Fishing - Extra Features

Fishing Guild

It is hard work to enter the guild
The Fishing Guild is located in the heart of the Kingdom of Kandarin, just north of Ardougne. You will need a Fishing Level of 68 or above to enter. Alternatively, you can drink a Fishing potion from level 65 which will temporarily increase your Fishing level so you are able to enter the guild.

From the entrance, you will see a very convenient range on the right-hand side and a respawn of a lobster pot, harpoon and a big net on the left-hand side.

Exiting to the north is a Fishing platform. Further north, east of the bank, is the second Fishing platform

The Fishing Guild Bank

The Fishing Guild bank is located in the north-western corner, where you can deposit your raw or cooked fish. The bank staff here are very efficient!

A necklace of skills will teleport you directly to the guild.

The Fishing Guild Shop

The Fishing Guild shop, which is south of the bank, is run by Roachey. He will buy and sell your raw and cooked fish.

This is also a useful place to stock up on feathers for the lazy fletcher!

Fishing Gloves

There are two sets of gloves available from Fist of Guthix that anyone interested in Fishing should look to purchase. Swordfish and shark gloves give you 100 extra Fishing experience every time you catch the same sort of fish as your gloves. These gloves will crumble to dust after catching 1,000 of the appropriate fish.

You need a Fishing level of 65 to wear swordfish gloves and 90 to wear shark gloves.

The Fishing Trawler

Murphy's boat (moored at Port Khazard) has a few holes in it, but he's not worried, he's an experienced sailor after all! Murphy says he doesn't need help, but if you're offering he could use the extra pair of hands. There is lots to do on board the boat, so it's a good idea to take on a few friends to help out while participating in the Fishing Trawler.

Fish Flingers

The Fishing Guild has discovered the perfect paradise for keen fishermen in the island of Isla Anglerine, to the north of the guild. They regularly hold what they're calling Fish Flingers competitions there. To take part, talk to one of the guild's fisherman representatives, either inside or outside of the guild, or on the beach at Catherby. Performing well in these competitions will afford you the opportunity to buy ever more useful tackle boxes in which to tidily store your fishing gear.

Barbtail Harpoon

The barbtail harpoon is a reward from deadfall hunting, gained once you have trapped and killed a barbtailed kebbit. The harpoon itself is a much more efficient version of the normal harpoon, as it can be equipped, freeing up one extra space in your inventory.

Tropical Wagtail Feathers

The tropical wagtail, caught with a bird snare, has feathers that can also be used when fly-fishing. These feathers will even attract the elusive rainbow fish at fly-fishing spots.


To get to your Fishing areas quicker, you might want to consider purchasing a locator. These can be bought using reward credits in Mobilising Armies. Each officer of the officer tower can offer you a different level of locator.

By using the locator, you can choose to be teleported to a Mining, Woodcutting, Fishing or Herblore secondary ingredient area. Once you have made your choice, the locator will make some mysterious calculations and then teleport you randomly to a suitable spot. Try not to be wasteful: the locators have a limited number of charges and can only be refreshed by buying another or playing a game of Mobilising Armies.

Summoning Familiars

Using the Summoning skill, you'll find that there are a few familiars that might be useful for training your Fishing. Of particular note is the granite crab, who grants you a boost to your Fishing level and gathers fish while you do.

Random Events

While Fishing in RuneScape you may notice the occasional event happening to you. They can occur at any time or any place, so if you are not paying attention, beware!

For more information on all Random Events please refer to our guide.

Agility Skill Bonuses

There is a chance of receiving bonus tuna, swordfish and shark when you have a high enough Agility and Fishing level. The chance of getting a bonus fish increases as your Agility increases, but there is an upper limit at which your chances will not increase (shown in the table below). You will not receive additional experience for gaining bonus fish.

The following levels are the exact levels required to receive multiple fish; unlike Runecrafting sloping, you do not gain a 'chance' of receiving a bonus fish if you are close to achieving the Agility or Fishing requirement. The following levels apply to both fishing and barbarian fishing.


Fishing level

Agility level

Agility level
(Upper limit)

35 [Image: Fishing] 35 [Image: Agility] 70 [Image: Agility]
50 [Image: Fishing] 50 [Image: Agility] 80 [Image: Agility]
76 [Image: Fishing] 76 [Image: Agility] 99 [Image: Agility]

Training Hints and Tips

- Find a suitable Fishing spot next to a bank to save energy.

- If you can spare the inventory space, use a Fishing potion (Members Only); this temporarily boosts your level by 3.

Fishing Training in Dungeoneering

It is possible to train all of your skills while dungeoneering, and Fishing is no exception. In particular, there are shady pools about Daemonheim where you can catch crabs, eels and other strange fish from. You can also gain Fishing experience by completing fishing skill doors.
  • To find out more about skill doors and the basics of dungeoneering, please click here
  • To find out about fishing in Daemonheim, click here
  • To find tables with Fishing requirements and XP levels, click here

Quests Giving Fishing Experience

For information on which quests reward you with Fishing experience see the Fishing Rewards page.

Click here to view the Fishing FAQs