Merge branch 'master' into misc-decomp

This commit is contained in:
Ethan Roseman 2021-01-01 10:20:39 +09:00
commit 1c7a19255b
33 changed files with 884 additions and 398 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"recommendations": [

View File

@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ FROM ubuntu:20.04 as build
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN sudo ./
COPY requirements.txt /
COPY requirements_extra.txt /
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo && ./ --extra
RUN mkdir /papermario
WORKDIR /papermario

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ CC=tools/$(OS)/cc1
### Compiler Options ###
CPPFLAGS := -Iinclude -Isrc -D _LANGUAGE_C -ffreestanding -DF3DEX_GBI_2 -D_MIPS_SZLONG=32 -Wundef -Wcomment
CPPFLAGS := -Iinclude -Isrc -D _LANGUAGE_C -D _FINALROM -ffreestanding -DF3DEX_GBI_2 -D_MIPS_SZLONG=32 -Wundef -Wcomment
ASFLAGS := -EB -Iinclude -march=vr4300 -mtune=vr4300
OLDASFLAGS := -EB -Iinclude -G 0
CFLAGS := -O2 -quiet -G 0 -mcpu=vr4300 -mfix4300 -mips3 -mgp32 -mfp32 -Wimplicit -Wuninitialized -Wshadow

View File

@ -24,6 +24,16 @@ $ ./
Our install script does not yet support distros other than Ubuntu, Arch, and their derivatives. Please consider contributing to the script if you use another distro!
##### Docker
A Docker image containing all dependencies can be built and ran as follows:
# build image
$ docker build . -t pm
# spin up container, mounting current directory inside
$ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/papermario pm
#### Base ROM
You'll need a Paper Mario (USA) ROM to work on this project. Copy it into the root directory of the repository with the name `baserom.z64`.

View File

@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ glabel boot_idle
/* 39D88 8005E988 8C42A630 */ lw $v0, %lo(D_8009A630)($v0)
/* 39D8C 8005E98C 1040FFFF */ beqz $v0, .L8005E98C
/* 39D90 8005E990 00000000 */ nop
/* 39D90 8005E990 00000000 */ nop
/* 39D94 8005E994 0040F809 */ jalr $v0
/* 39D98 8005E998 00000000 */ nop
/* 39D98 8005E998 00000000 */ nop
/* 39D9C 8005E99C 08017A61 */ j .L8005E984
/* 39DA0 8005E9A0 00000000 */ nop
/* 39DA4 8005E9A4 00000000 */ nop
/* 39DA8 8005E9A8 00000000 */ nop
/* 39DAC 8005E9AC 00000000 */ nop
/* 39DA0 8005E9A0 00000000 */ nop
/* 39DA4 8005E9A4 00000000 */ nop
/* 39DA8 8005E9A8 00000000 */ nop
/* 39DAC 8005E9AC 00000000 */ nop

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
.set noat # allow manual use of $at
.set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches
glabel nuBoot
/* 39CB0 8005E8B0 27BDFFE0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x20
/* 39CB4 8005E8B4 AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x1c($sp)
/* 39CB8 8005E8B8 0C01A9C2 */ jal osInitialize
/* 39CBC 8005E8BC AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 39CC0 8005E8C0 3C10800A */ lui $s0, %hi(D_800A4270)
/* 39CC4 8005E8C4 26104270 */ addiu $s0, $s0, %lo(D_800A4270)
/* 39CC8 8005E8C8 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 39CCC 8005E8CC 3C02800A */ lui $v0, %hi(nuScStack)
/* 39CD0 8005E8D0 244265D0 */ addiu $v0, $v0, %lo(nuScStack)
/* 39CD4 8005E8D4 AFA20010 */ sw $v0, 0x10($sp)
/* 39CD8 8005E8D8 2402000A */ addiu $v0, $zero, 0xa
/* 39CDC 8005E8DC 24050001 */ addiu $a1, $zero, 1
/* 39CE0 8005E8E0 3C068006 */ lui $a2, %hi(boot_idle)
/* 39CE4 8005E8E4 24C6E90C */ addiu $a2, $a2, %lo(boot_idle)
/* 39CE8 8005E8E8 0000382D */ daddu $a3, $zero, $zero
/* 39CEC 8005E8EC 0C019798 */ jal osCreateThread
/* 39CF0 8005E8F0 AFA20014 */ sw $v0, 0x14($sp)
/* 39CF4 8005E8F4 0C019808 */ jal osStartThread
/* 39CF8 8005E8F8 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 39CFC 8005E8FC 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x1c($sp)
/* 39D00 8005E900 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/* 39D04 8005E904 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 39D08 8005E908 27BD0020 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x20

