with open("errs.txt") as f: inlines = f.readlines() renames = {} for line in inlines: components = line.split() area = None for c in components: if area: break if "src" in c: subcomponents = c.split("/") for i, sc in enumerate(subcomponents): if "area" in sc: area = subcomponents[i + 1] break if area: fname = line[line.rfind("`") + 1:line.rfind("'")] renames[fname] = area pairs = [] for k, v in sorted(renames.items()): pairs.append((k, v)) with open("bloop.txt") as f: blooplines = f.readlines() with open("duplicate_renames.txt", "w", newline="\n") as f: for pair in pairs: first = pair[0] second = pair[1] addr = first.split("_")[1].upper() for l in blooplines: if l.upper().startswith(addr) and second in l and " g " in l and " F" in l: func = l.rstrip().split()[-1] if first != func: f.write(f"{first},{func}\n")