Magic - Non Combat Magic


This page includes information on how you can use your skills in Magic to enhance the power of jewellery, turn items into gold, smelt ores without the use of a furnace, turn bones into different foods, create the building blocks of battlestaves or even take items you cannot reach!

(m) = Members Only


Enchant level 1 - Sapphire (Magic Level 7)

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Enchant level
one jewellery
7 [Image: Magic] [image]
Cosmic rune
x1 [image]
Water rune
x1 Use on unenchanted sapphire jewellery 17.5

Item Name Jewellery Required Effect of Item
(When Wielded)
Number of Starting Charges
Amulet of Magic
Sapphire amulet Magic attack bonus increased by 10 This item has an infinite amount of charge
Ring of recoil (m)
Sapphire ring Will deal the enemy you are fighting 10% of any damage they do to you 400 life points of damage may be done with the ring before it breaks
Bracelet of clay (m)
Sapphire bracelet Wearer will mine soft clay rather than hard clay while wearing bracelet This item will help mine 28 pieces of soft clay before it breaks
Games necklace (m)
Sapphire necklace Allows the user to teleport to the Burthorpe Castle Games Room, Barbarian Assault, Clan Wars or the Wilderness volcano This item may be used 8 times

Enchant level 2 - Emerald (Magic Level 27)

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Enchant level
two jewellery
27 [Image: Magic] [image]
Cosmic rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x3 Use on unenchanted emerald jewellery 37

Item Name Jewellery Required Effect of Item
(When Wielded)
Number of Starting Charges
Amulet of Defence
Emerald amulet All Defence bonuses are increased by 7 This item has an infinite number of charge
Amulet of nature (m)
Emerald amulet
strung with Magic string
Can be attuned to a Farming patch and will inform the wearer of the state of crops This item has an infinite number of charge
Ring of duelling (m)
Emerald ring Allows the user to teleport to the entrance of the Duel Arena, Fist of Guthix, Mobilising Armies or Castle Wars This item may be used up to 8 times.
Castle Wars bracelet (m)
Emerald bracelet Wielder will do extra 20% of damage against a bearer of their side's flag. Castle Wars bandages heal 50% more to wielders of the bracelet. Has 3 charges. Bracelet loses one charge each time wearer starts a game of Castle Wars. Bonuses apply even if Castle Wars bracelet has used its last charge and been destroyed.
Necklace of binding (m)
Emerald necklace Will grant 100% success when creating combined runes This item may be used up to 15 times

Enchant level 3 - Ruby (Magic Level 49)

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Enchant level
three jewellery
49 [Image: Magic] [image]
Cosmic rune
x1 [image]
Fire rune
x5 Use on unenchanted ruby jewellery 59

Item Name Jewellery Required Effect of Item
(When Wielded)
Number of Starting Charges
Amulet of Strength
Ruby amulet Strength bonus is increased by 10 This item has an infinite number of charge
Ring of forging (m)
Ruby ring Whilst smelting iron ore you will have a 100% chance of success This item may be used 140 times
Bracelet of inoculation (m)
Ruby bracelet Protects the wearer from an amount of disease damage Breaks when protection has been used up
Digsite pendant (m)
Ruby necklace Teleports to the Dig Site This item has 5 charges before breaking

Enchant level 4 - Diamond (Magic Level 57)

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Enchant level
four jewellery
57 [Image: Magic] [image]
Cosmic rune
x1 [image]
Earth rune
x10 Use on unenchanted diamond jewellery 67

Item Name Jewellery Required Effect of Item
(When Wielded)
Number of Starting Charges
Amulet of power
Diamond amulet Attack, Defence, Strength and Summoning bonuses are increased by 6. Prayer bonus is increased by 1. This item has an infinite number of charge
Ring of life (m)
Diamond ring If your life points drop below 10% then you will be teleported to your respawn point and cured from poison. If you are hit for more than 10%, the ring will not work. This item may be used once
Forinthry bracelet (m)
Diamond bracelet Prevents wearer from being skulled when entering the Abyss. Player still suffers from Prayer drain. If you are teleblocked by a revenant, you can use one charge to allow yourself to teleport. This item has 5 charges before breaking
Phoenix necklace (m)
Diamond necklace Automatically restores life points equivalent to 30% of its maximum if wearer drops below 20%. Has priority over Ring of Life This item is destroyed on use

Enchant level 5 - Dragonstone (Magic Level 68) (m)

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Enchant level
five jewellery
68 [Image: Magic] [image]
Cosmic rune
x1 [image]
Earth rune
x15 [image]
Water rune
x15 Use on unenchanted dragonstone jewellery 78

Item Name Jewellery Required Effect of Item
(When Wielded)
Number of Starting Charges
Amulet of glory (m)
Dragonstone amulet
Attack bonuses raised by 10
Defence bonuses raised by 3
Strength bonus raised by 6
Prayer bonus raised by 3
4 teleport charges (to Edgeville, Karamja, Draynor Village or Al Kharid)
Increased chance of getting gems while mining
(Teleports must be charged at the Heroes' Guild)
Ring of wealth (m)
Dragonstone ring Chance of receiving rare drops from monsters is increased This item has an infinite number of charges
Bracelet of combat (m)
Dragonstone bracelet Allows wearer to teleport to Warriors', Champions' and Ranging Guild as well as the Monastery. Updates wearer with their Slayer totals every tenth target they need to kill Item holds 4 charges. Can be recharged at totem in Legends' Guild (requires completion of Legends' Quest)
Necklace of skills (m)
Dragonstone necklace Allows wearer to teleport to Fishing, Mining, Crafting and Cooking Guild. Slightly increases chance of getting a casket when big net fishing. Item holds 4 charges. Can be recharged at totem in Legends' Guild (requires completion of Legends' Quest)

The Ring of Wealth

The ring of wealth's magical power can sometimes have an effect on the drops that you receive from defeated NPCs. To understand how it works, we first need to define some terms.