View File

@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ typedef struct Vec2bu {
/* 0x01 */ u8 y;
} Vec2bu; // size = 0x02
typedef struct Vec3b {
/* 0x00 */ s8 x;
/* 0x01 */ s8 y;
/* 0x02 */ s8 z;
} Vec3b; // size = 0x03
typedef struct Vec3f {
/* 0x00 */ f32 x;
/* 0x04 */ f32 y;
@ -658,31 +664,6 @@ typedef struct TextureHeader {
/* 0x2F */ u8 filtering;
} TextureHeader; // size = 0x30
typedef struct StaticActorData {
/* 0x00 */ s32 flags;
/* 0x04 */ char unk_04;
/* 0x05 */ u8 type;
/* 0x06 */ u8 level;
/* 0x07 */ u8 maxHP;
/* 0x08 */ s16 partCount;
/* 0x0A */ char unk_0A[2];
/* 0x0C */ struct StaticActorPart** partsData;
/* 0x10 */ UNK_PTR script;
/* 0x14 */ UNK_PTR statusTable;
/* 0x18 */ u8 escapeChance;
/* 0x19 */ u8 airLiftChance;
/* 0x1A */ u8 spookChance;
/* 0x1B */ u8 baseStatusChance;
/* 0x1C */ u8 upAndAwayChance;
/* 0x1D */ u8 spinSmashReq;
/* 0x1E */ u8 powerBounceChance;
/* 0x1F */ u8 coinReward;
/* 0x20 */ u8 size[2];
/* 0x22 */ Vec2b hpBarOffset;
/* 0x24 */ Vec2b statusIconOffset;
/* 0x26 */ Vec2b statusMessageOffset;
} StaticActorData; // size = 0x28
typedef struct StaticMove {
/* 0x00 */ s32 moveNameID;
/* 0x04 */ s32 flags;
@ -1045,7 +1026,7 @@ typedef struct ActorPartMovement {
typedef struct ActorPart {
/* 0x00 */ s32 flags;
/* 0x04 */ s32 targetFlags; /* initialized to 0 */
/* 0x08 */ struct StaticActorPart* staticData;
/* 0x08 */ struct ActorPartDesc* staticData;
/* 0x0C */ struct ActorPart* nextPart;
/* 0x10 */ struct ActorPartMovement* movement;
/* 0x14 */ Vec3s partOffset;
@ -1239,7 +1220,7 @@ typedef struct ActorFlyPos {
typedef struct Actor {
/* 0x000 */ s32 flags;
/* 0x004 */ char unk_04[4];
/* 0x008 */ struct StaticActorData* staticActorData;
/* 0x008 */ struct ActorDesc* staticActorData;
/* 0x00C */ ActorMovePos movePos;
/* 0x030 */ char unk_30[24];
/* 0x048 */ f32 jumpAccel;
@ -1361,19 +1342,6 @@ typedef struct Actor {
/* 0x440 */ struct MenuIcon* ptrDefuffIcon;
} Actor; // size = 0x444
typedef struct StaticActorPart {
/* 0x00 */ s32 flags;
/* 0x04 */ s8 index;
/* 0x05 */ u8 posOffset[3];
/* 0x08 */ u8 targetOffset[2];
/* 0x0A */ s16 opacity;
/* 0x0C */ u32* idleAnimations;
/* 0x10 */ u32* defenseTable;
/* 0x14 */ s32 eventFlags;
/* 0x18 */ s32 flags3;
/* 0x1C */ char unk_1C[8];
} StaticActorPart; // size = 0x24
typedef struct TileDescriptor {
/* 0x00 */ s8 name[32];
/* 0x20 */ s16 auxW;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
#include "common_structs.h"
#include "enums.h"
void nuBoot(void);
void boot_idle(void);
void boot_main(void);
void osCleanupThread(void);
s32 heap_malloc(s32 size);

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#define ALIGN16(val) (((val) + 0xF) & ~0xF)
#define N(sym) NS(NAMESPACE, sym)
#define ARRAY_COUNT(arr) (s32)(sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))
#define ARRAY_COUNTU(arr) (u32)(sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))

View File

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
// TODO: consider moving Npc here
#define N(sym) NS(NAMESPACE, sym)
#define ENTRY_COUNT(entryList) (sizeof(entryList) / sizeof(Vec4f))
typedef Vec4f EntryList[0];

View File

@ -246,4 +246,9 @@ extern s16 gMusicTargetVolume;
extern MusicPlayer gMusicPlayers[4];
extern MusicPlayer D_8014F6F0;
// OS
extern OSThread D_800A4270; // idle thread, id 1
extern OSThread D_800A4420; // id 3
extern s32 D_800B8590;

