2018-06-29 11:14:06 -04:00

2.4 KiB


  • prepare the environment:

      export VERSION=x.y.z
  • update and ChangeLog

      perl -pi -E \
         "s{^AC_INIT\(\[backupninja\],\[[0-9.]+\],}{AC_INIT([backupninja],[$VERSION],}" \ && \
      RELEASE_DATE=$(LC_ALL=C date '+%B %d, %Y') perl -pi -E \
         "s{^version\s+[0-9.]+\s+--\s+UNRELEASED$}{version $VERSION -- $RELEASE_DATE}" \
  • commit, tag and create the tarball:

      git commit ChangeLog \
          -m "Releasing backupninja $VERSION" && \
      git clean -fdx && \
      git tag -s "backupninja-$VERSION" \
          -m "Releasing backupninja $VERSION" && \
      ./ && \
      ./configure && \
      make dist
  • compare the content of the generated tarball with the content of the previous one

  • move the tarball outside of the Git working copy and clean up:

      mkdir -p ../tarballs && \
      mv backupninja-$VERSION.tar.gz ../tarballs/ && \
      make distclean && \
      git clean -fdx
  • Install (extract tarball, .configure && make && sudo make install) and test.


Prepare a new package:

    git checkout debian && \
    gbp import-orig --upstream-vcs-tag="backupninja-$VERSION" \
        ../tarballs/backupninja-$VERSION.tar.gz && \
    gbp dch --auto && \
    dch -e && \
    export DEBIAN_VERSION=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion) && \
    git commit debian/changelog \
       -m "Releasing backupninja ($DEBIAN_VERSION) to Debian unstable" && \
    gbp buildpackage

Install the .deb and test.


  • sign the release and push it to Git:

      gpg --armor --detach-sign \
          ../tarballs/backupninja-$VERSION.tar.gz && \
      git checkout debian && \
      gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only --git-sign-tags && \
      git push --follow-tags origin \
          master:master \
          debian:debian \
          pristine-tar:pristine-tar \
  • upload the upstream tarball and detached signature to the GitLab milestone page with EditAttach a file

  • announce the release on the backupninja mailing-list, pointing to the milestone web page

  • upload to Debian or ask someone listed in the Uploaders control field to review and upload

Open the next development cycle

  • git checkout master
  • Add an empty new section in ChangeLog, commit and push.