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//====== Copyright (c) 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: interface to steam for game servers
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "steam_api_common.h"
// Purpose: Functions for authenticating users via Steam to play on a game server
class ISteamGameServer {
// Basic server data. These properties, if set, must be set before before calling LogOn. They
// may not be changed after logged in.
/// This is called by SteamGameServer_Init, and you will usually not need to call it directly
STEAM_PRIVATE_API(virtual bool InitGameServer(uint32 unIP, uint16 usGamePort, uint16 usQueryPort, uint32 unFlags, AppId_t nGameAppId, const char* pchVersionString) = 0;)
/// Game product identifier. This is currently used by the master server for version checking purposes.
/// It's a required field, but will eventually will go away, and the AppID will be used for this purpose.
virtual void SetProduct(const char* pszProduct) = 0;
/// Description of the game. This is a required field and is displayed in the steam server browser....for now.
/// This is a required field, but it will go away eventually, as the data should be determined from the AppID.
virtual void SetGameDescription(const char* pszGameDescription) = 0;
/// If your game is a "mod," pass the string that identifies it. The default is an empty string, meaning
/// this application is the original game, not a mod.
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerGameDir
virtual void SetModDir(const char* pszModDir) = 0;
/// Is this is a dedicated server? The default value is false.
virtual void SetDedicatedServer(bool bDedicated) = 0;
// Login
/// Begin process to login to a persistent game server account
/// You need to register for callbacks to determine the result of this operation.
/// @see SteamServersConnected_t
/// @see SteamServerConnectFailure_t
/// @see SteamServersDisconnected_t
virtual void LogOn(const char* pszToken) = 0;
/// Login to a generic, anonymous account.
/// Note: in previous versions of the SDK, this was automatically called within SteamGameServer_Init,
/// but this is no longer the case.
virtual void LogOnAnonymous() = 0;
/// Begin process of logging game server out of steam
virtual void LogOff() = 0;
// status functions
virtual bool BLoggedOn() = 0;
virtual bool BSecure() = 0;
virtual CSteamID GetSteamID() = 0;
/// Returns true if the master server has requested a restart.
/// Only returns true once per request.
virtual bool WasRestartRequested() = 0;
// Server state. These properties may be changed at any time.
/// Max player count that will be reported to server browser and client queries
virtual void SetMaxPlayerCount(int cPlayersMax) = 0;
/// Number of bots. Default value is zero
virtual void SetBotPlayerCount(int cBotplayers) = 0;
/// Set the name of server as it will appear in the server browser
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerName
virtual void SetServerName(const char* pszServerName) = 0;
/// Set name of map to report in the server browser
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerMapName
virtual void SetMapName(const char* pszMapName) = 0;
/// Let people know if your server will require a password
virtual void SetPasswordProtected(bool bPasswordProtected) = 0;
/// Spectator server port to advertise. The default value is zero, meaning the
/// service is not used. If your server receives any info requests on the LAN,
/// this is the value that will be placed into the reply for such local queries.
/// This is also the value that will be advertised by the master server.
/// The only exception is if your server is using a FakeIP. Then then the second
/// fake port number (index 1) assigned to your server will be listed on the master
/// server as the spectator port, if you set this value to any nonzero value.
/// This function merely controls the values that are advertised -- it's up to you to
/// configure the server to actually listen on this port and handle any spectator traffic
virtual void SetSpectatorPort(uint16 unSpectatorPort) = 0;
/// Name of the spectator server. (Only used if spectator port is nonzero.)
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerMapName
virtual void SetSpectatorServerName(const char* pszSpectatorServerName) = 0;
/// Call this to clear the whole list of key/values that are sent in rules queries.
virtual void ClearAllKeyValues() = 0;
/// Call this to add/update a key/value pair.
virtual void SetKeyValue(const char* pKey, const char* pValue) = 0;
/// Sets a string defining the "gametags" for this server, this is optional, but if it is set
/// it allows users to filter in the matchmaking/server-browser interfaces based on the value
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerTags
virtual void SetGameTags(const char* pchGameTags) = 0;
/// Sets a string defining the "gamedata" for this server, this is optional, but if it is set
/// it allows users to filter in the matchmaking/server-browser interfaces based on the value
/// @see k_cbMaxGameServerGameData
virtual void SetGameData(const char* pchGameData) = 0;
/// Region identifier. This is an optional field, the default value is empty, meaning the "world" region
virtual void SetRegion(const char* pszRegion) = 0;
/// Indicate whether you wish to be listed on the master server list
/// and/or respond to server browser / LAN discovery packets.
/// The server starts with this value set to false. You should set all
/// relevant server parameters before enabling advertisement on the server.
