#!/usr/bin/env python3 from functools import lru_cache import os import shutil from typing import List, Dict, Set, Union from pathlib import Path import subprocess import sys import ninja_syntax from glob import glob # Configuration: VERSIONS = ["us", "jp", "ique", "pal"] DO_SHA1_CHECK = True # Paths: ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent if ROOT.is_absolute(): ROOT = ROOT.relative_to(Path.cwd()) BUILD_TOOLS = Path("tools/build") YAY0_COMPRESS_TOOL = f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/yay0/Yay0compress" CRC_TOOL = f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/rom/n64crc" PIGMENT = "pigment64" PIGMENT_REQ_VERSION = "0.4.2" def exec_shell(command: List[str]) -> str: ret = subprocess.run(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) return ret.stdout def write_ninja_rules( ninja: ninja_syntax.Writer, cpp: str, extra_cppflags: str, extra_cflags: str, use_ccache: bool, shift: bool, debug: bool, ): # platform-specific ccache = "" if use_ccache: ccache = "ccache " try: subprocess.call(["ccache"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except FileNotFoundError: ccache = "" cross = "mips-linux-gnu-" cc = f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/cc/gcc/gcc" cc_modern = f"{cross}gcc" cc_ido = f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/cc/ido5.3/cc" cc_272_dir = f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/cc/gcc2.7.2/" cc_272 = f"{cc_272_dir}/gcc" cc_egcs_dir = f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/cc/egcs/" cc_egcs = f"{cc_egcs_dir}/gcc" cxx = f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/cc/gcc/g++" CPPFLAGS_COMMON = ( "-Iver/$version/include -Iver/$version/build/include -Iinclude -Isrc -Iassets/$version -D_LANGUAGE_C -D_FINALROM " "-DVERSION=$version -DF3DEX_GBI_2 -D_MIPS_SZLONG=32" ) CPPFLAGS_272 = CPPFLAGS_COMMON + " -nostdinc" CPPFLAGS_EGCS = CPPFLAGS_COMMON + " -D__USE_ISOC99 -DBBPLAYER -nostdinc" CPPFLAGS = "-w " + CPPFLAGS_COMMON + " -nostdinc" cflags = f"-c -G0 -O2 -gdwarf-2 -x c -B {BUILD_TOOLS}/cc/gcc/ {extra_cflags}" cflags_modern = f"-c -G0 -O2 -gdwarf-2 -fdiagnostics-color=always -fno-builtin-bcopy -fno-tree-loop-distribute-patterns -funsigned-char -mgp32 -mfp32 -mabi=32 -mfix4300 -march=vr4300 -mno-gpopt -fno-toplevel-reorder -mno-abicalls -fno-pic -fno-exceptions -fno-stack-protector -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss -Wno-builtin-declaration-mismatch -x c {extra_cflags}" cflags_272 = f"-c -G0 -mgp32 -mfp32 -mips3 {extra_cflags}" cflags_272 = cflags_272.replace("-ggdb3", "-g1") cflags_egcs = f"-c -fno-PIC -mno-abicalls -mcpu=4300 -G 0 -x c -B {cc_egcs_dir} {extra_cflags}" ninja.variable("python", sys.executable) ld_args = f"-T ver/$version/build/undefined_syms.txt -T ver/$version/undefined_syms_auto.txt -T ver/$version/undefined_funcs_auto.txt -Map $mapfile --no-check-sections -T $in -o $out" if shift: # For the shiftable build, we link twice to resolve some addresses that gnu ld can't figure out all in one go. ninja.rule( "ld", description="link($version) $out", command=f"{cross}ld $$(tools/build/ld/multilink_calc.py $version hardcode) {ld_args} && \ {cross}ld $$(tools/build/ld/multilink_calc.py $version calc) {ld_args}", ) else: ninja.rule( "ld", description="link($version) $out", command=f"{cross}ld {ld_args}", ) ninja.rule( "shape_ld", description="link($version) shape $out", command=f"{cross}ld -T src/map_shape.ld $in -o $out", ) ninja.rule( "shape_objcopy", description="objcopy($version) shape $out", command=f"{cross}objcopy $in $out -O binary", ) Z64_DEBUG = "" if debug: Z64_DEBUG = " -gS -R .data -R .note -R .eh_frame -R .gnu.attributes -R .comment -R .options" ninja.rule( "z64", description="rom $out", command=f"{cross}objcopy $in $out -O binary{Z64_DEBUG} && {BUILD_TOOLS}/rom/n64crc $out", ) ninja.rule( "z64_ique", description="rom $out", command=f"{cross}objcopy $in $out -O binary{Z64_DEBUG}", ) ninja.rule( "sha1sum", description="check $in", command="sha1sum -c $in && touch $out" if DO_SHA1_CHECK else "touch $out", ) ninja.rule("cpp", description="cpp $in", command=f"{cpp} $in {extra_cppflags} -P -o $out") ninja.rule( "cc", description="gcc $in", command=f"bash -o pipefail -c '{cpp} {CPPFLAGS} {extra_cppflags} -DOLD_GCC $cppflags -MD -MF $out.d $in -o - | $iconv | {ccache}{cc} {cflags} $cflags - -o $out'", depfile="$out.d", deps="gcc", ) ninja.rule( "cc_modern", description="gcc_modern $in", command=f"bash -o pipefail -c '{cpp} {CPPFLAGS} {extra_cppflags} $cppflags -MD -MF $out.d $in -o - | $iconv | {ccache}{cc_modern} {cflags_modern} $cflags - -o $out'", depfile="$out.d", deps="gcc", ) ninja.rule( "cc_ido", description="ido $in", command=f"{ccache}{cc_ido} -w {CPPFLAGS_COMMON} {extra_cppflags} $cppflags -c -mips1 -O0 -G0 -non_shared -Xfullwarn -Xcpluscomm -o $out $in", ) ninja.rule( "cc_272", description="cc_272 $in", command=f"bash -o pipefail -c 'COMPILER_PATH={cc_272_dir} {cc_272} {CPPFLAGS_272} {extra_cppflags} $cppflags {cflags_272} $cflags $in -o $out && mips-linux-gnu-objcopy -N $in $out'", ) ninja.rule( "cc_egcs", description="cc_egcs $in", command=f"bash -o pipefail -c '{cc_egcs} {CPPFLAGS_EGCS} {extra_cppflags} $cppflags {cflags_egcs} $cflags $in -o $out && mips-linux-gnu-objcopy -N $in $out && python3 ./tools/patch_64bit_compile.py $out'", ) ninja.rule( "cxx", description="cxx $in", command=f"bash -o pipefail -c '{cpp} {CPPFLAGS} {extra_cppflags} $cppflags -MD -MF $out.d $in -o - | $iconv | {ccache}{cxx} {cflags} $cflags - -o $out'", depfile="$out.d", deps="gcc", ) ninja.rule( "dead_cc_fix", description="dead_cc_fix $in", command=f"mips-linux-gnu-objcopy --redefine-sym sqrtf=dead_sqrtf $in $out", ) ninja.rule( "bin", description="bin $in", command=f"{cross}ld -r -b binary $in -o $out", ) ninja.rule( "cp", description="cp $in $out", command=f"cp $in $out", ) ninja.rule( "as", description="as $in", command=f"{cpp} {CPPFLAGS} {extra_cppflags} $cppflags $in -o - | {cross}as -EB -march=vr4300 -mtune=vr4300 -Iinclude -o $out", ) ninja.rule( "img", description="img($img_type) $in", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/img/build.py $img_type $in $out $img_flags", ) ninja.rule( "pigment", description="img($img_type) $in", command=f"{PIGMENT} to-bin $img_flags -f $img_type -o $out $in", ) ninja.rule( "img_header", description="img_header $in", command=f'$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/img/header.py $in $out "$c_name"', ) ninja.rule( "yay0", description="yay0 $in", command=f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/yay0/Yay0compress $in $out", ) ninja.rule( "npc_sprite", description="sprite $sprite_name", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/sprite/npc_sprite.py $out $sprite_name $asset_stack", ) ninja.rule( "sprites", description="sprites $out $header_out", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/sprite/sprites.py $out $header_out $build_dir $asset_stack", ) ninja.rule( "sprite_header", description="sprite_header $sprite_name", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/sprite/header.py $out $sprite_name $sprite_id $asset_stack", ) ninja.rule( "msg", description="msg $in", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/msg/parse_compile.py $version $in $out", ) ninja.rule( "icons", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/icons.py $out $list_path $header_path $asset_stack", ) ninja.rule( "move_data", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/move_data.py $out $in", ) ninja.rule( "item_data", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/item_data.py $out $in", ) ninja.rule( "actor_types", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/actor_types.py $out $in", ) ninja.rule( "world_map", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/world_map.py $in $out", ) ninja.rule( "recipes", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/recipes.py $in $out", ) ninja.rule( "msg_combine", description="msg_combine $out", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/msg/combine.py $out $in", ) ninja.rule( "mapfs", description="mapfs $out", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/mapfs/combine.py $version $out $in", ) ninja.rule( "tex", description="tex $out", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/mapfs/tex.py $out $tex_name $asset_stack", ) ninja.rule( "pack_title_data", description="pack_title_data $out", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/mapfs/pack_title_data.py $out $in", ) ninja.rule("map_header", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/mapfs/map_header.py $in > $out") ninja.rule("charset", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/pm_charset.py $out $in") ninja.rule( "charset_palettes", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/pm_charset_palettes.py $out $in", ) ninja.rule( "sprite_shading_profiles", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/sprite/sprite_shading_profiles.py $in $out $header_path", ) ninja.rule("imgfx_data", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/imgfx/imgfx_data.py $in $out") ninja.rule("shape", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/mapfs/shape.py $in $out") ninja.rule("effect_data", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/effects.py $in_yaml $out_dir") ninja.rule("pm_sbn", command=f"$python {BUILD_TOOLS}/audio/sbn.py $out $asset_stack") with Path("tools/permuter_settings.toml").open("w") as f: f.write(f"compiler_command = \"{cc} {CPPFLAGS.replace('$version', 'pal')} {cflags} -DPERMUTER -fforce-addr\"\n") f.write(f'assembler_command = "{cross}as -EB -march=vr4300 -mtune=vr4300 -Iinclude"\n') f.write(f'compiler_type = "gcc"\n') f.write( """ [preserve_macros] "gs?[DS]P.*" = "void" OVERRIDE_FLAG_CHECK = "int" OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL = "int" "G_.*" = "int" "TEXEL.*" = "int" PRIMITIVE = "int" [decompme.compilers] "tools/build/cc/gcc/gcc" = "gcc2.8.1" """ ) def write_ninja_for_tools(ninja: ninja_syntax.Writer): ninja.rule( "cc_tool", description="cc_tool $in", command=f"cc -w $in -O3 -o $out", ) ninja.build(YAY0_COMPRESS_TOOL, "cc_tool", f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/yay0/Yay0compress.c") ninja.build(CRC_TOOL, "cc_tool", f"{BUILD_TOOLS}/rom/n64crc.c") class Configure: def __init__(self, version: str): self.version = version self.version_path = ROOT / f"ver/{version}" self.linker_entries = None def split(self, assets: bool, code: bool, shift: bool, debug: bool): import splat.scripts.split as split modes = ["ld"] if assets: modes.extend( [ "bin", "rodatabin", "textbin", "yay0", "img", "vtx", "vtx_common", "gfx", "gfx_common", "pm_map_data", "pm_icons", "pm_msg", "pm_sprites", "pm_charset", "pm_charset_palettes", "pm_effect_loads", "pm_effect_shims", "pm_sprite_shading_profiles", "pm_imgfx_data", "pm_sbn", ] ) if code: modes.extend(["code", "c", "data", "rodata"]) splat_files = [str(self.version_path / "splat.yaml")] if debug: splat_files += [str(self.version_path / "splat-debug.yaml")] if shift: splat_files += [str(self.version_path / "splat-shift.yaml")] split.main( splat_files, modes, verbose=False, ) self.linker_entries = split.linker_writer.entries self.asset_stack: List[str] = split.config["asset_stack"] def build_path(self) -> Path: return Path(f"ver/{self.version}/build") def undefined_syms_path(self) -> Path: return self.build_path() / "undefined_syms.txt" def elf_path(self) -> Path: # TODO: read basename and build_path from splat.yaml return Path(f"ver/{self.version}/build/papermario.elf") def rom_path(self) -> Path: return self.elf_path().with_suffix(".z64") def rom_ok_path(self) -> Path: return self.elf_path().with_suffix(".ok") def linker_script_path(self) -> Path: # TODO: read from splat.yaml return Path(f"ver/{self.version}/papermario.ld") def map_path(self) -> Path: return self.elf_path().with_suffix(".map") def resolve_src_paths(self, src_paths: List[Path]) -> List[str]: out = [] for path in src_paths: path = self.resolve_asset_path(path) if path is not None: if path.is_dir(): out.extend(glob(str(path) + "/**/*", recursive=True)) else: out.append(str(path)) return out # Given a directory relative to assets/, return a list of all assets in the directory # for all layers of the asset stack def get_asset_list(self, asset_dir: str) -> List[str]: ret: Dict[Path, Path] = {} for stack_dir in self.asset_stack: path_stem = f"assets/{stack_dir}/{asset_dir}" for p in Path(path_stem).glob("**/*"): glob_part = p.relative_to(path_stem) if glob_part not in ret: ret[glob_part] = p return [str(v) for v in ret.values()] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def resolve_asset_path(self, path: Path) -> Path: # Remove nonsense path = Path(os.path.normpath(path)) parts = list(path.parts) if parts[0] != "assets": return path for asset_dir in self.asset_stack: parts[1] = asset_dir new_path = Path("/".join(parts)) if new_path.exists(): return new_path return path def write_ninja( self, ninja: ninja_syntax.Writer, skip_outputs: Set[str], non_matching: bool, modern_gcc: bool, c_maps: bool = False, ): assert self.linker_entries is not None built_objects = set() generated_code = [] inc_img_bins = [] def build( object_paths: Union[Path, List[Path]], src_paths: List[Path], task: str, variables: Dict[str, str] = {}, implicit_outputs: List[str] = [], asset_deps: List[str] = [], ): if not isinstance(object_paths, list): object_paths = [object_paths] object_strs = [str(obj) for obj in object_paths] needs_build = False for object_path in object_paths: if object_path.suffixes[-1] == ".o": built_objects.add(str(object_path)) elif object_path.suffix.endswith(".h") or object_path.suffix.endswith(".c"): generated_code.append(str(object_path)) elif object_path.name.endswith(".png.bin") or object_path.name.endswith(".pal.bin"): inc_img_bins.append(str(object_path)) # don't rebuild objects if we've already seen all of them if not str(object_path) in skip_outputs: needs_build = True for i_output in implicit_outputs: if i_output.endswith(".h"): generated_code.append(i_output) if needs_build: skip_outputs.update(object_strs) implicit = [] order_only = [] if task == "yay0": implicit.append(YAY0_COMPRESS_TOOL) elif task in ["cc", "cxx", "cc_modern"]: order_only.append("generated_code_" + self.version) order_only.append("inc_img_bins_" + self.version) inputs = self.resolve_src_paths(src_paths) for dir in asset_deps: inputs.extend(self.get_asset_list(dir)) ninja.build( outputs=object_strs, # $out rule=task, inputs=inputs, # $in implicit=implicit, order_only=order_only, variables={"version": self.version, **variables}, implicit_outputs=implicit_outputs, ) # Effect data includes effect_yaml = ROOT / "src/effects.yaml" effect_data_outdir = ROOT / "assets" / version / "effects" effect_macros_path = effect_data_outdir / "effect_macros.h" effect_defs_path = effect_data_outdir / "effect_defs.h" effect_table_path = effect_data_outdir / "effect_table.c" build( [effect_macros_path, effect_defs_path, effect_table_path], [effect_yaml], "effect_data", variables={ "in_yaml": str(effect_yaml), "out_dir": str(effect_data_outdir), }, ) build( self.build_path() / "include/world_map.inc.c", [Path("src/world_map.xml")], "world_map", ) build( self.build_path() / "include/recipes.inc.c", [Path("src/recipes.yaml")], "recipes", ) build( [ self.build_path() / "include/move_data.inc.c", self.build_path() / "include/move_enum.h", ], [Path("src/move_table.yaml")], "move_data", ) build( [ self.build_path() / "include/item_data.inc.c", self.build_path() / "include/item_enum.h", ], [ Path("src/item_table.yaml"), Path("src/item_entity_scripts.yaml"), Path("src/item_hud_scripts.yaml"), ], "item_data", ) build( [ self.build_path() / "include/battle/actor_types.inc.c", self.build_path() / "include/battle/actor_types.h", ], [ Path("src/battle/actors.yaml"), ], "actor_types", ) import splat # Build objects for entry in self.linker_entries: seg = entry.segment if seg.type == "linker" or seg.type == "linker_offset": continue assert entry.object_path is not None if isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.n64.header.N64SegHeader): build(entry.object_path, entry.src_paths, "as") elif isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.common.asm.CommonSegAsm) or ( isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.common.data.CommonSegData) and not seg.type[0] == "." ): build(entry.object_path, entry.src_paths, "as") elif seg.type in ["pm_effect_loads", "pm_effect_shims"]: build(entry.object_path, entry.src_paths, "as") elif isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.common.c.CommonSegC) or ( isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.common.data.CommonSegData) and seg.type[0] == "." ): cflags = None if isinstance(seg.yaml, dict): cflags = seg.yaml.get("cflags") elif len(seg.yaml) >= 4: cflags = seg.yaml[3] # default cflags where not specified if cflags is None: if "nusys" in entry.src_paths[0].parts: cflags = "" elif "os" in entry.src_paths[0].parts: # libultra cflags = "" else: # papermario cflags = "-fforce-addr" # c task = "cc" if entry.src_paths[0].suffixes[-1] == ".cpp": task = "cxx" if modern_gcc: task = "cc_modern" if seg.name.endswith("osFlash"): task = "cc_ido" elif "gcc_272" in cflags: task = "cc_272" cflags = cflags.replace("gcc_272", "") elif "egcs" in cflags: task = "cc_egcs" cflags = cflags.replace("egcs", "") elif "gcc_modern" in cflags: task = "cc_modern" cflags = cflags.replace("gcc_modern", "") encoding = "CP932" # similar to SHIFT-JIS, but includes backslash and tilde if version == "ique": encoding = "EUC-JP" iconv = f"iconv --from UTF-8 --to {encoding}" # use