#include "battle/battle.h" #include "script_api/battle.h" #include "npc.h" #include "effects.h" #include "hud_element.h" #include "world/partners.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "model.h" #if !VERSION_JP && !VERSION_IQUE // TODO: remove this conditional when more of the JP rom has been processed #include "sprite/npc/BattleMerlee.h" #else #define ANIM_BattleMerlee_Gather 0x00BB0001 #define ANIM_BattleMerlee_Release 0x00BB0000 #endif ApiStatus ShowMerleeCoinMessage(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall); ApiStatus ShowMerleeRanOutMessage(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall); ApiStatus FadeInMerlee(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall); ApiStatus FadeOutMerlee(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall); ApiStatus MerleeUpdateFX(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall); ApiStatus MerleeStopFX(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall); ApiStatus PlayMerleeGatherFX(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall); ApiStatus PlayMerleeOrbFX(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall); s32 D_80077C40 = 0; EvtScript EVS_MerleeDropCoins = { EVT_WAIT(10) EVT_CALL(FadeBackgroundToBlack) EVT_WAIT(10) EVT_CALL(CreateNpc, NPC_BTL_MERLEE, ANIM_BattleMerlee_Gather) EVT_CALL(SetNpcFlagBits, NPC_BTL_MERLEE, NPC_FLAG_IGNORE_PLAYER_COLLISION, TRUE) EVT_CALL(SetNpcYaw, NPC_BTL_MERLEE, 0) EVT_CALL(GetCamLookAtObjVector) EVT_CALL(SetNpcPos, NPC_BTL_MERLEE, LVar0, LVar1, LVar2) EVT_THREAD EVT_CALL(MerleeUpdateFX) EVT_END_THREAD EVT_CALL(FadeInMerlee) EVT_WAIT(30) EVT_CALL(SetNpcAnimation, NPC_BTL_MERLEE, ANIM_BattleMerlee_Release) EVT_CALL(MerleeStopFX) EVT_CALL(UnfadeBackgroundFromBlack) EVT_WAIT(20) EVT_THREAD EVT_CALL(FadeOutMerlee) EVT_CALL(DeleteNpc, NPC_BTL_MERLEE) EVT_END_THREAD EVT_CALL(PlaySound, SOUND_2075) EVT_CALL(GetPlayerPos, LVar0, LVar1, LVar2) EVT_CALL(PlayMerleeGatherFX, LVar0, LVar1, LVar2) EVT_CALL(PlayMerleeOrbFX, LVar0, LVar1, LVar2) EVT_WAIT(15) EVT_CALL(ShowMerleeCoinMessage) EVT_WAIT(15) EVT_CALL(HasMerleeCasts) EVT_IF_EQ(LVar0, 1) EVT_RETURN EVT_END_IF EVT_CALL(ShowMerleeRanOutMessage) EVT_WAIT(15) EVT_RETURN EVT_END }; EvtScript EVS_NpcDefeat = { EVT_CALL(GetBattleOutcome, LVar0) EVT_SWITCH(LVar0) EVT_CASE_EQ(OUTCOME_PLAYER_WON) EVT_CALL(OnDefeatEnemy) EVT_CASE_EQ(OUTCOME_PLAYER_LOST) EVT_CASE_EQ(OUTCOME_PLAYER_FLED) EVT_END_SWITCH EVT_RETURN EVT_END }; EvtScript EVS_FleeBattleDrops = { EVT_CALL(OnFleeBattleDrops) EVT_RETURN EVT_END }; EnemyDrops DefaultEnemyDrops = { .dropFlags = NPC_DROP_FLAG_80, .itemDropChance = 10, .itemDrops = { { .item = ITEM_MUSHROOM, .weight = 50, .unk_04 = -1, }, }, .heartDrops = { { .cutoff = F16(75), .generalChance = F16(100), .attempts = 0, .chancePerAttempt = 1, }, { .cutoff = F16(50), .generalChance = F16(75), .attempts = 0, .chancePerAttempt = 2, }, { .cutoff = F16(25), .generalChance = F16(50), .attempts = 0, .chancePerAttempt = 3, }, { .cutoff = F16(0), .generalChance = F16(25), .attempts = 0, .chancePerAttempt = 4, }, }, .flowerDrops = { { .cutoff = 1, .generalChance = 3, .attempts = 0, .chancePerAttempt = 0, }, }, .minCoinBonus = 0, .maxCoinBonus = 0, }; EvtScript EnemyNpcHit = { EVT_CALL(GetOwnerEncounterTrigger, LVar0) EVT_SWITCH(LVar0) EVT_CASE_EQ(ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_NONE) EVT_CASE_OR_EQ(ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_JUMP) EVT_CASE_OR_EQ(ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_HAMMER) EVT_CASE_OR_EQ(ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_PARTNER) EVT_CALL(GetSelfAnimationFromTable, ENEMY_ANIM_INDEX_HIT, LVar0) EVT_EXEC_WAIT(EVS_NpcHitRecoil) EVT_CASE_EQ(ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN) EVT_THREAD EVT_CALL(func_800458CC, LVar0) EVT_IF_EQ(LVar0, 0) EVT_SET(LVarA, 0) EVT_LOOP(30) EVT_ADD(LVarA, 40) EVT_CALL(SetNpcRotation, NPC_SELF, 0, LVarA, 0) EVT_WAIT(1) EVT_END_LOOP EVT_END_IF EVT_END_THREAD EVT_END_CASE_GROUP EVT_END_SWITCH EVT_RETURN EVT_END }; EvtScript EnemyNpcDefeat = { EVT_CALL(SetNpcRotation, NPC_SELF, 0, 0, 0) EVT_CALL(GetBattleOutcome, LVar0) EVT_SWITCH(LVar0) EVT_CASE_EQ(OUTCOME_PLAYER_WON) EVT_CALL(DoNpcDefeat) EVT_CASE_EQ(OUTCOME_PLAYER_FLED) EVT_CALL(OnPlayerFled, 0) EVT_CASE_EQ(OUTCOME_ENEMY_FLED) EVT_CALL(SetEnemyFlagBits, -1, ENEMY_FLAG_FLED, 1) EVT_CALL(RemoveNpc, NPC_SELF) EVT_END_SWITCH EVT_RETURN EVT_END }; extern s8 D_8009A63C; extern s8 D_8009A654; extern s16 gFirstStrikeMessagePos; extern s8 D_8009A670; extern s32 D_800A0BA0; extern f32 D_800A0BA4; extern Evt* D_800A0BB0; extern s32 D_800A0BB4; extern EffectInstance* WorldMerleeOrbEffect; extern EffectInstance* WorldMerleeWaveEffect; void set_battle_formation(Battle*); void func_800E97E4(void); void partner_handle_after_battle(void); s32 get_coin_drop_amount(Enemy* enemy); s32 get_defeated(s32 mapID, s32 encounterID) { EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; s32 encounterIdx = encounterID / 32; s32 encounterShift = encounterID % 32; return currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID][encounterIdx] & (1 << encounterShift); } void set_defeated(s32 mapID, s32 encounterID) { EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; s32 encounterIdx = encounterID / 32; s32 encounterShift; s32 flag; flag = encounterID % 32; encounterShift = flag; flag = currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID][encounterIdx]; currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID][encounterIdx] = flag | (1 << encounterShift); // TODO: The below should work but has regalloc issues: /*EncounterStatus *currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; s32 encounterIdx = encounterID / 32; s32 encounterShift = encounterID % 32; currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID][encounterIdx] |= (1 << encounterShift);*/ } ApiStatus ShowMerleeCoinMessage(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { if (isInitialCall) { show_merlee_message(0, 60); } if (is_merlee_message_done()) { return ApiStatus_BLOCK; } else { return ApiStatus_DONE2; } } ApiStatus ShowMerleeRanOutMessage(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { if (isInitialCall) { show_merlee_message(1, 60); } if (is_merlee_message_done()) { return ApiStatus_BLOCK; } else { return ApiStatus_DONE2; } } ApiStatus FadeBackgroundToBlack(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { if (isInitialCall) { mdl_set_all_fog_mode(FOG_MODE_1); *gBackgroundFogModePtr = FOG_MODE_1; set_background_color_blend(0, 0, 0, 0); script->functionTemp[0] = 25; } set_background_color_blend(0, 0, 0, ((25 - script->functionTemp[0]) * 10) & 254); script->functionTemp[0]--; if (script->functionTemp[0] == 0) { return ApiStatus_DONE2; } else { return ApiStatus_BLOCK; } } ApiStatus UnfadeBackgroundFromBlack(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { if (isInitialCall) { script->functionTemp[0] = 25; } set_background_color_blend(0, 0, 0, (script->functionTemp[0] * 10) & 0xFE); script->functionTemp[0] -= 5; if (script->functionTemp[0] == 0) { set_background_color_blend(0, 0, 0, 0); return ApiStatus_DONE2; } else { return ApiStatus_BLOCK; } } ApiStatus FadeInMerlee(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(NPC_BTL_MERLEE); if (isInitialCall) { sfx_play_sound(SOUND_24B); npc->alpha = 0; } npc->alpha += 17; if ((u32)(npc->alpha & 0xFF) >= 0xFF) { npc->alpha = 0xFF; return ApiStatus_DONE1; } else { return ApiStatus_BLOCK; } } ApiStatus FadeOutMerlee(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(NPC_BTL_MERLEE); npc->alpha -= 17; if (npc->alpha == 0) { npc->alpha = 0; return ApiStatus_DONE1; } else { return ApiStatus_BLOCK; } } // same as BattleMerleeUpdateFX aside from syms ApiStatus MerleeUpdateFX(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { Npc* merlee = get_npc_unsafe(NPC_BTL_MERLEE); EnergyOrbWaveFXData* effectData; if (isInitialCall) { script->functionTemp[1] = 0; D_800A0BA4 = merlee->pos.y; WorldMerleeOrbEffect = fx_energy_orb_wave(0, merlee->pos.x, merlee->pos.y, merlee->pos.z, 0.4f, 0); WorldMerleeWaveEffect = fx_energy_orb_wave(3, merlee->pos.x, merlee->pos.y, merlee->pos.z, 0.00001f, 0); D_800A0BB8 = 0; D_800A0BA0 = 12; sfx_play_sound(SOUND_2074); } merlee->pos.y = D_800A0BA4 + sin_rad(DEG_TO_RAD(script->functionTemp[1])) * 3.0f; script->functionTemp[1] += 10; script->functionTemp[1] = clamp_angle(script->functionTemp[1]); effectData = WorldMerleeOrbEffect->data.energyOrbWave; effectData->pos.x = merlee->pos.x; effectData->pos.y = merlee->pos.y + 16.0f; effectData->pos.z = merlee->pos.z; effectData = WorldMerleeWaveEffect->data.energyOrbWave; effectData->pos.x = merlee->pos.x; effectData->pos.y = merlee->pos.y + 16.0f; effectData->pos.z = merlee->pos.z + 5.0f; if (D_800A0BB8 == 2) { WorldMerleeOrbEffect->data.energyOrbWave->scale = 0.00001f; WorldMerleeWaveEffect->data.energyOrbWave->scale = 0.00001f; WorldMerleeOrbEffect->flags |= FX_INSTANCE_FLAG_DISMISS; WorldMerleeWaveEffect->flags |= FX_INSTANCE_FLAG_DISMISS; return ApiStatus_DONE1; } if (D_800A0BB8 == 1) { effectData = WorldMerleeOrbEffect->data.energyOrbWave; effectData->scale += 0.35; if (effectData->scale > 3.5) { effectData->scale = 3.5f; } if (D_800A0BA0 != 0) { D_800A0BA0--; } else { effectData = WorldMerleeWaveEffect->data.energyOrbWave; effectData->scale += 0.5; if (effectData->scale > 5.0) { D_800A0BB8 = 2; } } } return ApiStatus_BLOCK; } ApiStatus MerleeStopFX(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { D_800A0BB8 = 1; return ApiStatus_DONE2; } ApiStatus GetCamLookAtObjVector(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { script->varTable[0] = gCameras[gCurrentCameraID].lookAt_obj.x; script->varTable[1] = gCameras[gCurrentCameraID].lookAt_obj.y; script->varTable[2] = gCameras[gCurrentCameraID].lookAt_obj.z; return ApiStatus_DONE2; } ApiStatus HasMerleeCasts(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { script->varTable[0] = FALSE; if (gPlayerData.merleeCastsLeft > 0) { script->varTable[0] = TRUE; } return ApiStatus_DONE2; } ApiStatus PlayMerleeGatherFX(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { Bytecode* args = script->ptrReadPos; s32 var0 = evt_get_variable(script, *args++); s32 var1 = evt_get_variable(script, *args++); s32 var2 = evt_get_variable(script, *args++); fx_energy_in_out(6, var0, var1, var2, 1.2f, 30); return ApiStatus_DONE2; } ApiStatus PlayMerleeOrbFX(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { Bytecode* args = script->ptrReadPos; s32 var0 = evt_get_variable(script, *args++); s32 var1 = evt_get_variable(script, *args++); s32 var2 = evt_get_variable(script, *args++); fx_energy_orb_wave(9, var0, var1, var2, 5.0f, 15); return ApiStatus_DONE2; } ApiStatus OnDefeatEnemy(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { Enemy* enemy = script->owner1.enemy; Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); s32 temp1; if (isInitialCall) { script->functionTemp[0] = 0; script->functionTemp[1] = 20; } if (script->functionTemp[1] & 1) { npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_INVISIBLE; } else { npc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_INVISIBLE; } if (script->functionTemp[1] == 15) { sfx_play_sound(SOUND_DEATH); fx_damage_stars(1, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + (npc->collisionHeight / 2), npc->pos.z, 0, -1.0f, 0, 10); } temp1 = script->functionTemp[1]; if (script->functionTemp[1] == 10) { fx_big_smoke_puff(npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + 10.0f, npc->pos.z + 10.0f); if (script->functionTemp[1] == temp1) { // what? (never can be false, seemingly) spawn_drops(enemy); } } script->functionTemp[1]--; if (script->functionTemp[1] == 0) { npc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_INVISIBLE; return ApiStatus_DONE1; } return ApiStatus_BLOCK; } ApiStatus OnFleeBattleDrops(Evt* script, s32 isInitialCall) { PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus; PlayerData* playerData = &gPlayerData; if (isInitialCall) { script->functionTemp[0] = 0; script->functionTemp[1] = 40; script->functionTemp[2] = 0; } script->functionTemp[2]++; if (script->functionTemp[2] >= 5) { if (rand_int(100) < 50) { if (playerData->coins != 0) { playerData->coins--; make_item_entity_delayed(ITEM_COIN, playerStatus->position.x, playerStatus->position.y + playerStatus->colliderHeight, playerStatus->position.z, ITEM_SPAWN_MODE_TOSS_SPAWN_ALWAYS, 0, 0); } } script->functionTemp[2] = 0; } return --script->functionTemp[1] == 0; } void update_encounters_neutral(void) { EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus; Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCameraID]; s32 screenX, screenY, screenZ; f32 npcX, npcY, npcZ; f32 npcYaw; f32 testX, testY, testZ; f32 x, y, z; s32 e; f32 playerX, playerY, playerZ; f32 playerYaw; Encounter* encounter; Evt* script; Npc* npc; f32 distance; f32 colHeight; f32 colRadius; f32 hammerDir; s32 triggeredBattle; s32 cond2; s32 firstStrikeType; s32 suspendTime; Enemy* enemy; Enemy* currentEnemy; s32 i; f32 playerJumpColHeight = 37.0f; f32 playerColRadius = 14.0f; f32 playerColHeight = 18.0f; f32 dx, dz; f32 angle1, angle2; do { if (currentEncounter->hitType == ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_CONVERSATION) { goto START_BATTLE; } } while (0); currentEncounter->songID = -1; currentEncounter->unk_18 = -1; currentEncounter->hitType = 0; currentEncounter->allowFleeing = FALSE; currentEncounter->dropWhackaBump = FALSE; currentEncounter->flags &= ~ENCOUNTER_STATUS_FLAG_1; currentEncounter->flags &= ~ENCOUNTER_STATUS_FLAG_2; currentEncounter->flags &= ~ENCOUNTER_STATUS_FLAG_4; playerX = playerStatus->position.x; playerY = playerStatus->position.y; playerZ = playerStatus->position.z; playerYaw = playerStatus->spriteFacingAngle; if (playerYaw < 180.0f) { playerYaw = clamp_angle(camera->currentYaw - 90.0f); } else { playerYaw = clamp_angle(camera->currentYaw + 90.0f); } if (currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown != 0) { if (!(gOverrideFlags & GLOBAL_OVERRIDES_40)) { currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown--; } if (playerStatus->blinkTimer != 0) { if (!(playerStatus->flags & PS_FLAG_INPUT_DISABLED)) { playerStatus->blinkTimer = currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown; } else { playerStatus->blinkTimer = 1; } } } for (e = 0; e < currentEncounter->numEncounters; e++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[e]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL || (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { continue; } npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); if (enemy->aiSuspendTime != 0) { if (!(gOverrideFlags & GLOBAL_OVERRIDES_40)) { enemy->aiSuspendTime--; suspendTime = enemy->aiSuspendTime; } else { suspendTime = 0; } if (suspendTime & 1) { npc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED; enemy->flags |= ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED; } else { npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED; enemy->flags &= ~ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED; } script = get_script_by_id(enemy->auxScriptID); if (script != NULL) { set_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } script = get_script_by_id(enemy->aiScriptID); if (script != NULL) { set_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_80000) { script = get_script_by_id(enemy->auxScriptID); if (script != NULL) { clear_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } script = get_script_by_id(enemy->aiScriptID); if (script != NULL) { clear_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } } } else if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ACTIVE_WHILE_OFFSCREEN)) { get_screen_coords(gCurrentCameraID, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y, npc->pos.z, &screenX, &screenY, &screenZ); if ((screenX < -160 || screenX > 480 || screenY < -120 || screenY > 360 || screenZ < 0) && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE)) { npc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED; enemy->flags |= ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED; script = get_script_by_id(enemy->auxScriptID); if (script != NULL) { set_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } script = get_script_by_id(enemy->aiScriptID); if (script != NULL) { set_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } } else { npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED; enemy->flags &= ~ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED; script = get_script_by_id(enemy->auxScriptID); if (script != NULL) { clear_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } script = get_script_by_id(enemy->aiScriptID); if (script != NULL) { clear_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } } } else { npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED; enemy->flags &= ~ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED; script = get_script_by_id(enemy->auxScriptID); if (script != NULL) { clear_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } script = get_script_by_id(enemy->aiScriptID); if (script != NULL) { clear_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE) { if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_400000)) { if (npc == playerStatus->encounteredNPC) { enemy->savedNpcYaw = npc->yaw; npc->yaw = atan2(npc->pos.x, npc->pos.z, playerStatus->position.x, playerStatus->position.z); script = get_script_by_id(enemy->aiScriptID); if (script != NULL) { set_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } } else { if (enemy->savedNpcYaw != 12345) { npc->yaw = enemy->savedNpcYaw; enemy->savedNpcYaw = 12345; } script = get_script_by_id(enemy->aiScriptID); if (script != NULL) { clear_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } } } else { script = get_script_by_id(enemy->aiScriptID); if (script != NULL) { clear_script_flags(script, EVT_FLAG_SUSPENDED); } } } if (currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown != 0 || gGameStatusPtr->debugEnemyContact == DEBUG_CONTACT_CANT_TOUCH || (playerStatus->flags & PS_FLAG_ARMS_RAISED) || (gOverrideFlags & GLOBAL_OVERRIDES_40) || gPartnerStatus.actingPartner == PARTNER_BOW || (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE) || (gOverrideFlags & (GLOBAL_OVERRIDES_DISABLE_BATTLES | GLOBAL_OVERRIDES_200 | GLOBAL_OVERRIDES_400 | GLOBAL_OVERRIDES_800)) || is_picking_up_item()) { continue; } do { if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_IGNORE_PARTNER) && partner_test_enemy_collision(npc)) { currentEncounter->hitType = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_PARTNER; enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_PARTNER; currentEncounter->currentEncounter = encounter; currentEncounter->currentEnemy = enemy; currentEncounter->firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_PLAYER; goto START_BATTLE; } } while (0); npcX = npc->pos.x; npcY = npc->pos.y; npcZ = npc->pos.z; npcYaw = npc->yaw; colHeight = npc->collisionHeight; colRadius = npc->collisionDiameter / 2; if (enemy->unk_DC != 0) { npcYaw = npc->yawCamOffset; if (npcYaw < 180.0f) { npcYaw = clamp_angle(camera->currentYaw - 90.0f); } else { npcYaw = clamp_angle(camera->currentYaw + 90.0f); } add_vec2D_polar(&npcX, &npcZ, enemy->unk_DC, npcYaw); } dx = npcX - playerX; dz = npcZ - playerZ; distance = sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dz)); switch (playerStatus->actionState) { case ACTION_STATE_HAMMER: x = playerX; y = playerY; z = playerZ; if (clamp_angle(playerStatus->spriteFacingAngle) < 180.0f) { hammerDir = clamp_angle(camera->currentYaw - 90.0f); if (playerStatus->trueAnimation & SPRITE_ID_BACK_FACING) { hammerDir = clamp_angle(hammerDir + 30.0f); } } else { hammerDir = clamp_angle(camera->currentYaw + 90.0f); if (playerStatus->trueAnimation & SPRITE_ID_BACK_FACING) { hammerDir = clamp_angle(hammerDir - 30.0f); } } add_vec2D_polar(&x, &z, 24.0f, hammerDir); dx = npcX - x; dz = npcZ - z; distance = sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dz)); if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_IGNORE_HAMMER) { break; } if (!