/*==================================================================== * os_pfs.h * * Copyright 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, * Inc.; the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third * parties, copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, * without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: * Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights * in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS * 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, * DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - rights reserved under the * Copyright Laws of the United States. *====================================================================*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* Copyright (C) 1998 Nintendo. (Originated by SGI) $RCSfile: os_pfs.h,v $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 1998/10/09 08:01:16 $ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _OS_PFS_H_ #define _OS_PFS_H_ #ifdef _LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS extern "C" { #endif #include #include "os_message.h" #if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) /************************************************************************** * * Type definitions * */ /* * Structure for file system */ typedef struct { int status; OSMesgQueue *queue; int channel; u8 id[32]; u8 label[32]; int version; int dir_size; int inode_table; /* block location */ int minode_table; /* mirrioring inode_table */ int dir_table; /* block location */ int inode_start_page; /* page # */ u8 banks; u8 activebank; } OSPfs; typedef struct { u32 file_size; /* bytes */ u32 game_code; u16 company_code; char ext_name[4]; char game_name[16]; } OSPfsState; #endif /* defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) */ /************************************************************************** * * Global definitions * */ /* File System size */ #define OS_PFS_VERSION 0x0200 #define OS_PFS_VERSION_HI (OS_PFS_VERSION >> 8) #define OS_PFS_VERSION_LO (OS_PFS_VERSION & 255) #define PFS_INODE_SIZE_PER_PAGE 128 #define PFS_FILE_NAME_LEN 16 #define PFS_FILE_EXT_LEN 4 #define BLOCKSIZE 32 /* bytes */ #define PFS_ONE_PAGE 8 /* blocks */ #define PFS_MAX_BANKS 62 /* File System flag */ #define PFS_READ 0 #define PFS_WRITE 1 #define PFS_CREATE 2 /* File System status */ #define PFS_INITIALIZED 0x1 #define PFS_CORRUPTED 0x2 #define PFS_ID_BROKEN 0x4 #define PFS_MOTOR_INITIALIZED 0x8 #define PFS_GBPAK_INITIALIZED 0x10 /* Definition for page usage */ #define PFS_EOF 1 #define PFS_PAGE_NOT_EXIST 2 #define PFS_PAGE_NOT_USED 3 /* File System error number */ #define PFS_ERR_NOPACK 1 /* no memory card is plugged or */ #define PFS_ERR_NEW_PACK 2 /* ram pack has been changed to a different one */ #define PFS_ERR_INCONSISTENT 3 /* need to run Pfschecker*/ #define PFS_ERR_CONTRFAIL CONT_OVERRUN_ERROR #define PFS_ERR_INVALID 5 /* invalid parameter or file not exist*/ #define PFS_ERR_BAD_DATA 6 /* the data read from pack are bad*/ #define PFS_DATA_FULL 7 /* no free pages on ram pack*/ #define PFS_DIR_FULL 8 /* no free directories on ram pack*/ #define PFS_ERR_EXIST 9 /* file exists*/ #define PFS_ERR_ID_FATAL 10 /* dead ram pack */ #define PFS_ERR_DEVICE 11 /* wrong device type*/ #define PFS_ERR_NO_GBCART 12 /* no gb cartridge (64GB-PAK) */ #define PFS_ERR_NEW_GBCART 13 /* gb cartridge may be changed */ /* Definition for bank */ #define PFS_ID_BANK_256K 0 #define PFS_ID_BANK_1M 4 #define PFS_BANKS_256K 1 #define PFS_WRITTEN 2 #define DEF_DIR_PAGES 2 #define PFS_ID_0AREA 1 #define PFS_ID_1AREA 3 #define PFS_ID_2AREA 4 #define PFS_ID_3AREA 6 #define PFS_LABEL_AREA 7 #define PFS_ID_PAGE PFS_ONE_PAGE * 0 #define PFS_BANK_LAPPED_BY 8 /* => u8 */ #define PFS_SECTOR_PER_BANK 32 #define PFS_INODE_DIST_MAP (PFS_BANK_LAPPED_BY * PFS_SECTOR_PER_BANK) #define PFS_SECTOR_SIZE (PFS_INODE_SIZE_PER_PAGE/PFS_SECTOR_PER_BANK) #if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) /************************************************************************** * * Macro definitions * */ /************************************************************************** * * Extern variables * */ /************************************************************************** * * Function prototypes * */ /* file system interface */ extern s32 osPfsInitPak(OSMesgQueue *, OSPfs *, int); extern s32 osPfsRepairId(OSPfs *); extern s32 osPfsInit(OSMesgQueue *, OSPfs *, int); extern s32 osPfsReFormat(OSPfs *, OSMesgQueue *, int); extern s32 osPfsChecker(OSPfs *); extern s32 osPfsAllocateFile(OSPfs *, u16, u32, u8 *, u8 *, int, s32 *); extern s32 osPfsFindFile(OSPfs *, u16, u32, u8 *, u8 *, s32 *); extern s32 osPfsDeleteFile(OSPfs *, u16, u32, u8 *, u8 *); extern s32 osPfsReadWriteFile(OSPfs *, s32, u8, int, int, u8 *); extern s32 osPfsFileState(OSPfs *, s32, OSPfsState *); extern s32 osPfsGetLabel(OSPfs *, u8 *, int *); extern s32 osPfsSetLabel(OSPfs *, u8 *); extern s32 osPfsIsPlug(OSMesgQueue *, u8 *); extern s32 osPfsFreeBlocks(OSPfs *, s32 *); extern s32 osPfsNumFiles(OSPfs *, s32 *, s32 *); #endif /* defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) */ #ifdef _LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS } #endif #endif /* !_OS_PFS_H_ */