tools/sjis-escape.py for src/battle/area/tik2/area.c if version != "ique" and seg.dir.parts[-3:] == ("battle", "area", "tik2") and seg.name == "area": iconv += " | tools/sjis-escape.py" # Dead cod if isinstance(seg.parent.yaml, dict) and seg.parent.yaml.get("dead_code", False): obj_path = str(entry.object_path) init_obj_path = Path(obj_path + ".dead") build( init_obj_path, entry.src_paths, task, variables={ "cflags": cflags, "cppflags": f"-DVERSION_{self.version.upper()}", "iconv": iconv, }, ) build( entry.object_path, [init_obj_path], "dead_cc_fix", ) # Not dead cod else: if non_matching or seg.get_most_parent().name not in [ "main", "engine1", "engine2", ]: cflags += " -fno-common" build( entry.object_path, entry.src_paths, task, variables={ "cflags": cflags, "cppflags": f"-DVERSION_{self.version.upper()}", "iconv": iconv, }, ) # images embedded inside data aren't linked, but they do need to be built into .bin files if isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.common.group.CommonSegGroup): for seg in seg.subsegments: if isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.n64.img.N64SegImg): flags = "" if seg.n64img.flip_h: flags += "--flip-x " if seg.n64img.flip_v: flags += "--flip-y " src_paths = [seg.out_path().relative_to(ROOT)] inc_dir = self.build_path() / "include" / seg.dir bin_path = self.build_path() / seg.dir / (seg.name + ".png.bin") build( bin_path, src_paths, "pigment", variables={ "img_type": seg.type, "img_flags": flags, }, ) assert seg.vram_start is not None, "img with vram_start unset: " + seg.name c_sym = seg.create_symbol( addr=seg.vram_start, in_segment=True, type="data", define=True, ) name = c_sym.name if "namespaced" in seg.args: name = f"N({name[7:]})" vars = {"c_name": name} build( inc_dir / (seg.name + ".png.h"), src_paths, "img_header", vars, ) elif isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.n64.palette.N64SegPalette): src_paths = [seg.out_path().relative_to(ROOT)] inc_dir = self.build_path() / "include" / seg.dir bin_path = self.build_path() / seg.dir / (seg.name + ".pal.bin") build( bin_path, src_paths, "pigment", variables={ "img_type": seg.type, "img_flags": "", }, ) assert seg.vram_start is not None c_sym = seg.create_symbol( addr=seg.vram_start, in_segment=True, type="data", define=True, ) elif ( isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.common.bin.CommonSegBin) or isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.common.textbin.CommonSegTextbin) or isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.common.rodatabin.CommonSegRodatabin) ): build(entry.object_path, entry.src_paths, "bin") elif isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.n64.yay0.N64SegYay0): compressed_path = entry.object_path.with_suffix("") # remove .o build(compressed_path, entry.src_paths, "yay0") build(entry.object_path, [compressed_path], "bin") elif isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.n64.img.N64SegImg): flags = "" if seg.n64img.flip_h: flags += "--flip-x " if seg.n64img.flip_v: flags += "--flip-y " bin_path = entry.object_path.with_suffix(".bin") inc_dir = self.build_path() / "include" / seg.dir build( bin_path, entry.src_paths, "pigment", variables={ "img_type": seg.type, "img_flags": flags, }, ) build(entry.object_path, [bin_path], "bin") # c_sym = seg.create_symbol( # addr=seg.vram_start, in_segment=True, type="data", define=True # ) # vars = {"c_name": c_sym.name} build(inc_dir / (seg.name + ".png.h"), entry.src_paths, "img_header") elif isinstance(seg, splat.segtypes.n64.palette.N64SegPalette): bin_path = entry.object_path.with_suffix(".bin") build( bin_path, entry.src_paths, "pigment", variables={ "img_type": seg.type, "img_flags": "", }, ) build(entry.object_path, [bin_path], "bin") elif seg.type == "pm_sprites": assert entry.object_path is not None sprite_yay0s = [] npc_obj_path = entry.object_path.parent / "npc" # NPC sprite headers for sprite_id, sprite_dir in enumerate(entry.src_paths[1:], 1): sprite_name = sprite_dir.name bin_path = npc_obj_path / (sprite_name + ".bin") yay0_path = bin_path.with_suffix(".Yay0") sprite_yay0s.append(yay0_path) build( bin_path, [sprite_dir], "npc_sprite", variables={ "sprite_name": sprite_name, "asset_stack": ",".join(self.asset_stack), }, asset_deps=[str(sprite_dir)], ) build(yay0_path, [bin_path], "yay0") # NPC sprite header build( self.build_path() / "include/sprite/npc" / (sprite_name + ".h"), [sprite_dir, yay0_path], "sprite_header", variables={ "sprite_name": sprite_name, "sprite_id": str(sprite_id), "asset_stack": ",".join(self.asset_stack), }, ) # Sprites .bin sprite_player_header_path = str(self.build_path() / "include/sprite/player.h") build( entry.object_path.with_suffix(".bin"), [entry.src_paths[0], *sprite_yay0s], "sprites", variables={ "header_out": sprite_player_header_path, "build_dir": str(self.build_path() / "assets" / self.version / "sprite"), "asset_stack": ",".join(self.asset_stack), }, implicit_outputs=[sprite_player_header_path], asset_deps=["sprite/player"], ) # Sprites .o build(entry.object_path, [entry.object_path.with_suffix(".bin")], "bin") elif seg.type == "pm_msg": msg_bins = [] for section_idx, msg_path in enumerate(entry.src_paths): bin_path = entry.object_path.with_suffix("") / f"{section_idx:02X}.bin" msg_bins.append(bin_path) build(bin_path, [msg_path], "msg") build( [ entry.object_path.with_suffix(".bin"), self.build_path() / "include" / "message_ids.h", ], msg_bins, "msg_combine", ) build(entry.object_path, [entry.object_path.with_suffix(".bin")], "bin") elif seg.type == "pm_icons": # make icons.bin header_path = str(self.build_path() / "include" / "icon_offsets.h") build( entry.object_path.with_suffix(""), entry.src_paths, "icons", variables={ "list_path": entry.src_paths[0], "header_path": header_path, "asset_stack": ",".join(self.asset_stack), }, implicit_outputs=[header_path], asset_deps=["icon"], ) # make icons.bin.o build(entry.object_path, [entry.object_path.with_suffix("")], "bin") elif seg.type == "pm_map_data": # flat list of (uncompressed path, compressed? path) pairs bin_yay0s: List[Path] = [] src_dir = Path("assets/x") / seg.name for path in entry.src_paths: name = path.stem out_dir = entry.object_path.with_suffix("").with_suffix("") bin_path = out_dir / f"{name}.bin" if name.startswith("party_"): compress = True build( bin_path, [path], "img", variables={ "img_type": "party", "img_flags": "", }, ) elif name == "title_data": compress = True logotype_path = out_dir / "title_logotype.bin" copyright_path = out_dir / "title_copyright.bin" copyright_pal_path = out_dir / "title_copyright.pal" # jp only press_start_path = out_dir / "title_press_start.bin" build( logotype_path, [src_dir / "title/logotype.png"], "pigment", variables={ "img_type": "rgba32", "img_flags": "", }, ) build( press_start_path, [src_dir / "title/press_start.png"], "pigment", variables={ "img_type": "ia8", "img_flags": "", }, ) if self.version == "jp": build( copyright_path, [src_dir / "title/copyright.png"], "pigment", variables={ "img_type": "ci4", "img_flags": "", }, ) build( copyright_pal_path, [src_dir / "title/copyright.png"], "pigment", variables={ "img_type": "palette", "img_flags": "", }, ) imgs = [ logotype_path, copyright_path, press_start_path, copyright_pal_path, ] else: build( copyright_path, [src_dir / "title/copyright.png"], "pigment", variables={ "img_type": "ia8", "img_flags": "", }, ) imgs = [logotype_path, copyright_path, press_start_path] build(bin_path, imgs, "pack_title_data") elif name.endswith("_bg"): compress = True build( bin_path, [path], "img", variables={ "img_type": "bg", "img_flags": "", }, ) elif name.endswith("_tex"): compress = False tex_dir = path.parent / name build( bin_path, [tex_dir, path.parent / (name + ".json")], "tex", variables={ "tex_name": name, "asset_stack": ",".join(self.asset_stack), }, asset_deps=[f"mapfs/tex/{name}"], ) elif name.endswith("_shape_built"): base_name = name[:-6] raw_bin_path = self.resolve_asset_path(f"assets/x/mapfs/geom/{base_name}.bin") bin_path = bin_path.parent / "geom" / (base_name + ".bin") if c_maps: # raw bin -> c -> o -> elf -> objcopy -> final bin file c_file_path = (bin_path.parent / "geom" / base_name).with_suffix(".c") o_path = bin_path.parent / "geom" / (base_name + ".o") elf_path = bin_path.parent / "geom" / (base_name + ".elf") build(c_file_path, [raw_bin_path], "shape") build( o_path, [c_file_path], "cc" if not modern_gcc else "cc_modern", variables={ "cflags": "", "cppflags": f"-DVERSION_{self.version.upper()}", "iconv": "iconv --from UTF-8 --to CP932", # similar to SHIFT-JIS, but includes backslash and tilde }, ) build(elf_path, [o_path], "shape_ld") build(bin_path, [elf_path], "shape_objcopy") else: build(bin_path, [raw_bin_path], "cp") compress = True out_dir = out_dir / "geom" else: compress = True