  • 100% drop - Most creatures have what is called a '100% drop' which they will drop every time they are defeated (e.g. bones or ashes).
  • Main drop - This will be an item drawn from an NPC's 'drop table' based upon a random 'roll' (imagine a dice roll or roulette wheel).
  • Drop table - This is a list of all items that an NPC could possibly drop. The percentage chance of receiving each item varies depending upon the item's relative value.
  • Secondary drop - Some creatures also have a secondary drop. So far, this only consists of charms used in Summoning.
  • Quest drops - in some instances, an NPC will drop a quest-specific item (e.g. the unique bones required for the Rag and Bone Man or Fur 'n' Seek quests).

On most NPCs' drop tables, there is a small chance that instead of receiving an item from its own drop table, you will instead get a roll again on the 'rare drop table'. The rare drop table contains some of the more exclusive items in the game, including, but not limited to, dragon items, certain rune items, shield halves, key parts and uncut gems. The rare table also contains 'empty slots' - the end result of landing on these empty slots is often referred to as receiving 'no drop' or 'bone drop'. We keep these slots empty for any future drops that we want to add to this table.

The rare drop table is shared between a variety of NPCs - e.g. goblins, fire giants, most Slayer creatures. A good way to tell is that if an NPC is known to drop a half key, then it will drop other items from the rare drop table. There are, however, certain very rare drops that are not on the rare drop table, because they are specific to certain NPCs or NPC types (e.g. the draconic visage is only ever dropped by dragons; godsword pieces only by the God Wars Dungeon bosses) and it would not make sense for these items to be dropped by, say, a fire giant.

The ring of wealth comes into play whenever you are rolling on the rare drop table, its ability effectively removing most of the empty slots, drastically increasing your chances of receiving an item from the rare drop table. The actual percentage increase differs between NPCs. Adventurers who make regular use of a ring of wealth should find that they receive fewer 'no drops' than adventurers who do not, and, therefore, receive more rare drops and, in the long run, gain more wealth.

Enchant level 6 - Onyx (Magic Level 87) (m)

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Enchant level
six jewellery
87 [Image: Magic] [image]
Cosmic rune
x1 [image]
Earth rune
x20 [image]
Fire rune
x20 Use on unenchanted onyx jewellery 97

Item Name Jewellery Required Effect of Item
(When Wielded)
Number of Starting Charges
Amulet of fury (m)
Onyx amulet Attack bonuses raised by 10
Defence bonuses raised by 15
Strength bonus raised by 8
Prayer bonus raised by 5
This item has an infinite number of charges
Ring of stone (m)
Onyx ring Turns the user into a stone, any attempts to do anything other than type via the chat box will cause the user to return to normal This item has an infinite number of charges
Bracelet of regeneration (m)
Onyx bracelet Doubles the natural life point recovery This item has an infinite number of charges
Berserker necklace (m)
Onyx necklace Strength raised by 7
Stab Attack, Slash Attack and Crush Attack reduced by 10
Stab Defence, Slash Defence, Crush Defence, Magic Defence and Ranged Defence reduced by 20
Increases the amount of damage wearer does when wielding an obsidian melee weapon by 20%
This item has an infinite number of charges

Charging Orbs (m)

Once an orb has been charged, it can then be used to finish Crafting an elemental battlestaff.

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Charge water orb
56 [Image: Magic] [image]
Glass orb
x1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x3 [image]
Water rune
x30 Used to craft water battlestaves 56
Charge earth orb
60 [Image: Magic] [image]
Glass orb
x1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x3 [image]
Earth rune
x30 Used to craft earth battlestaves 70
Charge fire orb
63 [Image: Magic] [image]
Glass orb
x1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x3 [image]
Fire rune
x30 Used to craft fire battlestaves 73
Charge air orb
66 [Image: Magic] [image]
Glass orb
x1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x3 [image]
Air rune
x30 Used to craft air battlestaves 76


Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Low level alchemy
21 [Image: Magic] [image]
Nature rune
x1 [image]
Fire rune
x3 Turns items into coins 31
High level alchemy
55 [Image: Magic] [image]
Nature rune
x1 [image]
Fire rune
x5 Turns items into more coins 65

Food Generation

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
Bones to bananas
15 [Image: Magic] [image]
Nature rune
x1 [image]
Water rune
x2 [image]
Earth rune
x2 Converts any normal bones in your inventory into bananas 25
Bones to peaches (m)
60 [Image: Magic] [image]
Nature rune
x2 [image]
Water rune
x4 [image]
Earth rune
x4 Converts any normal bones in your inventory into peaches 35.5

Other Magic Spells

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Use Magic Experience Gained
33 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x1 Take an item you can't reach 43
Superheat item
43 [Image: Magic] [image]
Nature rune
x1 [image]
Fire rune
x4 Eliminates the need to use a furnace when smelting ore 53

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