Ethan Roseman 068b8a5b08
B4580 and d0a70_len_4fe0 (#502)
* func_80133A94

* animator stuff

* add_anim_node and animator_node_update_model_transform

* a bunch more

* more

* .

* temp

* create_mesh_animator

* 2 mo

* d0a70 funcs

* more d0a70

* 2 mo

* 1 + cleanup

* 2 mo

* cleanup

* revert change to verbosity for splat

* PR comments
2021-10-30 02:57:15 +09:00

74 lines
2.1 KiB

#ifndef _MAP_H_
#define _MAP_H_
#include "common_structs.h"
#include "enums.h"
#include "script_api/map.h"
#include "npc.h"
// TODO: consider moving Npc here
#define ENTRY_COUNT(entryList) (sizeof(entryList) / sizeof(Vec4f))
typedef Vec4f EntryList[];
/// Fields other than main, entryList, entryCount, background, and tattle are initialised when the map loads.
typedef struct MapConfig {
/* 0x00 */ struct ModelNode* modelTreeRoot;
/* 0x04 */ UNK_PTR collision;
/* 0x08 */ UNK_PTR unk_08;
/* 0x0C */ char unk_0C[4];
/* 0x10 */ EvtSource* main;
/* 0x14 */ EntryList* entryList;
/* 0x18 */ s32 entryCount;
/* 0x1C */ char unk_1C[12];
/* 0x28 */ char** modelNameList;
/* 0x2C */ char** colliderNameList;
/* 0x30 */ char** zoneNameList;
/* 0x34 */ char unk_34[4];
/* 0x38 */ BackgroundHeader* background;
/* 0x3C */ union {
s32 msgID;
} tattle;
} MapConfig; // size = 0x40
typedef s32(*MapInit)(void);
#define MAP_ID_MAX_LEN 7 ///< "xxx_yyy" excluding null terminator.
typedef struct Map {
/* 0x00 */ char* id; ///< @see MAP_ID_MAX_LEN
/* 0x04 */ MapConfig* config;
/* 0x08 */ void* dmaStart;
/* 0x0C */ void* dmaEnd;
/* 0x10 */ void* dmaDest;
/* 0x14 */ char* bgName;
/* 0x18 */ MapInit init; ///< Return TRUE to skip normal asset (shape/hit/bg/tex) loading.
/* 0x1C */ union {
u32 word;
struct {
char unk_1C[0x2];
s8 songVariation; ///< 0 or 1. @see bgm_get_map_default_variation
s8 flags;
} bytes;
} unk_1C;
} Map; // size = 0x20
typedef struct Area {
/* 0x00 */ s32 mapCount;
/* 0x04 */ Map* maps;
/* 0x08 */ char* id; ///< "area_xxx"
/* 0x0C */ char* name; ///< JP debug name.
} Area; // size = 0x10
MapConfig* get_current_map_header(void);
/// Zero-terminated.
extern Area gAreas[29];
/// Lists the songs that are forced to use the variation determined by `map.songVariation & 1`.
/// @see bgm_get_map_default_variation
extern s32 gSongsUsingVariationFlag[6];
extern s16 D_8014F738;