bin_path = path if compress: yay0_path = out_dir / f"{name}.Yay0" build(yay0_path, [bin_path], "yay0") else: yay0_path = bin_path bin_yay0s.append(bin_path) bin_yay0s.append(yay0_path) # combine build(entry.object_path.with_suffix(""), bin_yay0s, "mapfs") build(entry.object_path, [entry.object_path.with_suffix("")], "bin") elif seg.type == "pm_charset": rasters = [] for src_path in entry.src_paths: out_path = self.build_path() / seg.dir / seg.name / (src_path.stem + ".bin") build( out_path, [src_path], "pigment", variables={ "img_type": "ci4", "img_flags": "", }, ) rasters.append(out_path) build(entry.object_path.with_suffix(""), rasters, "charset") build(entry.object_path, [entry.object_path.with_suffix("")], "bin") elif seg.type == "pm_charset_palettes": palettes = [] for src_path in entry.src_paths: out_path = self.build_path() / seg.dir / seg.name / "palette" / (src_path.stem + ".bin") build( out_path, [src_path], "pigment", variables={ "img_type": "palette", "img_flags": "", }, ) palettes.append(out_path) build(entry.object_path.with_suffix(""), palettes, "charset_palettes") build(entry.object_path, [entry.object_path.with_suffix("")], "bin") elif seg.type == "pm_sprite_shading_profiles": header_path = str(self.build_path() / "include/sprite/sprite_shading_profiles.h") build( entry.object_path.with_suffix(""), entry.src_paths, "sprite_shading_profiles", implicit_outputs=[header_path], variables={ "header_path": header_path, }, ) build(entry.object_path, [entry.object_path.with_suffix("")], "bin") elif seg.type == "pm_sbn": sbn_path = entry.object_path.with_suffix("") build( sbn_path, entry.src_paths, "pm_sbn", variables={ "asset_stack": ",".join(self.asset_stack), }, asset_deps=entry.src_paths, ) build(entry.object_path, [sbn_path], "bin") elif seg.type == "linker" or seg.type == "linker_offset": pass elif seg.type == "pm_imgfx_data": c_file_path = Path(f"assets/{self.version}") / "imgfx" / (seg.name + ".c") build(c_file_path, entry.src_paths, "imgfx_data") build( entry.object_path, [c_file_path], "cc" if not modern_gcc else "cc_modern", variables={ "cflags": "", "cppflags": f"-DVERSION_{self.version.upper()}", "iconv": "iconv --from UTF-8 --to CP932", # similar to SHIFT-JIS, but includes backslash and tilde }, ) else: raise Exception(f"don't know how to build {seg.__class__.__name__} '{seg.name}'") # Run undefined_syms through cpp ninja.build( str(self.undefined_syms_path()), "cpp", str(self.version_path / "undefined_syms.txt"), ) # Build elf, z64, ok additional_objects = [str(self.undefined_syms_path())] ninja.build( str(self.elf_path()), "ld", str(self.linker_script_path()), implicit=[str(obj) for obj in built_objects] + additional_objects, variables={"version": self.version, "mapfile": str(self.map_path())}, ) if self.version == "ique": ninja.build( str(self.rom_path()), "z64_ique", str(self.elf_path()), variables={"version": self.version}, ) else: ninja.build( str(self.rom_path()), "z64", str(self.elf_path()), implicit=[CRC_TOOL], variables={"version": self.version}, ) if not non_matching: ninja.build( str(self.rom_ok_path()), "sha1sum", f"ver/{self.version}/checksum.sha1", implicit=[str(self.rom_path())], ) ninja.build("generated_code_" + self.version, "phony", generated_code) ninja.build("inc_img_bins_" + self.version, "phony", inc_img_bins) def make_current(self, ninja: ninja_syntax.Writer): current = Path("ver/current") try: current.unlink() except Exception: pass current.symlink_to(self.version) ninja.build("ver/current/build/papermario.z64", "phony", str(self.rom_path())) if __name__ == "__main__": from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description="Paper Mario build.ninja generator") parser.add_argument( "version", nargs="*", default=[], choices=[*VERSIONS, []], help="Version(s) to configure for. Most tools will operate on the first-provided only. Supported versions: " + ",".join(VERSIONS), ) parser.add_argument("--cpp", help="GNU C preprocessor command") parser.add_argument( "-c", "--clean", action="store_true", help="Delete assets and previously-built files", ) parser.add_argument("--splat", default="tools/splat", help="Path to splat tool to use") parser.add_argument("--split-code", action="store_true", help="Re-split code segments to asm files") parser.add_argument( "--no-split-assets", action="store_true", help="Don't split assets from the baserom(s)", ) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Generate