Hallowe'en 2009 - Web of Shadows


Just when you thought it was safe to go into the bathroom...

Grim has found it difficult to live without a servant (if 'living' is the correct term), and has gotten himself into another domestic muddle. Rather than help him with the chores this time round, you'll be required to remove something unwanted from his bathroom. That 'something' is slightly more dangerous than belly fluff stuck in the plughole.

To start the Hallowe'en event, you will need to find the very, very black house portal located north-west of Port Sarim. You'll know you're getting close when the light fades from the world, seemingly sucked into the unnatural black disc waiting for you.

When you arrive in Death's house, you'll find yourself in the main reception hall. Provided you aren't too horrified by the thought of what might lie in wait, you can then proceed down the hall to be greeted by the Reaper, who will be seated in his dark throne.

The Web of Shadows

Death will explain his problem, directing you upstairs. There, you will find out what hideous and terrifying being has been stopping Death from taking a sponge bath: a giant spider! The next step is to summon what little courage you have and talk to it.

The giant spider is less than forthcoming, but will reveal that the Spider Queen is the only one in RuneScape (or on a plane connected to it) who could persuade her to leave the bath. So, it's time to return to Death and deliver the news, which will be swiftly followed by the opening of a portal and you being pushed through it...

Navigating the Spider Realm

The first level of the Spider Realm is an unforgiving place; one moment you'll be taking steps towards the ladder at the centre of the room, and the next you'll have fallen off and started again. It's advisable to keep a record of where you have been and where you simply cannot go if you don't want to become frustrated.

The next level of the spiderweb is, luckily, more sturdy! To get to the ladder that leads into the royal bowers of the web, you'll need to overcome several webby obstacles and reach the north of the map.

There are many different paths to take, so do not worry if it feels like you're getting nowhere fast. Once you are at the ladder, climb up and meet the Spider Herald: a slightly pompous spider with a love of verse. He'll allow you passage past him to the Spider Queen, where you can explain who you are and what you want - as long as you show the requisite respect, of course.

She will direct you back to her Herald, who has an eight-legged solution to your problems, named Eek. Then you are ready to return to the Grim Reaper via one click of the ladder, and you can begin to web his abode.

A web of intrigue

Death's manor is looking too pristine; time to equip Eek and cover the furniture with her web! There are 64 items that need webbing throughout the house, and it is important that every single one is covered - otherwise the Spider Queen will see it as an insult to her reign. By hovering your cursor over each piece of furniture in the manor - from footlockers and death clocks to candlestands and chairs - you may be able to search for things that you can 'Web'. Click on them with a held Eek and she will strike them off the list.

If you want to keep track of how many pieces of furniture remain, you can see a total in your chatbox, telling you how many you have webbed in the house and how many are still to be webbed. If you want a more detailed assessment of how you are doing, talk to Eek and she will let you know what is left to be done in the room you are currently standing in.

It's not all as simple as that, of course. The web-covered spanner in the works is Muncher, who will not let you cover anything in Grim's living room at all! To quieten him down you may need to keep him entertained and show him that Eek is not to be eaten..

Muncher's spider sense is tingling


With the house completed and looking suitably spooky, a trip to the Spider Queen will end the matter. There are rewards in it for the more mercenary Hallowe'enites, of course.