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Developers' Blogs

Developer's Blogs

Who are the Signature Heroes? by


Mod John A introduces the new RuneScape Signature Heroes. Read More

Beyond the Release by


Since the release of Dungeoneering, the developers - Mods Chris L, Trick and Liono - have been hard at work not only on 'batch 2' (more rooms, more floors, more bosses), but also on a number of other improvements... Read More

Return of the Wise Old Man by


Mod Ash brushes the dust off the Wise Old Man of Draynor Village and brings him out of retirement for one more adventure. Read More

Look Who's Talking by


The Audio team's Mod Ian and Mod Adam R give an insight into the voice overs that were recently added to the tutorial. Read More

Into the Void by


From tiny acorns, mighty oaks grow... So discovered Mod Moltare with his concept for some knight-based questing. Read More

Quoth Mod Raven by


Mod Raven has recently moved jobs at Jagex, from Community Management over to the RuneScape Content, and he's got his first project... Read More

A History of Non-violence by


Mod Maz is working on a few projects at the moment, one of which is aimed at players who enjoy training all non-combat skills... Read More

A Christmas Warble by


Mod Edam talks a little about this year's upcoming Christmas holiday event, from the perspective of a new developer. Read More

Subtitle Yet to Be Approved by


Brutal orkish violence and diabolical Godfather madness will once again rage rampant in RuneScape! Mod Tytn talks about the concluding part of the fairy quest trilogy. Read More

Elite Tasks by


Mod Maz, aka the Queen of the Squirrels, has been tasked with the, er, task of developing elite, um, tasks for all existing Achievement Diaries... Read More

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