Postbag from the Hedge

Welcome to my little corner of RuneScape, where I publish letters to and from RuneScape's most popular NPCs. If you could ask any character in RuneScape a question, what would it be? How would you approach a greater demon and ask why he drops tuna and reels of thread? What would you say to the Mysterious Old Man if you had the chance? If only they could talk back...

Have a look around, and when you're done you might like to head over to the Players' Gallery to see some of the fantastic art that you've been making.

-Postie Pete

Postbag from the Hedge

  • Postbag 43
  • - Postbag suffers from feature creep.
  • Postbag 42
  • Postbag 41
  • - Anarchy in the KGP.
  • Postbag 40
  • - Previously, in Dorgesh-Kaan.
  • Postbag 39
  • - Who is the greatest of them all?
  • Postbag 38
  • - What's the matter, Jad? Chicken?
  • Postbag 37
  • - Are you sitting funkily? Then we'll begin.
  • Postbag 36
  • - I've got a Fiara in my heart for you.
  • Postbag 35
  • - But how do you pruh-nounce Rell-doh?
  • Postbag 34
  • - A SUBLIMINAL EVIL MESSAGE: Read this postbag!
  • Postbag 33
  • - We've deliberated, cogitated and digested.
  • Postbag 32
  • - *sips tea*
  • Postbag 31
  • - Ectofuntically friendly
  • Postbag 30
  • - A message from the wire.
  • Postbag 29
  • - You shall not pass!
  • Postbag 28
  • - The Wise Old Man needs you...Part Two!
  • Postbag 27
  • - Fashion, imps and one very relaxed chinchompa...
  • Postbag 26
  • - Creatures great and small, and the end of the year!
  • Postbag 25
  • - The trouble with trolls
  • Postbag 24
  • - Spooky goings on!
  • Postbag 23
  • - Wise old musings and demonic drills
  • Postbag 22
  • - What will happen to the pie?
  • Postbag 21
  • - Somethingorotherwotsit
  • Postbag 20
  • - Tales from earlier ages
  • Postbag 19
  • - The vampyres explain themselves
  • Postbag 18
  • - Melzar's Mad Musings.
  • Postbag 17
  • - Happy Birthday, Mr Elemental.
  • Postbag 16
  • - You enjoy Postbag from the Hedge.
  • Postbag 15
  • - Property Law and Vampires.
  • Postbag 14
  • - The woeful tale of the bunny ears.
  • Postbag 13
  • - The Evil Chicken defends his reputation.
  • Postbag 12
  • - Rats, Pirates and the Wise Old Man!
  • Postbag 11
  • - Baba Yaga, Hill Giants and correct pronunciation!
  • Postbag 10
  • - Jellies, Rocnars and Rantz gets literate!
  • Postbag 9
  • - Sawdust, Wallbeasts and Kebabs!
  • Postbag 8
  • - Pull the udder one!
  • Postbag 7
  • - May Mixup!
  • Postbag 6
  • - Me! Oh, and a few others.
  • Postbag 5
  • - Chaotic chat, family trouble and secrets revealled!
  • Postbag 4
  • - Goblins, globes and golems!
  • Postbag 3
  • - Barbarians, Tree Spirits, and an embarrassed Demon!
  • Postbag 2
  • - Magic, Hans and Bankers!
  • Postbag 1
  • - Poultry, Dragons and Zombies