src/battle/actor/goomba.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "battle/battle.h"
#include "script_api/battle.h"
#include "sprite/npc/goomba.h"
#include "goomba.h"
ApiStatus func_8021818C_430B2C(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall);
s32 goomba_anims_running[];
s32 goomba_anims[];
s32 goomba_defense_table[];
s32 goomba_status_table[];
s32 goomba_defense_table[];
ActorPartDesc goomba_parts[];
Script goomba_init;
Script goomba_turn;
Script goomba_idle;
Script goomba_dispatch;
s32 goomba_defense_table[] = {
Element_NORMAL, 0,
s32 goomba_status_table[] = {
Debuff_NORMAL, 0,
Debuff_DEFAULT, 0,
Debuff_SLEEP, 100,
Debuff_POISON, 100,
Debuff_FROZEN, 100,
Debuff_DIZZY, 100,
Debuff_FEAR, 100,
Debuff_STATIC, 100,
Debuff_PARALYZE, 100,
Debuff_SHRINK, 100,
Debuff_STOP, 100,
Debuff_FEAR_TURN_MOD, 0,
Debuff_STOP_TURN_MOD, 0,
ActorPartDesc goomba_parts[] = {
.flags = 0x00800000,
.index = 1,
.posOffset = { 0, 0, 0 },
.targetOffset = { 0, 20 },
.opacity = 0xFF,
.idleAnimations = goomba_anims,
.defenseTable = goomba_defense_table,
.eventFlags = 0,
.elementImmunityFlags = 0,
0x00, 0xF6,
ActorDesc goomba = {
.flags = 0,
.type = 7,
.level = 5,
.maxHP = 2,
.partCount = 1,
.partsData = &goomba_parts,
.script = &goomba_init,
.statusTable = &goomba_status_table,
.escapeChance = 90,
.airLiftChance = 100,
.spookChance = 90,
.baseStatusChance = 100,
.upAndAwayChance = 95,
.spinSmashReq = 0,
.powerBounceChance = 100,
.coinReward = 1,
.size = { 24, 24 },
.hpBarOffset = { 0, 0 },
.statusIconOffset = { -10, 20 },
.statusMessageOffset = { 10, 20 },
s32 goomba_anims[] = {
Debuff_NORMAL, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle),
Debuff_STONE, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, still),
Debuff_SLEEP, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, asleep),
Debuff_POISON, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle),
Debuff_STOP, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, still),
Debuff_STATIC, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle),
Debuff_PARALYZE, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, still),
Debuff_DIZZY, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dizzy),
Debuff_FEAR, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dizzy),
s32 goomba_anims_running[] = {
Debuff_NORMAL, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, run),
Debuff_STONE, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, still),
Debuff_SLEEP, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, asleep),
Debuff_POISON, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle),
Debuff_STOP, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, still),
Debuff_STATIC, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, run),
Debuff_PARALYZE, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, still),
Debuff_DIZZY, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dizzy),
Debuff_FEAR, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dizzy),
Script goomba_init = SCRIPT({
BindTakeTurn(ActorID_SELF, goomba_turn);
BindIdle(ActorID_SELF, goomba_idle);
BindHandleEvent(ActorID_SELF, goomba_dispatch);
Script goomba_idle = SCRIPT({
RandInt(80, SI_VAR(0));
SI_VAR(0) += 80;
loop SI_VAR(0) {
GetStatusFlags(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(1));
if (SI_VAR(1) & 0x35D000) {
sleep 1;
goto 0;
sleep 1;
GetActorPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
SI_VAR(0) += 5;
SetActorIdleSpeed(ActorID_SELF, 1.0);
SetIdleAnimations(ActorID_SELF, 1, goomba_anims_running);
SetIdleGoal(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
IdleRunToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 0);
SetIdleAnimations(ActorID_SELF, 1, goomba_anims);
loop 20 {
GetStatusFlags(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(1));
if (SI_VAR(1) & 0x35D000) {
sleep 1;
goto 1;
sleep 1;
GetActorPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
SI_VAR(0) -= 5;
SetActorIdleSpeed(ActorID_SELF, 1.0);
SetIdleAnimations(ActorID_SELF, 1, goomba_anims_running);
SetIdleGoal(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
IdleRunToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 0);
SetIdleAnimations(ActorID_SELF, 1, goomba_anims);
loop 80 {
GetStatusFlags(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(1));
if (SI_VAR(1) & 0x35D000) {
sleep 1;
goto 2;
sleep 1;
goto 10;
Script goomba_dispatch = SCRIPT({
UseIdleAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 0);
EnableIdleScript(ActorID_SELF, 0);
SetActorScale(ActorID_SELF, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
GetLastEvent(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0));
match SI_VAR(0) {
Event_HIT_COMBO, Event_HIT {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pain);
await DoNormalHit;
== Event_BURN_HIT {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, burn_pain);
SI_VAR(2) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, burn_dead);
await DoBurnHit;
== Event_BURN_DEATH {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, burn_pain);
SI_VAR(2) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, burn_dead);
await DoBurnHit;
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, burn_dead);
await DoDeath;
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pain);
await DoSpinSmashHit;
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pain);
await DoSpinSmashHit;
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dead);
await DoDeath;
== Event_SHOCK_HIT {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, electrocute);
await DoShockHit;
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pain);
await DoJumpBack;
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 5, 0, 1, 0);
SetAnimationRate(ActorID_SELF, 1, 2.0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dizzy));
SetActorSpeed(ActorID_SELF, 8.0);
RunToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0);
SetAnimationRate(ActorID_SELF, 1, 1.0);
sleep 5;
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle));
SetActorJumpGravity(ActorID_SELF, 1.6);
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 5, 0, 1, 0);
== Event_SHOCK_DEATH {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, electrocute);
await DoShockHit;
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dead);
await DoDeath;
== Event_STAR_BEAM, 23, Event_IMMUNE, Event_AIR_LIFT_FAILED {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle);
await DoImmune;
== Event_DEATH {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pain);
await DoNormalHit;
sleep 10;
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dead);
await DoDeath;
SetAnimationRate(ActorID_SELF, 1, 2.0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, run));
SetActorSpeed(ActorID_SELF, 4.0);
RunToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0);
SetAnimationRate(ActorID_SELF, 1, 1.0);
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle);
await DoRecover;
== Event_SCARE_AWAY {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, run);
SI_VAR(2) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pain);
await DoScareAway;
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, run);
await DoAirLift;
== Event_BLOW_AWAY {
SI_VAR(0) = c 1;
SI_VAR(1) = c NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pain);
