#ifndef _NPC_H_ #define _NPC_H_ #include "common_structs.h" #include "enums.h" #include "script_api/map.h" #define NO_DROPS { { F16(100), F16(0), 0, F16(0) }, } #define STANDARD_HEART_DROPS(attempts) { \ { F16(20), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \ { F16(30), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \ { F16(50), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(30) }, \ } #define GENEROUS_HEART_DROPS(attempts) { \ { F16(20), F16(80), attempts, F16(50) } \ { F16(30), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) } \ { F16(50), F16(60), attempts, F16(40) } \ { F16(80), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) } \ { F16(100), F16(40), attempts, F16(30) }, \ } #define GENEROUS_WHEN_LOW_HEART_DROPS(attempts) { \ { F16(20), F16(80), attempts, F16(60) }, \ { F16(30), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \ { F16(50), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \ { F16(80), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(30) }, \ } #define STANDARD_FLOWER_DROPS(attempts) { \ { F16(20), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(30), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(50), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \ } #define GENEROUS_WHEN_LOW_FLOWER_DROPS(attempts) { \ { F16(20), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \ { F16(30), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \ { F16(50), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \ } #define REDUCED_FLOWER_DROPS(attempts) { \ { F16(20), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(30), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(50), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \ { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \ } #define OVERRIDE_MOVEMENT_SPEED(speed) (speed * 32767) #define NO_OVERRIDE_MOVEMENT_SPEED OVERRIDE_MOVEMENT_SPEED(-1) typedef struct QuizRequirement { s32 requiredStoryProgress; s32 numQuestionsUnlocked; } QuizRequirement; // size = 0x8 typedef struct NpcBlueprint { /* 0x00 */ s32 flags; /* 0x04 */ s32 initialAnim; /* 0x08 */ void (*onUpdate)(struct Npc*); /* 0x0C */ void (*onRender)(struct Npc*); } NpcBlueprint; // size = 0x10 typedef struct NpcAISettings { /* 0x00 */ f32 moveSpeed; /* 0x04 */ s32 moveTime; /* 0x08 */ s32 waitTime; /* 0x0C */ f32 alertRadius; /* 0x10 */ f32 alertOffsetDist; // offset along npc->yaw of the test point for alert volume overlap, creates directionality to enemy 'sight' /* 0x14 */ s32 playerSearchInterval; // how often to search for player (frames) /* 0x18 */ f32 chaseSpeed; /* 0x1C */ s32 chaseTurnRate; // how many degrees this NPC can turn per frame while chasing /* 0x20 */ s32 chaseUpdateInterval; // how often to re-run chase init and re-acquire player position (frames) /* 0x24 */ f32 chaseRadius; /* 0x28 */ f32 chaseOffsetDist; // offset along npc->yaw of the test point for chase volume overlap, creates directionality to enemy 'sight' /* 0x2C */ s32 unk_AI_2C; // unk time } NpcAISettings; // size = 0x30 typedef struct NpcSettings { /* 0x00 */ char unk_00[4]; /* 0x04 */ s16 height; /* 0x06 */ s16 radius; /* 0x08 */ UNK_PTR otherAI; /* 0x0C */ EvtScript* onInteract; /* 0x10 */ EvtScript* ai; /* 0x14 */ EvtScript* onHit; /* 0x18 */ EvtScript* aux; /* 0x1C */ EvtScript* onDefeat; /* 0x20 */ s32 flags; /* 0x24 */ char unk_24[4]; /* 0x28 */ s16 level; /* 0x2A */ s16 unk_2A; // action flags: 1 = jump on seeing player } NpcSettings; // size = 0x2C typedef struct ItemDrop { /* 0x00 */ s16 item; /* 0x02 */ s16 weight; /* 0x04 */ s16 unk_08; } ItemDrop; // size = 0x06 /// @brief Describes heart/flower drop chances after defeating an Npc in the overworld. /// /// The algorithm for calculating the number of hearts/flowers from a StatDrop is: /// - If current HP/FP > cutoff, drop 0. /// - Roll generalChance. If