#!/usr/bin/env python3 from os import path from os import remove from sys import argv import re from glob import glob from pathlib import Path DIR = path.dirname(__file__) NONMATCHINGS_DIR = Path(path.join(DIR, "asm", "nonmatchings")) C_FILES = Path(path.join(DIR, "src")).rglob("*.c") ASM_FILES = NONMATCHINGS_DIR.rglob("*.s") def strip_c_comments(text): def replacer(match): s = match.group(0) if s.startswith('/'): return " " else: return s pattern = re.compile( r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) return re.sub(pattern, replacer, text) c_func_pattern = re.compile( r"^(static\s+)?[^\s]+\s+([^\s(]+)\(([^;)]*)\)[^;]+{", re.MULTILINE ) def funcs_in_c(text): return (match.group(2) for match in c_func_pattern.finditer(text)) asm_func_pattern = re.compile( r"INCLUDE_ASM\([^,]+, [^,]+, ([^,)]+)", re.MULTILINE ) def include_asms_in_c(text): return (match.group(1) for match in asm_func_pattern.finditer(text)) def parse_map_file(p = Path(DIR, "build", "papermario.map")): addresses = [] with open(p, "r") as f: for match in re.compile(f"^\s+0x([a-f0-9]+)\s+([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)", re.MULTILINE).finditer(f.read()): addr = int(match.group(1), 16) func = match.group(2) addresses.append((func, addr)) addresses.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort by address sizes = {} for i in range(0, len(addresses) - 1): func, addr = addresses[i] next_addr = addresses[i + 1][1] sizes[func] = next_addr - addr return sizes matched = [] asm = [] for filename in C_FILES: with open(filename, "r") as file: text = strip_c_comments(file.read()) matched.extend((m for m in funcs_in_c(text) if not m in matched)) asm.extend((m for m in include_asms_in_c(text) if not m in asm)) non_matched = [path.splitext(path.basename(filename))[0] for filename in ASM_FILES] partial_matched = [f for f in matched if f in asm] matched = [f for f in matched if not f in partial_matched] matched_but_undeleted_asm = [f for f in matched if f in non_matched and not f in partial_matched] if __name__ == "__main__": if "--help" in argv: print("--fail-matched-undeleted exit with error code 1 if matched function(s) exist in asm/nonmatchings/") print("--fail-unincluded exit with error code 2 if unincluded assembly files exist") print("--delete-matched delete matched function(s) from asm/nonmatchings/ without asking") print("--delete-unincluded delete unincluded, unmatched assembly files") print("--skip-sizes don't attempt to read build/papermario.map to determine sizes") exit() total = len(matched) + len(non_matched) print(f"{len(matched)}+{len(partial_matched)} / {total} functions ({(len(matched) / total) * 100:.2f}%)") if not "--skip-sizes" in argv: function_sizes = parse_map_file() size_matched = sum(function_sizes.get(f, 0) for f in matched) size_partial_matched = sum(function_sizes.get(f, 0) for f in partial_matched) size_non_matched = sum(function_sizes.get(f, 0) for f in non_matched) size_total = size_matched + size_non_matched print(f"{size_matched}+{size_partial_matched} / {size_total} bytes ({(size_matched / size_total) * 100:.2f}%)") if len(matched_but_undeleted_asm) > 0: print(f"The following functions have been matched but still exist in asm/nonmatchings/: {' '.join(matched_but_undeleted_asm)}") if "--fail-matched-undeleted" in argv: exit(1) elif "--delete-matched" in argv or input("Delete them [y/N]? ").upper() == "Y": for func in matched_but_undeleted_asm: f = next(NONMATCHINGS_DIR.rglob(func + ".s")) remove(f) elif len(set(asm)) != len(set(non_matched)): #print(f"warning: number of INCLUDE_ASM macros ({len(asm)}) != number of asm files ({len(non_matched)})") if len(set(non_matched)) > len(set(asm)): print(f"The following functions are unmatched but are also unINCLUDEd: {set(non_matched) - set(asm)}") if "--fail-unincluded" in argv: exit(2) elif "--delete-unincluded" in argv or input("Delete them [y/N]? ").upper() == "Y": for func in set(non_matched) - set(asm): f = next(NONMATCHINGS_DIR.rglob(func + ".s")) remove(f) else: print(f"warning: The following .s files are INCLUDEd but don't exist: {set(asm) - set(non_matched)}")