-`Alternate Player for Twitch.tv` - [chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/alternate-player-for-twit/bhplkbgoehhhddaoolmakpocnenplmhf) / [firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/twitch_5/)
- *This is currently a fork of the fork, see [#63](https://github.com/cleanlock/VideoAdBlockForTwitch/pull/63)*.
*For the sake of security it's recommended to use a permalink when using uBlock Origin (permalinks do not auto update).*
## Applying a script (uBlock Origin)
- Navigate to the uBlock Origin Dashboard (the extension options)
- Under the `My filters` tab add `twitch.tv##+js(twitch-videoad)`.
- Under the `Settings` tab, enable `I am an advanced user`, then click the cog that appears. Modify the value of `userResourcesLocation` from `unset` to the full url of the solution you wish to use (if a url is already in use, add a space after the existing url). e.g. `userResourcesLocation https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions/raw/master/vaft/vaft-ublock-origin.js`
- To ensure uBlock Origin loads the script I recommend that you disable/enable the uBlock Origin extension (or restart your browser).
*To stop using a script remove the filter and make the url `unset`.*
## Applying a script (userscript)
- Viewing one of the userscript files should prompt the given script to be added.