it fails, drop 0. /// - Roll chancePerAttempt attempts times. For each success, drop a heart/flower. /// /// StaticNpc holds a table of StatDrops for each stat (hearts, flowers). All are checked together /// and the number of hearts/flowers to drop is the total number of successful attempts for each stat. /// /// Each heart/flower is worth 1 HP and 1 FP respectively, if picked up. /// /// cutoff, generalChance, and chancePerAttempt are short fixed-point percentage values. /// That is, `F16(0)` is a 0% chance and `F16(100)` is a 100% chance. typedef struct StatDrop { /* 0x00 */ s16 cutoff; ///< % of max HP/FP. If current HP/FP > cutoff, no hearts/flowers can be dropped. /* 0x02 */ s16 generalChance; ///< % chance for any hearts/flowers to be dropped at all from this StatDrop. /* 0x04 */ s16 attempts; ///< Maximum number of hearts/flowers that can be dropped from this StatDrop. /* 0x06 */ s16 chancePerAttempt; ///< % chance for a single heart/flower to be dropped from each attempt. } StatDrop; // size = 0x08 typedef struct StaticNpc { /* 0x000 */ s32 id; /* 0x004 */ NpcSettings* settings; /* 0x008 */ Vec3f pos; /* 0x014 */ s32 flags; /* 0x018 */ EvtScript* init; /* 0x01C */ char unk_1C[8]; /* 0x024 */ s32 yaw; /* 0x028 */ u8 dropFlags; // TODO: use EnemyDrops (requires tons of map edits) /* 0x029 */ s8 itemDropChance; // % /* 0x02A */ ItemDrop itemDrops[8]; /* 0x05A */ StatDrop heartDrops[8]; /* 0x09A */ StatDrop flowerDrops[8]; /* 0x0DA */ s16 minCoinBonus; /* 0x0DC */ s16 maxCoinBonus; /* 0x0E0 */ s32 movement[48]; // TODO: type /* 0x1A0 */ struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 idle; /* 0x04 */ s32 walk; /* 0x08 */ s32 run; /* 0x0C */ s32 chase; /* 0x10 */ s32 unk_10; /* 0x14 */ s32 unk_14; /* 0x18 */ s32 death; /* 0x1C */ s32 hit; /* 0x20 */ s32 unk_20; /* 0x24 */ s32 unk_24; /* 0x28 */ s32 unk_28; /* 0x2C */ s32 unk_2C; /* 0x30 */ s32 unk_30; /* 0x34 */ s32 unk_34; /* 0x38 */ s32 unk_38; /* 0x3C */ s32 unk_3C; } animations; /* 0x1E0 */ char unk_1E0[8]; /* 0x1E8 */ s32* extraAnimations; /* 0x1EC */ s32 tattle; } StaticNpc; // size = 0x1F0 /// Zero-terminated. typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 npcCount; /* 0x04 */ StaticNpc* npcs; /* 0x08 */ s32 battle; } NpcGroupList[]; // size = 0x0C #define NPC_GROUP(npcs, battle) { sizeof(npcs) / sizeof(StaticNpc), (StaticNpc*) &npcs, battle } typedef struct EnemyDrops { /* 0x00 */ u8 dropFlags; /* 0x01 */ s8 itemDropChance; // % /* 0x02 */ ItemDrop itemDrops[8]; /* 0x32 */ StatDrop heartDrops[8]; /* 0x72 */ StatDrop flowerDrops[8]; /* 0xB2 */ s16 minCoinBonus; /* 0xB4 */ s16 maxCoinBonus; /* 0xB6 */ char unk_DE[2]; } EnemyDrops; // size = 0xB8 enum TerritoryShape { SHAPE_CYLINDER, SHAPE_RECT }; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 skipPlayerDetectChance; /* 0x04 */ enum TerritoryShape shape; /* 0x08 */ s32 pointX; /* 0x0C */ s32 pointZ; /* 0x10 */ s32 sizeX; /* 0x14 */ s32 sizeZ; /* 0x18 */ f32 halfHeight; /* 0x1C */ s16 detectFlags; // 1 = ignore partner hiding (bow/sushie dont work) | 2 = ignore elevation } EnemyDetectVolume; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3i point; /* 0x0C */ s32 wanderSizeX; /* 0x10 */ s32 wanderSizeZ; /* 0x14 */ s32 moveSpeedOverride; /* 0x18 */ enum TerritoryShape wanderShape; /* 0x1C */ Vec3i detect; /* 0x28 */ s32 detectSizeX; /* 0x2C */ s32 detectSizeZ; /* 0x30 */ enum TerritoryShape detectShape; /* 0x34 */ s32 isFlying; } EnemyTerritoryWander; // size = 0x38 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 numPoints; /* 0x04 */ Vec3i points[10]; /* 0x7C */ s32 moveSpeedOverride; /* 0x80 */ Vec3i detect; /* 0x8C */ s32 detectSizeX; /* 0x90 */ s32 detectSizeZ; /* 0x94 */ enum TerritoryShape detectShape; /* 0x98 */ s32 isFlying; } EnemyTerritoryPatrol; // size = 0x9C typedef union { EnemyTerritoryWander wander; EnemyTerritoryPatrol