Construction - Combat Room


It's time for some combat at level 32 Construction, with the introduction of the combat room. Here, you can fight it out with your friends on a variety of arenas and obstacles.

Key Features

A typical combat room
The key features of this room are the combat arena space, and the storage space. With higher level storage spaces, you can freely obtain the items you will need to participate in the higher level combat games. As always, please note that you cannot die in your house or a friend's house. If you die you will respawn safely and retain all items.

The combat area provides the choice of:

[image] Boxing ring
Here, you will need two players, and you will need a weapons rack that provides boxing gloves. When you have just boxing gloves on, you are allowed to enter the ring. You can then box with your friend, the first to die is the loser.

[image] Fencing ring
Here, you will need two players, and you will need a weapons rack that provides swords. When you have just a weapon, you are allowed to enter the ring. You can then fence with your friend, the first to die is the loser.

[image] Combat ring
Here, you will need two players; unlike the above, all weapons and armour are allowed. You can then have a personal duel with your friend, the first to die is the loser.

[image] Ranging pedastals
Here, you will need two players. When built, there are two seperate pedestals. You will need a form of Magic or Ranged weaponry, so you can fight your opponent. The first to die is the loser.

[image] Balance beam
Here, you will need two players. When built, there is a large balance beam. You will need to free your hands and have a pugel stick in your inventory. When you are ready, climb up onto an end of the balance beam and try to whack your opponent down!

The Hotspots

Combat room hotspots
As shown in the picture to the left, there are four types of hotspot in the combat room that you can construct on:

  • Combat ring
  • Storage
  • Decoration
  • Room

The Items

Combat ring

Item Level
Uses Experience
Boxing ring
32 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 6 [image]
x 4 See 'Key features' for information 420
Fencing ring
41 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 8 [image]
x 6 See 'Key features' for information 570
Combat ring
51 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 6 [image]
x 6 See 'Key features' for information 630
Ranging pedestals
71 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 8 See 'Key features' for information 720
Balance beam
81 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 10 [image]
Steel bar
x 5 See 'Key features' for information 1000


Item Level
Uses Experience
Glove rack
34 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 Provides:
Red and blue boxing gloves
Weapons rack
44 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 Provides:
Red and blue boxing gloves, wooden sword and shield
Extra weapons rack
54 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 4 [image]
Steel bar
x 4 Provides:
Red and blue boxing gloves, wooden sword and shield, pugel stick


Item Level
Uses Experience
Oak decoration
16 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 n/a 120
Teak decoration
36 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 n/a 180
Gilded decoration
56 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 3 [image]
Gold leaf
x 2 n/a 1020