import shutil from segtypes.n64.segment import N64Segment from pathlib import Path from util import options import re import pylibyaml import yaml CHARSET = { 0x00: "[NOTE]", 0x01: "!", 0x02: '"', 0x03: "#", 0x04: "$", 0x05: "%", 0x06: "&", 0x07: "'", 0x08: "(", 0x09: ")", 0x0A: "*", 0x0B: "+", 0x0C: ",", 0x0D: "-", 0x0E: ".", 0x0F: "/", 0x10: "0", 0x11: "1", 0x12: "2", 0x13: "3", 0x14: "4", 0x15: "5", 0x16: "6", 0x17: "7", 0x18: "8", 0x19: "9", 0x1A: ":", 0x1B: ";", 0x1C: "<", 0x1D: "=", 0x1E: ">", 0x1F: "?", 0x20: "@", 0x21: "A", 0x22: "B", 0x23: "C", 0x24: "D", 0x25: "E", 0x26: "F", 0x27: "G", 0x28: "H", 0x29: "I", 0x2A: "J", 0x2B: "K", 0x2C: "L", 0x2D: "M", 0x2E: "N", 0x2F: "O", 0x30: "P", 0x31: "Q", 0x32: "R", 0x33: "S", 0x34: "T", 0x35: "U", 0x36: "V", 0x37: "W", 0x38: "X", 0x39: "Y", 0x3A: "Z", 0x3B: "\\[", 0x3C: "¥", 0x3D: "]", 0x3E: "^", 0x3F: "_", 0x40: "`", 0x41: "a", 0x42: "b", 0x43: "c", 0x44: "d", 0x45: "e", 0x46: "f", 0x47: "g", 0x48: "h", 0x49: "i", 0x4A: "j", 0x4B: "k", 0x4C: "l", 0x4D: "m", 0x4E: "n", 0x4F: "o", 0x50: "p", 0x51: "q", 0x52: "r", 0x53: "s", 0x54: "t", 0x55: "u", 0x56: "v", 0x57: "w", 0x58: "x", 0x59: "y", 0x5A: "z", 0x5B: "{", 0x5C: "|", 0x5D: "}", 0x5E: "~", 0x5F: "°", 0x60: "À", 0x61: "Á", 0x62: "Â", 0x63: "Ä", 0x64: "Ç", 0x65: "È", 0x66: "É", 0x67: "Ê", 0x68: "Ë", 0x69: "Ì", 0x6A: "Í", 0x6B: "Î", 0x6C: "Ï", 0x6D: "Ñ", 0x6E: "Ò", 0x6F: "Ó", 0x70: "Ô", 0x71: "Ö", 0x72: "Ù", 0x73: "Ú", 0x74: "Û", 0x75: "Ü", 0x76: "ß", 0x77: "à", 0x78: "á", 0x79: "â", 0x7A: "ä", 0x7B: "ç", 0x7C: "è", 0x7D: "é", 0x7E: "ê", 0x7F: "ë", 0x80: "ì", 0x81: "í", 0x82: "î", 0x83: "ï", 0x84: "ñ", 0x85: "ò", 0x86: "ó", 0x87: "ô", 0x88: "ö", 0x89: "ù", 0x8A: "ú", 0x8B: "û", 0x8C: "ü", 0x8D: "¡", 0x8E: "¿", 0x8F: "ª", 0x90: "[HEART]", 0x91: "[STAR]", 0x92: "[UP]", 0x93: "[DOWN]", 0x94: "[LEFT]", 0x95: "[RIGHT]", 0x96: "[CIRCLE]", 0x97: "[CROSS]", 0x98: "[~A]", 0x99: "[~B]", 0x9A: "[~L]", 0x9B: "[~R]", 0x9C: "[~Z]", 0x9D: "[~C-UP]", 0x9E: "[~C-DOWN]", 0x9F: "[~C-LEFT]", 0xA0: "[~C-RIGHT]", 0xA1: "[~START]", 0xA2: "“", 0xA3: "”", 0xA4: "‘", 0xA5: "’", 0xF7: " ", 0xF0: "[BR]\n", 0xF1: "[Wait]", 0xF2: {None: lambda d: (f"[Pause {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0xF3: "[Variant0]", 0xF4: "[Variant1]", 0xF5: "[Variant2]", 0xF6: "[Variant3]", 0xFB: "[Next]\n", 0xFC: { 0x01: "[Style right]\n", 0x02: "[Style left]\n", 0x03: "[Style center]\n", 0x04: "[Style tattle]\n", 0x05: {None: lambda d: (f"[Style choice pos={d[0]},{d[1]} size={d[2]},{d[3]}]\n", 4)}, 0x06: "[Style inspect]\n", 0x07: "[Style sign]\n", 0x08: {None: lambda d: (f"[Style lamppost height={d[0]}]\n", 1)}, 0x09: {None: lambda d: (f"[Style postcard index={d[0]}]\n", 1)}, 0x0A: "[Style popup]\n", 0x0C: {None: lambda d: (f"[Style upgrade pos={d[0]},{d[1]} size={d[2]},{d[3]}]\n", 4)}, 0x0D: "[Style narrate]\n", 0x0E: "[Style epilogue]\n", }, 0xFF: { 0x00: { 0: "[Font standard]\n", 1: "[Font menu]\n", 3: "[Font title]\n", 4: "[Font subtitle]\n", }, 0x04: "[Yield]", 0x05: { # 0x0A: "[color:normal]", # 0x20: "[color:red]", # 0x21: "[color:pink]", # 0x22: "[color:purple]", # 0x23: "[color:blue]", # 0x24: "[color:cyan]", # 0x25: "[color:green]", # 0x26: "[color:yellow]", # 0x00: "[color=normal ctx=diary]", # 0x07: "[color=red ctx=diary]", # 0x17: "[color=dark ctx=inspect]", # 0x18: "[color=normal ctx=sign]", # 0x19: "[color=red ctx=sign]", # 0x1A: "[color=blue ctx=sign]", # 0x1B: "[color=green ctx=sign]", # 0x28: "[color=red ctx=popup]", # 0x29: "[color=pink ctx=popup]", # 0x2A: "[color=purple ctx=popup]", # 0x2B: "[color=blue