(playerStatus->flags & PS_FLAG_HAMMER_CHECK)) { break; } if (distance >= playerColRadius + colRadius || y > npcY + colHeight || npcY > y + playerColHeight) { break; } testX = npcX; testY = npcY; testZ = npcZ; if (npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(COLLISION_CHANNEL_10000, &testX, &testY, &testZ, distance, atan2(npcX, npcZ, playerX, playerZ), colHeight, colRadius * 2.0f)) { testX = playerX; testY = playerY; testZ = playerZ; if (npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(COLLISION_CHANNEL_10000, &testX, &testY, &testZ, distance, atan2(playerX, playerZ, npcX, npcZ), colHeight, colRadius * 2.0f)) { break; } } if (enemy->hitboxIsActive) { npcX = enemy->unk_10.x; npcY = enemy->unk_10.y; npcZ = enemy->unk_10.z; } angle1 = fabsf(get_clamped_angle_diff(atan2(playerX, playerZ, npcX, npcZ), playerYaw)); angle2 = fabsf(get_clamped_angle_diff(atan2(npcX, npcZ, playerX, playerZ), npcYaw)); triggeredBattle = FALSE; if (angle1 >= 90.0f && angle2 >= 90.0f) { triggeredBattle = FALSE; } if (angle1 < 90.0f && angle2 >= 90.0f) { triggeredBattle = TRUE; } if (angle1 >= 90.0f && angle2 < 90.0f) { triggeredBattle = FALSE; } if (angle1 < 90.0f && angle2 < 90.0f) { triggeredBattle = TRUE; } if (triggeredBattle) { sfx_play_sound_at_position(SOUND_HIT_PLAYER_NORMAL, SOUND_SPACE_MODE_0, playerStatus->position.x, playerStatus->position.y, playerStatus->position.z); currentEncounter->hitType = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_HAMMER; currentEncounter->hitTier = gPlayerData.hammerLevel; enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_HAMMER; currentEncounter->currentEncounter = encounter; currentEncounter->currentEnemy = enemy; currentEncounter->firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_PLAYER; goto START_BATTLE; } break; case ACTION_STATE_JUMP: case ACTION_STATE_BOUNCE: case ACTION_STATE_FALLING: case ACTION_STATE_STEP_DOWN: case ACTION_STATE_LAND: case ACTION_STATE_STEP_DOWN_LAND: case ACTION_STATE_SPIN_JUMP: case ACTION_STATE_SPIN_POUND: case ACTION_STATE_TORNADO_JUMP: case ACTION_STATE_TORNADO_POUND: x = playerX; z = playerZ; if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_IGNORE_JUMP)) { if (distance >= playerColRadius + colRadius) { continue; } if (playerY > npcY + colHeight || npcY > playerY + playerJumpColHeight) { continue; } testX = npcX; testY = npcY; testZ = npcZ; if (npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(COLLISION_CHANNEL_10000, &testX, &testY, &testZ, distance, atan2(npcX, npcZ, playerX, playerZ), colHeight, colRadius * 2.0f)) { testX = playerX; testY = playerY; testZ = playerZ; if (npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(COLLISION_CHANNEL_10000, &testX, &testY, &testZ, distance, atan2(playerX, playerZ, npcX, npcZ), colHeight, colRadius * 2.0f)) { break; } } triggeredBattle = FALSE; if (npcY + colHeight < playerY + playerJumpColHeight * 0.5f) { if (playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_FALLING || playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_STEP_DOWN || playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_LAND || playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_STEP_DOWN_LAND || playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_SPIN_JUMP || playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_SPIN_POUND || playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_TORNADO_JUMP || playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_TORNADO_POUND) { triggeredBattle = TRUE; } } if (playerY + playerJumpColHeight < npcY + colHeight * 0.5f) { triggeredBattle = FALSE; } if (triggeredBattle) { if (gPlayerData.bootsLevel < 0) { currentEncounter->hitType = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_NONE; enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_NONE; currentEncounter->currentEncounter = encounter; currentEncounter->currentEnemy = enemy; currentEncounter->firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_NONE; currentEncounter->hitTier = 0; goto START_BATTLE; } currentEncounter->hitType = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_JUMP; switch (playerStatus->actionState) { case ACTION_STATE_JUMP: case ACTION_STATE_BOUNCE: case ACTION_STATE_FALLING: case ACTION_STATE_STEP_DOWN: case ACTION_STATE_LAND: case ACTION_STATE_STEP_DOWN_LAND: currentEncounter->hitTier = 0; break; case ACTION_STATE_SPIN_JUMP: case ACTION_STATE_SPIN_POUND: currentEncounter->hitTier = 1; break; case ACTION_STATE_TORNADO_JUMP: case ACTION_STATE_TORNADO_POUND: currentEncounter->hitTier = 2; break; } sfx_play_sound_at_position(SOUND_HIT_PLAYER_NORMAL, SOUND_SPACE_MODE_0, playerStatus->position.x, playerStatus->position.y, playerStatus->position.z); enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_STATE_NEUTRAL; currentEncounter->currentEncounter = encounter; currentEncounter->currentEnemy = enemy; currentEncounter->firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_PLAYER; goto START_BATTLE; } } break; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_IGNORE_TOUCH) { continue; } dx = npcX - playerX; dz = npcZ - playerZ; distance = sqrtf(SQ(dx) + SQ(dz)); if (distance >= (playerColRadius + colRadius) * 0.8) { continue; } if (npcY + colHeight < playerY) { continue; } if (playerY + playerJumpColHeight < npcY) { continue; } testX = npcX; testY = npcY; testZ = npcZ; if (npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(COLLISION_CHANNEL_10000, &testX, &testY, &testZ, distance, atan2(npcX, npcZ, playerX, playerZ), colHeight, colRadius * 2.0f)) { testX = playerX; testY = playerY; testZ = playerZ; if (npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(COLLISION_CHANNEL_10000, &testX, &testY, &testZ, distance, atan2(playerX, playerZ, npcX, npcZ), colHeight, colRadius * 2.0f)) { continue; } } triggeredBattle = FALSE; if (is_ability_active(ABILITY_SPIN_ATTACK) && gPlayerData.level >= enemy->npcSettings->level) { triggeredBattle = !currentEncounter->scriptedBattle; } if (is_ability_active(ABILITY_DIZZY_ATTACK)) { triggeredBattle = TRUE; } if ((playerStatus->animFlags & PA_FLAG_SPINNING) && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_IGNORE_SPIN) && triggeredBattle) { sfx_play_sound_at_position(SOUND_HIT_PLAYER_NORMAL, SOUND_SPACE_MODE_0, playerStatus->position.x, playerStatus->position.y, playerStatus->position.z); testX = playerStatus->position.x + ((npc->pos.x - playerStatus->position.x) * 0.5f); testY = playerStatus->position.y + (((npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight) - (playerStatus->position.y + playerStatus->colliderHeight)) * 0.5f); testZ = playerStatus->position.z + ((npc->pos.z - playerStatus->position.z) * 0.5f); fx_damage_stars(3, testX, testY, testZ, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 3); currentEncounter->hitType = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN; playerStatus->animFlags |= PA_FLAG_DIZZY_ATTACK_ENCOUNTER; enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN; currentEncounter->currentEncounter = encounter; currentEncounter->currentEnemy = enemy; currentEncounter->firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_NONE; } else { currentEncounter->hitType = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_NONE; playerStatus->animFlags &= ~PA_FLAG_DIZZY_ATTACK_ENCOUNTER; enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_NONE; currentEncounter->currentEncounter = encounter; currentEncounter->currentEnemy = enemy; testX = playerStatus->position.x + ((npc->pos.x - playerStatus->position.x) * 0.5f); testY = playerStatus->position.y + (((npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight) - (playerStatus->position.y + playerStatus->colliderHeight)) * 0.5f); testZ = playerStatus->position.z + ((npc->pos.z - playerStatus->position.z) * 0.5f); fx_damage_stars(3, testX, testY, testZ, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 3); // if the hitbox is active, trigger a first strike firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_NONE; if (enemy->hitboxIsActive) { if (is_ability_active(ABILITY_CHILL_OUT)) { firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_NONE; } else { firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_ENEMY; } } // cancel the first strike if bump attack is applicable if ((is_ability_active(ABILITY_BUMP_ATTACK) && (gPlayerData.level >= enemy->npcSettings->level) && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE)) && !currentEncounter->scriptedBattle ) { firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_NONE; } currentEncounter->firstStrikeType = firstStrikeType; } goto START_BATTLE; } } START_BATTLE: switch (currentEncounter->hitType) { case 0: break; case ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_NONE: currentEnemy = enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if ((currentEnemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->hitBytecode != NULL) { enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_NONE; script = start_script(enemy->hitBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->hitScript = script; enemy->hitScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } } disable_player_input(); partner_disable_input(); if (playerStatus->actionState != ACTION_STATE_TORNADO_JUMP && playerStatus->actionState != ACTION_STATE_TORNADO_POUND && playerStatus->actionState != ACTION_STATE_SPIN_JUMP && playerStatus->actionState != ACTION_STATE_SPIN_POUND) { playerStatus->flags |= PS_FLAG_ENTERING_BATTLE; } if (!is_ability_active(ABILITY_CHILL_OUT) && currentEncounter->firstStrikeType == FIRST_STRIKE_ENEMY) { set_action_state(ACTION_STATE_ENEMY_FIRST_STRIKE); npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); sfx_play_sound_at_position(SOUND_HIT_PLAYER_NORMAL, SOUND_SPACE_MODE_0, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y, npc->pos.z); } currentEncounter->scriptedBattle = FALSE; gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_PRE_BATTLE; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_INIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN: currentEnemy = enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if ((currentEnemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->hitBytecode != NULL) { enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN; script = start_script(enemy->hitBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->hitScript = script; enemy->hitScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } } disable_player_input(); partner_disable_input(); currentEncounter->scriptedBattle = FALSE; gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_PRE_BATTLE; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_INIT; playerStatus->flags |= PS_FLAG_ENTERING_BATTLE; break; case ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_JUMP: currentEnemy = enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; cond2 = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if ((currentEnemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->hitBytecode != NULL) { enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_JUMP; script = start_script(enemy->hitBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->hitScript = script; enemy->hitScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); cond2 = TRUE; testX = playerStatus->position.x + ((npc->pos.x - playerStatus->position.x) * 0.5f); testY = playerStatus->position.y + (((npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight) - (playerStatus->position.y + playerStatus->colliderHeight)) * 0.5f); testZ = playerStatus->position.z + ((npc->pos.z - playerStatus->position.z) * 0.5f); fx_damage_stars(3, testX, testY, testZ, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 3); } else if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE)) { npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); cond2 = TRUE; testX = playerStatus->position.x + ((npc->pos.x - playerStatus->position.x) * 0.5f); testY = playerStatus->position.y + (((npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight) - (playerStatus->position.y + playerStatus->colliderHeight)) * 0.5f); testZ = playerStatus->position.z + ((npc->pos.z - playerStatus->position.z) * 0.5f); fx_damage_stars(3, testX, testY, testZ, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 3); } } disable_player_input(); partner_disable_input(); playerStatus->flags |= PS_FLAG_ENTERING_BATTLE; if (cond2) { start_bounce_a(); } currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; currentEncounter->scriptedBattle = FALSE; sfx_play_sound(0); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_PRE_BATTLE; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_INIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_HAMMER: currentEnemy = enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if ((currentEnemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->hitBytecode != NULL) { enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_HAMMER; script = start_script(enemy->hitBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->hitScript = script; enemy->hitScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); testX = playerStatus->position.x + ((npc->pos.x - playerStatus->position.x) * 0.5f); testY = playerStatus->position.y + (((npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight) - (playerStatus->position.y + playerStatus->colliderHeight)) * 0.5f); testZ = playerStatus->position.z + ((npc->pos.z - playerStatus->position.z) * 0.5f); fx_damage_stars(3, testX, testY, testZ, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 3); } else if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE)) { npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); testX = playerStatus->position.x + ((npc->pos.x - playerStatus->position.x) * 0.5f); testY = playerStatus->position.y + (((npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight) - (playerStatus->position.y + playerStatus->colliderHeight)) * 0.5f); testZ = playerStatus->position.z + ((npc->pos.z - playerStatus->position.z) * 0.5f); fx_damage_stars(3, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight, npc->pos.z, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 3); } } disable_player_input(); partner_disable_input(); currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; currentEncounter->scriptedBattle = FALSE; playerStatus->flags |= PS_FLAG_ENTERING_BATTLE; sfx_play_sound(0); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_PRE_BATTLE; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_INIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_CONVERSATION: suspend_all_group(EVT_GROUP_01); enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (enemy != NULL && enemy->aiScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (enemy->interactBytecode != NULL) { enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_CONVERSATION; script = start_script(enemy->interactBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->interactScript = script; enemy->interactScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } disable_player_input(); partner_disable_input(); set_action_state(ACTION_STATE_TALK); currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; func_800EF3D4(1); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_CONVERSATION; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CONVERSATION_INIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_PARTNER: currentEnemy = enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if ((currentEnemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->hitBytecode != NULL) { enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_PARTNER; script = start_script(enemy->hitBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->hitScript = script; enemy->hitScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); testX = npc->pos.x; testY = npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight; testZ = npc->pos.z; fx_damage_stars(3, testX, testY, testZ, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 3); } else if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE)) { npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); testX = npc->pos.x; testY = npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight; testZ = npc->pos.z; fx_damage_stars(3, testX, testY, testZ, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 3); } } disable_player_input(); partner_disable_input(); currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; currentEncounter->scriptedBattle = FALSE; playerStatus->flags |= PS_FLAG_ENTERING_BATTLE; sfx_play_sound(0); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_PRE_BATTLE; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_INIT; break; } } void draw_encounters_neutral(void) { } void update_encounters_pre_battle(void) { EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; PlayerData* playerData = &gPlayerData; Encounter* encounter; Enemy* enemy; s32 i; s32 j; switch (gEncounterSubState) { case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_INIT: currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; currentEncounter->unk_94 = 1; currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel = 1; currentEncounter->unk_08 = -1; D_8009A654 = FALSE; D_80077C40 = 0; suspend_all_group(EVT_GROUP_10); for (i = 0; i < currentEncounter->numEncounters; i++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[i]; if (encounter != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy != NULL && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { suspend_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } } } } } enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_100000) && !currentEncounter->scriptedBattle) { currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown = 0; partner_handle_before_battle(); gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_3; return; } if (gGameStatusPtr->debugEnemyContact == DEBUG_CONTACT_DIE_ON_TOUCH) { currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown = 10; partner_handle_before_battle(); gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_AUTO_WIN; return; } enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (currentEncounter->hitType != ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_NONE && currentEncounter->hitType != ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN && is_ability_active(ABILITY_FIRST_ATTACK) && (playerData->level >= enemy->npcSettings->level) && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE) && !currentEncounter->scriptedBattle ) { currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown = 10; D_80077C40 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_AUTO_WIN; return; } enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (( (is_ability_active(ABILITY_BUMP_ATTACK)) && (playerData->level >= enemy->npcSettings->level) && (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE) && !