/// (This function used to be named EnableHeartbeats, so if you are wondering
/// where that function went, it's right here. It does the same thing as before,
/// the old name was just confusing.)
virtual void SetAdvertiseServerActive(bool bActive) = 0;
// Player list management / authentication.
// Retrieve ticket to be sent to the entity who wishes to authenticate you ( using BeginAuthSession API ).
// pcbTicket retrieves the length of the actual ticket.
// SteamNetworkingIdentity is an optional parameter to hold the public IP address of the entity you are connecting to
// if an IP address is passed Steam will only allow the ticket to be used by an entity with that IP address
virtual HAuthTicket GetAuthSessionTicket(void* pTicket, int cbMaxTicket, uint32* pcbTicket, const SteamNetworkingIdentity* pSnid) = 0;
// Authenticate ticket ( from GetAuthSessionTicket ) from entity steamID to be sure it is valid and isnt reused
// Registers for callbacks if the entity goes offline or cancels the ticket ( see ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t callback and EAuthSessionResponse )
virtual EBeginAuthSessionResult BeginAuthSession(const void* pAuthTicket, int cbAuthTicket, CSteamID steamID) = 0;
// Stop tracking started by BeginAuthSession - called when no longer playing game with this entity
virtual void EndAuthSession(CSteamID steamID) = 0;
// Cancel auth ticket from GetAuthSessionTicket, called when no longer playing game with the entity you gave the ticket to
virtual void CancelAuthTicket(HAuthTicket hAuthTicket) = 0;
// After receiving a user's authentication data, and passing it to SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate, use this function
// to determine if the user owns downloadable content specified by the provided AppID.
virtual EUserHasLicenseForAppResult UserHasLicenseForApp(CSteamID steamID, AppId_t appID) = 0;
// Ask if a user in in the specified group, results returns async by GSUserGroupStatus_t
// returns false if we're not connected to the steam servers and thus cannot ask
virtual bool RequestUserGroupStatus(CSteamID steamIDUser, CSteamID steamIDGroup) = 0;
// these two functions s are deprecated, and will not return results
// they will be removed in a future version of the SDK
virtual void GetGameplayStats() = 0;
virtual SteamAPICall_t GetServerReputation() = 0;
// Returns the public IP of the server according to Steam, useful when the server is
// behind NAT and you want to advertise its IP in a lobby for other clients to directly
// connect to
virtual SteamIPAddress_t GetPublicIP() = 0;
// Server browser related query packet processing for shared socket mode. These are used
// when you pass STEAMGAMESERVER_QUERY_PORT_SHARED as the query port to SteamGameServer_Init.
// IP address and port are in host order, i.e == 0x7f000001
// These are used when you've elected to multiplex the game server's UDP socket
// rather than having the master server updater use its own sockets.
// Source games use this to simplify the job of the server admins, so they
// don't have to open up more ports on their firewalls.
// Call this when a packet that starts with 0xFFFFFFFF comes in. That means
// it's for us.
virtual bool HandleIncomingPacket(const void* pData, int cbData, uint32 srcIP, uint16 srcPort) = 0;
// AFTER calling HandleIncomingPacket for any packets that came in that frame, call this.
// This gets a packet that the master server updater needs to send out on UDP.
// It returns the length of the packet it wants to send, or 0 if there are no more packets to send.
// Call this each frame until it returns 0.
virtual int GetNextOutgoingPacket(void* pOut, int cbMaxOut, uint32* pNetAdr, uint16* pPort) = 0;
// Server clan association
// associate this game server with this clan for the purposes of computing player compat
virtual SteamAPICall_t AssociateWithClan(CSteamID steamIDClan) = 0;
// ask if any of the current players dont want to play with this new player - or vice versa
virtual SteamAPICall_t ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility(CSteamID steamIDNewPlayer) = 0;
// Handles receiving a new connection from a Steam user. This call will ask the Steam
// servers to validate the users identity, app ownership, and VAC status. If the Steam servers
// are off-line, then it will validate the cached ticket itself which will validate app ownership
// and identity. The AuthBlob here should be acquired on the game client using SteamUser()->InitiateGameConnection()
// and must then be sent up to the game server for authentication.
// Return Value: returns true if the users ticket passes basic checks. pSteamIDUser will contain the Steam ID of this user. pSteamIDUser must NOT be NULL
// If the call succeeds then you should expect a GSClientApprove_t or GSClientDeny_t callback which will tell you whether authentication
// for the user has succeeded or failed (the steamid in the callback will match the one returned by this call)
// DEPRECATED! This function will be removed from the SDK in an upcoming version.
