Christmas 2008 Event Guide


Times are grave this Wintumber... Jack Frost has escaped from the Land of Snow and seems intent upon bringing misery to all those around him. What else could you expect from a surly teenager with a rebellious streak? As if things weren't bad enough, Santa seems to have gone missing...

The Queen of Snow is eager to see Jack back in the Land of Snow, and has sent some snow imps to look for her wayward son. Imps occasionally have problems sticking to task at hand (why do some dreary chore when you could be playing pranks on humans, after all?) and could do with some direction.

The Event

To start the event, you'll first have to find one of the snow imps. There are three especially important imps, who don't have to bother with moving around, stationed at the scenes of some of Jack Frost's vandalism. You can find them in the following locations:

North of Rimmington
North of Falador
North of Lumbridge

The snow imps will gladly tell you of their woes, and, if you'd like to help out, they'll provide you with an icy necklace that you can use to summon one of their more proactive friends.

To get started hunting for the nefarious adolescent, wear the necklace and right-click to 'Operate' it. You'll suddenly discover that a snow imp has appeared to give you a hand. Snow imps are naturally aware of extraordinary cold, and can tell when they're heading towards someone as cold as Jack Frost. As you start moving around, you'll be able to click on your imp to check whether you're getting hotter or colder - follow the imp's directions and you shouldn't go wrong.


When you've tracked him down, your imp will let you know what you have to do to end his reign of icy terror - he's not a real villain, he's just a very naughty boy. With the family reunion complete, you'll receive your reward and can continue on your merry way about RuneScape, comfortable with the knowledge that you've certainly saved the world from a cold and lonely Christmas!