Dungeoneering - Complexity 1


Exploring the labyrinths beneath Daemonheim
As you and your party progress through the depths of Daemonheim's subterranean mazes, you'll be able to select the level of complexity involved at each stage. This is not a measure of the combat difficulty of the area; rather, actual combat difficulty is measured by the 'floor' (depth) of the dungeon. Instead, each complexity level simply tells you how many of your skills can be put to use within the dungeon, as well as the range of items available from the smuggler's stores.

What to Expect in Complexity Level 1

At complexity level 1, only your combat skills are required - Attack, Constitution, Defence, Magic, Prayer, Ranged and Strength. Note that although Summoning is a combat skill, you will not be able to use it unless you are in a complexity level 6 dungeon.


Combat in the Daemonheim tunnels is much as you would expect and follows the same rules as combat elsewhere for Melee, Ranged and Magic. The main difference you will observe is in the equipment you have available to you.

At complexity level 1, you will be given a starting set of combat equipment for each combat style, while in dungeons of greater complexity, you may receive fewer items or no equipment at all. This basic equipment will vary according to the floor you are fighting on, with weaker versions or less ammunition the closer you get to the base of the dungeon. To easily determine the quality of your equipment, simply examine it: tier 1 equipment is the weakest, while tier 11 is the strongest. Click here for a complete list of equipment available in Dungeoneering.

Although you may find other equipment in a level 1 complexity dungeon, you will be able to make your own equipment when you explore more complex dungeons.

The spellbook in Daemonheim is a mixture of the normal spellbook and the lunar spellbook, with a couple of new spells added (most notably the Dungeon Home Teleport and Gatestone Teleport spells) and a number of spells removed. You must have completed Lunar Diplomacy to access the lunar spells in the dungeoneering spellbook. Click here to see the spells available in Daemonheim.

All prayers can be used in Daemonheim, as long as you have the Prayer level to cast them.
  • For more information on Magic in Daemonheim, click here.
  • For more information on Prayer in Daemonheim, click here.
  • For information on the mage, ranged and melee equipment of Daemonheim, click here.

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