(currentEncounter->scriptedBattle)) ) || ( (enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy, (currentEncounter->hitType == ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN)) && (is_ability_active(ABILITY_SPIN_ATTACK)) && playerData->level >= enemy->npcSettings->level && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PROJECTILE) && !currentEncounter->scriptedBattle )) { currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown = 10; D_80077C40 = 1; currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_AUTO_WIN; return; } if (currentEncounter->songID < 0) { switch (currentEncounter->firstStrikeType) { case 0: bgm_set_battle_song(SONG_NORMAL_BATTLE, FIRST_STRIKE_NONE); break; case 1: bgm_set_battle_song(SONG_NORMAL_BATTLE, FIRST_STRIKE_PLAYER); break; case 2: bgm_set_battle_song(SONG_NORMAL_BATTLE, FIRST_STRIKE_ENEMY); break; } } else { bgm_set_battle_song(currentEncounter->songID, FIRST_STRIKE_NONE); } bgm_push_battle_song(); D_8009A654 = TRUE; currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown = 10; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_LOAD_BATTLE; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_LOAD_BATTLE: if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount == 255) { if (currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown != 0) { currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown--; break; } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy != NULL && ((!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) || enemy == currentEncounter->currentEnemy)) && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) && enemy->hitScript != NULL) { kill_script_by_ID(enemy->hitScriptID); enemy->hitScript = NULL; } } partner_handle_before_battle(); currentEncounter->dizzyAttackStatus = 0; currentEncounter->dizzyAttackDuration = 0; enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; currentEncounter->instigatorValue = enemy->instigatorValue; if (is_ability_active(ABILITY_DIZZY_ATTACK) && currentEncounter->hitType == ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN) { currentEncounter->dizzyAttackStatus = 4; currentEncounter->dizzyAttackDuration = 3; } sfx_stop_sound(SOUND_2111); sfx_stop_sound(SOUND_2112); sfx_stop_sound(SOUND_2113); sfx_stop_sound(SOUND_2114); set_battle_formation(NULL); set_battle_stage(encounter->stage); load_battle(encounter->battle); currentEncounter->unk_07 = 1; currentEncounter->unk_08 = 0; currentEncounter->hasMerleeCoinBonus = FALSE; currentEncounter->damageTaken = 0; currentEncounter->coinsEarned = 0; currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel = 0; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 255; set_screen_overlay_params_front(OVERLAY_SCREEN_COLOR, 255.0f); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_POST_BATTLE; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_INIT; } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_AUTO_WIN: if (currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown != 0) { currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown--; break; } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy != NULL && (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) || enemy == currentEncounter->currentEnemy) && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) && (enemy->hitScript != 0)) { kill_script_by_ID(enemy->hitScriptID); enemy->hitScript = NULL; } } currentEncounter->unk_08 = 1; currentEncounter->unk_07 = 1; currentEncounter->battleOutcome = OUTCOME_PLAYER_WON; currentEncounter->hasMerleeCoinBonus = FALSE; currentEncounter->damageTaken = 0; gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_POST_BATTLE; currentEncounter->coinsEarned = 0; currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel = 0; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_INIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_PRE_BATTLE_3: currentEncounter->battleOutcome = OUTCOME_4; currentEncounter->unk_08 = 1; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel = 0; gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_POST_BATTLE; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_INIT; break; } } void draw_encounters_pre_battle(void) { EncounterStatus* encounter = &gCurrentEncounter; Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(encounter->currentEnemy->npcID); PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus; if (encounter->unk_94 != 0) { f32 playerX, playerY, playerZ; f32 otherX, otherY, otherZ; s32 pScreenX, pScreenY, pScreenZ; s32 oScreenX, oScreenY, oScreenZ; if (encounter->fadeOutAmount != 255) { encounter->fadeOutAccel++; if (encounter->fadeOutAccel > 10) { encounter->fadeOutAccel = 10; } encounter->fadeOutAmount += encounter->fadeOutAccel; if (encounter->fadeOutAmount > 255) { encounter->fadeOutAmount = 255; } playerX = playerStatus->position.x; playerY = playerStatus->position.y; playerZ = playerStatus->position.z; otherX = npc->pos.x; otherY = npc->pos.y; otherZ = npc->pos.z; if (otherY < -990.0f) { otherX = playerX; otherY = playerY; otherZ = playerZ; } if (gGameStatusPtr->demoState == DEMO_STATE_CHANGE_MAP) { set_screen_overlay_params_back(OVERLAY_START_BATTLE, encounter->fadeOutAmount); set_screen_overlay_alpha(SCREEN_LAYER_BACK, 255.0f); set_screen_overlay_color(SCREEN_LAYER_BACK, 0, 0, 0); get_screen_coords(gCurrentCameraID, playerX, playerY + 20.0f, playerZ, &pScreenX, &pScreenY, &pScreenZ); get_screen_coords(gCurrentCameraID, otherX, otherY + 15.0f, otherZ, &oScreenX, &oScreenY, &oScreenZ); set_screen_overlay_center(SCREEN_LAYER_BACK, 0, (pScreenX - oScreenX) / 2 + oScreenX, (pScreenY - oScreenY) / 2 + oScreenY); } else { set_screen_overlay_params_front(OVERLAY_START_BATTLE, encounter->fadeOutAmount); set_screen_overlay_alpha(SCREEN_LAYER_FRONT, 255.0f); set_screen_overlay_color(SCREEN_LAYER_FRONT, 0, 0, 0); get_screen_coords(gCurrentCameraID, playerX, playerY + 20.0f, playerZ, &pScreenX, &pScreenY, &pScreenZ); get_screen_coords(gCurrentCameraID, otherX, otherY + 15.0f, otherZ, &oScreenX, &oScreenY, &oScreenZ); set_screen_overlay_center(SCREEN_LAYER_FRONT, 0, (pScreenX - oScreenX) / 2 + oScreenX, (pScreenY - oScreenY) / 2 + oScreenY); } } } } void show_first_strike_message(void) { EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; s32 posX; s32 width; s32 xOffset; s32 screenWidthHalf; if (currentEncounter->unk_94 == 0) { gFirstStrikeMessagePos = -200; return; } gFirstStrikeMessagePos += 40; xOffset = gFirstStrikeMessagePos; if (xOffset > 0) { if (xOffset < 1600) { xOffset = 0; } else { xOffset -= 1600; } } screenWidthHalf = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2; switch (currentEncounter->firstStrikeType) { case FIRST_STRIKE_PLAYER: switch (currentEncounter->hitType) { case 2: case 4: width = get_msg_width(MSG_Menus_PlayerFirstStrike, 0) + 24; posX = (xOffset + screenWidthHalf) - (width / 2); draw_box(0, WINDOW_STYLE_20, posX, 69, 0, width, 28, 255, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, NULL, 0, NULL, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, NULL); draw_msg(MSG_Menus_PlayerFirstStrike, posX + 11, 75, 0xFF, MSG_PAL_STANDARD, 0); break; case 6: width = get_msg_width(MSG_Menus_PartnerFirstStrike, 0) + 24; posX = (xOffset + screenWidthHalf) - (width / 2); draw_box(0, WINDOW_STYLE_20, posX, 69, 0, width, 28, 255, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, NULL, 0, NULL, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, NULL); draw_msg(MSG_Menus_PartnerFirstStrike, posX + 11, 75, 0xFF, MSG_PAL_STANDARD, 0); break; } break; case FIRST_STRIKE_ENEMY: if (!is_ability_active(ABILITY_CHILL_OUT)) { width = get_msg_width(MSG_Menus_EnemyFirstStrike, 0) + 24; posX = (xOffset + screenWidthHalf) - (width / 2); draw_box(0, WINDOW_STYLE_4, posX, 69, 0, width, 28, 255, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, NULL, 0, NULL, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, NULL); draw_msg(MSG_Menus_EnemyFirstStrike, posX + 11, 75, 0xFF, MSG_PAL_STANDARD, 0); } break; } } void update_encounters_post_battle(void) { EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus; PlayerData* playerData = &gPlayerData; PartnerStatus* partnerStatus = &gPartnerStatus; Encounter* encounter; Evt* script; Enemy* enemy; s32 i, j; s32 hasDefeatScript; Npc* npc; switch (gEncounterSubState) { case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_INIT: if (currentEncounter->unk_08 == 0) { return; } currentEncounter->unk_08 = 0; gPlayerStatus.blinkTimer = 0; currentEncounter->scriptedBattle = FALSE; func_800E97E4(); currentEncounter->dizzyAttackStatus = 0; currentEncounter->unk_A4 = 0; currentEncounter->unk_A8 = 0; currentEncounter->unk_AC = 0; currentEncounter->dizzyAttackDuration = 0; currentEncounter->unk_A6 = 0; currentEncounter->unk_AA = 0; currentEncounter->unk_AE = 0; if (D_8009A654 == TRUE) { bgm_pop_battle_song(); } currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel = 1; currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown = 0; D_8009A670 = FALSE; gPlayerStatus.flags &= ~PS_FLAG_ENTERING_BATTLE; if (currentEncounter->hitType == ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_SPIN) { D_8009A670 = TRUE; } currentEncounter->hitType = 0; if (D_80077C40 == 0) { partner_handle_after_battle(); } D_8009A63C = FALSE; if (partnerStatus->shouldResumeAbility) { D_8009A63C = TRUE; } else if (D_8009A670 == 0 && !