• Create
  • Create Class

    class ScreenPlay::Create

    Baseclass for creating wallapers, widgets and the corresponding wizards. More...

    Header: #include <Create>

    Public Functions

    Create(const std::shared_ptr<GlobalVariables> &globalVariables, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    QString ffmpegOutput() const
    float progress() const
    QString workingDir() const

    Public Slots

    void abortAndCleanup()
    void appendFfmpegOutput(QString ffmpegOutput)
    void createWallpaperStart(QString videoPath, Create::VideoCodec codec, const int quality = 50)
    void saveWallpaper(QString title, QString description, QString filePath, QString previewImagePath, QString youtube, ScreenPlay::Create::VideoCodec codec, QVector<QString> tags)
    void setProgress(float progress)
    void setWorkingDir(const QString &workingDir)


    void ffmpegOutputChanged(QString ffmpegOutput)
    void progressChanged(float progress)
    void workingDirChanged(QString workingDir)

    Detailed Description

    As for this writing (April 2019) it is solely used to import webm wallpaper and create the gif/web 5 second previews.

    Member Function Documentation


    Constructor for the QMLEngine.

    Create::Create(const std::shared_ptr<GlobalVariables> &globalVariables, QObject *parent = nullptr)


    [slot] void Create::abortAndCleanup()

    This method is called when the user manually aborts the wallpaper import.

    [slot] void Create::createWallpaperStart(QString videoPath, Create::VideoCodec codec, const int quality = 50)

    Starts the process.

    [slot] void Create::saveWallpaper(QString title, QString description, QString filePath, QString previewImagePath, QString youtube, ScreenPlay::Create::VideoCodec codec, QVector<QString> tags)

    When converting of the wallpaper steps where successful.