Dungeoneering - Magic Tables

To cast spells in Daemonheim, you must be raiding a dungeon on the following complexity level:

Complexity level 1+ - Combat

Daemonheim has its very own spellbook, made up of spells from the normal spellbook, the lunar spellbook, and a few new additions.

Click here to read more about Magic in RuneScape.

Elemental Magic

Spell name Levels required Casting requirements Maximum damage Base magic experience gained
Wind Strike
1 [Image: Magic] [image]
Mind rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x1 20 5.5
Water Strike
5 [Image: Magic] [image]
Mind rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x1 [image]
Water rune
x1 40 7.5
Earth Strike
9 [Image: Magic] [image]
Mind rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x1 [image]
Earth rune
x2 60 9.5
Fire Strike
13 [Image: Magic] [image]
Mind rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x2 [image]
Fire rune
x3 80 11.5

Spell name Levels required Casting requirements Maximum damage Base magic experience gained
Wind Bolt
17 [Image: Magic] [image]
Chaos rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x2 90 13.5
Water Bolt
23 [Image: Magic] [image]
Chaos rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x2 [image]
Water rune
x2 100 16.5
Earth Bolt
29 [Image: Magic] [image]
Chaos rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x2 [image]
Earth rune
x3 110 19.5
Fire Bolt
35 [Image: Magic] [image]
Chaos rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x3 [image]
Fire rune
x4 120 21.5

Spell name Levels required Casting requirements Maximum damage Base magic experience gained
Wind Blast
41 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x3 130 25.5
Water Blast
47 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x3 [image]
Water rune
x3 140 28.5
Earth Blast
53 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x3 [image]
Earth rune
x4 150 31.5
Fire Blast
59 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x4 [image]
Fire rune
x5 160 34.5

Spell name Levels required Casting requirements Maximum damage Base magic experience gained
Wind Wave (m)
62 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x5 170 36
Water Wave (m)
65 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x5 [image]
Water rune
x7 180 37.5
Earth Wave (m)
70 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x5 [image]
Earth rune
x7 190 40
Fire Wave (m)
75 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x5 [image]
Fire rune
x7 200 42.5

Spell name Levels required Casting requirements Maximum damage Base magic experience gained
Wind Surge (m)
81 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Death rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x7 220 75
Water Surge (m)
85 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Death rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x7 [image]
Water rune
x10 240 80
Earth Surge (m)
90 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Death rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x7 [image]
Earth rune
x10 260 85
Fire Surge (m)
95 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Death rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x7 [image]
Fire rune
x10 280 90

Battle spells

Spell name Levels required Casting requirements Effect Base magic experience gained
3 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x3 [image]
Earth rune
x2 [image]
Body rune
x1 Reduces opponent's Attack by 5% 13
11 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x3 [image]
Earth rune
x2 [image]
Body rune
x1 Reduces opponent's Strength by 5% 21
19 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x2 [image]
Earth rune
x3 [image]
Body rune
x1 Reduces opponent's Defence by 5% 29
20 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x3 [image]
Earth rune
x3 [image]
Nature rune
x2 Holds target in place for 5 seconds 30
Snare (m)
50 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x4 [image]
Earth rune
x4 [image]
Nature rune
x3 Holds target in place for 10 seconds 60
Vulnerability (m)
66 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x5 [image]
Earth rune
x5 [image]
Soul rune
x1 Reduces target's Defence by 10% 76
Enfeeble (m)
73 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x8 [image]
Earth rune
x8 [image]
Soul rune
x1 Reduces target's Strength by 10% 83
Entangle (m)
79 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x5 [image]
Earth rune
x5 [image]
Nature rune
x4 Holds target in place for 15 seconds. 89
Stun (m)
80 [Image: Magic] [image]
Water rune
x12 [image]
Earth rune
x12 [image]
Soul rune
x1 Reduces target's Attack by 10% 90


Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Low level alchemy
21 [Image: Magic] [image]
Nature rune
x1 [image]
Fire rune
x3 Turns items into coins 31
High level alchemy
55 [Image: Magic] [image]
Nature rune
x1 [image]
Fire rune
x5 Turns items into more coins 65

Food Generation

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Bones to bananas
15 [Image: Magic] [image]
Nature rune
x1 [image]
Water rune
x2 [image]
Earth rune
x2 Converts any normal bones in your inventory into bananas 25

Heals and cures

You must have completed Lunar Diplomacy to access the following spells.
Spell Level required Runes required Experience
Cure Other
68 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Earth rune
x 10 65
When cast on another player, this spell will cure them if they are suffering the effects of any poison.
Cure Me
71 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 2 69
If you are suffering the effects of any poison, you can cast this and cure yourself of it.
Cure Group
74 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 2 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 2 74
When cast, this will cure anyone who is poisoned in the area surrounding you.

Support and Skill-related Spells

Spell Level
Runes requiredExperience
Monster examine^
66 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 1 [image]
Mind rune
x 1 61
Must have completed Dream Mentor. Can be used on any combat monster in the game. When cast, it will tell you the monster's life points, maximum hit, and whether they are immune to poison and/or a Slayer monster.
68 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Water rune
x 3 [image]
Fire rune
x 1 65
Must have completed Dream Mentor. When cast, all of your empty water vessels in your inventory will be filled from the moisture in the air. Note that it will not fill certain quest-specific vessels.
Vengeance other*
93 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Earth rune
x 10 [image]
Death rune
x 2 108
When cast on your target, this gives them the power of Vengeance (see below).
94 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 4 [image]
Earth rune
x 10 [image]
Death rune
x 2 112
When cast you have the power of Vengeance. If you are attacked, your opponent receives a large percentage of the damage they inflict with their first damaging attack. (Similar effect to a ring of recoil, but more powerful).

* - You must have completed Lunar Diplomacy to access these spells.
^ - You must have completed Dream Mentor to access these spells.


The Dungeon Home Teleport spell can be used at any time to teleport back to the starting room, making runs to altars and obelisks particularly painless. Unlike the Home Teleport on RuneScape's surface, this spell does not have to recharge.

It is also possible for anyone to create a gatestone, using the Create Gatestone spell. This is a permanent teleport location, which you can teleport to for free by using the Gatestone Teleport spell.

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Destination Quest Requirements Magic Experience Gained
Dungeon Home Teleport
None None Starting room None None
Create Gatestone
32 [Image: Magic] [image]
Air rune
x 1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 1 [image]
Earth rune
x 1 [image]
Law rune
x 1 N/A None 43.5
Gatestone Teleport
32 [Image: Magic] None Gatestone None None