(gPlayerStatus.flags & (PS_FLAG_JUMPING | PS_FLAG_FALLING)) && gPlayerStatus.actionState != ACTION_STATE_RIDE && gPlayerStatus.actionState != ACTION_STATE_USE_SPINNING_FLOWER) { set_action_state(ACTION_STATE_IDLE); } switch (currentEncounter->battleOutcome) { case OUTCOME_PLAYER_WON: gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_WON_CHECK_MERLEE_BONUS; break; case OUTCOME_PLAYER_LOST: gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_LOST_INIT; break; case OUTCOME_PLAYER_FLED: gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_FLED_INIT; break; case OUTCOME_4: gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_300; break; case OUTCOME_ENEMY_FLED: gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_ENEMY_FLED_INIT; break; } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_WON_CHECK_MERLEE_BONUS: if (currentEncounter->hasMerleeCoinBonus) { if (get_coin_drop_amount(currentEncounter->currentEnemy) != 0) { D_800A0BB0 = start_script(&EVS_MerleeDropCoins, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); D_800A0BB0->groupFlags = 0; D_800A0BB4 = D_800A0BB0->id; } else { playerData->merleeTurnCount = 0; playerData->merleeCastsLeft++; } } gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_PLAY_NPC_DEFEAT; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_PLAY_NPC_DEFEAT: if (currentEncounter->hasMerleeCoinBonus && (get_coin_drop_amount(currentEncounter->currentEnemy) != 0)) { currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel += 4; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount -= currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel; if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount < 0) { currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; } if (does_script_exist(D_800A0BB4)) { break; } } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if (enemy->defeatBytecode != NULL) { script = start_script_in_group(enemy->defeatBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0, 0); enemy->defeatScript = script; enemy->defeatScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = 0; currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown = 1; } else { script = start_script_in_group(&EVS_NpcDefeat, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0, 0); enemy->defeatScript = script; enemy->defeatScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = 0; } } if (!(currentEncounter->flags & ENCOUNTER_STATUS_FLAG_1) && !D_8009A63C && currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown == 0 && D_8009A670 == 0) { suggest_player_anim_allow_backward(0x10032); } gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_WON_WAIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_WON_WAIT: if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount == 0) { gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_WON_KILL; } else { currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel += 4; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount -= currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel; if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount < 0) { currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; } } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_WON_KILL: hasDefeatScript = FALSE; encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if (does_script_exist(enemy->defeatScriptID)) { hasDefeatScript = TRUE; } else { enemy->defeatScript = NULL; } } if (!hasDefeatScript) { if (!(currentEncounter->flags & ENCOUNTER_STATUS_FLAG_1) && !D_8009A63C && currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown == 1) { suggest_player_anim_allow_backward(ANIM_Mario1_ThumbsUp); } encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_4) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE)) { if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_FLED)) { set_defeated(currentEncounter->mapID, encounter->encounterID + i); } } kill_enemy(enemy); } currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; if (!(currentEncounter->flags & ENCOUNTER_STATUS_FLAG_1) && !D_8009A63C && currentEncounter->battleStartCountdown == 1) { currentEncounter->unk_94 = 30; } gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_WON_TO_NEUTRAL; } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_WON_TO_NEUTRAL: if (!(currentEncounter->flags & ENCOUNTER_STATUS_FLAG_2) && (gGameStatusPtr->stickX[0] != 0 || gGameStatusPtr->stickY[0] != 0)) { currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; } if (currentEncounter->unk_94 != 0) { currentEncounter->unk_94--; break; } for (i = 0; i < currentEncounter->numEncounters; i++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[i]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy == NULL || (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { continue; } if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } } } currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown = 15; enable_player_input(); partner_enable_input(); if (!D_8009A63C) { suggest_player_anim_allow_backward(ANIM_Mario1_Idle); } set_screen_overlay_params_front(OVERLAY_NONE, -1.0f); resume_all_group(EVT_GROUP_10); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_NEUTRAL; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_NEUTRAL; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_FLED_INIT: encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if (enemy->defeatBytecode != NULL) { script = start_script(enemy->defeatBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->defeatScript = script; enemy->defeatScriptID = script->id; enemy->aiFlags |= 1; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } } gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_FLED_WAIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_FLED_WAIT: if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount == 0) { gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_102; } else { currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel += 4; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount -= currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel; if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount < 0) { currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; } } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_102: encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; hasDefeatScript = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { if (does_script_exist(enemy->defeatScriptID)) { hasDefeatScript = TRUE; } else { enemy->defeatScript = NULL; } } } if (!hasDefeatScript) { for (i = 0; i < currentEncounter->numEncounters; i++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[i]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy == NULL || (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { continue; } if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } } } enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_40000)) { enemy->aiSuspendTime = 45; playerStatus->blinkTimer = 45; for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) { continue; } enemy->aiSuspendTime = 45; playerStatus->blinkTimer = 45; } } enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (!(currentEncounter->flags & ENCOUNTER_STATUS_FLAG_4)) { script = start_script(&EVS_FleeBattleDrops, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->defeatScript = script; enemy->defeatScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown = 45; playerStatus->blinkTimer = 45; enable_player_input(); partner_enable_input(); set_screen_overlay_params_front(OVERLAY_NONE, -1.0f); if (!D_8009A63C) { currentEncounter->unk_94 = 15; } else { currentEncounter->unk_94 = 0; } gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_103; } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_103: if (currentEncounter->unk_94 != 0) { currentEncounter->unk_94--; if (gGameStatusPtr->currentButtons[0] == 0 && gGameStatusPtr->stickX[0] == 0 && gGameStatusPtr->stickY[0] == 0) { break; } } if (!D_8009A63C && playerStatus->anim == ANIM_MarioB3_Hustled) { suggest_player_anim_allow_backward(ANIM_Mario1_Idle); } resume_all_group(EVT_GROUP_10); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_NEUTRAL; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_NEUTRAL; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_LOST_INIT: suggest_player_anim_allow_backward(ANIM_MarioW2_LayingDown); encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if (enemy->defeatBytecode != NULL) { script = start_script(enemy->defeatBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->defeatScript = script; enemy->defeatScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } } gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_LOST_WAIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_LOST_WAIT: if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount == 0) { gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_202; } else { currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel += 4; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount -= currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel; if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount < 0) { currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; } } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_202: hasDefeatScript = FALSE; encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { if (does_script_exist(enemy->defeatScriptID)) { hasDefeatScript = TRUE; } else { enemy->defeatScript = NULL; } } } if (!hasDefeatScript) { for (i = 0; i < currentEncounter->numEncounters; i++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[i]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy == NULL || (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { continue; } if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } } } enable_player_input(); partner_enable_input(); set_screen_overlay_params_front(OVERLAY_NONE, -1.0f); currentEncounter->unk_94 = 15; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_LOST_TO_NEUTRAL; } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_LOST_TO_NEUTRAL: if (currentEncounter->unk_94 != 0) { currentEncounter->unk_94--; if (gGameStatusPtr->currentButtons[0] == 0 && gGameStatusPtr->stickX[0] == 0 && gGameStatusPtr->stickY[0] == 0) { break; } } resume_all_group(EVT_GROUP_10); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_NEUTRAL; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_NEUTRAL; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_300: for (i = 0; i < currentEncounter->numEncounters; i++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[i]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy == NULL || (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { continue; } if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } } } enable_player_input(); partner_enable_input(); set_screen_overlay_params_front(OVERLAY_NONE, -1.0f); resume_all_group(EVT_GROUP_10); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_NEUTRAL; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_NEUTRAL; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_ENEMY_FLED_INIT: encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if ((enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) && enemy != currentEncounter->currentEnemy) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if (enemy->defeatBytecode != NULL) { script = start_script(enemy->defeatBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->defeatScript = script; enemy->defeatScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } } gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_ENEMY_FLED_WAIT; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_ENEMY_FLED_WAIT: if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount == 0) { gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_ENEMY_FLED_TO_NEUTRAL; } else { currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel += 4; currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount -= currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel; if (currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount < 0) { currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount = 0; } } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_POST_BATTLE_ENEMY_FLED_TO_NEUTRAL: hasDefeatScript = FALSE; encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { if (does_script_exist(enemy->defeatScriptID)) { hasDefeatScript = TRUE; } else { enemy->defeatScript = NULL; } } } if (!hasDefeatScript) { for (i = 0; i < currentEncounter->numEncounters; i++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[i]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy == NULL || (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { continue; } if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->aiScriptID); } if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(enemy->auxScriptID); } } } enemy = currentEncounter->currentEnemy; if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_4)) { encounter = currentEncounter->currentEncounter; enemy->aiSuspendTime = 45; playerStatus->blinkTimer = 45; for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI) { continue; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) { continue; } enemy->aiSuspendTime = 45; playerStatus->blinkTimer = 45; } } currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown = 45; enable_player_input(); partner_enable_input(); set_screen_overlay_params_front(OVERLAY_NONE, -1.0f); resume_all_group(EVT_GROUP_10); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_NEUTRAL; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_NEUTRAL; } break; } for (i = 0; i < currentEncounter->numEncounters; i++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[i]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < encounter->count; j++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[j]; if (enemy == NULL || (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { continue; } npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID); if (enemy->aiSuspendTime != 0) { if (enemy->aiSuspendTime & 1) { npc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED; enemy->flags |= ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED; } else { npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED; enemy->flags &= ~ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED; } } } } } void draw_encounters_post_battle(void) { EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; s32 ret = currentEncounter->fadeOutAccel; if (ret != 0) { set_screen_overlay_params_front(OVERLAY_SCREEN_COLOR, currentEncounter->fadeOutAmount); set_screen_overlay_color(SCREEN_LAYER_FRONT, 0, 0, 0); } } void update_encounters_conversation(void) { EncounterStatus* encounter = &gCurrentEncounter; PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus; Enemy* currentEnemy; s32 flag; switch (gEncounterSubState) { case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CONVERSATION_INIT: currentEnemy = encounter->currentEnemy; flag = FALSE; if (currentEnemy->interactScript != NULL) { if (does_script_exist(currentEnemy->interactScriptID)) { flag = TRUE; } else { currentEnemy->interactScript = NULL; } } if (currentEnemy->hitScript != NULL) { if (does_script_exist(currentEnemy->hitScriptID)) { flag = TRUE; } else { currentEnemy->hitScript = NULL; } } if (!flag) { gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CONVERSATION_END; } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CONVERSATION_END: resume_all_group(EVT_GROUP_01); currentEnemy = encounter->currentEnemy; if (currentEnemy != NULL && currentEnemy->aiScript != NULL) { resume_all_script(currentEnemy->aiScriptID); } enable_player_input(); partner_enable_input(); if (playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_TALK) { set_action_state(ACTION_STATE_IDLE); } func_800EF3D4(0); encounter->hitType = 0; resume_all_group(EVT_GROUP_10); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_NEUTRAL; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_NEUTRAL; break; } } void draw_encounters_conversation(void) { } s32 check_conversation_trigger(void) { PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus; Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCameraID]; EncounterStatus* encounterStatus = &gCurrentEncounter; f32 npcX, npcY, npcZ; f32 angle; f32 deltaX, deltaZ; Encounter* encounter; f32 playerX, playerY, playerZ; f32 playerColliderHeight; f32 playerColliderRadius; f32 length; f32 npcCollisionHeight; f32 npcCollisionRadius; Encounter* encounterTemp; Npc* npc; Npc* encounterNpc; Enemy* enemy; Enemy* encounterEnemy; f32 minLength; f32 xTemp, yTemp, zTemp; s32 i, j; playerStatus->encounteredNPC = NULL; playerStatus->flags &= ~PS_FLAG_HAS_CONVERSATION_NPC; playerColliderHeight = playerStatus->colliderHeight; playerColliderRadius = playerStatus->colliderDiameter / 2; playerX = playerStatus->position.x; playerY = playerStatus->position.y; playerZ = playerStatus->position.z; if (gPartnerStatus.partnerActionState != PARTNER_ACTION_NONE) { return FALSE; } encounter = NULL; npc = NULL; enemy = NULL; minLength = 65535.0f; for (i = 0; i < encounterStatus->numEncounters; i++) { encounterTemp = encounterStatus->encounterList[i]; if (encounterTemp == NULL) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < encounterTemp->count; j++) { encounterEnemy = encounterTemp->enemy[j]; if (encounterEnemy == NULL) { continue; } if (encounterEnemy->flags & (ENEMY_FLAG_SUSPENDED | ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { continue; } if (!(encounterEnemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE)) { continue; } if ((encounterEnemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_CANT_INTERACT) || encounterEnemy->interactBytecode == NULL) { continue; } encounterNpc = get_npc_unsafe(encounterEnemy->npcID); npcX = encounterNpc->pos.x; npcY = encounterNpc->pos.y; npcZ = encounterNpc->pos.z; deltaX = npcX - playerX; deltaZ = npcZ - playerZ; npcCollisionHeight = encounterNpc->collisionHeight; npcCollisionRadius = encounterNpc->collisionDiameter; length = sqrtf(SQ(deltaX) + SQ(deltaZ)); if ((playerColliderRadius + npcCollisionRadius <= length) || (npcY + npcCollisionHeight < playerY) || (playerY + playerColliderHeight < npcY)) { continue; } if (clamp_angle(playerStatus->spriteFacingAngle) < 180.0f) { angle = clamp_angle(camera->currentYaw - 120.0f); if (playerStatus->trueAnimation & SPRITE_ID_BACK_FACING) { angle = clamp_angle(angle + 60.0f); } } else { angle = clamp_angle(camera->currentYaw + 120.0f); if (playerStatus->trueAnimation & SPRITE_ID_BACK_FACING) { angle = clamp_angle(angle - 60.0f); } } if (fabsf(get_clamped_angle_diff(angle, atan2(playerX, playerZ, npcX, npcZ))) > 90.0f) { continue; } if (!(encounterEnemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_10000) && encounterNpc->flags & NPC_FLAG_20000000) { xTemp = npcX; yTemp = npcY; zTemp = npcZ; if (npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(0, &xTemp, &yTemp, &zTemp, length, atan2(npcX, npcZ, playerX, playerZ), npcCollisionHeight, 2.0f * npcCollisionRadius)) { continue; } } if (length < minLength) { minLength = length; encounter = encounterTemp; npc = encounterNpc; enemy = encounterEnemy; } } } if (!