8002D578 86020012 */ lh $v0, 0x12($s0)
/* 897C 8002D57C 8603000C */ lh $v1, 0xc($s0)
/* 8980 8002D580 44820000 */ mtc1 $v0, $f0
/* 8984 8002D584 00000000 */ nop
/* 8988 8002D588 46800020 */ cvt.s.w $f0, $f0
/* 898C 8002D58C E7A00010 */ swc1 $f0, 0x10($sp)
/* 8990 8002D590 86020014 */ lh $v0, 0x14($s0)
/* 8994 8002D594 44871000 */ mtc1 $a3, $f2
/* 8998 8002D598 00000000 */ nop
/* 899C 8002D59C 468010A0 */ cvt.s.w $f2, $f2
/* 89A0 8002D5A0 E7B60018 */ swc1 $f22, 0x18($sp)
/* 89A4 8002D5A4 44820000 */ mtc1 $v0, $f0
/* 89A8 8002D5A8 00000000 */ nop
/* 89AC 8002D5AC 46800020 */ cvt.s.w $f0, $f0
/* 89B0 8002D5B0 E7A00014 */ swc1 $f0, 0x14($sp)
/* 89B4 8002D5B4 44830000 */ mtc1 $v1, $f0
/* 89B8 8002D5B8 00000000 */ nop
/* 89BC 8002D5BC 46800020 */ cvt.s.w $f0, $f0
/* 89C0 8002D5C0 46001083 */ div.s $f2, $f2, $f0
/* 89C4 8002D5C4 8E060018 */ lw $a2, 0x18($s0)
/* 89C8 8002D5C8 44071000 */ mfc1 $a3, $f2
/* 89CC 8002D5CC 0C018EE4 */ jal guPerspectiveF
/* 89D0 8002D5D0 26050038 */ addiu $a1, $s0, 0x38
/* 89D4 8002D5D4 96020000 */ lhu $v0, ($s0)
/* 89D8 8002D5D8 30420008 */ andi $v0, $v0, 8
/* 89DC 8002D5DC 10400004 */ beqz $v0, .L8002D5F0
/* 89E0 8002D5E0 26040194 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x194
/* 89E4 8002D5E4 0220282D */ daddu $a1, $s1, $zero
/* 89E8 8002D5E8 0C019D80 */ jal guMtxCatF
/* 89EC 8002D5EC 0220302D */ daddu $a2, $s1, $zero
/* 89F0 8002D5F0 96020000 */ lhu $v0, ($s0)
/* 89F4 8002D5F4 30420004 */ andi $v0, $v0, 4
/* 89F8 8002D5F8 10400004 */ beqz $v0, .L8002D60C
/* 89FC 8002D5FC 26040154 */ addiu $a0, $s0, 0x154
/* 8A00 8002D600 0220282D */ daddu $a1, $s1, $zero
/* 8A04 8002D604 0C019D80 */ jal guMtxCatF
/* 8A08 8002D608 0220302D */ daddu $a2, $s1, $zero
/* 8A0C 8002D60C 0240202D */ daddu $a0, $s2, $zero
/* 8A10 8002D610 0220282D */ daddu $a1, $s1, $zero
/* 8A14 8002D614 0C019D80 */ jal guMtxCatF
/* 8A18 8002D618 00A0302D */ daddu $a2, $a1, $zero
/* 8A1C 8002D61C 0800B5B0 */ j .L8002D6C0
/* 8A20 8002D620 AFB60010 */ sw $s6, 0x10($sp)
/* 8A24 8002D624 8602000A */ lh $v0, 0xa($s0)
/* 8A28 8002D628 44822000 */ mtc1 $v0, $f4
/* 8A2C 8002D62C 00000000 */ nop
/* 8A30 8002D630 46802120 */ cvt.s.w $f4, $f4
/* 8A34 8002D634 46002187 */ neg.s $f6, $f4
/* 8A38 8002D638 460031A1 */ cvt.d.s $f6, $f6
/* 8A3C 8002D63C 46343182 */ mul.d $f6, $f6, $f20
/* 8A40 8002D640 00000000 */ nop
/* 8A44 8002D644 46002121 */ cvt.d.s $f4, $f4
/* 8A48 8002D648 46342102 */ mul.d $f4, $f4, $f20
/* 8A4C 8002D64C 00000000 */ nop
/* 8A50 8002D650 8602000C */ lh $v0, 0xc($s0)
/* 8A54 8002D654 44820000 */ mtc1 $v0, $f0
/* 8A58 8002D658 00000000 */ nop
/* 8A5C 8002D65C 46800020 */ cvt.s.w $f0, $f0
/* 8A60 8002D660 46000087 */ neg.s $f2, $f0
/* 8A64 8002D664 460010A1 */ cvt.d.s $f2, $f2
/* 8A68 8002D668 46341082 */ mul.d $f2, $f2, $f20
/* 8A6C 8002D66C 00000000 */ nop
/* 8A70 8002D670 3C01C47A */ lui $at, 0xc47a
/* 8A74 8002D674 44814000 */ mtc1 $at, $f8
/* 8A78 8002D678 3C01447A */ lui $at, 0x447a
/* 8A7C 8002D67C 44815000 */ mtc1 $at, $f10
/* 8A80 8002D680 E7B6001C */ swc1 $f22, 0x1c($sp)
/* 8A84 8002D684 E7A80014 */ swc1 $f8, 0x14($sp)
/* 8A88 8002D688 46000021 */ cvt.d.s $f0, $f0
/* 8A8C 8002D68C 46340002 */ mul.d $f0, $f0, $f20
/* 8A90 8002D690 00000000 */ nop
/* 8A94 8002D694 E7AA0018 */ swc1 $f10, 0x18($sp)
