Hunter - Deadfall (Level 23+)


Mind your toes!
The deadfall trap uses a well-propped boulder to catch a creature. This method can only be used on particularly stupid targets, and as such, are only available for use on particularly stupid kebbits. Penguins, which can be caught after completing Hunt for Red Raktuber, are smarter than kebbits, and will nimbly dodge out of the way, avoiding death but trapping a foot.

You can 'Set-trap boulder' while holding any form of log and a knife in your inventory. Propping the boulder will cause you to lose your log (dismantling the trap will not get the log back).

It is then time to step as far away from the trap as possible, perhaps even standing behind an obstacle to get optimum effects. Any creature that knocks the prop will have an unfortunate demise (except for penguins, as noted above), leaving rewards for your use.

Deadfall prey will be drawn to the trap by specific baits. See below in the creature's table to see what bait suits which kebbit.

This trap can be smoked with a torch to remove your scent, increasing your chance of success when deadfalling. To do so you will need a torch, bought from the Hunter stores of Yanille and Nardah, and a Hunter level of 39 or above. Lighting the torch and using it on a set-up deadfall trap will greatly increase the chance of snagging yourself a reward.

Additionally, being camouflaged will help to remove your scent and make you blend in to your surroundings; when in the correct area, of course. Wearing suitable camouflage gear, garnered from the fur of tracking and pitfall creatures and made into costume sets by the fancy dress shop owner in Varrock, will make it more likely that you are successful when deadfalling. A complete set of the suitable gear (woodland camo-top and camo-trousers when in woodland, for example) will increase those chances even further.

Deadfall Locations

For maps and detailed locations of the deadfall creatures for Hunter, visit the Hunter - Locations page.

Deadfall creatures can be found at the following Hunter areas around RuneScape: sabretooth kebbit at the Rellekka and Trollweiss Hunter area, north of Rellekka; the wild and prickly kebbit at the Piscatoris Hunter area, just north of the Gnome Stronghold; and the barbtailed kebbit in the Feldip Jungle, just south of the Feldip Hills and Gu'Tanoth. The penguin can only be tracked if you have completed Hunt for Red Raktuber, and only on the Iceberg Hunter area.

Deadfall Creatures


Levels Required

Experience Gained

Hunter reward




Wild kebbit
23 [Image: Hunter] 128 Bones, kebbit claws Raw meat Kebbit claws can be used to make spiked vambraces. Piscatoris Hunter area
Barbtailed kebbit
33 [Image: Hunter] 168 Bones, barbtailed harpoon Raw rainbow fish The barbtailed harpoon can be equipped and used as a normal harpoon. Feldip Hunter area
Prickly kebbit
37 [Image: Hunter] 204 Bones, kebbit spike Barley A kebbit spike can be used to make bolts for the Hunters' Crossbow. Piscatoris Hunter area
Penguin (polar)
51 [Image: Hunter] 210 Penguin Raw cod KGP agents can be handed over to Jim the polar bear for extra experience. Iceberg Hunter area
Sabretooth kebbit
51 [Image: Hunter] 200 Bones, kebbit teeth Raw meat Kebbit teeth can be ground using a pestle and mortar to make a Hunter potion. Trollweiss Hunter area

Deadfall creature Rewards

The kebbit rewards that you get from deadfalling have a variety of uses, all of which can help train your other skills.

The wild kebbit provides kebbit claws which can be used, with level 32 Crafting, to make spiked vambraces. These give a slight +2 bonus to your Strength, but can only be added to leather and dragonhide vambraces.

The barbtailed kebbit will provide a barbtailed harpoon which can be wielded, meaning that fishers can free up one more inventory space for their harpooned catches!

The prickly kebbit provides spikes to be made into kebbit bolts for use with the Hunters' crossbow. These bolts cannot be poisoned or enchanted, but are invaluable as the only ammunition for the Hunters' crossbow. See the Hunter - Extra Features page for more information about the Hunters' crossbow.

The sabretooth kebbit provides kebbit teeth, which can be crushed using a pestle and mortar to make kebbit teeth dust, which in turn can be mixed with avantoe to make a Hunters' potion.