patrol; char PADDING[0xC0]; } EnemyTerritory; // size = 0xC0 // function signature used for state handlers in AI main functions typedef void AIStateHandler(Evt* script, NpcAISettings* settings, EnemyDetectVolume* territory); typedef struct Enemy { /* 0x00 */ s32 flags; /* 0x04 */ s8 encounterIndex; /* 0x05 */ s8 encountered; /* 0x06 */ u8 scriptGroup; /* scripts launched for this npc controller will be assigned this group */ /* 0x07 */ s8 unk_07; /* 0x08 */ s16 npcID; /* 0x0A */ s16 spawnPos[3]; /* 0x10 */ Vec3s unk_10; /* 0x16 */ char unk_16[2]; /* 0x18 */ NpcSettings* npcSettings; /* 0x1C */ EvtScript* initBytecode; /* 0x20 */ EvtScript* interactBytecode; /* 0x24 */ EvtScript* aiBytecode; /* 0x28 */ EvtScript* hitBytecode; /* 0x2C */ EvtScript* auxBytecode; /* 0x30 */ EvtScript* defeatBytecode; /* 0x34 */ struct Evt* initScript; /* 0x38 */ struct Evt* interactScript; /* 0x3C */ struct Evt* aiScript; /* 0x40 */ struct Evt* hitScript; /* 0x44 */ struct Evt* auxScript; /* 0x48 */ struct Evt* defeatScript; /* 0x4C */ s32 initScriptID; /* 0x50 */ s32 interactScriptID; /* 0x54 */ s32 aiScriptID; /* 0x58 */ s32 hitScriptID; /* 0x5C */ s32 auxScriptID; /* 0x60 */ s32 defeatScriptID; /* 0x64 */ UNK_PTR unk_64; /* 0x68 */ char unk_68[4]; /* 0x6C */ union { /* */ s32 varTable[16]; /* */ f32 varTableF[16]; /* */ void* varTablePtr[16]; /* */ }; /* 0xAC */ u8 aiDetectFlags; // detect player flags: 1 = require line of sight | 2 = adjust hitbox for moving player /* 0xAD */ char unk_AD[3]; /* 0xB0 */ u32 aiFlags; /* 0xB4 */ s8 aiPaused; /* 0xB5 */ s8 unk_B5; /* 0xB6 */ char unk_B6[2]; /* 0xB8 */ EvtScript* unk_B8; // some bytecode /* 0xBC */ struct Evt* unk_BC; // some script /* 0xC0 */ s32 unk_C0; // some script ID /* 0xC4 */ s32 unk_C4; /* 0xC8 */ s32 unk_C8; /* 0xCC */ s32* animList; /* 0xD0 */ EnemyTerritory* territory; /* 0xD4 */ EnemyDrops* drops; /* 0xD8 */ u32 tattleMsg; /* 0xDC */ char unk_DC[20]; } Enemy; // size = 0xF0 typedef struct Encounter { /* 0x00 */ s32 count; /* 0x04 */ Enemy* enemy[16]; /* 0x44 */ s16 battle; /* 0x46 */ s16 stage; /* 0x48 */ s16 encounterID; /* 0x4A */ char unk_4C[0x12]; } Encounter; // size = 0x5C typedef struct EncounterStatus { /* 0x000 */ s32 flags; /* 0x004 */ s8 eFirstStrike; /* 0 = none, 1 = player, 2 = enemy */ /* 0x005 */ s8 hitType; /* 1 = none/enemy, 2 = jump */ /* 0x006 */ s8 hitTier; /* 0 = normal, 1 = super, 2 = ultra */ /* 0x007 */ char unk_07; /* 0x008 */ s8 unk_08; /* 0x009 */ s8 battleOutcome; /* 0 = won, 1 = lost */ /* 0x00A */ s8 unk_0A; /* 0x00B */ s8 merleeCoinBonus; /* triple coins when != 0 */ /* 0x00C */ u8 damageTaken; /* valid after battle */ /* 0x00D */ char unk_0D; /* 0x00E */ s16 coinsEarned; /* valid after battle */ /* 0x010 */ char unk_10; /* 0x011 */ u8 allowFleeing; /* 0x012 */ s8 unk_12; /* 0x013 */ u8 dropWhackaBump; /* 0x014 */ s32 songID; /* 0x018 */ s32 unk_18; /* 0x01C */ s8 numEncounters; /* number of encounters for current map (in list) */ /* 0x01D */ s8 currentAreaIndex; /* 0x01E */ u8 currentMapIndex; /* 0x01F */ u8 currentEntryIndex; /* 0x020 */ s8 mapID; /* 0x021 */ s8 resetMapEncounterFlags; /* 0x021 */ char unk_22[2]; /* 0x024 */ s32* npcGroupList; /* 0x028 */ Encounter* encounterList[24]; /* 0x088 */ Encounter* currentEncounter; /* 0x08C */ Enemy* currentEnemy; /* 0x090 */ s32 fadeOutAmount; /* 0x094 */ s32 unk_94; /* 0x098 */ s32 fadeOutAccel; /* 0x09C */ s32 battleStartCountdown; /* 0x0A0 */ s8 unk_A0; /* 0x0A1 */ char unk_A1[0x1]; /* 0x0A2 */ s16 unk_A2; /* 0x0A4 */ char unk_A4[0xC]; /* 0x0B0 */ s32 defeatFlags[60][12]; /* 0xFB0 */ s16 recentMaps[2]; /* 0xFB4 */ char unk_FB4[4]; } EncounterStatus; // size = 0xFB8 extern EncounterStatus gCurrentEncounter; s32 basic_ai_check_player_dist(EnemyDetectVolume* arg0, Enemy* arg1, f32 arg2, f32 arg3, s8 arg4); /// The default Npc::onUpdate and