/* 8A98 8002D698 462031A0 */ cvt.s.d $f6, $f6
/* 8A9C 8002D69C 46202120 */ cvt.s.d $f4, $f4
/* 8AA0 8002D6A0 44053000 */ mfc1 $a1, $f6
/* 8AA4 8002D6A4 44062000 */ mfc1 $a2, $f4
/* 8AA8 8002D6A8 462010A0 */ cvt.s.d $f2, $f2
/* 8AAC 8002D6AC 44071000 */ mfc1 $a3, $f2
/* 8AB0 8002D6B0 46200020 */ cvt.s.d $f0, $f0
/* 8AB4 8002D6B4 0C018E44 */ jal guOrthoF
/* 8AB8 8002D6B8 E7A00010 */ swc1 $f0, 0x10($sp)
/* 8ABC 8002D6BC AFB60010 */ sw $s6, 0x10($sp)
/* 8AC0 8002D6C0 AFB50014 */ sw $s5, 0x14($sp)
/* 8AC4 8002D6C4 AFB40018 */ sw $s4, 0x18($sp)
/* 8AC8 8002D6C8 8E050060 */ lw $a1, 0x60($s0)
/* 8ACC 8002D6CC 8E060064 */ lw $a2, 0x64($s0)
/* 8AD0 8002D6D0 8E070068 */ lw $a3, 0x68($s0)
/* 8AD4 8002D6D4 0C00B94E */ jal get_screen_coords
/* 8AD8 8002D6D8 0000202D */ daddu $a0, $zero, $zero
/* 8ADC 8002D6DC 96C20002 */ lhu $v0, 2($s6)
/* 8AE0 8002D6E0 A6020032 */ sh $v0, 0x32($s0)
/* 8AE4 8002D6E4 96A20002 */ lhu $v0, 2($s5)
/* 8AE8 8002D6E8 A6020034 */ sh $v0, 0x34($s0)
/* 8AEC 8002D6EC 96820002 */ lhu $v0, 2($s4)
/* 8AF0 8002D6F0 A6020036 */ sh $v0, 0x36($s0)
/* 8AF4 8002D6F4 26730001 */ addiu $s3, $s3, 1
/* 8AF8 8002D6F8 2A620004 */ slti $v0, $s3, 4
/* 8AFC 8002D6FC 1440FF56 */ bnez $v0, .L8002D458
/* 8B00 8002D700 26100558 */ addiu $s0, $s0, 0x558
/* 8B04 8002D704 8FBF005C */ lw $ra, 0x5c($sp)
/* 8B08 8002D708 8FB60058 */ lw $s6, 0x58($sp)
/* 8B0C 8002D70C 8FB50054 */ lw $s5, 0x54($sp)
/* 8B10 8002D710 8FB40050 */ lw $s4, 0x50($sp)
/* 8B14 8002D714 8FB3004C */ lw $s3, 0x4c($sp)
/* 8B18 8002D718 8FB20048 */ lw $s2, 0x48($sp)
/* 8B1C 8002D71C 8FB10044 */ lw $s1, 0x44($sp)
/* 8B20 8002D720 8FB00040 */ lw $s0, 0x40($sp)
/* 8B24 8002D724 D7B60068 */ ldc1 $f22, 0x68($sp)
/* 8B28 8002D728 D7B40060 */ ldc1 $f20, 0x60($sp)
/* 8B2C 8002D72C 3C01800A */ lui $at, %hi(gCurrentCamID)
/* 8B30 8002D730 A420A634 */ sh $zero, %lo(gCurrentCamID)($at)
/* 8B34 8002D734 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 8B38 8002D738 27BD0070 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x70

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
.set noat # allow manual use of $at
.set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches
glabel func_800271FC
/* 25FC 800271FC 00061880 */ sll $v1, $a2, 2
/* 2600 80027200 00661821 */ addu $v1, $v1, $a2
/* 2604 80027204 00031980 */ sll $v1, $v1, 6
/* 2608 80027208 00671821 */ addu $v1, $v1, $a3
/* 260C 8002720C 00031840 */ sll $v1, $v1, 1
/* 2610 80027210 00652821 */ addu $a1, $v1, $a1
/* 2614 80027214 00641821 */ addu $v1, $v1, $a0
/* 2618 80027218 94A20000 */ lhu $v0, ($a1)
/* 261C 8002721C 8FA50010 */ lw $a1, 0x10($sp)
/* 2620 80027220 00021082 */ srl $v0, $v0, 2
/* 2624 80027224 3042000F */ andi $v0, $v0, 0xf
/* 2628 80027228 A0A20003 */ sb $v0, 3($a1)
/* 262C 8002722C 94620000 */ lhu $v0, ($v1)
/* 2630 80027230 000212C2 */ srl $v0, $v0, 0xb
/* 2634 80027234 A0A20000 */ sb $v0, ($a1)
/* 2638 80027238 94620000 */ lhu $v0, ($v1)
/* 263C 8002723C 00021182 */ srl $v0, $v0, 6
/* 2640 80027240 3042001F */ andi $v0, $v0, 0x1f
/* 2644 80027244 A0A20001 */ sb $v0, 1($a1)
/* 2648 80027248 94620000 */ lhu $v0, ($v1)
/* 264C 8002724C 00021042 */ srl $v0, $v0, 1
/* 2650 80027250 3042001F */ andi $v0, $v0, 0x1f
/* 2654 80027254 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 2658 80027258 A0A20002 */ sb $v0, 2($a1)