Ethan Roseman 3315d6010f
Splat refactor (#257)
* all non-world rodata migrated

* data disasm

* kinda working

* updated yaml

* bloop

* linker header

* configure 2.0

* bin

* mass rename to remove code_

* pause rename

* battle partner stuff

* whew

* more renames

* more renames

* more renaming

* it builds!

* updates

* remove main prefix

* one more thing

* crc, yay0

* .data, .rodata, .bss

* img

* dead_atan2

* it buildsgit add -A

* split battle/partner/6FAD10

* rm &s on sleepy_sheep syms

* sha1sum ninja rule description

* OK but commented out PaperMarioMapFS and PaperMarioNpcSprites

* uncomment

* fix mapfs

* match func_8003CFB4

* .

* clean up and name npc_iter_no_op

* npc.c

* enable cc warnings

* name npc_find_near

* use singular options.asset_path

* smores

* cc_dsl only when needed

* kinda fix configure for splat refactor2

* ok!

* new msg format

* remove old msg format docs

* slight bug fixes, splat adjustment

* git subrepo pull (merge) --force tools/splat

  subdir:   "tools/splat"
  merged:   "cfc140bb76"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "cfc140bb76"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   ""
  commit:   "2f68596"

* git subrepo pull (merge) --force tools/splat

  subdir:   "tools/splat"
  merged:   "85349befcd"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "85349befcd"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   ""
  commit:   "2f68596"

* Update symbol addrs

* git subrepo pull tools/splat

  subdir:   "tools/splat"
  merged:   "a44631e194"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "a44631e194"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   ""
  commit:   "2f68596"

