• CreateImportVideo
  • CreateImportVideo Class

    class ScreenPlay::CreateImportVideo

    This class imports (copies) and creates wallaper previews. More...

    Header: #include <CreateImportVideo>

    Public Functions

    CreateImportVideo(const QString &videoPath, const QString &exportPath, const QString &codec, const int quality, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    CreateImportVideo(QObject *parent = nullptr)
    float progress() const

    Public Slots

    bool createWallpaperGifPreview()
    bool createWallpaperImagePreview()
    bool createWallpaperImageThumbnailPreview()
    bool createWallpaperInfo()
    bool createWallpaperVideo()
    bool createWallpaperVideoPreview()
    bool extractWallpaperAudio()
    void process()
    void setProgress(float progress)


    void progressChanged(float progress)

    Detailed Description

    This lass only exsits as long as the user creates a wallpaper and gets destroyed if the creation was successful or not. The state get propagated via createWallpaperStateChanged(ImportVideoState state);

    Member Function Documentation

    CreateImportVideo::CreateImportVideo(const QString &videoPath, const QString &exportPath, const QString &codec, const int quality, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Creates a CreateImportVideo object to be used in a different thread. A videoPath and a exportPath are needed for convertion.

    CreateImportVideo::CreateImportVideo(QObject *parent = nullptr)

    This constructor is only needed for calling qRegisterMetaType on CreateImportVideo to register the enums.


    [slot] bool CreateImportVideo::createWallpaperGifPreview()

    Starts ffmpeg and tries to covert the given video to a 5 second preview gif.

    args.append("[0:v] fps=12,scale=w=480:h=-1,split [a][b];[a] palettegen=stats_mode=single [p];[b][p] paletteuse=new=1");
    args.append(m_exportPath + "/preview.gif");

    Returns false if :

    [slot] bool CreateImportVideo::createWallpaperImagePreview()


    [slot] bool CreateImportVideo::createWallpaperImageThumbnailPreview()

    Starts ffmpeg and tries to covert the given video to a image preview. Returns false if :

    [slot] bool CreateImportVideo::createWallpaperInfo()

    Starts ffprobe and tries to parse the resulting json. If the video is a container that not contains the video length like webm or mkv we need to count the frames ourself. We then call analyzeWebmReadFrames or analyzeVideo to parse the output. Returns false if :

    [slot] bool CreateImportVideo::createWallpaperVideo()

    Starts ffmpeg and tries to covert the given video to a webm video.


    Returns false if :

    [slot] bool CreateImportVideo::createWallpaperVideoPreview()

    Starts ffmpeg and tries to covert the given video to a five second preview.

    // We allways want to have a 5 second clip via 24fps -> 120 frames
    // Divided by the number of frames we can skip (timeInSeconds * Framrate)
    // scale & crop parameter: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/284731
    args.append("select='not(mod(n," + QString::number((m_length / 5)) + "))',setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB,crop=in_h*16/9:in_h,scale=-2:400");
    // Disable audio
    args.append(m_exportPath + "/preview.webm");

    Returns false if :

    [slot] bool CreateImportVideo::extractWallpaperAudio()

    Starts ffmpeg and tries to covert the given audio into a seperate mp3.

    args.append(m_exportPath + "/audio.mp3");

    Returns false if :

    [slot] void CreateImportVideo::process()

    Processes the multiple steps of creating a wallpaper.

    1. createWallpaperInfo()
    2. createWallpaperImagePreview()
    3. createWallpaperVideoPreview()
    4. createWallpaperGifPreview()
    5. createWallpaperVideo() - skiped if already a webm
    6. extractWallpaperAudio() - skiped if no audio
    7. emit createWallpaperStateChanged(ImportVideoState::Finished);