match nuContRmbMgr.c

This commit is contained in:
Ethan Roseman 2021-02-09 03:02:14 +09:00
parent 398fa6c695
commit bbac3d905b
20 changed files with 351 additions and 275 deletions

.vscode/settings.json vendored
View File

@ -31,6 +31,14 @@
"files.associations": {
"*.h": "c",
"random": "c"
"random": "c",
"array": "c",
"deque": "c",
"string": "c",
"unordered_map": "c",
"vector": "c",
"string_view": "c",
"initializer_list": "c",
"ranges": "c"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.include ""
.section .rodata
glabel D_80097D30
.ascii "File:%s Line:%d %s \n\0\0\0"

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

asm/data/ Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
.include ""
.section .rodata
glabel D_80097D30
.ascii "File:%s Line:%d %s
glabel jtbl_80097D48
.word L800270B4_24B4, L800270E4_24E4, L8002710C_250C, L80027134_2534, L80027168_2568, 0

View File

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
.set noat # allow manual use of $at
.set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches
.section .rodata
glabel jtbl_80097D48
.word L800270B4_24B4, L800270E4_24E4, L8002710C_250C, L80027134_2534, L80027168_2568, 0
.section .text
glabel func_80027088
/* 2488 80027088 27BDFFE8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x18
/* 248C 8002708C 0080282D */ daddu $a1, $a0, $zero

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
.set noat # allow manual use of $at
.set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches
glabel func_80029860
/* 4C60 80029860 27BDFFA0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x60
/* 4C64 80029864 AFB20050 */ sw $s2, 0x50($sp)
/* 4C68 80029868 0080902D */ daddu $s2, $a0, $zero
/* 4C6C 8002986C AFB40058 */ sw $s4, 0x58($sp)
/* 4C70 80029870 00A0A02D */ daddu $s4, $a1, $zero
/* 4C74 80029874 AFB30054 */ sw $s3, 0x54($sp)
/* 4C78 80029878 00C0982D */ daddu $s3, $a2, $zero
/* 4C7C 8002987C 0260282D */ daddu $a1, $s3, $zero
/* 4C80 80029880 AFBF005C */ sw $ra, 0x5c($sp)
/* 4C84 80029884 AFB1004C */ sw $s1, 0x4c($sp)
/* 4C88 80029888 0C018614 */ jal osWritebackDCache
/* 4C8C 8002988C AFB00048 */ sw $s0, 0x48($sp)
/* 4C90 80029890 27B00028 */ addiu $s0, $sp, 0x28
/* 4C94 80029894 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 4C98 80029898 27B10040 */ addiu $s1, $sp, 0x40
/* 4C9C 8002989C 0220282D */ daddu $a1, $s1, $zero
/* 4CA0 800298A0 0C019560 */ jal osCreateMesgQueue
/* 4CA4 800298A4 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 1
/* 4CA8 800298A8 27A50010 */ addiu $a1, $sp, 0x10
/* 4CAC 800298AC 3C04800A */ lui $a0, %hi(carthandle)
/* 4CB0 800298B0 8C84A638 */ lw $a0, %lo(carthandle)($a0)
/* 4CB4 800298B4 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 1
/* 4CB8 800298B8 A3A00012 */ sb $zero, 0x12($sp)
/* 4CBC 800298BC AFB00014 */ sw $s0, 0x14($sp)
/* 4CC0 800298C0 AFB20018 */ sw $s2, 0x18($sp)
/* 4CC4 800298C4 AFB4001C */ sw $s4, 0x1c($sp)
/* 4CC8 800298C8 0C018388 */ jal osEPiStartDma
/* 4CCC 800298CC AFB30020 */ sw $s3, 0x20($sp)
/* 4CD0 800298D0 0200202D */ daddu $a0, $s0, $zero
/* 4CD4 800298D4 0220282D */ daddu $a1, $s1, $zero
/* 4CD8 800298D8 0C0195BC */ jal osRecvMesg
/* 4CDC 800298DC 24060001 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 1
/* 4CE0 800298E0 8FBF005C */ lw $ra, 0x5c($sp)
/* 4CE4 800298E4 8FB40058 */ lw $s4, 0x58($sp)
/* 4CE8 800298E8 8FB30054 */ lw $s3, 0x54($sp)
/* 4CEC 800298EC 8FB20050 */ lw $s2, 0x50($sp)
/* 4CF0 800298F0 8FB1004C */ lw $s1, 0x4c($sp)
/* 4CF4 800298F4 8FB00048 */ lw $s0, 0x48($sp)
/* 4CF8 800298F8 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 4CFC 800298FC 27BD0060 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x60