Co-authored-by: Alex Bates <>
2021-04-13 16:47:52 +09:00

303 lines
10 KiB

from segtypes.n64.segment import N64Segment
from pathlib import Path
from util.n64 import Yay0decompress
from util.iter import iter_in_groups
from util.color import unpack_color
from util import options
import png
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pylibyaml
import yaml
class Sprite:
def __init__(self):
self.max_components = 0
self.num_variations = 0
self.images = []
self.palettes = []
self.animations = []
self.image_names = []
self.palette_names = []
self.animation_names = []
def from_bytes(data):
self = Sprite()
image_offsets = Sprite.read_offset_list(data[int.from_bytes(data[0:4], byteorder="big"):])
palette_offsets = Sprite.read_offset_list(data[int.from_bytes(data[4:8], byteorder="big"):])
self.max_components = int.from_bytes(data[8:0xC], byteorder="big")
self.num_variations = int.from_bytes(data[0xC:0x10], byteorder="big")
animation_offsets = Sprite.read_offset_list(data[0x10:])
for offset in palette_offsets:
# 16 colors
color_data = data[offset : offset + 16 * 2]
self.palettes.append([unpack_color(c) for c in iter_in_groups(color_data, 2)])
for offset in image_offsets:
img = Image.from_bytes(data[offset:], data)
for offset in animation_offsets:
anim = []
for comp_offset in Sprite.read_offset_list(data[offset:]):
comp = Component.from_bytes(data[comp_offset:], data)
return self
def read_offset_list(data):
l = []
pos = 0
while True:
offset = int.from_bytes(data[pos:pos+4], byteorder="big", signed=True)
if offset == -1:
pos += 4
return l
def write_to_dir(self, path):
SpriteSheet = ET.Element("SpriteSheet", {
"maxComponents": str(self.max_components),
"paletteGroups": str(self.num_variations),
PaletteList = ET.SubElement(SpriteSheet, "PaletteList")
RasterList = ET.SubElement(SpriteSheet, "RasterList")
AnimationList = ET.SubElement(SpriteSheet, "AnimationList")
palette_to_raster = {}
for i, image in enumerate(self.images):
name = self.image_names[i] if self.image_names else f"Raster_{i:02X}"
image.write(path / (name + ".png"), self.palettes[image.palette_index])
if image.palette_index not in palette_to_raster:
palette_to_raster[image.palette_index] = []
ET.SubElement(RasterList, "Raster", {
"id": f"{i:X}",
"palette": f"{image.palette_index:X}",
"src": name + ".png",
for i, palette in enumerate(self.palettes):
name = self.palette_names[i] if self.palette_names else f"Palette_{i:02X}"
if i in palette_to_raster:
img = palette_to_raster[i][0]
img = self.images[0]
img.write(path / (name + ".png"), palette)
ET.SubElement(PaletteList, "Palette", {
"id": f"{i:X}",
"src": name + ".png",
for i, components in enumerate(self.animations):
Animation = ET.SubElement(AnimationList, "Animation", {
"name": self.animation_names[i] if self.animation_names else f"Anim_{i:X}",
for j, comp in enumerate(components):
Component = ET.SubElement(Animation, "Component", {
"name": f"Comp_{j:X}",
"xyz": ",".join(map(str, [comp.x, comp.y, comp.z])),
for cmd in comp.commands:
ET.SubElement(Component, "Command", {"val": f"{cmd:X}"})
xml = ET.ElementTree(SpriteSheet)
# pretty print (Python 3.9+)
if hasattr(ET, "indent"):
ET.indent(xml, " ")
xml.write(str(path / "SpriteSheet.xml"), encoding="unicode")
def from_dir(path, read_images=True):
self = Sprite()
xml = ET.parse(str(path / "SpriteSheet.xml"))
SpriteSheet = xml.getroot()
true_max_components = 0
self.max_components = int(SpriteSheet.get("a") or SpriteSheet.get("maxComponents")) # ignored
self.num_variations = int(SpriteSheet.get("b") or SpriteSheet.get("paletteGroups"))
for Palette in SpriteSheet.findall("./PaletteList/Palette"):
if read_images:
img = png.Reader(str(path / Palette.get("src")))
palette = img.palette(alpha="force")
palette = palette[0:16]
assert len(palette) == 16
self.palette_names.append(Palette.get("name", Palette.get("src").split(".png")[0]))
for Raster in SpriteSheet.findall("./RasterList/Raster"):
if read_images:
img_path = str(path / Raster.get("src"))
width, height, raster, info = png.Reader(img_path).read_flat()
image = Image()
image.width = width
image.height = height
image.raster = raster
image.palette_index = int(Raster.get("palette"), base=16)
assert (image.width % 8) == 0, f"{img_path} width is not a multiple of 8"
assert (image.height % 8) == 0, f"{img_path} height is not a multiple of 8"
for i, Animation in enumerate(SpriteSheet.findall("./AnimationList/Animation")):
components = []
for ComponentEl in Animation.findall("Component"):
comp = Component()
x, y, z = ComponentEl.get("xyz", "0,0,0").split(",")
comp.x = int(x)
comp.y = int(y)
comp.z = int(z)
for Command in ComponentEl:
comp.commands.append(int(Command.get("val"), base=16))
if len(components) > true_max_components:
true_max_components = len(components)
self.max_components = true_max_components
#assert self.max_components == true_max_components, f"{true_max_components} component(s) used, but SpriteSheet.a = {self.max_components}"
return self
class Image:
def from_bytes(data, sprite_data):
self = Image()
raster_offset = int.from_bytes(data[0:4], byteorder="big")
self.width = data[4] & 0xFF
self.height = data[5] & 0xFF
self.palette_index = data[6]
assert data[7] == 0xFF
return self
# CI-4
def set_raster_from_bytes(self, data):
self.raster = bytearray()
for i in range(self.width * self.height // 2):
self.raster.append(data[i] >> 4)
self.raster.append(data[i] & 0xF)
def write(self, path, palette):
w = png.Writer(self.width, self.height, palette=palette)
with open(path, "wb") as f:
w.write_array(f, self.raster)
class Component:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.z = 0
self.commands = []
def from_bytes(data, sprite_data):
self = Component()
commands_offset = int.from_bytes(data[0:4], byteorder="big")
commands_size = int.from_bytes(data[4:6], byteorder="big") # size in bytes, not length!
commands_data = sprite_data[commands_offset : commands_offset + commands_size]
self.commands = [int.from_bytes(d[0:2], byteorder="big") for d in iter_in_groups(commands_data, 2)]
self.x = int.from_bytes(data[6:8], byteorder="big", signed=True)
self.y = int.from_bytes(data[8:10], byteorder="big", signed=True)
self.z = int.from_bytes(data[10:12], byteorder="big", signed=True)
return self
class N64SegPaperMarioNpcSprites(N64Segment):
DEFAULT_SPRITE_NAMES = [f"{i:02X}" for i in range(0xEA)]
def __init__(self, segment, rom_start, rom_end):
super().__init__(segment, rom_start, rom_end)
self.files = segment["files"]
with (Path(__file__).parent / f"{}.yaml").open("r") as f:
self.sprite_cfg = yaml.load(, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
def split(self, rom_bytes):
out_dir = options.get_asset_path() / self.dir /
data = rom_bytes[self.rom_start:self.rom_end]
pos = 0
for i, sprite_name in enumerate(self.files):
#self.log(f"Splitting sprite {sprite_name}...")
sprite_dir = out_dir / sprite_name
sprite_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
start = int.from_bytes(data[i * 4 : (i + 1) * 4], byteorder="big")
end = int.from_bytes(data[(i + 1) * 4 : (i + 2) * 4], byteorder="big")
sprite_data = Yay0decompress.decompress_yay0(data[start:end])
sprite = Sprite.from_bytes(sprite_data)
if sprite_name in self.sprite_cfg:
sprite.image_names = self.sprite_cfg[sprite_name].get("frames", [])
sprite.palette_names = self.sprite_cfg[sprite_name].get("palettes", [])
sprite.animation_names = self.sprite_cfg[sprite_name].get("animations", [])
def get_linker_entries(self):
from segtypes.linker_entry import LinkerEntry
basepath = options.get_asset_path() / "sprite" / f"{}"
out_paths = [options.get_asset_path() / "sprite" / / (f["name"] if type(f) is dict else f)
for f in self.files]
return [LinkerEntry(self, out_paths, basepath, ".data")]
def cache(self):
return (self.config, self.rom_end, self.sprite_cfg)