2023-04-25 13:55:14 +09:00

108 lines
3.6 KiB

import os
import struct
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import yaml as yaml_loader
from typing import List, Tuple
TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
sys.path.append(str(Path(TOOLS_DIR) / "build/imgfx"))
from imgfx_data import Anim, Triangle, Vertex
from segtypes.n64.segment import N64Segment
from util import log, options
class N64SegPm_imgfx_data(N64Segment):
anims: List[Anim] = []
OUT_DIR: Path = options.opts.asset_path / "imgfx"
def scan(self, rom_bytes):
data = rom_bytes[self.rom_start:self.rom_end]
for name, offset in self.yaml.get("animations"):
pos = offset
# Animations start with vtx data which is followed by gfx data and ends with the header at `offset`
vtx_offset, gfx_offset, vtx_count, gfx_count, keyframes, flags = struct.unpack(">IIHHHH", data[pos:pos+16])
frames: List[List[Vertex]] = []
pos = vtx_offset
for i in range(keyframes):
frame: List[Vertex] = []
for j in range(vtx_count):
x, y, z, u, v, r, g, b, a = struct.unpack(">hhhBBbbbB", data[pos:pos+12])
pos += 12
frame.append(Vertex(j, x, y, z, u, v, r, g, b, a))
triangles: List[Triangle] = []
vtx_buf: List[int] = []
# Align to 8 bytes
pos = (pos + 7) & ~(8 - 1)
assert(pos == gfx_offset)
def unpack_tri(word: int, vtx_buf: List[int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
i = (word >> 16) & 0xFF
j = (word >> 8) & 0xFF
k = word & 0xFF
i = vtx_buf[int(i / 2)]
j = vtx_buf[int(j / 2)]
k = vtx_buf[int(k / 2)]
return (i, j, k)
for i in range(gfx_count):
w0, w1 = struct.unpack(">II", data[pos:pos+8])
pos += 8
op = (w0 >> 24) & 0xFF
if op == 1: # G_VTX
num = w0 >> 12 & 0xFF
end = int((w0 & 0xFF) / 2)
src_idx = int((w1 - vtx_offset) / 12)
start = end - num
for j in range(num):
to_place_pos = start + j
while len(vtx_buf) <= to_place_pos:
vtx_buf[to_place_pos] = src_idx + j
elif op == 5: # G_TRI1
triangles.append(Triangle(*unpack_tri(w0, vtx_buf)))
elif op == 6: # G_TRI2
triangles.append(Triangle(*unpack_tri(w0, vtx_buf)))
triangles.append(Triangle(*unpack_tri(w1, vtx_buf)))
elif op == 0xDF: # G_ENDDL
log.error(f"Unknown op: {op}")
self.anims.append(Anim(name, offset, vtx_offset, gfx_offset, vtx_count, gfx_count, keyframes, flags, frames, triangles))
def split(self, rom_bytes):
self.OUT_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for anim in self.anims:
with open(f"{self.OUT_DIR}/{}.json", "w") as f:
def get_linker_entries(self):
from segtypes.linker_entry import LinkerEntry
return [
[self.OUT_DIR / f"{}.json" for anim in self.anims],
options.opts.asset_path / "imgfx" / f"{}.c",