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**FreeScout** is a free open source help desk and shared inbox written in PHP7 (Laravel 5.5 framework), full analog of HelpScout. As you may know, Help Scout on **November 29, 2018** will force all free accounts to upgrade to the paid plan, so developing a free open source alternative is kind of urgent.
FreeScout is being developed from scratch and is not using any copyrighted Help Scout materials to comply with GitHub's [DMCA Policy](https://help.github.com/articles/dmca-takedown-policy/) (trademark, logos, icons, CSS, JS, HTML files are copyrighted; idea, look and feel cannot be copyrighted). FreeScout is currently under active development. If you would like to join efforts, just fork [this repo](https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout) and follow [instructions](https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout/wiki/Development-Guide).
[FreeScout](https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout) will provide the same set of features as a HelpScout: help desk tools, email management and analytics. Also **FreeScout** will provide some extra features:
If you would like to be notified by email when **FreeScout** will be released, you can subscribe [here](https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=freescout)