* name big_smoke_puff
* 0-5
* 6 -> land
* more effect stuff
* flower effects
* name fix
* cloud_puff
* flower splash
* cloud_trail
* 2 more
* more
* a bunch more
* -2F
* more
* the rest
* cleanup and the rest
* PR stuffs
* remove some warnings, improve build speed on master
* update Camera
* update_camera_zone_interp not matching but close :/
* cleanup
* configure fix
* cleanup, better gbi macros
* decomp and syms
* a couple more
* 2 more and stuff
* more naming
* 3
* syms
* mdl_get_child_count
* more stuff
* get_model_list_index_from_tree_index
* 5 more
* header org
* update_entity_shadow_position
* fog color funcs
* more color stuff
* display lists
* create_shadow_from_data
* 4 evt shtuffsh
* func_80117D00
* func_80111790
* some BSS
* entity_raycast_down
* MakeEntity and almost step_entity_commandList
* step_current_game_mode
* filemenu stuff
* lots more filemenu stuff
* cleanup
* formatting
* fixes
* 1 more
* more fixes