await DoBlowAway;
} else {
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle));
EnableIdleScript(ActorID_SELF, 1);
UseIdleAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1);
f32 float_table_for_func_80218000[] = {
0.000000f, 0.017452f, 0.034899f, 0.052336f, 0.069756f, 0.087156f, 0.104528f, 0.121869f,
0.139173f, 0.156434f, 0.173648f, 0.190809f, 0.207912f, 0.224951f, 0.241922f, 0.258819f,
0.275637f, 0.292372f, 0.309017f, 0.325568f, 0.342020f, 0.358368f, 0.374607f, 0.390731f,
0.406737f, 0.422618f, 0.438371f, 0.453990f, 0.469472f, 0.484810f, 0.500000f, 0.515038f,
0.529919f, 0.544639f, 0.559193f, 0.573576f, 0.587785f, 0.601815f, 0.615661f, 0.629320f,
0.642788f, 0.656059f, 0.669131f, 0.681998f, 0.694658f, 0.707107f, 0.719340f, 0.731354f,
0.743145f, 0.754710f, 0.766044f, 0.777146f, 0.788011f, 0.798636f, 0.809017f, 0.819152f,
0.829038f, 0.838671f, 0.848048f, 0.857167f, 0.866025f, 0.874620f, 0.882948f, 0.891007f,
0.898794f, 0.906308f, 0.913545f, 0.920505f, 0.927184f, 0.933580f, 0.939693f, 0.945519f,
0.951057f, 0.956305f, 0.961262f, 0.965926f, 0.970296f, 0.974370f, 0.978148f, 0.981627f,
0.984808f, 0.987688f, 0.990268f, 0.992546f, 0.994522f, 0.996195f, 0.997564f, 0.998630f,
0.999391f, 0.999848f, 1.000000f,
Script goomba_turn = SCRIPT({
UseIdleAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 0);
EnableIdleScript(ActorID_SELF, 0);
SetTargetActor(ActorID_SELF, 0);
0x8024ECF8(-1, 1, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, run));
AddGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, 50, 0, 0);
SetActorSpeed(ActorID_SELF, 6.0);
RunToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle));
SetActorDispOffset(ActorID_SELF, 0, -1, 0);
sleep 1;
SetActorDispOffset(ActorID_SELF, 0, -2, 0);
sleep 5;
SetActorDispOffset(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, headbonk));
EnemyTestTarget(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), 0, 0, 1, 16);
match SI_VAR(0) {
6, 5 {
SI_VAR(10) = SI_VAR(0);
GetGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
SI_VAR(0) -= 10;
SI_VAR(1) = 10;
SI_VAR(2) += 3;
SetGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
SetActorJumpGravity(ActorID_SELF, 1.2);
spawn {
GetActorPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2), SI_VAR(0));
SI_VAR(0) = 0;
loop 16 {
GetActorPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(4), SI_VAR(5), SI_VAR(6));
func_8021818C_430B2C(SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2), SI_VAR(4), SI_VAR(5), SI_VAR(0));
SetActorRotation(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0, SI_VAR(0));
SI_VAR(1) = SI_VAR(4);
SI_VAR(2) = SI_VAR(5);
SI_VAR(3) = SI_VAR(6);
sleep 1;
spawn {
sleep 6;
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, headbonk));
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 16, 0, 1, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, asleep));
SetActorScale(ActorID_SELF, 1.1, 0.8, 1.0);
SetActorDispOffset(ActorID_SELF, 0, 5, 0);
sleep 1;
SetActorScale(ActorID_SELF, 1.3, 0.5, 1.0);
SetActorDispOffset(ActorID_SELF, 0, -2, 0);
sleep 1;
SetActorScale(ActorID_SELF, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
SetActorDispOffset(ActorID_SELF, 0, 7, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pain));
sleep 5;
if (SI_VAR(10) == 5) {
EnemyTestTarget(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), 0x80000000, 0, 0, 0);
sleep 5;
SetActorDispOffset(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, headbonk));
GetGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
SI_VAR(0) += 20;
SI_VAR(1) = 0;
SetGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
SetActorJumpGravity(ActorID_SELF, 2.0);
spawn {
sleep 4;
SI_VAR(0) = 180;
loop 4 {
SI_VAR(0) -= 45;
SetActorRotation(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0, SI_VAR(0));
sleep 1;
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, headbonk));
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 15, 0, 1, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, dizzy));
sleep 5;
SetActorYaw(ActorID_SELF, 180);
AddActorDecoration(ActorID_SELF, 1, 0, 2);
SetAnimationRate(ActorID_SELF, 1, 2.0);
SetActorSpeed(ActorID_SELF, 8.0);
RunToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0);
SetAnimationRate(ActorID_SELF, 1, 1.0);
SetActorYaw(ActorID_SELF, 0);
sleep 5;
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle));
SetActorJumpGravity(ActorID_SELF, 1.6);
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 5, 0, 1, 0);
RemoveActorDecoration(ActorID_SELF, 1, 0);
EnableIdleScript(ActorID_SELF, 1);
UseIdleAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1);
} else {
SetActorJumpGravity(ActorID_SELF, 1.2);
spawn {
GetActorPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2), SI_VAR(0));
SI_VAR(0) = 0;
loop 16 {
GetActorPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(4), SI_VAR(5), SI_VAR(6));
func_8021818C_430B2C(SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2), SI_VAR(4), SI_VAR(5), SI_VAR(0));
SetActorRotation(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0, SI_VAR(0));
SI_VAR(1) = SI_VAR(4);
SI_VAR(2) = SI_VAR(5);
SI_VAR(3) = SI_VAR(6);
sleep 1;
spawn {
sleep 6;
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, headbonk));
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 16, 0, 1, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, pre_headbonk));
SetActorScale(ActorID_SELF, 1.1, 0.8, 1.0);
sleep 1;
SetActorScale(ActorID_SELF, 1.3, 0.5, 1.0);
sleep 1;
EnemyDamageTarget(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), 0, 0, 0, 1, 32);
match SI_VAR(0) {
0, 2 {
SetActorScale(ActorID_SELF, 1.1, 0.8, 1.0);
sleep 1;
SetActorScale(ActorID_SELF, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
sleep 1;
SetActorRotation(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0, 0);
SetActorDispOffset(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle));
GetGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
SI_VAR(0) += 40;
SI_VAR(1) = 0;
SetActorJumpGravity(ActorID_SELF, 1.8);
SetGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 10, 0, 1, 0);
SI_VAR(0) += 30;
SetGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 8, 0, 1, 0);
SI_VAR(0) += 20;
SetGoalPos(ActorID_SELF, SI_VAR(0), SI_VAR(1), SI_VAR(2));
JumpToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 6, 0, 1, 0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, idle));
sleep 3;
SetAnimationRate(ActorID_SELF, 1, 2.0);
SetAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1, NPC_ANIM(goomba, normal, run));
SetActorSpeed(ActorID_SELF, 8.0);
RunToGoal(ActorID_SELF, 0, 0);
SetAnimationRate(ActorID_SELF, 1, 1.0);
EnableIdleScript(ActorID_SELF, 1);
UseIdleAnimation(ActorID_SELF, 1);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
// TODO: disasm
#define goomba 0x802196EC
#include "common.h"
#include "battle/battle.h"
ActorDesc goomba;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#include "battle/battle.h"
// TODO: disasm
#define paragoomba 0x8021CD00
extern ActorDesc paragoomba;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#include "battle/battle.h"
// TODO: disasm
#define spikedGoomba 0x8021B0AC
extern ActorDesc spiked_goomba;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "battle/battle.h"
#define NAMESPACE b_area_arn