Npc::onRender callback. void STUB_npc_callback(Npc*); void mtx_ident_mirror_y(Matrix4f mtx); void clear_npcs(void); /// Points the current NPC list to the world or battle lists depending on game state. void init_npc_list(void); /// Iterates over the NPC list, doing absolutely nothing. /// Presumably did something once upon a time but got commented out. void npc_iter_no_op(void); s32 _create_npc(NpcBlueprint* blueprint, s32** animList, s32 skipLoadingAnims); s32 _create_npc_basic(NpcBlueprint* blueprint); s32 _create_npc_standard(NpcBlueprint* blueprint, s32** animList); void _create_npc_partner(NpcBlueprint* blueprint); void free_npc_by_index(s32 listIndex); void free_npc(Npc* npc); Npc* get_npc_by_index(s32 listIndex); void npc_do_world_collision(Npc* npc); void npc_do_other_npc_collision(Npc* npc); /// @returns TRUE if a collision occurred s32 npc_do_player_collision(Npc* npc); void npc_do_gravity(Npc* npc); s32 func_800397E8(Npc* npc, f32 arg1); /// Updates all NPCs. void update_npcs(void); f32 npc_get_render_yaw(Npc* npc); void appendGfx_npc(Npc* npc); /// Renders all NPCs. void render_npcs(void); void npc_move_heading(Npc* npc, f32 speed, f32 yaw); Npc* get_npc_unsafe(s32 npcID); /// @returns NULL if not found Npc* get_npc_safe(s32 npcID); void enable_npc_shadow(Npc* npc); void disable_npc_shadow(Npc* npc); void update_npc_blur(Npc* npc); void appendGfx_npc_blur(Npc* npc); void npc_enable_collisions(void); void npc_disable_collisions(void); void func_8003B1A8(void); void npc_reload_all(void); void set_npc_yaw(Npc* npc, f32 yaw); void npc_set_palswap_mode_A(Npc* npc, s32 arg1); void npc_set_palswap_mode_B(Npc* npc, s32 arg1); void func_8003B420(Npc* npc); void npc_set_palswap_1(Npc* npc, s32 palIndexA, s32 palIndexB, s32 timeHoldA, s32 timeAB); void npc_set_palswap_2(Npc* npc, s32 timeHoldB, s32 timeBA, s32 palIndexC, s32 palIndexD); void npc_draw_with_palswap(Npc* npc, s32 arg1, Matrix4f mtx); void npc_draw_palswap_mode_0(Npc* npc, s32 arg1, Matrix4f mtx); s32 npc_draw_palswap_mode_1(Npc*, s32, Matrix4f mtx); u16 npc_blend_palette_colors(u16 colorA, u16 colorB, s32 lerpAlpha); s32 npc_draw_palswap_mode_2(Npc*, s32, s32, Matrix4f mtx); s32 npc_draw_palswap_mode_4(Npc*, s32, Matrix4f mtx); void npc_set_decoration(Npc* npc, s32 idx, s32 decorationType); void npc_remove_decoration(Npc* npc, s32 idx); s32 npc_update_decorations(Npc* npc); void npc__remove_decoration(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_reset_current_decoration(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_update_decoration_none(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_remove_decoration_none(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_update_decoration_bowser_aura(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_remove_decoration_bowser_aura(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_update_decoration_sweat(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_remove_decoration_sweat(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_update_decoration_seeing_stars(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_remove_decoration_seeing_stars(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_update_decoration_glow_in_front(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_remove_decoration_glow_in_front(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_update_decoration_glow_behind(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_remove_decoration_glow_behind(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_update_decoration_charged(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc_remove_decoration_charged(Npc* npc, s32 idx); void npc__reset_current_decoration(Npc* npc, s32 idx); /// Finds the closest NPC to a given point within a radius. Ignores Y position. /// /// NPCs with NPC_FLAG_PARTICLE set are ignored. /// See