debugging information") parser.add_argument( "-n", "--non-matching", action="store_true", help="Compile nonmatching code. Combine with --debug for more detailed debug info", ) parser.add_argument( "--shift", action="store_true", help="Build a shiftable version of the game (non-matching)", ) parser.add_argument( "--modern-gcc", action="store_true", help="Use modern GCC instead of the original compiler", ) parser.add_argument("--ccache", action="store_true", help="Use ccache") parser.add_argument( "--c-maps", action="store_true", help="Convert map binaries to C as part of the build process", ) args = parser.parse_args() exec_shell(["make", "-C", str(ROOT / args.splat)]) # on macOS, /usr/bin/cpp defaults to clang rather than gcc (but we need gcc's) if ( args.cpp is None and sys.platform == "darwin" and "Free Software Foundation" not in exec_shell(["cpp", "--version"]) ): gcc_cpps = ("cpp-14", "cpp-13", "cpp-12", "cpp-11") for ver in gcc_cpps: try: if "Free Software Foundation" in exec_shell([ver, "--version"]): args.cpp = ver break except FileNotFoundError: pass if args.cpp is None: print("error: system C preprocessor is not GNU!") print("This is a known issue on macOS - only clang's cpp is installed by default.") print("Use 'brew' to obtain GNU cpp, then run this script again with the --cpp option, e.g.") print(f" ./configure --cpp {gcc_cpps[0]}") exit(1) try: version = exec_shell([PIGMENT, "--version"]).split(" ")[1].strip() if version < PIGMENT_REQ_VERSION: print(f"error: {PIGMENT} version {PIGMENT_REQ_VERSION} or newer is required, system version is {version}\n") exit(1) except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): print(f"error: {PIGMENT} is not installed\n") print("To build and install it, obtain cargo:\n\tcurl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh") print(f"and then run:\n\tcargo install {PIGMENT}") exit(1) # default version behaviour is to only do those that exist if len(args.version) > 0: versions = args.version else: versions = [] for version in VERSIONS: rom = ROOT / f"ver/{version}/baserom.z64" print(f"configure: looking for baserom {rom.relative_to(ROOT)}", end="") if rom.exists(): print("...found") versions.append(version) else: print("...missing") if len(versions) == 0: print("error: no baseroms found") exit(1) if args.clean: print("configure: cleaning...") exec_shell(["ninja", "-t", "clean"]) for version in versions: shutil.rmtree(ROOT / f"assets/{version}", ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(ROOT / f"ver/{version}/assets", ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(ROOT / f"ver/{version}/build", ignore_errors=True) try: os.remove(ROOT / f"ver/{version}/.splat_cache") except OSError: pass extra_cflags = "" extra_cppflags = "" if args.non_matching: extra_cppflags += " -DNON_MATCHING" if args.debug: extra_cflags += " -ggdb3" # we can generate more accurate debug info in non-matching mode extra_cppflags += " -DDEBUG" # e.g. affects ASSERT macro elif args.debug: # g1 doesn't affect codegen extra_cflags += " -ggdb3" if args.shift: extra_cppflags += " -DSHIFT" extra_cflags += " -Wmissing-braces -Wimplicit -Wredundant-decls -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-redundant-decls" # add splat to python import path sys.path.insert(0, str((ROOT / args.splat / "src").resolve())) ninja = ninja_syntax.Writer(open(str(ROOT / "build.ninja"), "w"), width=9999) non_matching = args.non_matching or args.modern_gcc or args.shift write_ninja_rules( ninja, args.cpp or "cpp", extra_cppflags, extra_cflags, args.ccache, args.shift, args.debug, ) write_ninja_for_tools(ninja) skip_files: Set[str] = set() all_rom_oks: List[str] = [] first_configure = None for version in versions: print(f"configure: configuring version {version}") configure = Configure(version) if not first_configure: first_configure = configure # include tools/splat_ext in the python path sys.path.append(str((ROOT / "tools/splat_ext").resolve())) configure.split(not args.no_split_assets, args.split_code, args.shift, args.debug) configure.write_ninja(ninja, skip_files, non_matching, args.modern_gcc, args.c_maps) all_rom_oks.append(str(configure.rom_ok_path())) assert first_configure first_configure.make_current(ninja) if non_matching: ninja.build("all", "phony", [str(first_configure.rom_path())]) else: ninja.build("all", "phony", all_rom_oks) ninja.default("all")