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define NAMESPACE b_area_kmr_part_1
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "battle/area_kmr_part_1/4309A0", func_80218000_4309A0);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "battle/area_kmr_part_1/4309A0", func_80218000_4309A0); // goomba.c
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "battle/area_kmr_part_1/4309A0", func_8021818C_430B2C);

View File

@ -8,66 +8,66 @@
#define NAMESPACE b_area_kmr_part_1
Formation formation0 = {
{ goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ &goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
Formation formation1 = {
{ goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 9 },
{ &goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ &goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 9 },
Formation formation2 = {
{ goomba, .position = 0, .priority = 10 },
{ goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 9 },
{ goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 8 },
{ &goomba, .position = 0, .priority = 10 },
{ &goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 9 },
{ &goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 8 },
Formation formation3 = {
{ goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ paragoomba, .position = 6, .priority = 9 },
{ &goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 6, .priority = 9 },
Formation formation4 = {
{ goomba, .position = 0, .priority = 10 },
{ goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 9 },
{ goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 8 },
{ goomba, .position = 3, .priority = 7 },
{ &goomba, .position = 0, .priority = 10 },
{ &goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 9 },
{ &goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 8 },
{ &goomba, .position = 3, .priority = 7 },
Formation formation5 = {
{ goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ spikedGoomba, .position = 2, .priority = 9 },
{ &goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ &spiked_goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 9 },
Formation formation6 = {
{ goomba, .position = 0, .priority = 10 },
{ paragoomba, .position = 5, .priority = 9 },
{ goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 8 },
{ paragoomba, .position = 7, .priority = 7 },
{ &goomba, .position = 0, .priority = 10 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 5, .priority = 9 },
{ &goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 8 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 7, .priority = 7 },
Formation formation7 = {
{ paragoomba, .position = 5, .priority = 10 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 5, .priority = 10 },
Formation formation8 = {
{ paragoomba, .position = 5, .priority = 10 },
{ paragoomba, .position = 6, .priority = 9 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 5, .priority = 10 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 6, .priority = 9 },
Formation formation9 = {
{ paragoomba, .position = 4, .priority = 10 },
{ paragoomba, .position = 5, .priority = 9 },
{ paragoomba, .position = 6, .priority = 8 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 4, .priority = 10 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 5, .priority = 9 },
{ &paragoomba, .position = 6, .priority = 8 },
Formation formation10 = {
{ spikedGoomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ &spiked_goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
Formation formation11 = {
{ spikedGoomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 9 },
{ &spiked_goomba, .position = 1, .priority = 10 },
{ &goomba, .position = 2, .priority = 9 },
BattleList area_kmr_part_1_battles = {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,31 @@
#include "common.h"
typedef struct ActorDesc {
/* 0x00 */ s32 flags;
/* 0x04 */ char unk_04;
/* 0x05 */ u8 type;
/* 0x06 */ u8 level;
/* 0x07 */ u8 maxHP;
/* 0x08 */ s16 partCount;
/* 0x0A */ char unk_0A[2];
/* 0x0C */ struct ActorPartDesc** partsData;
/* 0x10 */ Bytecode* script;
/* 0x14 */ s32* statusTable;
/* 0x18 */ u8 escapeChance;
/* 0x19 */ u8 airLiftChance;
/* 0x1A */ u8 spookChance;
/* 0x1B */ u8 baseStatusChance;
/* 0x1C */ u8 upAndAwayChance;
/* 0x1D */ u8 spinSmashReq;
/* 0x1E */ u8 powerBounceChance;
/* 0x1F */ u8 coinReward;
/* 0x20 */ Vec2b size;
/* 0x22 */ Vec2b hpBarOffset;
/* 0x24 */ Vec2b statusIconOffset;
/* 0x26 */ Vec2b statusMessageOffset;
} ActorDesc; // size = 0x28
typedef struct Stage {
/* 0x00 */ const char* texture;
/* 0x04 */ const char* shape;
@ -23,7 +48,7 @@ typedef struct StageListRow {
} StageList[]; // size = 0x08 * n
typedef struct FormationRow {
/* 0x00 */ StaticActorData* actor;
/* 0x00 */ ActorDesc* actor;
/* 0x04 */ s32 position; ///< Home position. May also be a `Vector3*`.
/* 0x08 */ s32 priority; ///< Actors with higher priority values take their turn first.
/* 0x0C */ s32 var0;
@ -45,4 +70,24 @@ typedef struct Battle {
// TODO: enum for home position (0..3 are floor, 4..7 are air, etc.)
typedef struct {
Element element;
s32 defense;
} DefenseTableEntry;
typedef DefenseTableEntry DefenseTable[];
typedef struct ActorPartDesc {
/* 0x00 */ s32 flags;
/* 0x04 */ s8 index;
/* 0x05 */ Vec3b posOffset;
/* 0x08 */ Vec2b targetOffset;
/* 0x0A */ s16 opacity;
/* 0x0C */ s32* idleAnimations;
/* 0x10 */ s32* defenseTable;
/* 0x14 */ s32 eventFlags;
/* 0x18 */ s32 elementImmunityFlags;
/* 0x1C */ char unk_1C[8];
} ActorPartDesc; // size = 0x24

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "battle/battle.h"
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_190B20", create_target_list);
@ -93,11 +93,6 @@ INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_190B20", func_80265CE8);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_190B20", func_80265D44);
typedef struct {
Element element;
s32 defense;
} DefenseTableEntry;
s32 lookup_defense(DefenseTableEntry* defenseTable, Element elementKey) {
DefenseTableEntry* row;
s32 normalDefense = 0;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "battle/battle.h"
s32 count_targets(Actor* actor, s32 targetHomeIndex, s32 targetSelectionFlags) {
BattleStatus* battleStatus = BATTLE_STATUS;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "battle/battle.h"
void dispatch_event_actor(Actor* actor, Event event);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "battle/battle.h"
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_1AC760", dispatch_event_partner);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "battle/battle.h"
ApiStatus N(UnkBattleFunc1)(ScriptInstance* script, s32 isInitialCall) {
Bytecode* args = script->ptrReadPos;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "nu/nusys.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "variables.h"
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "os/code_39cb0_len_100", nuBoot);
// TODO: create src/os/nusys/nuSched.h?
extern u64 nuScStack[NU_SC_STACK_SIZE / sizeof(u64)];
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "os/code_39cb0_len_100", boot_idle);
//void (*nuIdleFunc)(void) = NULL;
void nuBoot(void) {
osInitialize(); // __osInitialize_common
osCreateThread(&D_800A4270, NU_IDLE_THREAD_ID, boot_idle, NULL, &nuScStack, 10);
void boot_idle(void) {
nuIdleFunc = NULL;
nuScCreateScheduler(OS_VI_NTSC_LAN1, 1);
osCreateThread(&D_800A4420, NU_MAIN_THREAD_ID, boot_main, NULL, &D_800B8590, NU_MAIN_THREAD_PRI);
osSetThreadPri(&D_800A4270, NU_IDLE_THREAD_PRI);
while (1) {
if (nuIdleFunc != NULL) {
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "os/code_39cb0_len_100", boot_idle, void);