View File

@ -379,18 +379,20 @@ async def main():
msg_files.extend(glob(d + "/**/*.msg", recursive=True))
for msg_file in msg_files:
f"$builddir/{msg_file.split('/', 1)[1]}.bin",
msg_headers = [add_generated_header(f"$builddir/include/{msg_file.split('/', 1)[1]}.h") for msg_file in msg_files]
msg_bins = list(set([f"$builddir/{msg_file.split('/', 1)[1]}.bin" for msg_file in msg_files]))
[f"$builddir/{msg_file}.bin" for msg_file in msg_files],
implicit_outputs=[add_generated_header(f"$builddir/include/{msg_file.split('/', 1)[1]}.h") for msg_file in msg_files],
variables={ "msg_combine_headers": [f"{msg_file}.h" for msg_file in msg_files] }
variables={ "msg_combine_headers": msg_headers }
)"$builddir/msg.o", "bin", "$builddir/msg.bin")

View File

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ def apply(config, args):
config['baseimg'] = 'baserom.z64'
config['myimg'] = 'papermario.z64'
config['mapfile'] = 'build/'
config['source_directories'] = ['.']
config['source_directories'] = ['src', 'asm', 'include', 'assets']
config['make_command'] = ['ninja']

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ void func_80070550(s32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, s32, s32);
void func_802E263C(Entity* entity);
void step_game_loop(void);
s32 resume_all_group(s32 groupFlags);
void create_shadow_callback(Shadow* entity);
void func_802E10F4(Entity* entity);
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ void func_80137DA4(s32, f32);
void func_80137DC0(s32, f32*, f32*);
s32 func_80137E10(s32, u8, u8, u8);
void func_80137E4C(s32, s32, s32, s32);
s32 rand_int(s32);
//s32 rand_int(s32);
void sort_items(void);
s32 is_ability_active(s32 arg0);
f32 update_lerp(Easing easing, f32 start, f32 end, s32 elapsed, s32 duration);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "stdlib/stdarg.h"
extern const char D_80097D30[];
u32 func_80025D74(void* arg0, const unsigned char* str, s32 count);
void func_80025C60(void) {
@ -81,7 +79,9 @@ u32 func_80025D74(void* arg0, const unsigned char* str, s32 count) {
return 1;
extern const char D_80097D30[]; // "File:%s Line:%d %s \n\0\0\0"
void func_80025F44(char* arg0, char* file, s32 line, char* arg3) {
func_80025CFC(&D_80097D30, file, line, arg0);
func_80025CFC(D_80097D30, file, line, arg0);

View File

@ -110,7 +110,42 @@ void load_engine_data(void) {
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_1b40_len_20b0", load_engine_data);
//weird ordering issue
void func_80027088(s32 arg0) {
switch (arg0) {
case 0:
D_8009A5D8 = arg0;
*D_8009A650 &= ~0xF00;
case 1:
D_8009A5D8 = arg0;
*D_8009A650 &= ~0xE00;
*D_8009A650 |= 0x100;
case 2:
D_8009A5D8 = arg0;
*D_8009A650 &= ~0xC00;
*D_8009A650 |= 0x300;
case 3:
D_8009A5D8 = arg0;
*D_8009A650 &= ~0x800;
*D_8009A650 |= 0x700;
case 4:
D_8009A5D8 = arg0;
*D_8009A650 |= 0xF00;
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "code_1b40_len_20b0", func_80027088, s32 arg0);
s32 func_80027190(void) {
return D_8009A5D8;