// Please migrate to BeginAuthSession and related functions.
virtual bool SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate_DEPRECATED(uint32 unIPClient, const void* pvAuthBlob, uint32 cubAuthBlobSize, CSteamID* pSteamIDUser) = 0;
// Creates a fake user (ie, a bot) which will be listed as playing on the server, but skips validation.
// Return Value: Returns a SteamID for the user to be tracked with, you should call EndAuthSession()
// when this user leaves the server just like you would for a real user.
virtual CSteamID CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection() = 0;
// Should be called whenever a user leaves our game server, this lets Steam internally
// track which users are currently on which servers for the purposes of preventing a single
// account being logged into multiple servers, showing who is currently on a server, etc.
// DEPRECATED! This function will be removed from the SDK in an upcoming version.
// Please migrate to BeginAuthSession and related functions.
virtual void SendUserDisconnect_DEPRECATED(CSteamID steamIDUser) = 0;
// Update the data to be displayed in the server browser and matchmaking interfaces for a user
// currently connected to the server. For regular users you must call this after you receive a
// GSUserValidationSuccess callback.
// Return Value: true if successful, false if failure (ie, steamIDUser wasn't for an active player)
virtual bool BUpdateUserData(CSteamID steamIDUser, const char* pchPlayerName, uint32 uScore) = 0;
// Deprecated functions. These will be removed in a future version of the SDK.
// If you really need these, please contact us and help us understand what you are
// using them for.
virtual void SetMasterServerHeartbeatInterval_DEPRECATED(int iHeartbeatInterval) = 0;
virtual void ForceMasterServerHeartbeat_DEPRECATED() = 0;)
// Global accessor
inline ISteamGameServer* SteamGameServer();
// callbacks
#pragma pack(push, 4)
#pragma pack(push, 8)
#error steam_api_common.h should define VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_xxx
// client has been approved to connect to this game server
struct GSClientApprove_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 1 };
CSteamID m_SteamID; // SteamID of approved player
CSteamID m_OwnerSteamID; // SteamID of original owner for game license
// client has been denied to connection to this game server
struct GSClientDeny_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 2 };
CSteamID m_SteamID;
EDenyReason m_eDenyReason;
char m_rgchOptionalText[128];
// request the game server should kick the user
struct GSClientKick_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 3 };
CSteamID m_SteamID;
EDenyReason m_eDenyReason;
// NOTE: callback values 4 and 5 are skipped because they are used for old deprecated callbacks,
// do not reuse them here.
// client achievement info
struct GSClientAchievementStatus_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 6 };
uint64 m_SteamID;
char m_pchAchievement[128];
bool m_bUnlocked;
// received when the game server requests to be displayed as secure (VAC protected)
// m_bSecure is true if the game server should display itself as secure to users, false otherwise
struct GSPolicyResponse_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 15 };
uint8 m_bSecure;
// GS gameplay stats info
struct GSGameplayStats_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 7 };
EResult m_eResult; // Result of the call
int32 m_nRank; // Overall rank of the server (0-based)
uint32 m_unTotalConnects; // Total number of clients who have ever connected to the server
uint32 m_unTotalMinutesPlayed; // Total number of minutes ever played on the server
// send as a reply to RequestUserGroupStatus()
struct GSClientGroupStatus_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 8 };
CSteamID m_SteamIDUser;
CSteamID m_SteamIDGroup;
bool m_bMember;
bool m_bOfficer;
// Sent as a reply to GetServerReputation()
struct GSReputation_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 9 };
EResult m_eResult; // Result of the call;
uint32 m_unReputationScore; // The reputation score for the game server
bool m_bBanned; // True if the server is banned from the Steam
// master servers
// The following members are only filled out if m_bBanned is true. They will all
// be set to zero otherwise. Master server bans are by IP so it is possible to be
// banned even when the score is good high if there is a bad server on another port.
// This information can be used to determine which server is bad.
uint32 m_unBannedIP; // The IP of the banned server
uint16 m_usBannedPort; // The port of the banned server
uint64 m_ulBannedGameID; // The game ID the banned server is serving
uint32 m_unBanExpires; // Time the ban expires, expressed in the Unix epoch (seconds since 1/1/1970)
// Sent as a reply to AssociateWithClan()
struct AssociateWithClanResult_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 10 };
EResult m_eResult; // Result of the call;
// Sent as a reply to ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility()
struct ComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResult_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 11 };
EResult m_eResult; // Result of the call;
int m_cPlayersThatDontLikeCandidate;
int m_cPlayersThatCandidateDoesntLike;
int m_cClanPlayersThatDontLikeCandidate;
CSteamID m_SteamIDCandidate;
#pragma pack(pop)