View File

@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ script_parser = Lark(r"""
| "<" -> cond_op_lt
| ">=" -> cond_op_ge
| "<=" -> cond_op_le
| "?" -> cond_op_flag
| "&" -> cond_op_flag
| "!&" -> cond_op_not_flag
match_stmt: "match" expr "{" (match_cases SEMICOLON*)? "}"
match_const_stmt: "matchc" expr "{" (match_cases SEMICOLON*)? "}"
@ -259,12 +260,12 @@ class LabelAllocation(Visitor):
raise CompileError(f"label `{name}' already declared", tree.meta)
label_idx = int(name, base=0)
label_idx = int(name)
while len(self.labels) < label_idx:
while len(self.labels) <= label_idx:
self.labels.insert(label_idx, name)
self.labels[label_idx] = name
except ValueError:
@ -353,7 +354,8 @@ class Compile(Transformer):
def cond_op_gt(self, tree): return { "if": "ScriptOpcode_IF_GT", "case": "ScriptOpcode_CASE_GT" }
def cond_op_le(self, tree): return { "if": "ScriptOpcode_IF_LE", "case": "ScriptOpcode_CASE_LE" }
def cond_op_ge(self, tree): return { "if": "ScriptOpcode_IF_GE", "case": "ScriptOpcode_CASE_GE" }
def cond_op_flag(self, tree): return { "if": "ScriptOpcode_IF_FLAG", "case": "ScriptOpcode_CASE_FLAG" }
def cond_op_flag(self, tree): return { "__op__": "&", "if": "ScriptOpcode_IF_FLAG", "case": "ScriptOpcode_CASE_FLAG" }
def cond_op_not_flag(self, tree): return { "__op__": "!&", "if": "ScriptOpcode_IF_NOT_FLAG" }
def match_stmt(self, tree):
expr = tree.children[0]
@ -389,13 +391,21 @@ class Compile(Transformer):
return [tree.children[0], *tree.children[1]]
def case_else(self, tree):
return [Cmd("ScriptOpcode_ELSE"), *tree.children[0]]
return [Cmd("ScriptOpcode_CASE_ELSE"), *tree.children[0]]
def case_op(self, tree):
if len(tree.children) == 4:
op, expr, multi_case, block = tree.children
if not "case" in op:
raise CompileError(f"operation `{opcodes['__op__']}' not supported in match cases", tree.meta)
return [Cmd(op["case"], expr), *multi_case, *block, Cmd("ScriptOpcode_END_CASE_MULTI")]
op, expr, block = tree.children
if not "case" in op:
raise CompileError(f"operation `{opcodes['__op__']}' not supported in match cases", tree.meta)
return [Cmd(op["case"], expr), *block]
def case_range(self, tree):
if len(tree.children) == 4:
@ -583,33 +593,6 @@ class Compile(Transformer):
"const": "ScriptOpcode_OR_CONST",
def label_decl(self, tree):
if len(tree.children) == 1:
label = tree.children[0]
return Cmd("ScriptOpcode_LABEL", label, meta=tree.meta)
label, cmd_or_block = tree.children
if type(cmd_or_block) is not list:
cmd_or_block = [cmd_or_block]
for cmd in cmd_or_block:
if isinstance(cmd, BaseCmd):
return [
Cmd("ScriptOpcode_LABEL", label, meta=tree.meta),
def label_goto(self, tree):
label = tree.children[0]
return Cmd("ScriptOpcode_GOTO", label, meta=tree.meta)
def label(self, tree):
name = tree.children[0]
if name in self.alloc.labels:
return self.alloc.labels.index(name)
raise CompileError(f"label `{name}' is undeclared", tree.meta)
def variable(self, tree):
name = tree.children[0]
return self.alloc.variables.index(name) - 30000000

View File

@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/python3
import sys
import os
import yaml
import json
from struct import unpack
import disasm_script
def disassemble(bytes, offset, midx, symbol_map = {}, map_name = "map"):
out = ""
found_data = False
while len(midx) > 0:
struct = midx.pop(0)
name = struct["name"]
if name == "Script_Main": name = f"M(Main)"
#print(f"{offset:X} ({name}, start = {struct['start']:X}, len = {struct['length']:X})")
if struct["start"] == offset:
found_data = True
if struct["start"] != offset:
# end of data / padding
# format struct
if struct["type"].startswith("Script"):
pos = bytes.tell()
out += disasm_script.ScriptDSLDisassembler(bytes, f"M({name})", symbol_map).disassemble()
except disasm_script.UnsupportedScript as e:
print(f"Unable to use DSL for {struct['name']}: {e}")
out += disasm_script.ScriptDisassembler(bytes, f"M({name})", symbol_map).disassemble()
elif struct["type"] == "Padding":
# nops at end of file % 4, 1)
return out
elif struct["type"] == "EntryList":
out += f"EntryList M(entryList) = {{"
for i in range(0, struct["length"], 4 * 4):
x,y,z,yaw = unpack(">ffff", * 4))
out += f"\n {{ {x}f, {y}f, {z}f, {yaw}f }},"
out += f"\n}};\n"
elif struct["type"] == "Header":
out += f"MapConfig M(config) = {{\n"
main,entry_list,entry_count = unpack(">IIi", * 3))
out += f" .main = M(Main),\n"
out += f" .entryList = M(entryList),\n"
out += f" .entryCount = ENTRY_COUNT(M(entryList)),\n"
bg,tattle = unpack(">II", * 2))
if bg == 0x80200000:
out += f" .background = &gBackgroundImage,\n"
elif bg != 0:
raise Exception(f"unknown MapConfig background {bg:X}")
out += f" .tattle = 0x{tattle:X},\n"
out += f"}};\n"
elif struct["type"] == "ASCII":
string_data =["length"]).decode("ascii")
# strip null terminator(s)
while string_data[-1] == "\0":
string_data = string_data[:-1]
string_literal = json.dumps(string_data)
out += f"const char M({struct['name']})[] = {string_literal};"
else: # unknown type of struct
out += f"s32 M({name})[] = {{"
for i in range(0, struct["length"], 4):
if (i % 0x20) == 0:
out += f"\n "
word = int.from_bytes(, byteorder="big")
if word in symbol_map:
out += f" {symbol_map[word]},"
out += f" 0x{word:08X},"
out += f"\n}};\n"
out += "\n"
elif found_data:
if struct["type"] != "Padding":
# put struct back on list
midx.insert(0, struct)
# nops at end of file % 4, 1)
return out
if struct["type"] != "Function" and not struct["type"] == "Padding" and not (struct["type"] == "Missing" and not found_data):
offset += struct["length"]
# end of data
return out
def parse_midx(file, prefix = ""):
structs = []
for line in file.readlines():
s = line.split("#")
if len(s) == 5:
if s[0] == "$Start": continue
if s[0] == "$End": continue
"name": prefix + name_struct(s[0]),
"type": s[1],
"start": int(s[2], 16),
"vaddr": int(s[3], 16),
"length": int(s[4], 16),
"end": int(s[2], 16) + int(s[4], 16),
elif "Missing" in s:
start = int(s[1], 16)
end = int(s[2], 16)
vaddr = start + 0x80240000
"name": f"{prefix}unk_missing_{vaddr:X}",
"type": "Missing",
"start": start,
"vaddr": vaddr,
"length": end - start,
"end": end,
elif "Padding" in s:
start = int(s[1], 16)
end = int(s[2], 16)
vaddr = start + 0x80240000
"name": f"{prefix}__padding__",
"type": "Padding",
"start": start,
"vaddr": vaddr,
"length": end - start,
"end": end,
structs.sort(key=lambda s: s["start"])
return structs
def name_struct(s):
s = s[1:].replace("???", "unk")
# use ThisCase for scripts
if s.startswith("Script_"):
s = s[7].upper() + s[8:]
# if `s` is hex, prefix it with Script_ again
int(s, 16)
return "Script_" + s
except Exception:
if s.startswith("Main"):
return "Main"
return s
if s.startswith("ASCII"):
return s
return s[0].lower() + s[1:]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("usage: ./ <file.midx>")
print("Converts split map data into C files using a .midx file from Star Rod.")
map_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[1]))[0]
area_name = "area_" + map_name.split("_")[0]
if len(area_name) > 8:
area_name = area_name[:8]
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f:
midx = parse_midx(f)
symbol_map = {}
for struct in midx:
symbol_map[struct["vaddr"]] = "M(" + struct["name"] + ")"
bin_dir = f"bin/world/{area_name}/{map_name}"
src_dir = f"src/world/{area_name}/{map_name}"
splits = []
rom_start = 0
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "splat.yaml")) as splat:
splat = yaml.safe_load(splat)
for segment in splat["segments"]:
if type(segment) == dict and segment.get("name") == f"world/{area_name}/{map_name}/":
rom_start = segment.get("start", 0)
splits = segment.get("files", [])
if len(splits) == 0:
print(f"unable to find {map_name} in splat.yaml")
# advance to the EntryList (start of data)
while midx[0]["type"] != "EntryList":
for split in splits:
rom_addr = split[0]
filetype = split[1]
if filetype == "bin":
with open(f"{bin_dir}/{rom_addr:X}.bin", "rb") as bytes:
print(f"Disassembling {rom_addr:X}")
disasm = disassemble(bytes, rom_addr - rom_start, midx, symbol_map, map_name)
if len(disasm.strip()) > 0:
with open(f"{src_dir}/{rom_addr:X}.bin.c", "w") as f:
f.write(f'#include "{map_name}.h"\n\n')
f.write(disasm.rstrip() + "\n")