View File

@ -191,7 +191,23 @@ s32 func_800297D4(s32 romStart, s32 romEnd, void* vramDest) {
return length;
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "code_42e0_len_1f60", func_80029860, s32 romStart, s32 vramDest, s32 length);
void func_80029860(s32 dramAddr, s32 devAddr, s32 size) {
OSIoMesg osIoMesg;
OSMesg osMesg;
OSMesgQueue osMesgQueue;
osWritebackDCache(dramAddr, size);
osCreateMesgQueue(&osMesgQueue, &osMesg, 1);
osIoMesg.hdr.pri = 0;
osIoMesg.hdr.retQueue = &osMesgQueue;
osIoMesg.dramAddr = dramAddr;
osIoMesg.devAddr = devAddr;
osIoMesg.size = size;
osEPiStartDma(carthandle, &osIoMesg, 1);
osRecvMesg(&osMesgQueue, &osMesg, 1);
s32 _advance_rng(void) {
s32* rngVal = &gRandSeed;
@ -229,7 +245,31 @@ s32 func_80029994(s32 arg0) {
return result;
// Issue with the negation at the beginning
s32 rand_int(s32 arg0) {
s32 ret;
if (arg0 < 0) {
arg0 = -arg0;
ret = 0;
if (arg0 != 0) {
if (arg0 == 1) {
return (func_80029994(1000) < 501) ^ 1;
if (arg0 != 100) {
return func_80029994(arg0);
ret = func_80029994(1009) / 10;
return ret;
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_42e0_len_1f60", rand_int, s32 arg0);
f32 signF(f32 val) {
f32 sign;
@ -348,8 +388,31 @@ f32 cos_deg(f32 angle) {
INCLUDE_ASM(f32, "code_42e0_len_1f60", update_lerp, Easing easing, f32 start, f32 end, s32 elapsed, s32 duration);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_42e0_len_1f60", func_8002A904);
//void func_8002A904(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2, u8 arg3, u16 arg4, u16 arg5, u16 arg6, u16 arg7);
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "code_42e0_len_1f60", func_8002A904, u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2, u8 arg3, u16 arg4, u16 arg5, u16 arg6, u16 arg7);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_42e0_len_1f60", func_8002AAC4);
// void func_8002AAC4(s16 arg0, s16 arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3, u16 arg4, u16 arg5, u16 arg6, u16 arg7) {
// s16 phi_t0;
// s16 phi_t1;
// s16 phi_t2;
// s16 phi_t3;
// phi_t0 = arg0;
// phi_t2 = arg2;
// if (arg2 < arg0) {
// phi_t0 = arg2;
// phi_t2 = arg0;
// }
// phi_t1 = arg1;
// phi_t3 = arg3;
// if (arg3 < arg1) {
// phi_t1 = arg3;
// phi_t3 = arg1;
// }
// func_8002A904(arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, phi_t0, phi_t1, phi_t2, phi_t3);
// }
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "code_42e0_len_1f60", func_8002AB5C);

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#include "common.h"
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "os/code_7e40_len_3f0", nuGfxTaskMgr);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "os/code_7e40_len_3f0", nuGfxTaskMgrInit);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "os/code_7e40_len_3f0", nuGfxTaskStart);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "common.h"
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "os/nusys/code_7e40_len_3f0", nuGfxTaskMgr);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "os/nusys/code_7e40_len_3f0", nuGfxTaskMgrInit);
INCLUDE_ASM(s32, "os/nusys/code_7e40_len_3f0", nuGfxTaskStart);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "nu/nusys.h"
s32 contRmbRetrace(NUSiCommonMesg* mesg);
s32 contRmbCheckMesg(NUSiCommonMesg* mesg);
s32 contRmbStartMesg(NUSiCommonMesg* mesg);
s32 contRmbStopMesg(NUSiCommonMesg* mesg);
s32 contRmbForceStopMesg(NUSiCommonMesg* mesg);
s32 contRmbForceStopEndMesg(NUSiCommonMesg* mesg);
u32 nuContRmbSearchTime = 300;
s32 D_80093CE4[] = { contRmbRetrace, contRmbCheckMesg, contRmbStartMesg, contRmbStopMesg, contRmbForceStopMesg, contRmbForceStopEndMesg, NULL};
NUCallBackList nuContRmbCallBack = {.next = NULL, .func = D_80093CE4, .majorNo = 0x300, .funcNum = 0};
s32 contRmbControl(NUContRmbCtl* rmbCtl, u32 contNo) {
s32 ret = 0;
u32 cnt;
@ -93,8 +106,6 @@ s32 contRmbRetrace(NUSiCommonMesg* mesg) {
return 0;
// Will match when data is decompiled.
void nuContRmbMgrInit(void) {
u32 i;
@ -106,9 +117,6 @@ void nuContRmbMgrInit(void) {
INCLUDE_ASM(void, "os/nusys/nuContRmbMgr", nuContRmbMgrInit);
void nuContRmbMgrRemove(void) {

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ segments:
- [0x6240, c, code_6240_len_c00]
- [0x6e40, c, code_6e40_len_500]
- [0x7340, c, code_7340_len_b00]
- [0x7e40, c, os/code_7e40_len_3f0]
- [0x7e40, c, os/nusys/code_7e40_len_3f0]
- [0x8230, c, os/nusys/nuSiMgr]
- [0x8560, c]
- [0x8800, c]
@ -242,9 +242,12 @@ segments:
- [0x542E0, data, code_31650]
- [0x6B450, .data, world/world]
- [0x6EAC0, data] # has scripts
- [0x6F0E0, .data, os/nusys/nuContRmbMgr]
- [0x6F110, data] # has scripts?
- [0x70E30, .data, battle/battle]
- [0x71430, data]
- [0x73130, rodata]
- [0x73130, rodata, code_1060_len_310]
- [0x73148, .rodata, code_1b40_len_20b0]
- [0x73160, .rodata, code_42e0_len_1f60]
- [0x73200, rodata]
- [0x73DA0, .rodata, world/world]