(playerStatus->animFlags & PA_FLAG_8BIT_MARIO) && npc != NULL && !is_picking_up_item()) { playerStatus->encounteredNPC = npc; playerStatus->flags |= PS_FLAG_HAS_CONVERSATION_NPC; if (playerStatus->pressedButtons & BUTTON_A) { close_status_bar(); gCurrentEncounter.hitType = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_CONVERSATION; enemy->encountered = ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_CONVERSATION; encounterStatus->currentEncounter = encounter; encounterStatus->currentEnemy = enemy; encounterStatus->firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_PLAYER; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void create_encounters(void) { EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter; NpcBlueprint sp10; NpcBlueprint* bp = &sp10; NpcGroup* groupList = (NpcGroup*)(currentEncounter->npcGroupList); s32 groupNpcCount; s32 mapID = currentEncounter->mapID; Npc* newNpc; s32 newNpcIndex; s32 npcCount; NpcSettings* npcSettings; NpcData* npcData; Enemy* enemy; Encounter* encounter; Evt* script; s32 totalNpcCount; s32 cond1; s32 cond2; s32 i; s32 k; s32 e; switch (gEncounterSubState) { case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CREATE_INIT: if (currentEncounter->resetMapEncounterFlags != 1) { // check for current map among most recently visited for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->recentMaps); i++) { if (currentEncounter->recentMaps[i] == mapID) { break; } } // current map not found in recent: reset all defeat flags if (i >= ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->recentMaps)) { for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID]); k++) { currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID][k] = FALSE; } } // add current map to recent maps, pushing out the least recent for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->recentMaps) - 1; i++) { currentEncounter->recentMaps[i] = currentEncounter->recentMaps[i + 1]; } currentEncounter->recentMaps[i] = mapID; } e = 0; totalNpcCount = 0; while (TRUE) { if (groupList->npcCount == 0) { break; } npcData = groupList->npcs; groupNpcCount = groupList->npcCount; encounter = heap_malloc(sizeof(*encounter)); currentEncounter->encounterList[e] = encounter; ASSERT(encounter != NULL); encounter->count = groupNpcCount; encounter->battle = groupList->battle; encounter->stage = groupList->stage - 1; encounter->encounterID = totalNpcCount; for (i = 0; i < groupNpcCount; i++) { if (get_defeated(mapID, encounter->encounterID + i)) { npcData++; encounter->enemy[i] = NULL; continue; } enemy = encounter->enemy[i] = heap_malloc(sizeof(*enemy)); ASSERT (enemy != NULL); for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_COUNT(enemy->varTable); k++) { enemy->varTable[k] = 0; } enemy->encounterIndex = e; enemy->npcID = npcData->id; npcSettings = enemy->npcSettings = npcData->settings; enemy->drops = &npcData->drops; if ((*(s16*)(&npcData->drops) & 0xFF00) != 0x8000) { //TODO s16? enemy->drops = &DefaultEnemyDrops; } enemy->encountered = 0; if ((s32) npcData->init < EVT_LIMIT) { enemy->initBytecode = npcData->init; } else { enemy->initBytecode = NULL; } enemy->interactBytecode = npcSettings->onInteract; enemy->aiBytecode = npcSettings->ai; enemy->hitBytecode = npcSettings->onHit; enemy->auxBytecode = npcSettings->aux; enemy->defeatBytecode = npcSettings->onDefeat; enemy->initScript = NULL; enemy->interactScript = NULL; enemy->aiScript = NULL; enemy->hitScript = NULL; enemy->auxScript = NULL; enemy->defeatScript = NULL; enemy->interactScriptID = 0; enemy->aiScriptID = 0; enemy->hitScriptID = 0; enemy->auxScriptID = 0; enemy->defeatScriptID = 0; enemy->hitboxIsActive = FALSE; enemy->instigatorValue = 0; enemy->aiDetectFlags = npcData->aiDetectFlags; enemy->aiFlags = npcData->aiFlags; enemy->unk_DC = 0; enemy->aiSuspendTime = 0; enemy->unk_B8 = (EvtScript*)npcSettings->unk_24; // ?? enemy->unk_BC = NULL; enemy->unk_C0 = 0; enemy->unk_C4 = 0; enemy->animList = (s32*)&npcData->animations; enemy->territory = &npcData->territory; enemy->flags = npcSettings->flags; enemy->flags |= npcData->flags; enemy->unk_64 = NULL; enemy->tattleMsg = npcData->tattle; if (npcData->initVarCount != 0) { if (npcData->initVarCount == 1) { enemy->varTable[0] = npcData->initVar.value; } else { s32* initialVars = npcData->initVar.array; for (k = 0; k < npcData->initVarCount; k++) { enemy->varTable[k] = *initialVars++; } } } // create the new NPC bp->flags = 0; if (npcSettings->defaultAnim == 0) { bp->initialAnim = enemy->animList[0]; } else { bp->initialAnim = npcSettings->defaultAnim; } bp->onUpdate = NULL; bp->onRender = NULL; if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_USE_PLAYER_SPRITE)) { newNpcIndex = create_standard_npc(bp, npcData->extraAnimations); } else { newNpcIndex = create_peach_npc(bp); } newNpc = get_npc_by_index(newNpcIndex); newNpc->npcID = npcData->id; newNpc->collisionDiameter = npcSettings->radius; newNpc->collisionHeight = npcSettings->height; enemy->spawnPos[0] = newNpc->pos.x = npcData->pos.x; enemy->spawnPos[1] = newNpc->pos.y = npcData->pos.y; enemy->spawnPos[2] = newNpc->pos.z = npcData->pos.z; newNpc->unk_96 = 0; newNpc->planarFlyDist = 0.0f; newNpc->homePos.x = newNpc->pos.x; newNpc->homePos.y = newNpc->pos.y; newNpc->homePos.z = newNpc->pos.z; set_npc_yaw(newNpc, npcData->yaw); enemy->savedNpcYaw = 12345; if (newNpc->collisionDiameter >= 24.0) { newNpc->shadowScale = newNpc->collisionDiameter / 24.0; } else { newNpc->shadowScale = 1.0f; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_IGNORE_WORLD_COLLISION) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_IGNORE_WORLD_COLLISION; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_IGNORE_PLAYER_COLLISION) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_IGNORE_PLAYER_COLLISION; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_IGNORE_ENTITY_COLLISION) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_IGNORE_ENTITY_COLLISION; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_800) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_8; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_GRAVITY) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_GRAVITY; } if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE)) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_IGNORE_PLAYER_COLLISION; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_NO_SHADOW_RAYCAST) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_NO_SHADOW_RAYCAST; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_8000) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_10000000; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_10000) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_20000000; } if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DONT_UPDATE_SHADOW_Y) { newNpc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_DONT_UPDATE_SHADOW_Y; } enemy->scriptGroup = EVT_GROUP_0B; if (enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE) { enemy->scriptGroup = EVT_GROUP_0A; } if (npcSettings->otherAI != NULL) { script = start_script(npcSettings->otherAI, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->aiScript = script; enemy->aiScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } npcData++; } groupList++; e++; totalNpcCount += groupNpcCount; } currentEncounter->numEncounters = e; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CREATE_RUN_INIT_SCRIPT; break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CREATE_RUN_INIT_SCRIPT: cond2 = FALSE; for (e = 0; e < currentEncounter->numEncounters; e++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[e]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) { if (does_script_exist(enemy->aiScriptID)) { cond2 = TRUE; } } } } if (!cond2) { for (e = 0; e < currentEncounter->numEncounters; e++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[e]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (enemy->initBytecode != NULL) { script = start_script(enemy->initBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->initScript = script; enemy->initScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } } } gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CREATE_RUN_AI; } break; case ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_CREATE_RUN_AI: cond1 = FALSE; for (e = 0; e < currentEncounter->numEncounters; e++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[e]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (enemy->initScript != NULL) { if (does_script_exist(enemy->initScriptID)) { cond1 = TRUE; } else { enemy->initScript = NULL; } } } } if (cond1) { break; } for (e = 0; e < currentEncounter->numEncounters; e++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[e]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { if (enemy->aiBytecode != NULL) { script = start_script(enemy->aiBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->aiScript = script; enemy->aiScriptID = script->id; enemy->unk_C8 = 100; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } } } } for (e = 0; e < currentEncounter->numEncounters; e++) { encounter = currentEncounter->encounterList[e]; if (encounter == NULL) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) { enemy = encounter->enemy[i]; if (enemy == NULL) { continue; } if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DISABLE_AI)) { if (enemy->auxBytecode != NULL) { script = start_script(enemy->auxBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0); enemy->auxScript = script; enemy->auxScriptID = script->id; script->owner1.enemy = enemy; script->owner2.npcID = enemy->npcID; script->groupFlags = enemy->scriptGroup; } } } } resume_all_group(EVT_GROUP_10); gEncounterState = ENCOUNTER_STATE_NEUTRAL; D_8009A678 = 1; gEncounterSubState = ENCOUNTER_SUBSTATE_NEUTRAL; break; } } void init_encounters_ui(void) { } s32 is_starting_conversation(void) { s32 ret = gEncounterState == ENCOUNTER_STATE_PRE_BATTLE; if (gCurrentEncounter.hitType == ENCOUNTER_TRIGGER_CONVERSATION) { ret = TRUE; } return ret; }