View File

@ -433,11 +433,11 @@ class ScriptDSLDisassembler(ScriptDisassembler):
if opcode == 0x01:
if self.out.endswith("return\n"):
if self.out.endswith("return;\n"):
# implicit return; break
self.out = self.out[:-7].rstrip() + "\n"
self.out = self.out[:-8].rstrip() + "\n"
self.indent -= 1
@ -446,7 +446,10 @@ class ScriptDSLDisassembler(ScriptDisassembler):
self.done = True
elif opcode == 0x02: self.write_line(f"return;")
elif opcode == 0x03: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])}:")
elif opcode == 0x03:
self.indent -= 1
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x04: self.write_line(f"goto {self.var(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x05:
if argv[0] == 0:
@ -479,7 +482,10 @@ class ScriptDSLDisassembler(ScriptDisassembler):
self.write_line(f"if ({self.var(argv[0])} >= {self.var(argv[1])}) {{")
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x10:
self.write_line(f"if ({self.var(argv[0])} ? {self.var(argv[1])}) {{")
self.write_line(f"if ({self.var(argv[0])} & {self.var(argv[1])}) {{")
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x11:
self.write_line(f"if ({self.var(argv[0])} !& {self.var(argv[1])}) {{")
self.indent += 1
elif opcode == 0x12:
self.indent -= 1
@ -595,7 +601,7 @@ class ScriptDSLDisassembler(ScriptDisassembler):
elif opcode == 0x42: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[0])} |=c {argv[1]:X};")
elif opcode == 0x43:
argv_str = ", ".join(self.var(arg) for arg in argv[1:])
elif opcode == 0x44: self.write_line(f"spawn {self.addr_ref(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x45: self.write_line(f"{self.var(argv[1])} = spawn {self.addr_ref(argv[0])};")
elif opcode == 0x46: self.write_line(f"await {self.addr_ref(argv[0])};")

View File

@ -938,7 +938,8 @@ segments:
- [0x431660, c]
- [0x4318D0, c]
- [0x431B80, .data, battle/area_kmr_part_1/battles]
- [0x431FB0, bin, battle/area_kmr_part_1/goomba]
- [0x431FB0, .data, battle/actor/goomba]
- [0x433970, bin]
- [0x4398A0, .rodata, battle/area_kmr_part_1/battles]
- [0x439984, bin]
- name: battle/area_kmr_part_2/

