• InstalledListFilter
  • InstalledListFilter Class

    class ScreenPlay::InstalledListFilter

    Proxy between Installed List Model and QML view to filter items. More...

    Header: #include <InstalledListFilter>

    Public Functions

    InstalledListFilter(const std::shared_ptr<InstalledListModel> &ilm)

    Public Slots

    void resetFilter()
    void setSortOrder(const Qt::SortOrder sortOrder)
    void sortByName(const QString &name)

    Detailed Description

    This class could be merged with the InstalledListModel in the future.

    Member Function Documentation

    InstalledListFilter::InstalledListFilter(const std::shared_ptr<InstalledListModel> &ilm)

    Sets the default role type to "All" to display all available content. Needs a given ilm (InstalledListModel).

    [slot] void InstalledListFilter::resetFilter()

    Resets the filter and sorts by title.

    [slot] void InstalledListFilter::setSortOrder(const Qt::SortOrder sortOrder)

    sets the sort order by date.

    [slot] void InstalledListFilter::sortByName(const QString &name)

    Invoked when the user uses the quicksearch at the top right of the installed page. Uses the name to sort by name. This name is saved in the project.json title.