also npc_find_closest_simple(), which requires that NPC_FLAG_PARTICLE be set. /// /// @param x X position /// @param y Y position (unused) /// @param z Z position /// @param radius No NPCs further than this distance will be considered /// /// @returns NULL if there are no NPCs within radius Npc* npc_find_closest(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 radius); /// Finds the closest simple-hitbox NPC to a given point within a radius. Ignores Y position. /// /// Only NPCs with NPC_FLAG_PARTICLE set are considered. /// See also npc_find_closest(), which requires that NPC_FLAG_PARTICLE be unset. /// /// @param x X position /// @param y Y position (unused) /// @param z Z position /// @param radius No NPCs further than this distance will be considered /// /// @returns NULL if there are no NPCs within radius Npc* npc_find_closest_simple(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 radius); //s32 npc_find_standing_on_entity(); s32 npc_get_collider_below(Npc* npc); void func_8003D3BC(Npc* npc); void func_8003D624(Npc* npc, s32 arg1, s32 arg2, s32 arg3, s32 arg4, s32 arg5, s32 arg6); void func_8003D660(Npc* npc, s32); void func_8003D788(Npc* npc, s32); void func_8003DA38(Npc* npc, s32); s32 func_8003DC38(Npc*, s32); void func_8003DFA0(Npc* npc, s32); void func_8003E0D4(Npc* npc, s32); void func_8003E1D0(Npc* npc, s32); /// Duplicate of set_defeated(). void COPY_set_defeated(s32 mapID, s32 encounterID); void init_encounter_status(void); void clear_encounter_status(void); void func_8003E50C(void); void func_8003E514(s8 arg0); void update_encounters(void); void draw_encounter_ui(void); void draw_first_strike_ui(void); void npc_dyn_entity_draw_no_op(void); void make_npcs(s32 flags, s32 mapID, s32* npcGroupList); s32 kill_encounter(Enemy* enemy); void kill_enemy(Enemy* enemy); /// Binds the specified ai script to the specified enemy /// /// @param enemy pointer to the enemy to bind the script to /// @param aiScriptBytecode pointer to the script to be bound. s32 bind_enemy_ai(Enemy* enemy, EvtScript* aiScriptBytecode); /// Binds the specified auxillary script to the specified enemy /// /// @param enemy pointer to the enemy to bind the script to /// @param auxScriptBytecode pointer to the script to be bound. s32 bind_enemy_aux(Enemy* enemy, EvtScript* auxScriptBytecode); /// Binds the specified interact script to the specified enemy /// /// @param enemy pointer to the enemy to bind the script to /// @param interactScriptBytecode pointer to the script to be bound. s32 bind_enemy_interact(Enemy* enemy, EvtScript* interactScriptBytecode); /// Binds the specified ai script to the npc matching the specified npcId /// /// @param npcID ID of the desired npc /// @param npcAiBytecode pointer to the script to be bound. void bind_npc_ai(s32 npcID, EvtScript* npcAiBytecode); /// Binds the specified auxillary script to the npc matching the specified npcId /// /// @param npcID ID of the desired npc /// @param npcAuxBytecode pointer to the script to be bound. void bind_npc_aux(s32 npcID, EvtScript* npcAuxBytecode); /// Binds the specified interact script to the npc matching the specified npcId /// /// @param npcID ID of the desired npc /// @param npcInteractBytecode pointer to the script to be bound. void bind_npc_interact(s32 npcID, EvtScript* npcInteractBytecode); /// Looks for an enemy matching the specified npcID. /// /// @param npcID ID of the npc bound to the desired enemy. /// /// @returns pointer to Enemy struct, if one is found. If one is not found, a panic occurs. Enemy* get_enemy(s32 npcID); /// Same as get_enemy(), with the exception of always returning a value if an enemy is not found. /// /// @param npcID ID of the npc bound to the desired enemy. /// /// @returns pointer to Enemy struct, if one is found. Otherwise, NULL. Enemy* get_enemy_safe(s32 npcID); #endif