tools/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
#! /usr/bin/python3
import sys
import os
import yaml
import json
from struct import unpack
import argparse
import disasm_script
DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def disassemble(bytes, midx, symbol_map={}, comments=True, romstart=0):
out = ""
entry_list_name = None
main_script_name = None
while len(midx) > 0:
struct = midx.pop(0)
name = struct["name"]
if comments:
out += f"// {romstart+struct['start']:X}-{romstart+struct['end']:X} (VRAM: {struct['vaddr']:X})\n"
# format struct
if struct["type"].startswith("Script"):
if struct["type"] == "Script_Main":
main_script_name = name
pos = bytes.tell()
out += disasm_script.ScriptDSLDisassembler(bytes, name, symbol_map).disassemble()
except disasm_script.UnsupportedScript as e:
out += f"// Unable to use DSL: {e}\n"
out += disasm_script.ScriptDisassembler(bytes, name, symbol_map).disassemble()
elif struct["type"] == "EntryList":
entry_list_name = name
out += f"EntryList {name} = {{"
for i in range(0, struct["length"], 4 * 4):
x,y,z,yaw = unpack(">ffff", * 4))
out += f"\n {{ {x}f, {y}f, {z}f, {yaw}f }},"
out += f"\n}};\n"
elif struct["type"] == "Header":
out += f"MapConfig {name} = {{\n"
main,entry_list,entry_count = unpack(">IIi", * 3))
out += f" .main = {main_script_name},\n"
out += f" .entryList = {entry_list_name},\n"
out += f" .entryCount = ENTRY_COUNT({entry_list_name}),\n"
bg,tattle = unpack(">II", * 2))
if bg == 0x80200000:
out += f" .background = &gBackgroundImage,\n"
elif bg != 0:
raise Exception(f"unknown MapConfig background {bg:X}")
out += f" .tattle = 0x{tattle:X},\n"
out += f"}};\n"
elif struct["type"] == "ASCII":
string_data =["length"]).decode("ascii")
# strip null terminator(s)
while string_data[-1] == "\0":
string_data = string_data[:-1]
string_literal = json.dumps(string_data)
out += f"const char {struct['name']}[] = {string_literal};\n"
elif struct["type"].startswith("Function"):["length"])
out += f"// function: {name}\n"
elif struct["type"] == "FloatTable":
out += f"f32 {name}[] = {{"
for i in range(0, struct["length"], 4):
if (i % 0x20) == 0:
out += f"\n "
word = unpack(">f",[0]
out += " %ff," % word
out += f"\n}};\n"
else: # unknown type of struct
out += f"s32 {name}[] = {{"
for i in range(0, struct["length"], 4):
if (i % 0x20) == 0:
out += f"\n "
word = int.from_bytes(, byteorder="big")
if word in symbol_map:
out += f" {symbol_map[word]},"
out += f" 0x{word:08X},"
out += f"\n}};\n"
out += "\n"
# end of data
return out
def parse_midx(file, prefix = ""):
structs = []
for line in file.readlines():
s = line.split("#")
if len(s) == 5:
if s[0] == "$Start": continue
if s[0] == "$End": continue
"name": prefix + name_struct(s[0]),
"type": s[1],
"start": int(s[2], 16),
"vaddr": int(s[3], 16),
"length": int(s[4], 16),
"end": int(s[2], 16) + int(s[4], 16),
elif "Missing" in s:
start = int(s[1], 16)
end = int(s[2], 16)
vaddr = start + 0x80240000
"name": f"{prefix}unk_missing_{vaddr:X}",
"type": "Missing",
"start": start,
"vaddr": vaddr,
"length": end - start,
"end": end,
elif "Padding" in s:
start = int(s[1], 16)
end = int(s[2], 16)
vaddr = start + 0x80240000
"name": f"{prefix}pad_{start:X}",
"type": "Padding",
"start": start,
"vaddr": vaddr,
"length": end - start,
"end": end,
structs.sort(key=lambda s: s["start"])
return structs
def name_struct(s):
s = s[1:].replace("???", "unk")
# use ThisCase for scripts
if s.startswith("Script_"):
s = s[7].upper() + s[8:]
# if `s` is hex, prefix it with Script_ again
int(s, 16)
return "Script_" + s
except Exception:
if s.startswith("Main"):
return "Main"
return s
if s.startswith("ASCII"):
return s
return s[0].lower() + s[1:]
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Converts split data to C using a Star Rod idx file")
parser.add_argument("idxfile", help="Input .*idx file from Star Rod dump")
parser.add_argument("offset", help="Starting ROM offset")
parser.add_argument("--comments", action="store_true", help="Write offset/vaddr comments")
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.idxfile, "r") as f:
midx = parse_midx(f)
symbol_map = {}
for struct in midx:
symbol_map[struct["vaddr"]] = struct["name"]
with open(os.path.join(DIR, "../baserom.z64"), "rb") as romfile:
disasm = disassemble(romfile, midx, symbol_map, args.comments, eval(args.offset))

View File

@ -61,3 +61,4 @@ func_802AA0D8 = 0x802AA0D8;
func_802AB330 = 0x802AB330;
func_802AB338 = 0x802AB338;
func_802B71E8 = 0x802B71E8;
__osInitialize_common = 0x8006A708;

View File

@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ D_800A0960 = 0x800A0960;
D_800A0963 = 0x800A0963;
D_800A0964 = 0x800A0964;
D_800A4270 = 0x800A4270;
D_800A4420 = 0x800A4420;
D_800B8590 = 0x800B8590;
D_800E92D8 = 0x800E92D8;
gPartnerAnimations = 0x800F8348;
@ -116,6 +120,7 @@ nuGfxZBuffer = 0x8009A5DC;
nuGfxDisplay = 0x8009A5F8;
gGameState = 0x8009A600;
D_8009A610 = 0x8009A610;
D_8009A630 = 0x8009A630;
nuGfxTaskSpool = 0x8009A618;
carthandle = 0x8009A638;
@ -330,6 +335,10 @@ DoShockHit = 0x8029A6FC;
DoSleepHit = 0x802945E0;
DoSpinSmashHit = 0x8029B998;
DoStopHit = 0x80294650;
DoAirLift = 0x8029C37C;
DoBlowAway = 0x8029C4A8;
DoBurnHit = 0x8029A0D0;
DoDeath = 0x8029AEC0;
ShakeCam1 = 0x802D9CB0;
ShakeCamX = 0x802D9CE8;
@ -360,3 +369,6 @@ D_DE003E00 = 0xDE003E00;
D_C1F06370 = 0xC1F06370;
D_DE001F00 = 0xDE001F00;
D_DE007C00 = 0xDE007C00;
paragoomba = 0x8021CD00;
spiked_goomba = 0x8021B0AC;

View File

@ -546,7 +546,6 @@ D_8009A61C = 0x8009A61C;
D_8009A620 = 0x8009A620;
D_8009A628 = 0x8009A628;
D_8009A62C = 0x8009A62C;
D_8009A630 = 0x8009A630;
D_8009A634 = 0x8009A634;
D_8009A63C = 0x8009A63C;
D_8009A640 = 0x8009A640;
@ -654,8 +653,6 @@ D_800A425C = 0x800A425C;
D_800A4260 = 0x800A4260;
D_800A4264 = 0x800A4264;
D_800A4268 = 0x800A4268;
D_800A4270 = 0x800A4270;
D_800A4420 = 0x800A4420;
D_800AC6B0 = 0x800AC6B0;
D_800AE6D0 = 0x800AE6D0;
D_800AE6D4 = 0x800AE6D4;
@ -761,7 +758,6 @@ D_800B451E = 0x800B451E;
D_800B451F = 0x800B451F;
D_800B4520 = 0x800B4520;
D_800B6590 = 0x800B6590;
D_800B8590 = 0x800B8590;
D_800B91A0 = 0x800B91A0;
D_800B91D0 = 0x800B91D0;
D_800D91D0 = 0x800D91D0;