ctx=popup]", # 0x2C: "[color=teal ctx=popup]", # 0x2D: "[color=green ctx=popup]", # 0x2E: "[color=yellow ctx=popup]", # 0x2F: "[color=normal ctx=popup]", None: lambda d: (f"[Color 0x{d[0]:X}]", 1), }, 0x07: "[InputOff]\n", 0x08: "[InputOn]\n", 0x09: "[DelayOff]\n", 0x0A: "[DelayOn]\n", 0x0B: {None: lambda d: (f"[CharWidth {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x0C: {None: lambda d: (f"[Scroll {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x0D: {None: lambda d: (f"[Size {d[0]},{d[1]}]\n", 2)}, 0x0E: "[SizeReset]\n", 0x0F: {None: lambda d: (f"[Speed delay={d[0]} chars={d[1]}]", 2)}, 0x10: {None: lambda d: (f"[SetPosX {(d[0] << 8) + d[1]}]", 2)}, 0x11: {None: lambda d: (f"[SetPosY {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x12: {None: lambda d: (f"[Right {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x13: {None: lambda d: (f"[Down {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x14: {None: lambda d: (f"[Up {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x15: {None: lambda d: (f"[InlineImage index={d[0]}]\n", 1)}, 0x16: {None: lambda d: (f"[AnimSprite spriteID=0x{d[0]:02X}{d[1]:02X} raster={d[2]}]\n", 3)}, 0x17: {None: lambda d: (f"[ItemIcon itemID=0x{d[0]:02X}{d[1]:02X}]\n", 2)}, 0x18: {None: lambda d: (f"[Image index={d[0]} pos={(d[1] << 8) + d[2]},{d[3]} hasBorder={d[4]} alpha={d[5]} fadeAmount={d[6]}]\n", 7)}, 0x19: {None: lambda d: (f"[HideImage fadeAmount={d[0]}]\n", 1)}, 0x1A: {None: lambda d: (f"[AnimDelay index={d[1]} delay={d[2]}]", 3)}, 0x1B: {None: lambda d: (f"[AnimLoop {d[0]} {d[1]}]", 2)}, 0x1C: {None: lambda d: (f"[AnimDone {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x1E: {None: lambda d: (f"[Cursor {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x1F: {None: lambda d: (f"[EndChoice {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x20: {None: lambda d: (f"[SetCancel {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x21: {None: lambda d: (f"[Option {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x22: "[SavePos]", 0x23: "[RestorePos]", 0x24: {0xFF: {0x05: { 0x10: {0x98: {0xFF: {0x25: "[A]"}}}, 0x11: {0x99: {0xFF: {0x25: "[B]"}}}, 0x12: {0xA1: {0xFF: {0x25: "[START]"}}}, 0x13: { 0x9D: {0xFF: {0x25: "[C-UP]"}}, 0x9E: {0xFF: {0x25: "[C-DOWN]"}}, 0x9F: {0xFF: {0x25: "[C-LEFT]"}}, 0xA0: {0xFF: {0x25: "[C-RIGHT]"}}, }, 0x14: {0x9C: {0xFF: {0x25: "[Z]"}}}, }}}, #0x24: "[SaveColor]", #0x25: "[RestoreColor]", 0x26: { 0x00: "[Shake]", 0x01: "[Wave]", 0x02: "[NoiseOutline]", 0x03: {None: lambda d: (f"[Static {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x05: {None: lambda d: (f"[Blur dir={['x', 'y', 'xy'][d[0]]}]", 1)}, 0x07: {None: lambda d: (f"[DitherFade {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x0A: "[PrintRising]", 0x0B: "[PrintGrowing]", 0x0C: "[SizeJitter]", 0x0D: "[SizeWave]", 0x0E: "[DropShadow]", }, 0x27: { 0x00: "[/Shake]", 0x01: "[/Wave]", 0x03: "[/Static]", 0x05: "[/Blur]", 0x07: "[/DitherFade]", 0x0A: "[/PrintRising]", 0x0B: "[/PrintGrowing]", 0x0C: "[/SizeJitter]", 0x0D: "[/SizeWave]", 0x0E: "[/DropShadow]", }, 0x28: {None: lambda d: (f"[Var {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x29: {None: lambda d: (f"[CenterX {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x2B: "[EnableCDownNext]", 0x2C: {None: lambda d: (f"[CustomVoice soundIDs=0x{d[0]:02X}{d[1]:02X}{d[2]:02X}{d[3]:02X},{d[4]:02X}{d[5]:02X}{d[6]:02X}{d[7]:02X}]", 8)}, 0x2E: {None: lambda d: (f"[Volume {d[0]}]", 1)}, 0x2F: { 0: "[Voice normal]\n", 1: "[Voice bowser]\n", 2: "[Voice star]\n", None: lambda d: (f"[Voice {d[0]}]\n", 1), }, #None: lambda d: (f"[func_{d[0]:02X}]", 1), }, None: lambda d: (f"[Raw 0x{d[0]:02X}]", 1), } CHARSET_CREDITS = { **CHARSET, 0x00: "A", 0x01: "B", 0x02: "C", 0x03: "D", 0x04: "E", 0x05: "F", 0x06: "G", 0x07: "H", 0x08: "I", 0x09: "J", 0x0A: "K", 0x0B: "L", 0x0C: "M", 0x0D: "N", 0x0E: "O", 0x0F: "P", 0x10: "Q", 0x11: "R", 0x12: "S", 0x13: "T", 0x14: "U", 0x15: "V", 0x16: "W", 0x17: "X", 0x18: "Y", 0x19: "Z", 0x1A: "'", 0x1B: ".", 0x1C: ",", 0x1D: "0", 0x1E: "1", 0x1F: "2", 0x20: "3", 0x21: "4", 0x22: "5", 0x23: "6", 0x24: "7", 0x25: "8", 0x26: "9", 0x27: "©", 0x28: "&", 0xF7: " ", } class N64SegPm_msg(N64Segment): def __init__(self, rom_start, rom_end, type, name, vram_start, extract, given_subalign, given_is_overlay, given_dir, args, yml): super().__init__(rom_start, rom_end, type, name, vram_start, extract, given_subalign, given_is_overlay, given_dir, args, yml) self.files = yml.get("files", []) if isinstance(yml, dict) else [] with (Path(__file__).parent / f"{}.yaml").open("r") as f: self.msg_names = yaml.load(, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) def split(self, rom_bytes): data = rom_bytes[self.rom_start: self.rom_end] section_offsets = [] pos = 0 while True: offset = int.from_bytes(data[pos:pos+4], byteorder="big") if offset == 0: break section_offsets.append(offset) pos += 4 msg_dir = options.get_asset_path() / msg_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for i, section_offset in enumerate(section_offsets): name = f"{i:02X}" if len(self.files) >= i: name = self.files[i] msg_offsets = [] pos = section_offset while True: offset = int.from_bytes(data[pos:pos+4], byteorder="big") if offset == section_offset: break msg_offsets.append(offset) pos += 4 #self.log(f"Reading {len(msg_offsets)} messages in section {name} (0x{i:02X})") path = msg_dir / Path(name + ".msg") with open(path, "w") as self.f: for j, msg_offset in enumerate(msg_offsets): if j != 0: self.f.write("\n") msg_name = None for d in self.msg_names: section, index, goodname = d[:3] if i == section and j == index: msg_name = goodname break if msg_name is None: self.f.write(f"#message:{i:02X}:{j:03X} {{\n\t") else: self.f.write(f"#message:{i:02X}:({msg_name}) {{\n\t") self.write_message_markup(data[msg_offset:]) self.f.write("\n}\n") def get_linker_entries(self): from segtypes.linker_entry import LinkerEntry base_path = options.get_asset_path() / f"{}" out_paths = [base_path / Path(f + ".msg") for f in self.files] return [LinkerEntry(self, out_paths, base_path, ".data")] @staticmethod def get_default_name(addr): return "msg" def write_message_markup(self, data): pos = 0 self.root_charset = CHARSET while data[pos] != 0xFD: self.charset = self.root_charset while True: char = data[pos] if char in self.charset: value = self.charset[char] elif None in self.charset: value = self.charset[None] if value is None: value = fallback if isinstance(value, str): self.write_markup(value) pos += 1 break elif callable(value): markup, delta = value(data[pos:]) self.write_markup(markup) pos += delta break elif isinstance(value, dict): if None in self.charset: fallback = self.charset[None] self.charset = value pos += 1 else: raise ValueError(value) self.write_markup("[End]") def write_markup(self, markup): self.f.write(re.sub("\n", "\n\t", markup)) markup_lower = markup.lower() if markup_lower == "[font title]\n" or markup_lower == "[font subtitle]\n": self.root_charset = CHARSET_CREDITS elif markup_lower == "[font standard]": self.root_charset = CHARSET def cache(self): return (self.yaml, self.rom_end, self.msg_names)