lshamis ae66312d8c
Add Python linter to github actions (#1100)
* Add Python linter to github actions

* wip

* Add back splat_ext

* Format files

* C++ -> C

* format 2 files

* split workflow into separate file, line length 120, fix excludes

* -l 120 in ci

* update black locally and apply formatting changes

* pyproject.toject


Co-authored-by: Ethan Roseman <>
2023-07-30 02:03:17 +09:00

204 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from dataclasses import dataclass
import argparse
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List
class Vertex:
idx: int
x: int
y: int
z: int
u: int
v: int
r: int
g: int
b: int
a: int
def toJSON(self):
return (
' { "pos": ['
+ f"{self.x}, {self.y}, {self.z}"
+ '], "uv": ['
+ f"{self.u}, {self.v}"
+ '], "rgba": ['
+ f"{self.r}, {self.g}, {self.b}, {self.a}"
+ "] }"
class Triangle:
i: int
j: int
k: int
def toJSON(self):
return f" [{self.i}, {self.j}, {self.k}]"
class Anim:
name: str
offset: int
vtx_offset: int
gfx_offset: int
vtx_count: int
gfx_count: int
keyframes: int
flags: int
frames: List[List[Vertex]]
triangles: List[Triangle]
def toJSON(self):
framestr = ",\n".join(
[" [\n" + ",\n".join([v.toJSON() for v in frame]) + "\n ]" for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames)]
trianglestr = ",\n".join([t.toJSON() for t in self.triangles])
ret = "{\n"
ret += ' "flags": ' + str(self.flags) + ",\n"
ret += ' "frames": [\n' + framestr + "],\n"
ret += ' "triangles": [\n' + trianglestr + "]\n"
ret += "}"
return ret
def fromJSON(name: str, data: Any) -> "Anim":
flags = data["flags"]
frames = [
[Vertex(idx, *vtx["pos"], *vtx["uv"], *vtx["rgba"]) for idx, vtx in enumerate(frame)]
for frame in data["frames"]
triangles = [Triangle(*t) for t in data["triangles"]]
return Anim(
def build(inputs: List[Path], output: Path):
with open(output, "w") as f:
f.write("/* NOTE: This file is autogenerated, do not edit */\n\n")
f.write('#include "PR/gbi.h"\n')
f.write('#include "macros.h"\n')
f.write('#include "imgfx.h"\n\n')
for input in inputs:
with open(input, "r") as fin:
in_json = json.load(fin)
anim = Anim.fromJSON([:-5], in_json)
vtx_name = f"{}_keyframes"
gfx_name = f"{}_gfx"
# this has padding before it..maybe a file split?
if == "unused_1":
f.write(f"s32 padding_{}[] = {{ 0, 0 }};\n\n")
# vtx
f.write(f"ImgFXVtx {vtx_name}[{len(anim.frames)}][{len(anim.frames[0])}] = {{\n")
for frame in anim.frames:
f.write(" {\n")
for vtx in frame:
f" {{ {{{vtx.x}, {vtx.y}, {vtx.z}}}, {{{vtx.u}, {vtx.v}}}, {{{vtx.r}, {vtx.g}, {vtx.b}}}, {vtx.a} }},\n"
f.write(" },\n")
# gfx
f.write(f"Gfx {gfx_name}[] = {{\n")
# TODO hard-coded
cur_tri = 0
just_chunked = False
chunk_text = ""
max_t1 = 0
max_t2 = 0
min_t = 0
sub_num = 0
old_max_t = 0
while cur_tri < len(anim.triangles):
# Vertex command every 16 triangles
t1 = anim.triangles[cur_tri]
t2 = anim.triangles[cur_tri + 1] if cur_tri + 1 < len(anim.triangles) else None
t1x = t1.i - sub_num
t1y = t1.j - sub_num
t1z = t1.k - sub_num
max_t1 = max(max_t1, t1x, t1y, t1z)
t2x = 0 if t2 is None else t2.i - sub_num
t2y = 0 if t2 is None else t2.j - sub_num
t2z = 0 if t2 is None else t2.k - sub_num
max_t2 = max(max_t2, t2x, t2y, t2z)
min_t = min(min_t, t1x, t1y, t1z, t2x, t2y, t2z)
# We need a new chunk
if max_t1 >= 32 and not just_chunked:
chunk_text = (
f" gsSPVertex((u8*){vtx_name} + 0xC * {sub_num}, {min(32, max_t1 + 1)}, 0),\n" + chunk_text
just_chunked = True
chunk_text = ""
sub_num += old_max_t - min_t + 1
min_t = 32
max_t1 = 0
max_t2 = 0
just_chunked = False
if max_t2 >= 32 or t2 is None:
chunk_text += f" gsSP1Triangle({t1x}, {t1y}, {t1z}, 0),\n"
cur_tri += 1
old_max_t = max_t1
chunk_text += f" gsSP2Triangles({t1x}, {t1y}, {t1z}, 0, {t2x}, {t2y}, {t2z}, 0),\n"
cur_tri += 2
old_max_t = max(max_t1, max_t2)
# Dump final chunk
chunk_text = (
f" gsSPVertex((u8*){vtx_name} + 0xC * {sub_num}, {max(max_t1, max_t2) + 1}, 0),\n" + chunk_text
f.write(" gsSPEndDisplayList(),\n")
# header
f.write(f"ImgFXAnimHeader {}_header = {{\n")
f.write(f" .keyframesOffset = {vtx_name}[0],\n")
f.write(f" .gfxOffset = {gfx_name},\n")
f.write(f" .vtxCount = ARRAY_COUNT({vtx_name}[0]),\n")
f.write(f" .gfxCount = ARRAY_COUNT({gfx_name}),\n")
f.write(f" .keyframesCount = ARRAY_COUNT({vtx_name}),\n")
f.write(f" .flags = {anim.flags},\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ImgFX animation c file builder")
parser.add_argument("inputs", type=Path, help="json files to build, passed in order", nargs="+")
parser.add_argument("output", type=Path, help="Output c file path")
args = parser.parse_args()
build(args.inputs, args.output)