Account Management
Manage Your Subscription

If you haven't done so yet, why don't you subscribe to enjoy all the many benefits of a members account? You can subscribe for FunOrb alone or get a package subscription with RuneScape membership. If you already have a subscription, you can also extend or cancel it here.

To create an account, click the 'Create Account' link on the right side of the menu bar at the top of the page.

Start/Extend Subscription

Create a new subscription or extend an existing one.


Account Information

View information on your current subscription.


Cancel Subscription

Cancel an existing subscription.

Cancel Subscription

Account Settings

We recommend that you change your password from time to time. If you have received a ban or caused an offence, you can appeal against it (see below). Also, by clicking 'Read Messages' below, you can read correspondence from Jagex. Remember: Jagex will never ask you for your account details.

Change Password

Change your password every few months.

Change Password

Change Display Name

Change your name shown in games.

Change Display Name

Read Messages

Read messages sent to you by Jagex.

Read Messages

Appeal Offence

Appeal an offence/ban made against you.

Appeal Offence

Email Settings

You are able to register an email address for your Jagex account, allowing you an extra way to prove ownership of your account and receive updates from us. Visit the below links to add an email address, verify your registration code and change your email preferences.

Add or change your account's email address. Help

Email Registration

View or change your email preferences. Help

Email Preferences

Submit a confirmation code. Help

Enter Code

Account Security

We strongly recommend that you set your recovery questions as soon as possible. These can be used to recover your account if you forget the password, or if it is hijacked. If you suspect someone has got hold of your password and has changed your recovery questions, you can cancel the pending recovery questions within 14 days (and then change your password).

Set Recovery Questions

Set recovery questions that can be used to recover a lost password or stolen account.

Set Questions

Cancel Recovery Questions

Cancel pending recovery questions.

Cancel Questions

Account Recovery

If you have forgotten your password or someone else has stolen your account, you can use the 'Recover Password' option below to recover your password. If we suspect that your account has been stolen, we may have locked it. Use the second option to recover a locked account. If you have already performed an account recovery request you can use the 'Track Recovery' option below to track its progress.

Recover Password

Recover a forgotten or stolen password here.

Recover Now

Recover Account

Recover a locked account.

Recover Now

Track Recovery

Track an account recovery.

Track Now